FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #2

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CC is doing a segment about the "Cold Case Cards'--Right now on CTTV, 5:30 EST!

Crier never came back with anything about the 'Cold Case Cards'. She was showing some info about CCC, maybe it was a poster, I'm really not sure what it was, but it had the info about the CCC, it was so fast, I doubt anyone had time to focus. I sure didn't. Maybe she will mention it again tomorrow.
christine2448 said:
How far is this from where Jennifer disappeared?


The article stated, the body was so badly decomposed, they couldn't tell if it was a female or a male :(

That is not very far away from Orlando-

Florida County Maps



Central East

1. Volusia - Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, DeBary, DeLand (County Seat), Deltona, Edgewater, Holly Hill, Lake Helen, New Smyrna Beach, Oak Hill, Orange City, Ormond Beach, Pierson, Ponce Inlet, Port Orange, South Daytona
Christine, thanks for the information. Hopefully then, there will be another family having some news of their lost loved one. The never knowing has to be horrible.
It seems the Jennifer Kesse mystery is now a cold case. What on earth has happened to Jennifer and how does a vibrant young person like Jennifer vanish without trace?

How much information are the police holding back?

Like several others here I have followed this sad case for many months and now I am wondering if the family and friends of Jennifer are going to get closure in the foreseeable future.

I doubt the police have had much to work with from the get-go. There is little or no evidence of a violent abduction with no footwear, jewelry or even traces of blood found at the crime scene. Since Jennifer’s car was declared a crime scene it has to be assumed the abduction occurred right at her car.

I would have thought her car contained forensic evidence of some nature. Wherever we go we are shedding hair and flakes of skin so if the perpetrator was in her car he must have left some evidence. There were rumors that both hair and a partial print were gathered from the car.

So if this evidence contained DNA it seems there have been no matches in any data bases.

Police have stated that they know Jennifer was not the last person to drive her car. It is rumored there is video evidence of someone using her car.

The POI who was photographed by security cameras at the Hunting on the Green complex has never come forward or been found by police. It has been stated by police that the POI walked past the camera shortly after Jennifer’s car was dropped at HOTG. Just put two and two together…………………..!

Is the POI the perpetrator? I think it is quite likely but he could be one of a pair.

Where was the POI heading when he was photographed on the 24th January? My guess is he was walking toward a car and this was either one he had parked there earlier or it was an accomplice waiting to pick him up.

There has been much debate on who could have abducted Jennifer. For a long time I thought it could have been someone she knew and therefore she taken completely by surprise. This seemed to explain the lack of evidence. Remember her purse, car keys, ipod and her cell phone (plus a cell phone left at her condo) has never been found. Everything pointed to a well planned crime.

With the passing of time I now think it is more than likely Jennifer was unfortunate enough to cross paths with a predator looking for prey. Possibly she had been stalked without her knowledge. There must have been some planning because there is little evidence and the perpetrator remains free.

Someone out there knows all the answers to this case. Where are they?

Maybe I have missed it but has there ever been much said about Jennifers boyfriend?
sleuthin4fun said:
Maybe I have missed it but has there ever been much said about Jennifers boyfriend?
If I remember correctly, he has been cleared as a suspect and seems to have a rocksolid alibi. I don't have the information to clarify for sure, but off the top of my head, I remember he was not a suspect.
Last night on I think it was Greta, her parents are dealing the decks of cards with information on them into the jails. I think thats a great idea.
The cards are a good idea but I believe they indicate this case is very cold. I don't believe the police have had much to work with from the very beginning.
As Det. Ring said many months ago when referring to the Jennifer Kesse mystery.......'this is as close to a vanishing as I have seen.'
Hopefully these playing cards will produce a result.
Myserty64 said:
The cards are a good idea but I believe they indicate this case is very cold. I don't believe the police have had much to work with from the very beginning.
As Det. Ring said many months ago when referring to the Jennifer Kesse mystery.......'this is as close to a vanishing as I have seen.'
Hopefully these playing cards will produce a result.

Myserty, I remember Det. Ring's comment too, and also have been of the opinion, they never had much to work with, since the beginning. Sad state of affairs, isn't it? To think, one can just fall off the radar screen, with nary a trace is so scarry. I never had much faith in the POI either, as it seemed to me LE would have kept at it getting the picture out there in the public, or should I say, longer.

What I wonder about, is how many of these sickos are out there that might be keeping women locked up in their secret rooms. :furious: I'll betcha more than we are ever aware of knowing.
I hope the cards work too. I wonder if they ever got any clues from her car? Do they have anything? I know that Jennifer's parents have never given up and I admire that. I don't know if I could keep going without a single shred of anything to lead me to believe that she is still alive. I guess a person can't say what they would do until they are in those shoes.

Are Jennifer's parents still living in her Condo? This case sure is a puzzle. I have my doubts that she is alive and being held somewhere. Abductors don't usually keep adults after they do what they set out to do. I don't think I have ever heard of an adult being abducted and held for months or years.
Word was they had a partial print and hair from the car. There must have been something from the car because a human being is shedding skin and hair everywhere they go. The police have stated they know Jennifer was not the last person to drive her car.
If there was forensic evidence from her car it is apparent there are no matches in data bases.
I would dearly like to know why her car was left at Huntingdon on the Green apartments.
Why was her car used at all?
Its strange, last night after work I pulled into the post office parking lot and there were kids/people all over theplace. Skateboarders. I thought of Jenn immediately. It was dark and I almost backed out of the lot but needed to mail something. The whole time I was thinking how easy it would be to grap someone when their window was down while they dropped their mail into the slot.

Today - Saturday, Oct. 14th

Jennifer was featured as this week's 1st case on a nationwide ABC program entitled "Missing". Their website URL: [b]http://www.usamissing.com[/b].

It was aired on our local station, WFTV - here in Orlando. More time was alloted to her case than any of the others profiled and numerous photographs were shown along with a synopsis of her disappearance timeline.

(I sure wish "someone" would 'give up' what they know about her abduction/disappearance!)

Several days ago - WFTV's evening newscast ran a story with film footage of a fundraiser held in Tampa at the Tampa Improv Comedy Club. Both of the Kesse parents, Joyce & Drew, were in attendance and engaging in a meet & greet with supporters. I didn't see Jenn's brother in the short filmed piece, but I imagine he was probably there as well.

An organization called "Stand Up For Jennifer" sponsored the event to raise funds for keeping Jenn's name out there in the public domain. Heightening the public's awareness and continuing to maintain a media presence has it's financial costs - totally aside from the tremendous emotional toll taken on this brave, steadfast & courageous family. The Kesse's plight to find and bring their only daughter home continues.

I'll post again if I see or hear anything more.

Prayers and Blessings to Jenn and her family ..

13th Juror
Beyond Belief said:
Its strange, last night after work I pulled into the post office parking lot and there were kids/people all over theplace. Skateboarders.

I thought of Jenn immediately. It was dark and I almost backed out of the lot but needed to mail something. The whole time I was thinking how easy it would be to grap someone when their window was down while they dropped their mail into the slot.

Excellent point, BB.

From the beginning of this bizarre disappearance, I've held an abiding feeling that Jennifer's abduction occurred late that same Monday night when she decided to mail the friend's cell phone "after the 10 pm phone call with Rob".

My 1st gut feelings, after hearing all the known facts, are truly 'on target' so much of the time that I've learned over time to trust those intuitive feelings.

I just don't think that Jennifer's abduction occurred during the daylight hours on Tues. morning as she was leaving her apt. for work.

The young man staying in Jenn's condo with her brother was not only a close friend of her brother's but also a long time friend of Jenn's as well. Jenn spoke on the phone with her brother about the forgotten cell and then with the friend who left it. She was asked to mail it ASAP.

Now - if that had been me .. I would have, most likely, packaged up the phone and taken it to one of the many courier drop box locations out in my area. Because the airport USPS main central facility is so close in proximity to her condo at Mosaic - as well as the airport FedEx facility with extended hours of operation .. that's precisely where I would have headed.

Knowing I had to go into work the following morning (after a week away for a Virgin Islands vacation!) - not to mention fighting the horrendous morning rush hour traffic out in that congested area .. I would have opted to "get it mailed right away" and not wait until the following day. But, hey - that's just me!

LE has not ruled out that timeline of 'after 10 pm' on Monday night either. It's simple conjecture that Jenn was abducted as she was leaving for work on Tuesday morning. I could be mistaken - but, I don't think so. My gut tells me otherwise.

Just my .02 for what it's worth ...

13th Juror
Myserty64 said:
Word was they had a partial print and hair from the car.


Hi Myserty .. :)

That statement has me a bit baffled. :confused:

What word? From whom? LE? The Kesses? The Media?

I've been following this case pretty closely from day 1. I honestly don't recall LE ever stating or the media ever reporting .. that a partial print and/or unidentified hair were recovered from Jenn's car during the investigation.

To my knowledge - LE, as well as the forensics team, has been totally tight-lipped about any of their findings .. or lack of findings.

Could you please be a bit more specific?

Where did you obtain this information?

Do you have a link I can access?

Thanks Myserty .. :)

13th Juror
The investigators have kept a time frame open from 10pm (10pm was roughly the time of Jennifer’s last phone call) until the discovery of her car on the Thursday. Whilst there is no evidence (known publicly) of when she might have been abducted my personal feeling is it would have been on the Tuesday morning. It must have happened between her condo door and her car and more than likely right at her car door.

A big question is: ‘was it someone she knew?’ and her guard was down. Jennifer was known to be security conscious and carried Mace. She also practiced safe calls by using her cell phone to talk to friends/family while walking through parking lots or if men were working in her apartment.

It must be stressed that there is no evidence her abductor was known to her

If it was a stranger and she was rushed from behind she could have been knocked senseless before she knew what was happening. These types of crimes are generally very violent and they happen at speed.

I believe the abduction happened on the Tuesday morning because Jennifer was very tired on the Monday night. She had left Fort Lauderdale early that morning and drove straight to her workplace in Orlando. She put in a full days work before going home to her condo that evening. It is known she talked to her mom, dad and brother along with one of her friends. Her final call was to Rob Allen about 9.57pm. She was tired and in bed already. I don’t believe she got up and dressed and went looking for somewhere to mail the phone that evening.

We know her cell phone, the cell phone left at her condo and her ipod are all missing. So is her purse or whatever bag she was carrying. If all her gear was in a bag the cell phone that was to be mailed simply disappeared with everything else.

Police have stated:

They know Jennifer was not the last person to have driven her car.

They have information about the case they have not released to the public or the family. (this is normal practice)

Det Sgt Ring said this was as close to a vanishing as he has seen. (that statement worries me)

In a weeks time this case will nine months old. Does anyone know anymore than they did at the end of January? Sadly I think not. Whoever abducted Jennifer got lucky. Nobody saw anything and there appears to be scant evidence or clues.

Her family and loved ones need some closure. How that is going to come about is anyone’s guess.
I still think it was a sub-contractor/maintenance type person. He may be gone from the area. Transient with a green card or citizen with non-tracking sexual offenses.
I really do believe the POI was carrying an evelope of some type, Fedx, or whatever under his right arm and her purse in the other hand hanging behind his back. It was probably disposed of as soon as he removed whatever he wanted from them. Most likely they are at the area landfill. I also think this all took place between 7 a.m. and noon, the day she went missing. Also I think she was confronted at either her own mailbox if its where she had to get out of her car to check her mail or the drop off spot for the fedx. Some place she was vulnerable.
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