FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #6

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You are correct that we don't know with any certainty about these things.

When I mentioned that the management of Huntington most likely wouldn't agree to let someone near their cameras on the poolhouse unless they were Law Enforcement I was thinking about the mention of someone placing a tall ladder up next to the camera and taking photos of someone walking past the pool gate. These photos would be used for comparison to the actual photos of the suspect walking by the pool gate in order to determine height.

The best scenario would be if Law Enforcement would use the actual surveillance camera and people of different heights walking past the pool gate to compare with the actual footage of the suspect walking past the gate in order to determine correct height.

I also have wondered all along why the secrecy about the landline phone call that night.

Does anyone know if it was an incoming or outgoing phone call on Jennifer's landline phone that night? This happened later that night after her phone conversation with her boyfriend, Rob. I am thinking that it was an incoming phone call. I seem to recall hearing very early on that it was an incoming call.

Also, isn't it true that Jennifer's keys were also missing? I seem to recall reading that searchers back then were told which items to keep an eye out for while searching which included Jennifer's keys.
Perhaps I'm missing something but is there really that much secrecy about the landline? I don't recall a lot of talk in the media about the so-called hush hush on the landline. All I remember is in ONE television interview...the host asked about activity on the landline (after asking about the cell phone) and the investigator being interviewed said they weren't releasing that information at that time. Has this been brought up many times before by any other reporters? I haven't seen anything. It's not exactly strange for LE to say "we're not releasing that at this time." even if it's not that important.

And how does anyone know if any calls were made or received on the landline between 10 PM-8AM on Jan 23/24 2006? Anyone have a source in the police dept?

If I'm wrong and this whole landline deal was asked of LE repeatedly please let me know and send me some links if you have any.

here is the one time the landline was mentioned (as far as I can find)

GRACE: When do they say she was last on her cell phone?

RING: Excuse me?

GRACE: When was she last on her cell phone?

RING: I believe was at 21:56 on Monday night.

GRACE: Now, why are you talking like that?

RING: I`m sorry!

GRACE: I got to sit here...

RING: It was 9:56.


GRACE: OK. So she was on her phone that night, not on her cell phone that morning. How about incoming and outgoing calls at home, from her home phone?

RING: That`s -- you know, we`ve reviewed those, and we`re just kind of keeping that to ourselves as to what that information actually is.

GRACE: OK. So let me get this straight. You`ve got a bigger window? You said a bigger or more narrow window of when she disappeared?

RING: Yes, we have a larger window that we`re trying to keep open.

GRACE: What do you mean by that, that she may have been taken earlier?

RING: There -- we are -- we are still entertaining the possibility that she may have been taken sometime in the evening hours on Monday.

That seems a little suspicious I guess, seeing as how he answered the cell phone question. It suggests to me that in the middle of the night somebody may have called her? A phone # not of her parents, bf, brother, friends? And this is why the investigator was leaving open the possibility of it being a nighttime attack in her home.
So if the keys are still missing...why would he take them if he was finished with her apt. and her car? No reason. They should be left behind or near where he left the car. Perhaps this is what they found in the dumpster...or he went back to the apartment...I am not going to give up on the idea he went back to her apt. for whatever reason.

I know you guys think this happened after she left for work, but I am just not so sure about that. I have never been sure about that one. I feel he was there...either before, during, after or all three...but I think he was there for some reason. However, it might have not been during the commission of this crime....but he had been in her apt. at some time in the past or he went back to it.

I am really over what camera caught what or where the video is at this point. LE isn't going to release anything else and what they have released is nothing, IMO. (Don't get crazy, RD or BB...I can have my opinion here!)
So if the keys are still missing...why would he take them if he was finished with her apt. and her car? No reason. They should be left behind or near where he left the car. Perhaps this is what they found in the dumpster...or he went back to the apt. I am not going to give up on the idea he went back to her apt for whatever reason.

I know you guys think this happened after she left for work, but I am just not so sure about that. I have never been sure about that one. I feel he was there...either before, during, after or all three...but I think he was there for some reason. However, it might have not been during the commission of this crime....but he had been in her apt. at some time in the past or he went back to it.

I am really over what camera caught what or where the video is at this point. LE isn't going to release anything else and what they have released is nothing, IMO. (Don't get crazy, RD or BB...I can have my opinion here!)

Get crazy, LOL. I can't do things like that. I am the anchor in this zoo I live in. LOL
No offense meant, BB...I assure you. I just meant you guys believe those photos show you something. However, they don't show me anything other than what I have already stated and I am going by the originals. Not to take anything away from you two...but I just am not seeing it. Sorry. I shouldn't have been so blunt. I apologize. : )

Good find. The landline could be nothing, or it could be a huge clue.

I just don't understand why LE would release cell information, but, not landline. IT just doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm not going to conclude anything.

But, it sounds like Cat knows something about the landline. I'd love to hear what she knows, and how she heard about it.

IF Jk received a call on her landline after 10pm, this could be huge, or it could be nothing.

No offense meant, BB...I assure you. I just meant you guys believe those photos show you something. However, they don't show me anything other than what I have already stated and I am going by the originals. Not to take anything away from you two...but I just am not seeing it. Sorry. I shouldn't have been so blunt. I apologize. : )
Seeing what SS? I merely make suggestions. MY only interest was to stimulate interest hoping a "pro" would look deeper in the photos. I am still puzzling over the change in the rear windshield of the car in the very last shot after the poi has past view in the newest video. In regards tothe photos sometimes if you make enough commotion about something someone will come along and try to prove you wrong and really find the truth. Something needs to done to shake up the LE in Orlando and make them "get with it". That second video should have come out immediately after she went missing. This case makes me want to scream.
RE: POI and jacket.
Visitors here love 66 degree weather. If this person was use to cool/cold weather he wouldn't even consider wearing a jacket. If he even owed one. As far as an umbrella, it rains everyday in our area and you see very few umbrellas, definitely no raincoats. I work in a mall, I see thousands of people a year. It could be 45 out and still people without jackets.
RD, I put one photo you blew up and set posterize on 6. The profile on shot 2 cleared itself up. I now can see a decent profile. Mouth is ajar. Small upper lip. Its diificult to tell if theres a small moustache.

can you post a link to the picture with your finding? thanks.
I looked..still don't see what you two see. Not that I can't see what you see...but am not in this instance.
Seeing what SS? I merely make suggestions. MY only interest was to stimulate interest hoping a "pro" would look deeper in the photos. I am still puzzling over the change in the rear windshield of the car in the very last shot after the poi has past view in the newest video. In regards tothe photos sometimes if you make enough commotion about something someone will come along and try to prove you wrong and really find the truth. Something needs to done to shake up the LE in Orlando and make them "get with it". That second video should have come out immediately after she went missing. This case makes me want to scream.
I do agree with everything you said, BB! Someone needs to cause them to redo where they have been and revisit the case. More power to anyone who can sway such a headstrong LE! They didn't want help when it poured in. (Altho, it seems now we have to look at the Kesse family for want of Equusearch...which makes me somewhat ill.)
Cat's husband is a photographer.

What is his take on the blow-ups, and has he tried to blow up the POI photo's?

BB, that link was to back of head. You were saying something about open mouth, possible slight mustache, etc. I thought you were talking about third photo.

I tried posterize today and it was not helpful for me. I tried but couldn't do anything better with third photo than what I have posted.

But yes, at least one of us is an anchor. :)

Hmm been messing around with HP photosmart premier, thats really neat, cleans things up. That 2nd always looked like the profile coming through the set of bars. Are u thinking thats a full view of the direct back of his head or side view? It always looked like the side view of the back of the head at what I am looking at. But then who knows........:confused:
Excellent question, Left! I am curious to know, too.

thanks SS. I would like to know what a professional photographer thinks, just to get a second opinion.

I've been reviewing the interview from CNN, and Nancy GRaaaace.

It it, Det. Ring, says, "that we are still entertaining the possibility that she may have been taken in the evening hours of Monday".

Nancy Grace says, "then why would her shower be wet"?

Ring: "there's a bunch of factors that can attibute that. And scientifically, unless we can eliminate those scientifically, we're going to keep an open mind in this investigation"

"what I am trying to explain is that by the time the Kesse's and police got there, I'm not sure about the actual amount of water in the shower. And without us being able to get more information about that, it would harm the investigation for us to specifically pinpoint one time."

Joyce: "no, the bathroom door was open, but Logan had arrived at the condo before us."

Regarding the car;

Joyce said, "no sign of trauma whatsover in the car"

Wouldn't you just love to interrogate Logan and his friends as much as I would? I don't know, but I have so many questions they could answer for me...or not. Did LE ASK the right questions of them?!
Probably figured since none was 5'4"...

BB, no, I was not thinking that about view of back of head, I meant side view but only back of head from side. I had not considered if profile of front of face was in front of that bar.

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