FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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Well I think when you only have one suspect and a very high probability that he is the one responsible for the crime, it makes all the sense in the world to actually discuss his guilt and where he may have hid Michelle or what happened on 11-17-11. Follow Michelle's trail. The trail ended at Dale's condo. Only he or other witnesses can tell what happened that day. Since the Smiths all clammed up, we must look under every rock and leave no stone unturned...

So in essence, we have a suspect who has refused to fully cooperate in the investigation, had a violent history with the missing, refuses to let the grandparents see the children, and ran from the state of FL to refuse answering more questions. You add all this up and Dale looks pretty guilty IMO.

This is an important aspect of finding Michelle. There is NO DOUBT in my heart that Dale knows what happened that day. It was either something that went too far or he planned it. Either way I believe he was responsible and I would imagine most people familiar with the facts of the case would reach a similar conclusion. That is why it makes NO SENSE that Dale has custody of those precious children. All jmo

I often wondered what's the exact history as far as the child support payments are concerned and by that I mean an independently verifiable history ... I never thought of the Hummer angle in contrast with some missing child support payments ... but why if they had such a contemptuous relationship would DS continue to make payments on the Hummer? Perhaps he did not have a choice for some reason ... was the Hummer in his name or Michelle's? Where is the Hummer now? Who owns it? If somebody already gave an answer to those question I apologize, I just can't recall right now.

The hummer was in Dale's name and was given back to Dale and subsequently repossessd for lack of payment. JMO. Dale most likely failed to make child support payments to hurt Michelle as much as he could. He has a vindictive and volatile past. From him attacking and killing a defenseless lifeguard with friends to him beating Shannon, his second wife's head against a railing to him throwing a lightbulb at a pregnant woman to him possibly ordering a hit on his second wife to him breaking Michelle's car window in front of the twinners and threatening to kill Michelle. We could go on and on. When Dale is upset he goes out of his way to cause death and destruction. All jmo
I wonder why Dale provided Michelle with such an expensive vehicle, but allegedly didn't pay his child support. I wonder if Michelle and Dale could have had some kind of off-the-record agreement between the two of them that worked against him. It looks like there was some kind of financial support there, even it didn't go through the correct channels (which in the end is what matters to the court, as many parents learn the hard way).

I always cringe when I hear about parents making side agreements. I wish everyone could manage to get along without courts, but in situations that can turn hostile on a dime, it's so much more sensible to have it all on the up and up and funneled through the court. I had a friend whose daughter lived with his ex, who was in a position where she and the child were well-supported and she didn't need cash for anything for the child, so they bypassed the court and he paid her "child support" in an alternative form. That was what she wanted, and all was well -- until she got upset with him for something unrelated, became vindictive and decided to seek child support in court. The dollar value of what he had given her over the years far exceeded what he'd have paid in child support, but he was on the hook for a nice chunk of cash because child support is for support of the child... not a car payment, or (as I have actually seen happen) marijuana, or anything else. I see it as different from a true deadbeat situation, though.

This is one of those pesky little head-scratchers that seem to pop up all over this case for me. Maybe it'll be cleared up during the course of the civil case.

I do not believe for a minute that DSJr "provided" Michelle with that vehicle. I do believe that because of the type of work he did as opposed to the type of work she was doing that it would have been much easier for the loan to be taken out in his name. I doubt very much that DSJr ever paid a dime for that vehicle. The only thing that we're aware of that DSJr actually did pay for was a diamond engagement ring, which he then proceeded to sue Michelle over when it was lost due to his own ignorance during a fight.

I'm sure if he had paid anything towards that Hummer he would have sued her for that too.

I do not believe for a minute that DSJr "provided" Michelle with that vehicle. I do believe that because of the type of work he did as opposed to the type of work she was doing that it would have been much easier for the loan to be taken out in his name. I doubt very much that DSJr ever paid a dime for that vehicle. The only thing that we're aware of that DSJr actually did pay for was a diamond engagement ring, which he then proceeded to sue Michelle over when it was lost due to his own ignorance during a fight.

I'm sure if he had paid anything towards that Hummer he would have sued her for that too.


Great points Kamille! IIRC the only time Dale ever provided anything to Michelle as required or promised was by court order. Child support needed to be taken from Dale's pay in order for Michelle to get it. Within weeks of Michelle "disappearing" Dale went to the court to stop payments. How telling!

Dale is not a man of his word in ANY stretch of the imagination. In order for him to follow through with anything you need a court order. Hopefully the civil suit will force him to tell what he did to Michelle... JMO
I do not believe for a minute that DSJr "provided" Michelle with that vehicle. I do believe that because of the type of work he did as opposed to the type of work she was doing that it would have been much easier for the loan to be taken out in his name. I doubt very much that DSJr ever paid a dime for that vehicle. The only thing that we're aware of that DSJr actually did pay for was a diamond engagement ring, which he then proceeded to sue Michelle over when it was lost due to his own ignorance during a fight.

I'm sure if he had paid anything towards that Hummer he would have sued her for that too.


If the Hummer was in Dale's name, then he was ultimately on the hook for it. If it didn't get paid for whatever reason, it was Dale that would have a financial/credit problem, not Michelle. She would have no liability for the payments and no claim to it beyond what Dale allowed her to have. What was his motive for letting her keep it?
If the Hummer was in Dale's name, then he was ultimately on the hook for it. If it didn't get paid for whatever reason, it was Dale that would have a financial/credit problem, not Michelle. She would have no liability for the payments and no claim to it beyond what Dale allowed her to have. What was his motive for letting her keep it?

Because she was a responsible woman and he knew that? She had made all the payments so far and wanted the vehicle so would continue to do so? It appears that was the case until she went missing.

He probably didn't even think about the Hummer after the final break up because it had never been an issue. It was purchased while they were together, likely in his name because he had the better credit, but he knew from the get go it was hers. Since he was never "on the hook" for anything regarding it, why wouldn't he just leave it as is and let her pay out the loan? Just makes his credit better.

Because she was a responsible woman and he knew that? She had made all the payments so far and wanted the vehicle so would continue to do so? It appears that was the case until she went missing.

He probably didn't even think about the Hummer after the final break up because it had never been an issue. It was purchased while they were together, likely in his name because he had the better credit, but he knew from the get go it was hers. Since he was never "on the hook" for anything regarding it, why wouldn't he just leave it as is and let her pay out the loan? Just makes his credit better.


Where is the Hummer now?
Because she was a responsible woman and he knew that? She had made all the payments so far and wanted the vehicle so would continue to do so? It appears that was the case until she went missing.

He probably didn't even think about the Hummer after the final break up because it had never been an issue. It was purchased while they were together, likely in his name because he had the better credit, but he knew from the get go it was hers. Since he was never "on the hook" for anything regarding it, why wouldn't he just leave it as is and let her pay out the loan? Just makes his credit better.


I appreciate your ideas. In my mind, the Hummer situation doesn't fit the image of evil Dale out to punish Michelle at whatever cost. It would almost certainly have affected her in a negative way to have the Hummer confiscated. However, if she was making the payments and was timely with them, it would help his credit, so at least there's an idea as to "what's in it for Dale".

I think I remember the mechanics of the Hummer payments being discussed somewhere way back. I'll have to go refresh my memory.
I appreciate your ideas. In my mind, the Hummer situation doesn't fit the image of evil Dale out to punish Michelle at whatever cost. It would almost certainly have affected her in a negative way to have the Hummer confiscated. However, if she was making the payments and was timely with them, it would help his credit, so at least there's an idea as to "what's in it for Dale".

I think I remember the mechanics of the Hummer payments being discussed somewhere way back. I'll have to go refresh my memory.

Well he did end up with the condo free and clear and I have no idea what the common law situation is in Florida but if Michelle had any rights to half of that she obviously didn't pursue that either. All she ever requested of him was to pay child support for the twins, which according to the records on the Orange County Clerk site, she had trouble getting him to comply with.

And if he was going to mess with her regarding the Hummer, he might as well have waited until it was paid off before trying to get it back. Why would he have wanted to take it from her only to have to make payments on it when he didn't need it? Or to have to try to sell it for possibly less that what was left on the loan? Definitely not in his best interest.

Thanx for answering my question Jazz ...

No problem Thor. My knitting group is going to do a few more private searches over the next couple of months. We have a few prime places Dale could have gone. He had about 42 mins or so that he tried to erase when he "lied" I mean "misspoke" about when Michelle arrived...

The only trouble is he was also missing for hours after supposedly arriving at his parents and he had almost the whole next day to get rid of evidence. This has given us multiple possibilities. Any prime locations you suggest Thor?
No problem Thor. My knitting group is going to do a few more private searches over the next couple of months. We have a few prime places Dale could have gone. He had about 42 mins or so that he tried to erase when he "lied" I mean "misspoke" about when Michelle arrived...

The only trouble is he was also missing for hours after supposedly arriving at his parents and he had almost the whole next day to get rid of evidence. This has given us multiple possibilities. Any prime locations you suggest Thor?Any prime locations you suggest Thor?

I'm impressed with your willingness to go out there and actually look for Michelle, and I know this is not the first time ...I wish there were more people like you and your group searching, that to me is the single most important thing one can do to help find Michelle. Brava!!

Like you, if there is something that I'd be very interested to know it would be where DS was in the hours following Michelle's disappearance starting from when he dropped off the twins, surely one might deduce that he did give an account to the police although he could not corroborate it or he would have had an alibi and therefore not be a suspect. The fact that his lawyer has not hinted anything on this issue makes me wonder although I may understand the legal logic behind it. However, I also wonder if did refuse to account for his whereabouts in those crucial times. If so that may explain being a suspect notwithstanding any lack of further evidence ... and with good reasons. However I don't know it this is actually the case therefore I can't make a judgement call on this issue.

"he "lied" I mean "misspoke""

LOL Jazz ... I don't think the issue here is whether he lied or misspoke but what exactly he said, in what context and under what circumstances ... all of which are not known to me to this date other then a recollection coming from only one side, the various media characterization of the same, and our take on it in this very thread ... certainly none that can be characterized as much in the way of even a circumstantial evidence absent corroboration, or listening to contradictory recollections if available, and perhaps most importantly without an official police account of a statement made to them that can be construed as having been recanted, contradicted, or both. Besides I seem to recall arguing in the past that one may make contradictory statements without intending to lie or that two people may have different recollection or the same events with neither of them purposely lying about anything. In any case, all of it would need to be put in a bigger context and be part of a larger narrative that would include tangible facts to then be able ... say for a jury ... to make a determination on whether that contradiction is indicative of guilt or not, all of which are conditions not present at this time and therefore that is why I remain agnostic on this entire issue.

"Any prime locations you suggest Thor?"

For people living outside of Florida or even those in Florida but not living in the area where Michelle went missing, I think it's very problematic to pinpoint a location because it's one thing to look at a map and quite another to actually be there and be familiar with the surroundings. However, feeling responsible to not just blow air out of my mouth or as it's more precise the case here, to simply type words on a keyboard, I did volunteer to design a website to be used as a reference point for people interested in doing searches, and I thought that might have been a good idea but apparently wasn't in this instance since I wasn't taken up on it.

I'm impressed with your willingness to go out there and actually look for Michelle, and I know this is not the first time ...I wish there were more people like you and your group searching, that to me is the single most important thing one can do to help find Michelle. Brava!!

Like you, if there is something that I'd be very interested to know it would be where DS was in the hours following Michelle's disappearance starting from when he dropped off the twins, surely one might deduce that he did give an account to the police although he could not corroborate it or he would have had an alibi and therefore not be a suspect. The fact that his lawyer has not hinted anything on this issue makes me wonder although I may understand the legal logic behind it. However, I also wonder if did refuse to account for his whereabouts in those crucial times. If so that may explain being a suspect notwithstanding any lack of further evidence ... and with good reasons. However I don't know it this is actually the case therefore I can't make a judgement call on this issue.

"he "lied" I mean "misspoke""

LOL Jazz ... I don't think the issue here is whether he lied or misspoke but what exactly he said, in what context and under what circumstances ... all of which are not known to me to this date other then a recollection coming from only one side, the various media characterization of the same, and our take on it in this very thread ... certainly none that can be characterized as much in the way of even a circumstantial evidence absent corroboration, or listening to contradictory recollections if available, and perhaps most importantly without an official police account of a statement made to them that can be construed as having been recanted, contradicted, or both. Besides I seem to recall arguing in the past that one may make contradictory statements without intending to lie or that two people may have different recollection or the same events with neither of them purposely lying about anything. In any case, all of it would need to be put in a bigger context and be part of a larger narrative that would include tangible facts to then be able ... say for a jury ... to make a determination on whether that contradiction is indicative of guilt or not, all of which are conditions not present at this time and therefore that is why I remain agnostic on this entire issue.

"Any prime locations you suggest Thor?"

For people living outside of Florida or even those in Florida but not living in the area where Michelle went missing, I think it's very problematic to pinpoint a location because it's one thing to look at a map and quite another to actually be there and be familiar with the surroundings. However, feeling responsible to not just blow air out of my mouth or as it's more precise the case here, to simply type words on a keyboard, I did volunteer to design a website to be used as a reference point for people interested in doing searches, and I thought that might have been a good idea but apparently wasn't in this instance since I wasn't taken up on it.


Well, iirc the thing is that a mod stated back in Thread 22 (when you made the offer) that WS generally only allow links to sites that are approved by the family. Did you or will you contact the family to offer to design such a website? If you got the family's permission, that would be fantastic and then a mod could approve it and we could use it. :)
Well, iirc the thing is that a mod stated back in Thread 22 (when you made the offer) that WS generally only allow links to sites that are approved by the family. Did you or will you contact the family to offer to design such a website? If you got the family's permission, that would be fantastic and then a mod could approve it and we could use it. :)

The offer was related but not taken. I respect their judgement here even as I might not necessarily agree with it. They're best situated to make a determination on what might help or not, what's needed or not. My heart goes out to them, I can't even imagine what they're going through.

Lastly I can be reached through this website at anytime, personal messages alerts get forwarded to my personal email address and get bumped to my personal cellphone number, my laptop, and a bunch of other devices.
The offer was related but not taken. I respect their judgement here even as I might not necessarily agree with it. They're best situated to make a determination on what might help or not, what's needed or not. My heart goes out to them, I can't even imagine what they're going through.

Lastly I can be reached through this website at anytime, personal messages alerts get forwarded to my personal email address and get bumped to my personal cellphone number, my laptop, and a bunch of other devices.

Good work
I think Dale either hid her in a wooded area close to the condo or she was well hidden in a spot very familar to Dale.. I tend to think it was somewhat planned and he needed a good alibi. The parents either knowingly or unknowingly were participants in Dale's little TWISTED plot. He had a good 42mins to do all he needed after Michelle arrived and potentially longer as we do not have anyone known other than the parents confirming Dale arrived at Rose Blvd around 4:30. For all we know he really could have arrived there after 6 or 7. Or stopped by at 430 for a second before dumping Michelle somewhere...as I go thru all of Dale's FB and MySpace pages along with some of his shady friends, I keep being drawn back to a couple of unusual locations. I really like the coolpad quattro 4g.
Good work
I think Dale either hid her in a wooded area close to the condo or she was well hidden in a spot very familar to Dale.. I tend to think it was somewhat planned and he needed a good alibi. The parents either knowingly or unknowingly were participants in Dale's little TWISTED plot. He had a good 42mins to do all he needed after Michelle arrived and potentially longer as we do not have anyone known other than the parents confirming Dale arrived at Rose Blvd around 4:30. For all we know he really could have arrived there after 6 or 7. Or stopped by at 430 for a second before dumping Michelle somewhere...as I go thru all of Dale's FB and MySpace pages along with some of his shady friends, I keep being drawn back to a couple of unusual locations. I really like the coolpad quattro 4g.

Then try to go search those locations with the knitting girls ... who knows ... you might have something there ... :werk: L8r Jazz :)
Good work
I think Dale either hid her in a wooded area close to the condo or she was well hidden in a spot very familar to Dale.. I tend to think it was somewhat planned and he needed a good alibi. The parents either knowingly or unknowingly were participants in Dale's little TWISTED plot. He had a good 42mins to do all he needed after Michelle arrived and potentially longer as we do not have anyone known other than the parents confirming Dale arrived at Rose Blvd around 4:30. For all we know he really could have arrived there after 6 or 7. Or stopped by at 430 for a second before dumping Michelle somewhere...as I go thru all of Dale's FB and MySpace pages along with some of his shady friends, I keep being drawn back to a couple of unusual locations. I really like the coolpad quattro 4g.

Or Dale Jr Dropped the kids off with his mom about 5 ish and Sr helped from there....
Or Dale Jr Dropped the kids off with his mom about 5 ish and Sr helped from there....

I think you are probably correct. I remember Sr. saying something to the effect that Dale was with him the whole time Michelle was missing...Yeah getting rid of evidence. Them Smith boys are two peas in a pod...lifetime criminals who IMO know how to get away with murder (literally)...
Then try to go search those locations with the knitting girls ... who knows ... you might have something there ... :werk: L8r Jazz :)

Well if you remember the Tv show from the 70s Josie & The Pussycats...there were always strange mysteries. I certainly believe where Dale hid Michelle and why no one has stumbled upon her is quite the strange mystery to me. I think some day we will find her and bring her home to family where she belongs. It breaks my heart knowing that her family is unable to get closure with Michelle still missing after all these months. We will NGU!
I think you are probably correct. I remember Sr. saying something to the effect that Dale was with him the whole time Michelle was missing...Yeah getting rid of evidence. Them Smith boys are two peas in a pod...lifetime criminals who IMO know how to get away with murder (literally)...

Sr. said Dale was with him the whole time? When? Where? Never heard of this before and I've been on this thread for a long time.
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