FL - Millionaire Charged with Sexual Abuse & Torture of Girl For 6 Years


Old and Re-Tired Websleuth
Oct 28, 2009
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[FONT=&amp]“Her mother was informed in February 2014 and did nothing for 15 or 16 months,” defense attorney Herbert Cohen told CBS Miami.

[FONT=&amp]His client, wealthy developer Louis Bianculli, was jailed in July 21 on three felony counts of sexual abuse of a child.

[FONT=&amp]The 68-year-old is accused of a range of monstrous acts — slicing a young girl across the belly, suffocating her with plastic bag until she passed out, knocking her out with chloroform and performing amateur surgeries with syringes as he fulfilled his twisted sexual desires.


Bianculli, 69, was arrested in July on allegations that he abused a girl at his Lighthouse Point, Florida, mansion for six years, starting when she was just 12 years old. He was originally granted a $1.5 million bond in October, but Circuit Judge Michael Rothschild denied Bianculli another chance at bond on Friday after the millionaire’s GPS tracking monitor showed he’d left his house to visit an Italian restaurant, a Best Buy and a Ferrari dealership.


Witness says ex-wife of accused millionaire pedophile found sex crime videos - Videos never turned over to police; whereabouts now unknown


A Broward judge is reconsidering his decision to impose a $1 million bond on a Lighthouse Point man accused of sexually abusing a young girl from 2005 to 2013.

Louis Bianculli, 70, was granted the bond during a hearing last Friday, but Broward Circuit Judge Michael Ian Rothschild said he failed to consider input from the accuser, who told the judge through her lawyer Wednesday that she is very worried about what Bianculli will do once he is out of custody.


The playboy spawn of a multi-millionaire developer stands accused of drugging, torturing and sexually abusing his 12-year-old stepdaughter. The alleged acts came to light during a therapy session. It include horrific details of child sex molestation, rendering the child unconscious during the ordeal by placing bags over her head and performing ‘surgeries’ on her with knives and needles.

Good Lord. That is some -- I don't mean this flippantly -- that is some Criminal Minds-level insanity right there. If all of these allegations are true, I would *love* to know what the poor 12 year old's mother was doing when her child started showing up with all these wounds & the side effects of amateur plastic surgery. The implication that she turned a blind eye to all this for the money is enraging.
Keep in mind the allegation that the mother was aware comes from the defense attorney defending the accused. As if that somehow excuses his client's behavior. I am taking his allegations it with an ocean of salt.
Keep in mind the allegation that the mother was aware comes from the defense attorney defending the accused. As if that somehow excuses his client's behavior. I am taking his allegations it with an ocean of salt.

True, defense attorneys LIE. But if she was tortured with knives, etc, ---how could her mother not know?
I usually look forward to hearing the facts come out in a trial, but in this case I'm really dreading hearing what this animal did to that poor girl. And if the mother knew for 15-16 months and did nothing then she definitely was complicit and should be charged as well. I'm sure if LE has proof the prosecutors will charge the mother. They usually don't turn a blind eye to anyone involved in cases like this.

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Can't find anything on this perverted freak save for his house arrest BS.


This poor now young lady? Dear God, Bleesed Virgin Mary see her through this. It was and is not her fault. Please give her mentors in therapy that she can relate to. Please!!!!!

Him? Where is he?
This is some off-the-charts evil, sick torture he out this child through. I hope she is not still in her mother’s custody. I would also like to know if there is another parent who shared custody during this time. If so, how did they all miss it????

And where did this sob get chloroform starting at age 19. I am not aware that it is easily obtained.

House-fecking-arrest? WTH?
Yes, girls & boys, it's true: Money talks & walks, poor folks go directly to jail.
And her ~mother~ -- IF what we've read is correct -- needs to go to jail too. Now.
It appears the Gma is running this page to bring attention to the case.

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Post May 1st 2021

The "monster" petitioned the Court to get his ankle monitor removed last week. He lost that appeal! Finally a little bit of justice. Now if we could just get this to Trial and get him convicted and put away where he belongs for the rest of his life.
It appears the Gma is running this page to bring attention to the case.

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Post May 1st 2021

The "monster" petitioned the Court to get his ankle monitor removed last week. He lost that appeal! Finally a little bit of justice. Now if we could just get this to Trial and get him convicted and put away where he belongs for the rest of his life.

Filly pulls hair out seeing this page. A caption under creep says "She was always asleep. She didn't know what was going on"

Wish that monitor went around his head like a hippie head band for the world to see.

Maybe I'm smelling $$$$$$$ having to do with this?

Thanks @PayrollNerd for all your help.

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