FL - Mom Accused Of Piercing Girl, 13, So She Wouldn't Have Sex


Sometimes you just have to wonder why people are s
Sep 16, 2007
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NAPLES, Fla. -- A Naples mother is on trial for allegedly having her 13-year-old daughter's genitalia pierced to make it uncomfortable for her to have sex.

The girl, who is now 16, testified in her mother's trial on two counts of aggravated child abuse.

The girl told jurors that her 39-year-old mother, whose name is being withheld to protect her daughter’s identity, asked a friend to shave her daughter's head to make the girl unattractive to boys and later held her down for the piercing.
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you know, some cases make me really angry.

for some reason, this one just makes me really sad for this poor girl. :(

she'll never be right having her mom do that stuff to her, you know?

being a teenager is hard enough. but to have your mother (who is supposed to make you feel better about yourself, not mutilate you!!) do this to you... that's the ultimate betrayle (sp?).

this had to be a bad home enviroment. when this happened, she was thirteen and sleeping with TWO grown men... and one was the mother's boyfriend, which was why the mom did it, according to the article. in part of the article, the girl was defending the mom. UGH. I just can't understand some of the family dynamics that come into play in these households!!
you know, some cases make me really angry.

for some reason, this one just makes me really sad for this poor girl. :(

she'll never be right having her mom do that stuff to her, you know?

being a teenager is hard enough. but to have your mother (who is supposed to make you feel better about yourself, not mutilate you!!) do this to you... that's the ultimate betrayle (sp?).

so is having sex with your moms boyfriend.......
these folks need some serious help :mad:
I believe this practice is fairly common in some cultures in Africa and Asia, but the article doesn't say if this was a factor here. It's interesting that the victim says her mother did nothing wrong. Stockholm syndrome or cultural indoctrination?
I bet the Mom was pretty upset when she found her daughter having sex with the Mom's BF. To think the BF had "no problem" with sex with a 13 year old and the Mom "abuses" her kid. Gee I wonder why this kid was a rebel.
so is having sex with your moms boyfriend.......
these folks need some serious help :mad:
Imissed that and had to reread:doh: Why was a 13 year old girl having sex with a 30 year old man. Sounds to me this girl was abused and the mom took it out on her and Not the man she shouldve been angry with.
I think I would have been pressing some charges on the men and getting the girl some help and evaluating my lifestyle in this case. kids usually do what they see and if mom was sleeping around or had several boyfriends in and out of the house when the girl was growing up. Parents I guess don't always realize we are the role models(not just people on tv). I'm a pretty liberal mom but I do draw lines and try my best to set a good example. I also made it known when my daughters were at that age I can and will press charges because they couldn't consent and I wouldn't consent(legal age is 16)

P.S. They do the castration and try to inhibit breast growth in other countries I have never heard of piercing and I doubt that would work I think some people do the piercings there for pleasure
I think I would have been pressing some charges on the men and getting the girl some help and evaluating my lifestyle in this case. kids usually do what they see and if mom was sleeping around or had several boyfriends in and out of the house when the girl was growing up. Parents I guess don't always realize we are the role models(not just people on tv). I'm a pretty liberal mom but I do draw lines and try my best to set a good example. I also made it known when my daughters were at that age I can and will press charges because they couldn't consent and I wouldn't consent(legal age is 16)

P.S. They do the castration and try to inhibit breast growth in other countries I have never heard of piercing and I doubt that would work I think some people do the piercings there for pleasure

Another sick mom "choosing" her bf over her daughter. Well, they do clitorectomies in some countries. (sp.?) I have always thought that was just horrible. I try to respect other cultural norms but what a sick thing.

NAPLES, Fla. -- A Naples mother is on trial for allegedly having her 13-year-old daughter's genitalia pierced to make it uncomfortable for her to have sex.

The girl, who is now 16, testified in her mother's trial on two counts of aggravated child abuse.

The girl told jurors that her 39-year-old mother, whose name is being withheld to protect her daughter’s identity, asked a friend to shave her daughter's head to make the girl unattractive to boys and later held her down for the piercing.
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OMG! I just can't believe people. I honestly can't.
P.S. They do the castration and try to inhibit breast growth in other countries I have never heard of piercing and I doubt that would work I think some people do the piercings there for pleasure

Mutilation varies depending on local custom. Stitching the vagina closed is called "infibulation." Here's a link, but I should warn you: although the language is clinical, it's still sickening:

Another sick mom "choosing" her bf over her daughter. Well, they do clitorectomies in some countries. (sp.?) I have always thought that was just horrible. I try to respect other cultural norms but what a sick thing.


As you know, I'm pretty liberal. But I, too, draw the line at tolerating mutilation (usually of children).
Sex with a 30 year old at 13 is not sex its rape. plain and simple. I feel so bad for that girl not only would it be horrible to be pierced in that place in front of strangers at such a young age but horrid that her mom made her do it.

Stitching up the vagina is horrible and I hate that countries are doing that it can creates fistulas in young girls and they are ostracized because they cannot hold their own urine among other things. Sick world we live in.
in indiana 13 and under is child molesting
I'm surprised the jury thought the piercing didn't cause the girl permanent damage. Hello???
It did cause her permanent damage-she was removed from the home because the piercing became infected and wasn't treated. She suffered permanent psychological and physical scarring as a result. Even though she testified for her mother, in a way, I was completely shocked to hear this verdict. Easy for me to quarterback, but to shave your daughter's head and forcibly mutilate her genitals after she has been being molested by 3 adult men, one of whom is residing in your home, does not show good judgment at the minimum and certainly rises to the level of child abuse in my book. The woman who did the piercing is doing a year in jail-mom gets nothing??? Somehow the jury feels that the child was complicit in the sex as well as old enough to consent to the piercing? Body piercing is done under the same regs as tattoos. Call me crazy, but most states will tell you that does not fly.
tattoo artist may have actually broke some laws under regulations but mom is guilty of abuse and commited a crime under this laws
Cool Cat Tattoo and it's piercers conform to Florida's super-stringent laws on piercing. We comply with all medical, sanitary, privacy laws and do business in a very professional manner. Our Powerline Road Shop has a couple of artists that pierce as well as Sean who pierces part time but is a full time great guy!!
Our beach shop is very proud to host Michael Owens as a dedicated piercer who is learning to tattoo. Mike had a lot of input for Florida's piercing statutes and works very closely with the Broward county Department of Health. Mike was trained at The Gauntlet, in NYC in 1995.
All of our piercing equipment and initial jewelry is autoclave sterilized, and dated. All needles are single use. We have private facilities for piercing, as our clients comfortability is of the utmost importance. You must be 18 to be pierced in our shops, but according to state law a minor 16 and above may be pierced, excluding genitalia, with the parent present. The minor and parent MUST have proper ID and submit a notarized document proving the parental relationship.
My daughter will be 13 in February, and the though of her having sex with anyone just grosses me out. But I think Mom was punishing the wrong person. She should've gone after the bf... with a shotgun.

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