FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #18

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I have no idea who this person could be. But they are very obviously disturbed.

They also put up a *advertiser censored* pic which was disgusting.

This goes well beyond troll for me.

To put a picture of that gruesome child on a site about a murdered child spells sociopath LOUD and CLEAR. It is beyond insensitive. It is words that I cannot even find to describe how loathsome.

Therefore, I hope that all measures are taken to identify this person. A person this sick should be looked at for what they are up to in their lives.
MMAC Mixed Martial Arts Championship

That's the one! Old time trouble maker on this and other forums. He was finally banned from here. I believe he also caused problems at Murts, beaconh@## and other sites. I think he now has his own site. He's one sick puppy.

Do you think he might have been the one to post that photo?

Was/is he a fighter in mixed martial arts competitions? From what I know of many of those types of "fighters" they can be a pretty violent bunch, some of them with felony criminal records.
I am a lurker making my first post. I am no where near the point the majority of you are in sleuthing abilities, so staying in the background suits me fine for now.

However, I was reading a thread on a different child last night when Barry posted the pictures. I immediately clicked on the ID to see what other posts had been made by this person.

The ID had posted the same pictures (2 different ones that I saw) on several threads. They also claimed that they had a computer virus and couldn't help what was being posted. They also made random comments that Tricia was going to be mad, that now he/she (Barry) would be banned, and comments of that nature. They also included some links on some of the posts that I did not click on.

I went further back in the ID and at one time they were a regular poster..I think about a year ago. The comments made at that time appeared to be normal sleuthing observations like anyone else on here makes.

My opinion was that this was an ID that was either hacked into or someone else got access to that hasn't been used in a while, or someone that had a beef with WS and wanted to stir things up a bit. But regardless, the pictures were not unique to Somer's thread.
Agree. It is unfortunate that there are so many sickos, in so many places. Like the class clown-cybre style!

I don't compare it to class clown. That posting of the child was pathological. I am serious, That person needs to be examined. There is something really not right with them.
Do you think he might have been the one to post that photo?

Was/is he a fighter in mixed martial arts competitions? From what I know of many of those types of "fighters" they can be a pretty violent bunch, some of them with felony criminal records.

OK we're getting carried away....an MMA fan or fighter does not a violent bunch or felony criminal make....

I type this as I'm currently (as in right now) watching UFC 105 LIVE from the UK....ironically the main event is just about to start Couture vs. Vera and I might add I've met them both personally....and i'm dayum PROUD of it!

Please don't group any mma fan or fighter in with twisted individual - it's not fair and grossly unjustified.
SNIPPED from JVM transript of Nov 12 show:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think we can all agree with that. I want to hear your theories on this case. Give me a call 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297.

Back to my fantastic panel: also joining me Diena Thompson`s attorney, Michael Freed.

Michael, thank you so much for joining us. I know that you`re helping this family that is suffering so much and helping to find the killer, as well. What`s the latest on the investigation?

I mean, we`ve been hearing about those construction workers who were at the abandoned house where Somer was last seen. What do you know?

MICHAEL FREED, ATTORNEY FOR DIENA THOMPSON: We know they`re making progress. For obvious reasons, there`s not a lot of detail that`s being offered and that`s painful for Diena and her family but we respect that the Clay County Sheriff`s Office is doing a great job than they need to keep that information close to the vest.

We do know that they`re looking at scientific evidence at this point and sending various information to the labs. And they have not identified, as we understand it, any suspects or even people of interest, but we know that there`s people that they`re looking at and there`s evidence they`re looking at to try to tie some of those people to this horrible crime.

That sounds very promising to me!!! It may take awhile to find the person(s), but he implies there is evidence that will prove the perp. once found. I think this is wonderful news! The way I take it is, they have found DNA from Somer (somehow) and they just need someone to match it to. I pray this is correct.

EITA: Sorry, I further remembered the First Coast interview yesterday with Diena, she said LE were looking for more labs to send tests to, then she stopped to ask the lawyer if that was OK to say...just thinking that would confirm, they are testing a lot of people; so they must have something to match against.
Do you think he might have been the one to post that photo?

Was/is he a fighter in mixed martial arts competitions? From what I know of many of those types of "fighters" they can be a pretty violent bunch, some of them with felony criminal records.

Probably not him himself, but one of his minions. I don't think they're dangerous, just immature. I think that the person Barry was most likely hacked. I'm probably gonna get hacked now, too lol.
OK we're getting carried away....an MMA fan or fighter does not a violent bunch or felony criminal make....

I type this as I'm currently (as in right now) watching UFC 105 LIVE from the UK....ironically the main event is just about to start Couture vs. Vera and I might add I've met them both personally....and i'm dayum PROUD of it!

Please don't group any mma fan or fighter in with twisted individual - it's not fair and grossly unjustified.

Totally agree - I was once a "professional" clown & one of the clowns in our bunch was arrested for child *advertiser censored*... suddenly all clowns in the area were thought of as child molesters ... it wasn''t fair and was grossly unjustified. So I'm feeling ya tarabull;);)
I don't compare it to class clown. That posting of the child was pathological. I am serious, That person needs to be examined. There is something really not right with them.

IMO, it is just another way to seek attention--and we are feeding right into it. I for one, will stop now
OK we're getting carried away....an MMA fan or fighter does not a violent bunch or felony criminal make....

I type this as I'm currently (as in right now) watching UFC 105 LIVE from the UK....ironically the main event is just about to start Couture vs. Vera and I might add I've met them both personally....and i'm dayum PROUD of it!

Please don't group any mma fan or fighter in with twisted individual - it's not fair and grossly unjustified.

I didn't mean to lump them all together, Tara. Which is why I said "some" of them (not all of them), have felony criminal records. Apologies for offending any fan or fighter of MMA. However, to clarify why I said "many" of them are violent, and "some" of them have felony records, is because I have seen more than a few of those who have been MMA fighters in the past go through the D.A.'s office here where I live with rap sheets that include felony assault, kidnapping, domestic violence, etc. I was merely stating my own personal experience regarding the ones I had encountered and the cases with which I was familiar.

Nevertheless, I apologize for offending you. It wasn't my intention to stereotype the fighters or the fans.
Can someone gibive me the link to WK on the FDLE website. I have searched for him a couple of times and can't find him. I thought I maybe put in the wrong county. I used Clay County. Maybe I just didn't know who it was or something. Anyway, wow, there really are puppies at one of the houses? I remember reading that, but thought it was only speculation or an idea of where Somer might have disappeared to.
Can someone gibive me the link to WK on the FDLE website. I have searched for him a couple of times and can't find him. I thought I maybe put in the wrong county. I used Clay County. Maybe I just didn't know who it was or something. Anyway, wow, there really are puppies at one of the houses? I remember reading that, but thought it was only speculation or an idea of where Somer might have disappeared to.

BBM: it was a vision that a poster named infinity had... the killer lured her into his garage to look at some puppies.
Hi all! I haven't forgotten about Somer ~ just waiting for some good news that an arrest has been made. I'm glad the tip line has been busy. Maybe it won't be much longer...:prayer:
Hi just stopping in...I havent forgot about Sommer I check here daily just waiting for some news...Prayers for Sommer.
Hello everyone... just from reading this page.. i have missed alot. Oh no... hours to catch up again...

I just left Somers memorial here in Graham.

NOthing really to report..heartbreak n sadness. I cant take anymore at the moment. Gotta have a break.. I dont know any of you but much love to you all.
Hi all, first post on this thread, long time lurker waiting for justice (which seems a little slow turning up here!).

Just wanted to let everyone know (so we can stop speculating about this terrible thing and get on with sleuthing) that the pic barry posted was a screen shot from a horrible accident, a video of which I was unfortunate enough to see on a medical blog - a guy dived into the ocean off a sea wall (?) and went face-first into a concrete pier thing (sorry, not very clear). Really horrible and I wish I hadn't seen it and I REALLY wish I hadn't seen it again when barry posted it. :( So, let's move on, shall we, and see if we can help Somer. Ocean-diving dude is/was beyond help.
Hi all, first post on this thread, long time lurker waiting for justice (which seems a little slow turning up here!).

Just wanted to let everyone know (so we can stop speculating about this terrible thing and get on with sleuthing) that the pic barry posted was a screen shot from a horrible accident, a video of which I was unfortunate enough to see on a medical blog - a guy dived into the ocean off a sea wall (?) and went face-first into a concrete pier thing (sorry, not very clear). Really horrible and I wish I hadn't seen it and I REALLY wish I hadn't seen it again when barry posted it. :( So, let's move on, shall we, and see if we can help Somer. Ocean-diving dude is/was beyond help.

thank you for taking the time to clear that up.... I didn't see it, but have been reading today and it upset me to think it may have been something from underground, KWIM? I can sleep tonight.
I still haven't received a thought from anyone of why they're holding WLK so long for failure to register new address... no release date, bail set at $20 something thousand... would he have to pay 10% of the total? anyone know????

ETA: I've never been in the pokey, so I truly don't know how much a person would have to pay to get outta jail.
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