FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #3

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Parents Discover 100 Sex Offenders Near Bus Stop

This is exactly a reason we need to stand up for our children! this sickens me!!! Our government slaps these people of wrist ! They want to rant a rave about an obese nation yet we can't even send our kids to school. They can't walk home , ride bikes , play outside. It has to stop!! NOW! I don't care if i ahve to send a letter every day of my life to my local congress ! My senators! IT HAS TO STOP!!!
Good bless lil Somer! Hold her safely in arms ! No more pain wee one! No more hurt and no more chance of that! so sorry you had to leave this life to have that !
Rest in peace Somer. Many prayers for her family and prayers that whoever did this is caught and justice is served.
Glad to see yall heard "quiet"... I'll re-listen.
I am getting very very angry that this is almost an everyday thing now. Our children are getting slaughtered and nobody seems to care. Those people that do this to kids do not deserve to breath the same air as us. I am just soooooo angry. :furious:

I think people care. There are many who care a lot.
I think it's a great idea to work to change the laws to protect out children and we should. I do think however, that these people who commit these crimes don't have the same fear or respect or morals that we do, and it doesn't affect them or detract them the way the laws would most people. They are sick. Going to prison or dying might look like nothing to them.

What has to change is society and how we treat each other. I see it as a much bigger picture than just protecting children. People are treated with no value, I could give many recent examples but I think we all here know some so I don't need to. People are treated like they are dispensable and without worth and these sick monsters don't have the same outlook on life and relationships and worthiness that we do. Does this make sense? It ALL has to change.

Today, my little girl turns 2. I am very sorry Somer's mom won't see her for another birthday. How awful.
I was "walking" the route Somer took on her way home from school on Google Earth. Ironically, I know exactly where all three of those crossing guards are stationed because the Google car just HAPPENED to go by during let out time at Somer's school. Now, I can't say for sure, because of the quality of this picture, but if I didn't know any better, I'd really have to wonder....... impossible, right?

This is on Debarry, almost at Horton. 1216 Debarry to be exact......very sad..... RIP sweet angel....


Wow. Thanks for sharing this. And I'm thinking, those are young looking children and not very visible to the houses. You know, I'm a single mom and you do what you do. My now ex had my children walking home from school when they were young. I am so blessed that nothing every happened to them. And I would be a nervous wreck every day at work until they called me.

Bless Somer's family. I'm at a loss for words about this. I know I'm tired of it, as well are. Tired of this crap happening.
My question, when a body is discovered in a landfill, how can they possibly decipher between evidence and just, well, garbage??
I am a former resident of Upstate New York but have been living here in beautiful Alabama for almost 4 years. When I first moved here I was startled to hear a knock on my door at least once a week, peeking out the window I never opened the door because I thought it was someone selling something but( they always had papers in their hands). One day I finally opened the door and it was concerned citizens handing out fliers of all the sexual predators in my community! Their faces and addresses large as life on the printed page. I couldn't believe how serious these people were about making parents like myself aware of the dangers that these predators impose.

I can't always catch every newscast and I don't always have time to read the paper but when a group of parents band together to meet and knock on doors for the purpose of informing other parents and keeping our children safe, I think there is a chance for hope. If our lawmakers won't keep these predators under lock and key there is something we can do. Awareness, communication and notification is how we can attempt to solve this injustice. Instead of handing out fliers with pictures of a missing child, I for one, will be handing out fliers of predators in my own neighborhood and other neighborhoods around me. Enough is enough and I have to do something. I am going to locate the parents that already do this in my community and offer my able body and find out how I can help. God Bless Somer and all these children that touch my heart.
I think it's a great idea to work to change the laws to protect out children and we should. I do think however, that these people who commit these crimes don't have the same fear or respect or morals that we do, and it doesn't affect them or detract them the way the laws would most people. They are sick. Going to prison or dying might look like nothing to them.

What has to change is society and how we treat each other. I see it as a much bigger picture than just protecting children. People are treated with no value, I could give many recent examples but I think we all here know some so I don't need to. People are treated like they are dispensable and without worth and these sick monsters don't have the same outlook on life and relationships and worthiness that we do. Does this make sense? It ALL has to change.

Today, my little girl turns 2. I am very sorry Somer's mom won't see her for another birthday. How awful.

Happy birthday to your daughter. If that is her in your avatar, what a beauty!!!! I snuggled my daughter (same age as Somer) last night extra close. I think this has us all doing more of that.
I think people care. There are many who care a lot.

You are right, people do care. I am from Clay County and I see how much this community cares. However, caring is just not enough anymore.
I am a former resident of Upstate New York but have been living here in beautiful Alabama for almost 4 years. When I first moved here I was startled to hear a knock on my door at least once a week, peeking out the window I never opened the door because I thought it was someone selling something but( they always had papers in their hands). One day I finally opened the door and it was concerned citizens handing out fliers of all the sexual predators in my community! Their faces and addresses large as life on the printed page. I couldn't believe how serious these people were about making parents like myself aware of the dangers that these predators impose.

I can't always catch every newscast and I don't always have time to read the paper but when a group of parents band together to meet and knock on doors for the purpose of informing other parents and keeping our children safe, I think there is a chance for hope. If our lawmakers won't keep these predators under lock and key there is something we can do. Awareness, communication and notification is how we can attempt to solve this injustice. Instead of handing out fliers with pictures of a missing child, I for one, will be handing out fliers of predators in my own neighborhood and other neighborhoods around me. Enough is enough and I have to do something. I am going to locate the parents that already do this in my community and offer my able body and find out how I can help. God Bless Somer and all these children that touch my heart.

What a great idea. It's a good way to get the faces out there of these disgusting predators. You're right, when people band together, they can make a difference. We can all do our small part.
Wow. Thanks for sharing this. And I'm thinking, those are young looking children and not very visible to the houses. You know, I'm a single mom and you do what you do. My now ex had my children walking home from school when they were young. I am so blessed that nothing every happened to them. And I would be a nervous wreck every day at work until they called me.

Bless Somer's family. I'm at a loss for words about this. I know I'm tired of it, as well are. Tired of this crap happening.

I'm thinking that is Somer and her twin brother. So sad :(
I am so sick and tired of scum taking the lives of our beautiful children. Seems there is no safe place. Something needs to be done. What? I do not know but something needs to be done. Our society cannot just stand by and watch loss after loss after loss of lives just beginning their journey in life. It takes a village and as a whole we need to come together and take a stance. My heart just cannot take watching children discarded like trash any longer.

Sorry for the rant...

RIP sweet Somer!! Gone way too soon... :cry:
Happy birthday to your daughter. If that is her in your avatar, what a beauty!!!! I snuggled my daughter (same age as Somer) last night extra close. I think this has us all doing more of that.
I also hugged my kids extra tight yesterday. My son's Birthday is Apr.14, one day before Somer's. I will always think of her on her Birthday.
Talk to Tricia before posting petitions here.

To be honest, online petitions are really a waste of time and effort as nobody in a position of authority will ever take them seriously. There's no way to verify any signatures and they are generally written is such a way that the petition can be translated as "We're all pissed off!" and the signatures are a series of "Me, too!". Politicians write laws and they have no reason to take an anonymous online petition seriously - and I have yet to see one of them do so.

IMO an online petition is not the way to go. Individuals who sign online petitions could be from anywhere in the world, not US citizens who elect officials. They also could be minors, and some could be convicted criminals who cannot vote.

The best thing to do is to individually contact - FLOOD - state sentators, state representatives, US Senators and US Representatives with letters and/or individual emails. If each WS poster would take 10 minutes to individually email their own elected officials, these officials WILL pay attention!
Okay, maybe it's me, but why does it bug me that I don't see the BF at the vigils???
Parents Discover 100 Sex Offenders Near Bus Stop


When my daughter started middle school(age 11) this year her bus stop changed and she would have to go up a hill to get the bus (out of my sight). I knew about a registered sex offender who lived across the street from the bus stop. I made calls and found out that there are no laws that state they can't live near a bus stop. I wrote letters to everyone in the school district and had my daughters bus stop changed to my front yard. The reason I'm saying this is "dont make calls" put everything in writing, then they will have to do something.
Glad to see yall heard "quiet"... I'll re-listen.

I can see how you heard white.
In the south, a lot of us say quiet as a 1 syllable word. More like quite.
I'm pretty sure that's what he said.
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