FL - Xavier Mokarzel-Satchel, 3, beaten to death, Orange County, 7 Jul 2017 *Arrests*


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May 22, 2012
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I can't imagine the force it would take to kill someone with a plastic rod from a set of blinds. This is horrific. Get ready to be mad and sad. ALLEGEDLY beaten for drinking from a milk container.


I fail at posting pics today but if someone can get that sweet boy's face here, I think that would be nice.



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These are the faces this poor little guy had to see in his last hours :(

OMG that face!!!!!! So cute!!!! Thanks for getting his pic here, tlcya. It's over for him now so our anger will do no good for him. I will simply hope that others see his face and find a moment to reflect on what's important.
Another bright star extinguished in pieces, in terror, by someone who (allegedly) did it because she could.

Now he is way beyond terror, fear, and pain. Fly high, little Xavier with Teghan, Cooper, Caylee, Jersey, Shaniya, JonBenet, and all of the other young angels we have known without ever seeing or holding. Ice cream, ocean waves, hugs, lemonade, and more love that we mortals could ever know.

[h=1]3-Year-Old Xavier Mokarzel-Satchel Violently Beaten to Death by His Mother's Girlfriend and Her Mother [/h]...
Xavier’s father, Jaquan Satchel, who lives in Spokane, Wash., said he hadn’t seen his son in two years. Satchel, 27, dated Mokarzel for about four years before they separated and she moved away.
On the day of Xavier’s death, Mokarzel was awakened to the sound of Barton yelling at the toddler for drinking milk from a jug and eating yogurt, according to a sheriff’s office arrest report.

Lewis, 28, then grabbed the wand used to operate blinds, and beat Xavier until the plastic piece broke. Mokarzel grabbed her son and ran back to her bedroom, but Barton came after them, grabbed Xavier by his arm and leg and tossed him down the hallway.

Jaquan Satchel had 2 protective orders against him for abusing Xavier and Brandy. One, April 2015, which he ignored and kidnapped Xavier. And the other, May 2016, when Brandi began running from him. In March, she lived with me and he began texting her on Facebook thretaning Brandi and Xavier.
We contacted police but they refused to help because he was out of state, so we called BACA who ignored her pleas. She then moved to Florida because she thought she was protecting Xavier and Jaquan wouldn't be able to find them!
I also have messages from Brandi asking for help. I sent her information on domestic violence shelters but she was scared Xavier would be taken from her. After I convinced her they wouldn't take Xavier, she was going to see if any would take her in until I found the money to bring her home.
All of this was 2 days before Xavier died.

Please, I am begging yall, check your facts before reporting about those surrounding the case. Jaquan's mother now has a go find me page taking advantage of those who want to help this from happening again. But the last assault Jaquan Satchel did to both Brandi and Xavier was at her house in Greenville, NC.


It won't let me post pics, but I have some I personally took of him, if anyone can tell me how to post.

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