FLDS - The Children

According to CNN CPS is conferring with LE. That was about 4 pm. How many hours ago was that and what is going on now?
I see this as a threat:

snip...A KXAN Austin News crew was allowed inside the West Texas ranch Wednesday afternoon. FLDS spokesman Willie Jessop told KXAN Austin News' Jenny Hoff he could not guarantee she would see any children inside the ranch.

Jessop did not say who made the call.

CPS is not allowed inside the ranch, because FLDS officials told them the children they are looking for do not fit the description of anyone inside. Officials also said CPS would need a search warrant and the armored tanks they had before in order to come inside the ranch, again.

I see this as a threat:

snip...A KXAN Austin News crew was allowed inside the West Texas ranch Wednesday afternoon. FLDS spokesman Willie Jessop told KXAN Austin News' Jenny Hoff he could not guarantee she would see any children inside the ranch.

Jessop did not say who made the call.

CPS is not allowed inside the ranch, because FLDS officials told them the children they are looking for do not fit the description of anyone inside. Officials also said CPS would need a search warrant and the armored tanks they had before in order to come inside the ranch, again.


Well, CPS, GO FOR IT! One child left behind is too many!

It appears the children left behind may actually be new children brought to the ranch. It seems a pretty idiotic move by FLDS.

There's an article in the San Angelo Standard Times about how the children being housed at Abilene's Hendrick Home for Children are being taught origami. It also mentioned that they are riding bicycles and watch Animal Planet on tv. Well, there goes the neighborhood! An FLDS child is watching animals on tv and folding paper into animal shapes. :eek: :rolleyes: :clap::clap:

There's an article in the San Angelo Standard Times about how the children being housed at Abilene's Hendrick Home for Children are being taught origami. It also mentioned that they are riding bicycles and watch Animal Planet on tv. Well, there goes the neighborhood! An FLDS child is watching animals on tv and folding paper into animal shapes. :eek: :rolleyes: :clap::clap:


Its about time the kids got to be kids! :clap:
I just saw a few minutes of Nancy Grace and she is carrying on about Texas returning the kids to the ranch. Does anyone know if this has happened?
I'm watching NG and no, that hasn't happened. Several children have been allowed to be with their parents, but in residences in town, and under CPS supervision. She was referring to the decision by the 3 judges of the higher court.

There's an ad litem attorney who was representing Pamela Jessop but is withdrawing. Apparently there were two attorney's assigned, and the Judge said one had to withdraw. Since this woman, Natalie, signed on to help children, she withdrew and is representing two or three children.

Edited to add: Nancy mentioned that many of the parents of the children haven't show up yet to do dna, and a journalist mentioned that since the FLDS runs Colorado City and Hildale, that it's very easy to issue a birth certificate for these people.

Nancy asked Carolyn Jessop if the FLDS takes portions of the bible and conveniently ignores the rest of it? Carolyn: We were taught, at least when I was there, that the bible was "misinterpreted" and it was "warped" and thus had to be interpreted by a prophet.

Nancy asked something about the FLDS taking those kinds of photos (WJ with the child brides) Carolyn: I guess they went to Texas, put up those high walls and felt comfortable, comfortable enough to start photographing it. Pamela Jessop is Carolyn's Stepson's wife. One of the girls in the photos is a granddaughter of Merrill Jessop, and the other is a stepdaughter of Carolyn's.

In reference to the photos, Nancy asked a guest attorney how the authorities could validate who was in the photo, and the attorney stated that Carolyn Jessop could testify as to who those people, and what their ages are, in the photo(s). She cannot testify as to whether the photos were altered or not.

Nancy: 1st anniversary? Carolyn: a 1st anniversary, for him to be touching them in the photos, they are his wives, his property, that gives him full rights to initimate actions, whenver and wherever he wants. Yes, the parents would have been there watching the wedding and possibly there when these photos were taken.

The ad litem, Natalie, stated that under the laws of Texas Warren Jeffs kissing those underage girls is sexual abuse. She also stated that the "victims don't consider themselves victims, so it's hard to help them."
Those poor little girls are most likely told they have been chosen by the prophet, even if they are the 500th wife. They are one of the few chosen! How sad for them, they don't know better, can you imagine?
WJ is a total whack job. Its his way or the highway. He could care less what anyone thinks of him.

The parents of these girls should be held accountable also. They know right from wrong.They gave him a license to sexually abuse all of the kids. Its wrong! :furious:
FNC reporting that TX Supreme Court has ruled that the children must be returned to their polygamist parents.

I think this was breaking news.

The Texas Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that all of the children separated from their parents following a raid on a polygamist ranch must be returned.

The ruling effectively ends one of the largest child custody cases in U.S. history.

This is disappointing. If the lifestyle enjoyed by the cult is not a reason to take away Children, I do not know what is. I guess it is considered ok to waterboard infants and rape young girls so that they can procreate and not issue birth certificates or death certificates (while having a graveyard full of graves of children) :furious: This is qutie a statement. So now we know that all of their lifestyle choices are legal. WOW.
Unfortunately, it seems CPS did not have their ducks all lined up. If they had evidence of the Lost Boys, water boarding, and rape this would not have happened. I'm just sick over this ruling, maybe if they try the cases individually the criminals will be sorted out, if they are not running for the hills that is. Sad, so sad for the poor children!
I wonder how they can return the kids if no parent has staked a claim on the kids yet? (DNA test)
Yes Mysteriew this is only the beginning.
Lawsuits will be filed all across the USA.

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