Flippy Esso: what do we know?

Sorry folks, but I think it is absolutely absurd to think that a six year old girl was engaging in autoerotic asphyxiation or even knew anything about it.
No, I don't think the sex act was autoerotic asphyxiation. Also, I think asphyxia would cause petechiae from a cause other than a rope and stick.
I don't think she participated in it, but it could have been done to her. I think the thought of her and her brother doing that together is ridiculous.

Okay, Iman like what? You said you she was asphyxiated, with whaat? If not the rope or garrote, what? Something has to do it right?
Also, I don't think that the garrote was a staging device, it just doesn't sit wel with me that the R's would stage a blow-up or accident with a botched kidnapping-sexual assault-murder.
ajt, that's what the Ramseys were hoping LE would think...that the Rs would never stage a botched kidnapping/sexual assault/murder (especially one in which the "perp" left a ransom note behind, along with the victim's body). Well, the Rs didn't succeed in fooling LE, but they did succeed in fooling certain other people.
Imon, are you suggesting that JonBenet was asphyxiated during oral sex? There is a pattern of injuries in children forced to do oral sex that includes injuries to the ears. I'd think there would be some bruising to the throat and mouth, too. But those are cases of physically forced oral sex. I don't know if the same pattern would be found in a child psychologically coerced.

Another possibility is that JonBenet's neck was compressed in a way that caused a vagal response. That would cause her heart to beat irregularly and faintly, so that she would lose consciousness -- perhaps even appear dead. Wecht writes about that possibility.
Originally posted by Toth
Cops cut away and took a portion of carpeting with urine stain from basement; this was thought to be the place of death since bladder most likely emptied there and then.

Could it be that the BPD did this to see if the basement carpet fibers matched those in the garrotte and paint tray?

What is the source for the "stun gun mark" on the duct tape?

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