Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

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I was discussing this with my Gemini daughter, and she said, "That's bunk, and I'm not giving up my Gemini sign just to satisfy a bunch of fools who think I should be Taurus". My sentiments exactly.

My goodness, that's almost like saying, "You're no longer a female, now you're a male. Get on with it." :floorlaugh: Sheesh, I'd have to get new pajamas, not to mention new underwear. :rocker:
I was discussing this with my Gemini daughter, and she said, "That's bunk, and I'm not giving up my Gemini sign just to satisfy a bunch of fools who think I should be Taurus". My sentiments exactly.

My goodness, that's almost like saying, "You're no longer a female, now you're a male. Get on with it." :floorlaugh: Sheesh, I'd have to get new pajamas, not to mention new underwear. :rocker:

Ha Ha. My Gemini daughter called my cell and said that her friends were trying to tell her she was a Taurus now, " FORGET THAT--Never going to happen" she said. Of course she does have her Mercury and Venus in Taurus so...LOL
On, I read an article regarding President Obama's birth certificate. The article included a poto copy of his Certificate of Live Birth. I have tried several times to copy and paste this article and poto onto WS however haven't learned how to do this so far.

I recall reading post directed at PO birth so wondered if this could be of value providing it has not already been posted. copy of his BC states he was born in Honolulu on the Island of Oahu on 08/04/1961 at 7:24 pm.

If this is old news, please disregard. Should this article be of value I will continue to try to copy and paste it.
I love being a LEO Aug 8th.........I don't know if I could handle being a Cancer????
Tomorrow, a New Moon launches The Year of the Rabbit. Mars conjoins the lunation for intense agita. In the U.S. chart, Pluto takes a position in the homeland sector, H. 4, Saturn rises but is retrograde, so we can drop right down through the floor into the basement if any structural defects are challenged. Avoid suspect bridges and overpasses and trestles. Much of the problem is not wear or over-use but design faults. Do not travel on any overloaded carrier.

The New Moon occurs in our national H. 5 for youth revolt and trouble in the schools. Uranus holds an end wall position in the sector of labour unions and civil service~rebellious. Contract negotiations snag due to the Venus-Uranus square when our Moon is new.
My daughter said they are advising people in Connecticut not to get onto their roofs to remove the snow because of injuries. When my husband was a detective with the Hartford Police Department he was one of the officers who had to go into the Hartford Area when the roof collapsed. We all remember that and it is a worry when there is so much accumulation of snow and ice on your roof.

So this weather in the MidWest and NorthEast could also affect highway bridges I would imagine?
On Thursday, Dark Moon Lilith will conjoin Uranus in Pisces and that adds more trouble and tumult to the revolts and riots going on in several countries, not Egypt alone.
Due to the Aquarian position of New Moon & Mars, do whatever you can to protect your computer and its software. For the U.S., the lunation can mean mischief from "playful" crackers or on the other hand, those of a Wikileaks mindset because it takes place in House 5. Rebellious youth, don't you know. Saturn retrograde and rising will equate to design flaws in operating systems and web pages.
If one was born in the year of the rabbit does that have any signifignance?

I hope that's not a stupid question? :waitasec: I always feel acutely semantically challenged here.
Thank you so much for your patience.
Yes, when RABBIT returns, it is good.
Amid our daily infusion of crime, some good news: NASA spatial telescope Kepler, launched from a Delta rocket a few years back, has discovered 6 new worlds! Big ones at that. We often learn about new bodies from perturbations in the movement and alterations in the luminosities of older ones. Up with KEPLER! Eventually, we can plot these into our horoscopes but we're getting ahead of ourselves there.
I am not sure if this is the place to post my thanks, but I just want to voice my appreciation for this forum. Through reading about cases, my understanding of astrology has been greatly increased. I have never really gotten into it much beyond just being a Pisces and knowing others' signs in my family. Until now. I have since gotten a free natal chart for myself and my husband, and also a child's chart for my oldest child (I need to locate the birth certificate for my youngest to get the exact time). All three charts have been incredibly accurate and even my husband is turning into a believer. :D

I am hoping to learn more as I still barely know what you guys are talking about (houses, in opposition, etc, etc), but I look forward to learning.

Again, thank you so much.

Thanks again...

Florida has executed but two women in the modern era. One of them was the notorious Aileen Carol Wuornos. She was born on the final "extra" day of February 29 in a leap year with two major planets at zero degrees. Her Mars is 0°06' of Capricorn & her Neptune 0°15' of Scorpio. She killed at least seven men. After twelve years on death row, she was given a lethal injection when her progressed Mars reached 0°01 Aquarius square her Neptune.

It wasn't my intention to talk about her being a Piscean with Saturn in early Sagittarius. It is the trio of zero degree planets that is startling and significant. Such planets are impatient, immature and not controllable but there is much more to be said about :eek:hwow: 0° and what falls through the cusp.
Due to the Aquarian position of New Moon & Mars, do whatever you can to protect your computer and its software. For the U.S., the lunation can mean mischief from "playful" crackers or on the other hand, those of a Wikileaks mindset because it takes place in House 5. Rebellious youth, don't you know. Saturn retrograde and rising will equate to design flaws in operating systems and web pages.

I was reading this post last night, and woke up to news of our gov't computers being hacked!

You're amazing Tuba :)
We must try to remember that the large asteroid VESTA is being occulted on the 28th of this month of February 2011 and she will be on the same degree as our January solar eclipse. She provokes power struggles and has much to do with security of all varieties, as well as secrecy.
Tomorrow, a New Moon launches The Year of the Rabbit. Mars conjoins the lunation for intense agita. In the U.S. chart, Pluto takes a position in the homeland sector, H. 4, Saturn rises but is retrograde, so we can drop right down through the floor into the basement if any structural defects are challenged. Avoid suspect bridges and overpasses and trestles. Much of the problem is not wear or over-use but design faults. Do not travel on any overloaded carrier.

The New Moon occurs in our national H. 5 for youth revolt and trouble in the schools. Uranus holds an end wall position in the sector of labour unions and civil service~rebellious. Contract negotiations snag due to the Venus-Uranus square when our Moon is new.

~above respectfully BBM~

Wow Tuba! You sure were accurate in your analysis considering the mess going on in Wisconson this past week!

Keep up the great work and thanks to all our FA's for your committment to this great forum!

I was looking for something online and stumbled across another forum where members were raving about our astrologers and suggesting their members check out our forum. I mean lots of great raves going on. It made me smile and, of course, I ran right over to spread the word. :smile:

I won't (and probably can't) mention the sites, but rest assured, a good reputation goes a long way. :clap:

Market research, provided to anyone in commerce who wants the information, has divided the U.S. population into the following groups: the aimless, the survivors, the belongers, the conspicuous consumers, the experimentalists, the social resisters and the self-explorers.

Astrologically, you might identify them as: the peregrine planet, Mars, the Ceres-Cancer-House Eleveners, Leonians, Neptunians, Aquarians, Plutonians.
Knowing that there is more to do, this lunar month, this is the time for us to establish our case objectives and to set out what we intend to do. That might be to shrink the perimeter in the search for Kyron, for example. We need to ask what the goal is right now and then to start toward it.

This is the moment to initiate any endeavor~to launch an investigation, a program, a project, a task, a campaign. Identify the particulars of your vision and make some notes.

Create your own methods and rules for tackling the project now. Innovate, jump the bright line of conventional means to a solution and try something new that is personal to you~"for this case, I want to try a new way." More notes. Then do it!
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