Forensic Astrology - STACY Peterson-KATHLEEN Savio

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Thank heaven
So many people were focusing on her having a change of heart and it finally worked.
Although we have to thank her fiance for being most responsible for her decision.
And also her devoted father for not giving up and encouraging her to get out of that horrible situation. Now if only his children could have options.
I am still praying for that to happen.

AMEN........and thanks for the charts and info........the bike ride was always wierd.......but how would a person transport a body on a bike very far? pieces?:eek:
Drew Peterson's fiancee leaves him after "Nightline" interview
posted by halboedeker on Jan 30, 2009 2:12:13 PM

Peterson told Martin Bashir, "The engagement is over because of your interviews."
Peterson said he and Christina Raines watched the program together, and she called him a liar before packing her bags and leaving.


Sweet Jesus! I am elated over this happy, happy news.

I honestly believe Christina would have ended up on a thread here on WS. Good for her daddy, too.

I'm just waiting for his next girlfriend, you know he can't stay single.
AMEN........and thanks for the charts and info........the bike ride was always wierd.......but how would a person transport a body on a bike very far? pieces?:eek:

Yep, Passionflower, in pieces. I've seen multiple signs of that in the charts I've looked at.

On another note, I apologize to all for neglecting this Thread, and want you to know I intend to post comments/ observations on the Drew Takes Off on Motorcycle chart soon.....within a week, maybe sooner.

Please bear with me, and thanks in advance for your patience,

Sweet Jesus! I am elated over this happy, happy news.

I honestly believe Christina would have ended up on a thread here on WS. Good for her daddy, too.

I'm just waiting for his next girlfriend, you know he can't stay single.

ITA, Lovejac.

Regarding the next GF, you know it will be another 20-something looking for a daddy..........

Drew Peterson's former fiancee talks to CBS' "Early Show"
posted by halboedeker on Feb 1, 2009 4:46:45 PM
Why did Drew Peterson's fiancee break up with him last week? ABC News reported that she didn't like what she saw in his interview with "Nightline."
Christina Raines will share her side of the story on "The Early Show" on Monday. The CBS program airs from 7 to 9 a.m. on WKMG-Channel 6.
Raines' father, Ernest, will be with her. "The Early Show" said it would show footage of Ernest Raines confronting Peterson.


Angel, if at all possible, please provide us with a synopsis of this Early Show episode. Perhaps it will help in our assessment of the Charts in this case...

Thanks so much,
FEB 2 2009
The following is a transcript from Christina Raines' interview this morning with Julie Chen on "The Early Show."
JULIE CHEN, co-host: Joining us are Christina and Ernie Raines, along with CBS News legal analyst Lisa Bloom.
Good morning to you all.
Christina, let me begin with you. Can you walk us through your relationship with Drew Peterson? When did you meet him and how did you meet him?
Ms. CHRISTINA RAINES (Former Fiance of Drew Peterson): I had met him at a bar, but before that I've known Drew Peterson every since I was like 15.
CHEN: So did you know his wife Stacy as well, then?
Ms. RAINES: Yes.
CHEN: OK, and how did this relationship with Drew get to the point where you were engaged to him?
Ms. RAINES: It started out as a friendship.
CHEN: I imagine it's very difficult.
Mr. ERNEST RAINES (Father of Drew Peterson's Ex-Fiance): I can--I can add a little bit to that. We moved to Bolingbrook when we were little. And Drew Peterson was a policeman, a sergeant at the time, and he helped me a lot, and I trusted him. And all of a sudden later on I got word that he was trying to date my daughter.
CHEN: That he was trying to date your daughter?
Mr. RAINES: Yeah.
CHEN: At what point, after Stacy had been reported missing?
Mr. RAINES: Yeah, after Stacy disappeared. And six months ago, I believe it was--my daughter works at a restaurant, and he was going in there and then going where she was hanging out at and just kept pursuing her.
CHEN: And how did you react to this?
Mr. RAINES: I wasn't happy. She knew how I was, how I felt about it. So what I--what I tried to do, I called the state police, they says that it's an ongoing investigation, there's nothing you can do. I called Bolingbrook, they sent a police car over to their house to do a track number, which is where I got the officer's name, badge number and report number. The next day another officer called me, fouled up on it and said, `I wish you luck, you know, but there's really nothing we can do.'
Christina, let me ask you this. OK, obviously your father wasn't happy finding out about you two dating. How would you describe Drew as a person? Was he kind to you?
Ms. RAINES: Yes, he was very kind to me.
CHEN: Was he ever violent towards you?
Ms. RAINES: No, not at all.
CHEN: How was he as a father to his children?
Ms. RAINES: He was a great father, and he was really good to my kids.
CHEN: Did you--did he ever talk to you about Stacy after she went missing?
Ms. RAINES: I don't feel comfortable answering that right now.
CHEN: You don't want to discuss it. What--you said you knew Stacy also. Do you think he had anything to do with her disappearing?
Ms. RAINES: I really don't feel comfortable answering that at all right now.
CHEN: Do you think he had anything to do with the mysterious death of his third wife?
Ms. RAINES: I don't want to answer any of those questions right now.
CHEN: What do you want the public to know about you or about Drew Peterson?
Ms. RAINES: Well, that I'm a good person and I have a good heart, and instead of following with my head I followed with my heart and...
CHEN: Do you love him?
Ms. RAINES: I don't love him.
CHEN: Did you love him?
Ms. RAINES: I thought I did.
CHEN: How did you become engaged to him? When did you become engaged to him?
Ms. RAINES: It was never an engagement, really.
CHEN: What was it, then?
Ms. RAINES: It was more like a stunt.
CHEN: A stunt?
Ms. RAINES: Yes.
CHEN: On whose part?
Ms. RAINES: On Drew, so could be in the media.
CHEN: Did you know it was a stunt when...
Ms. RAINES: Well, he had told me that his lawyer had wanted him to be in the media and wanted to propose to someone at a restaurant.
CHEN: And then what happened? So he said to you...
Ms. RAINES: Well...
CHEN: ...`We're friends, we're dating, you want to be a part of this stunt?' Is that how it went down?
Ms. RAINES: That's how it went down, but I would not go with it. I would not go along with it.
CHEN: What would you say to him?
Ms. RAINES: I told him no, and he had said, `Well, if it comes out that I'm engaged to someone, it's not really true.'
CHEN: So you were never engaged to him, is that what you're saying?
Ms. RAINES: No, I was never engaged to him.
CHEN: But he was putting it out there that he was engaged?
Ms. RAINES: That he was engaged.
CHEN: To you.
Ms. RAINES: He had--he had told me that he never said it was me. He never said that he was engaged to me.
Ms. RAINES: But I have heard that, like, off camera he had told I think his producer or publicist that it was me.
CHEN: OK, let me ask you this. But you did live with him, correct?
Ms. RAINES: I did live with him.
CHEN: What was the breaking point? Why did you break up with him?
Ms. RAINES: All it was, was I moved in with him, and the reason why I left, I had went on a Monday to collect some of my items from my apartment...
CHEN: From your apartment that you shared with him, or your own apartment?
Ms. RAINES: My own apartment that I shared with my ex-boyfriend Mike.
Ms. RAINES: And he had sat me down...
CHEN: Who sat you down?
Ms. RAINES: Mike.
Ms. RAINES: And he was telling me, you know, `This is not right. He's not a good guy.' Just kind of opened up my eyes, and a lot of things made sense. And he guided me from Monday through Thursday, and Thursday's when Mike had asked me to move back in...
CHEN: With him.
Ms. RAINES: ...with him. Lisa, let me bring you in. From a legal standpoint, let's say--just say Drew Peterson does propose to someone, anyone.
Ms. LISA BLOOM (CBS News Legal Analyst): Mm-hmm.
CHEN: Can he even legally get married to a woman right now, because isn't he still considered married even though is last wife is nowhere to be found?
Ms. BLOOM: Yeah, you really put your finger on it. He can get engaged, but legally he cannot get married. He is still legally married to Stacy Peterson, who is missing, been missing for over a year. And her clothes are still in that house, right, Chrissy? I mean, they're still in the closets. She's still a presence in that house.
CHEN: In the final seconds, Lisa, what do you make of all this? If you were advising Drew Peterson, if you were his attorney, what would you say?
Ms. BLOOM: Well, I wouldn't be advising Drew Peterson. I think he's getting bad advice. And I've been very happy to be advising Ernest, and he--I want to give hats off to Ernest for being the dad in this situation, for staying close to his daughter.
CHEN: Yeah.
Ms. BLOOM: For being there for his daughter and for helping her to get out of this bad situation. It really is a success story. We don't see a lot of these.
CHEN: Lisa Bloom, Ernie, Christina, thank you for all coming on.
Mr. RAINES: I just want--I got one comment to make. Johnny Cash came out with a song that Kris Kristofferson wrote, but Johnny Cash sang it...
CHEN: And?
Mr. RAINES: ...and it was called "Beat The Devil." And that's what we did. We beat the devil.
CHEN: Ernie, we thank you. Thank you all.
Mr. RAINES: And I want to holler out to Phil, Dr. Phil. I want to thank him so much...
CHEN: All right. Thank...
Mr. RAINES: (To Bloom) And I want to thank her.
CHEN: Thank you.
Mr. RAINES: Because if it wasn't for them...
Ms. RAINES: Mike.
CHEN: Yeah.
Mr. RAINES: And Mike. Hats off.
CHEN: All right. We got to go. Ernie, thank you so much.
Mr. RAINES: You're welcome.
CHEN: Christina, we're glad that your dad is happy and that you feel that you're safe.
Mr. RAINES: Oh, I'm happy, I'm happy.
Some astrologers think rectifying a chart with an unknown birth time is a waste of time. Other astrologers feel compelled to attempt rectification on every untimed chart they can get their hands on. Astrologers have argued with each other over the value (or lack thereof) of rectification since time immemorial --- another losing battle, IMO......


Because as I was immersing myself in the charts I've cast so far, I couldn't help but notice certain synchronicities.

What if her MOON was in Virgo instead of Leo? What if her SUN was in Aquarius instead of the 29th degree of Capricorn shown in the Sunrise chart?

The more I compared the event charts to the natal, the more sense it made.

I wound up speculating a 8:25 pm time of birth for Stacy. This gives her 12:40 Virgo rising with MOON conjunct from the 12th House at 05:31 Virgo. This time puts her SUN at 00:13 Aquarius. An Aquarian SUN will go along with things for just so long. Then she will rebel. This seems in keeping with what we know happened in Stacy's marriage. She put up with Drew's increasing jealousy --- he was tailing her, tracking her cell phone calls, etc., harassing her about where she was almost minute by minute, showing up unannounced and uninvited when she was out with friends --- and finally, when she had had enough of his control-freak antics, she told him in no uncertain terms the marriage was over & she wanted a divorce.

See chart here:

Note: No matter what time of day Stacy was born, the Nodes would remain at 15 Gemini/Sagittarius, give or take a minute of Arc. The SUN however, could be in 29 degree Capricorn or 00 degree Aquarius and the MOON could range from 22 Leo to 07 Virgo.

With Virgo rising in the speculative chart, Pisces is on the Descendant with CERES closely conjunct.

The 7th is the Marriage House. Pisces there gives a sense of sacrifice and possibly victimization. The great Astrologer Isabel Hickey stated that where Pisces is, is where one must serve or suffer. So Stacy must serve her marriage / marriage partner or suffer greatly.

Pisces is also the sign of confusion and delusion, so this chart gives sense Stacy may have entered relationships (7th House) wearing rose colored glasses. Perhaps she couldn't see what she was getting into (Neptune fog effect). CERES conjunct cusp of 7th House suggests she was looking for a partner (7th House) who could nurture her (CERES).

Unfortunately, there was also natal promise that the partner would challenge her (CERES square URANUS) and find it very easy to restrict her (CERES trine SATURN) and possibly cause her harm (CERES trine MARS/PLUTO conjunction in Scorpio).

This harming effect is repeated with SUN at 00 Aquarius square MARS/PLUTO, often showing challenges with/ from/ by men, particularly fathers and/or husbands (SUN).

MARS/PLUTO in hard aspect is often seen in the charts of victims and perpetrators of violence. Notice SATURN is also there in Scorpio and can be considered part of that conjunction (MARS/ PLUTO/ SATURN), particularly because all three planets (MARS/PLUTO/SATURN) are touched by MOON opposite CERES. This is dangerous (opposition) nurturing (MOON, CERES) by men (SUN, MARS/PLUTO).

Another reason I like this chart is because the 3rd & 4th House cusps mirror her actual experience as we know it from the early timelines. Stacy lost three sisters to death. The 3rd House of Siblings shows Scorpio (death) on the cusp, with PLUTO, MARS, SATURN conjunct.

PLUTO and SATURN are both death markers and MARS is violence and fire. One sister burned to death in a fire, one died of SIDS as an infant and the third at age 30 of cancer (PLUTO correlates with cancer, the disease).

The 4th House shows Sagittarius the Wanderer/ Long Distance Travel on its cusp with URANUS conjunct. We know Stacy had a disruptive, unconventional childhood involving parental abuse (certainly of each other; whether they abused the children is unclear although the older brother wound up in jail on sexual abuse charges & typically sex abusers were themselves abused as children). Notice NEPTUNE in the 4th. Lots of secrets. Things weren't as they appeared. URANUS in the 4th shows the sudden, disruptive events, the moves.

As I said, I like this chart because it seems to work.

Later this evening I will show you DEATH 1 - DEATH BEGINS and how this speculative natal chart fits in.


Impressive work, Soulscape. I agree with you, there are times when rectification is extremely vital. Other times, not so much. In this case, I think it was essential. Excellent, excellent work!

I've just read through the entire thread. Everyone has done a marvelous job tracking down all those times, dates, places, etc. Pat yourselves on the back. Excellent work.

I agree with Soulscape that knowing everything about a background is most important. After reading about Stacy's family background at other links, I realized how easily it must have been for her to hook up with DP. Her childhood was a mess. She lost her mother to an unknown fate, three sisters to death, her father's broken subsequent marriage, so many domestic and legal problems........ Stacy's life must have been extremely challenging.

Again, I'm in awe of the work done here.

When working with unknown birth times, I often prefer the sunrise ASC also. However, I've been known to work the ASC throughout the day just to get a more precise view as a whole. Sometimes moving the ASC that way gives more insight and helps to "choose" the closest possible birth time. Using all those death charts, plus the assumed birth time chart, can really give an accurate picture of the event in question.

Great work!
02/13/09 09:48 AM


Drew Peterson fiancee hopes for summer wedding

A woman who previously called her engagement to a former Illinois police sergeant suspected in his wife's disappearance a publicity "stunt" says their engagement is real and she hopes to marry him this summer.

Christina Raines told NBC's "Today" in an interview broadcast Friday that her father has made it clear he won't attend her wedding to Drew Peterson. The 24-year-old woman's family is scared for her safety.

She didn't directly address her claim earlier this month their engagement was a publicity stunt.

Peterson has been named a suspect in the 2007 disappearance of his fourth wife. His third wife died in 2004, and the death was later ruled a homicide.

The 55-year-old Peterson has denied any wrongdoing.

Instead of planning a wedding, she should be making an appointment with a shrink! And perhaps check on a pre-arranged funeral and burial policy. :eek:
02/13/09 09:48 AM


Drew Peterson fiancee hopes for summer wedding

Instead of planning a wedding, she should be making an appointment with a shrink! And perhaps check on a pre-arranged funeral and burial policy. :eek:

No kidding!! I hear Summer funerals are all the 'rage' these days! Ugh! I'm sure Drew is checking into the life insurance policies - no prenup for him...doesn't need it.
Anything new about DP? on any charts? his new gal? just wondering, I just check in.......
Greta saying very, very bad news for DP in 3rd wife homecide, has him scared????
still waiting for the story.........will let you know what is said!
Looks like girlfriend left again.
No June wedding. Still has to divorse Stacy.
Someting on another thred about looking into storage rentals?
Kathy Savio family filed wrongful death lawsuit, gee we already know this........
and Greta calls this news???
Jon Q Kelly on for the family of Savio.......

Strong Circumstantial evidence........
motive and opportunity.........

Thomas and Christopher will win the money
A month from now might be a criminal case????
WOW, thanks Jon Q
Well, well, well. Can we all sing in chorus, 'It's about time!!'


The Via Combusta rises (degree span 15 Libra thru 15 Scorpio) with the MOON within. MOON and PLUTO are in Fateful Degree, same degree as the NODES, always foretelling a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality whether in a horary or natal chart. Despite his joking demeanor upon arrest ('guess I should have returned those library books'), I would say beneath the surface (Scorpio is secretive), old Drew is emotionally (MOON) in a bit of a stew...

The SUN, which always gives information about the event, is posited in the 8th House of Death, Crime and Murder, partile quindecile MOON. This further confirms major stress. Both ASCENDANT and SUN are in VENUS's signs, so the arrest involves a crime (8th house) against a woman (VENUS).

The Arabic Part of Charm & Personality sits at 19 Scorpio --- Serpentis!!! --- closely opposite the VERTEX (fate, fated encounters). Hmmmm. Looks like old Drew isn't gonna charm his way outta this one....

Event Chart BLACK MOON LILITH 14 Capricorn is exact smack on DP's natal SUN. Event chart ASCENDANT is partile square his Sunrise MOON and event Midheaven is one degreee off his natal nodal axis.

The degree on the 4th House End of the Matter cusp is 24 Capricorn, a suicide degree, and like the Midheaven, only one degree off from DP's natal NODES. Does this describe the alleged death of Kathleen Savio for which he is being arrested, or is it an alert for authorities to keep an extra close eye on him while in prison awaiting his trial?

20 million bond= 2 million 10% state
happened in phase of full moon!
Moon fullest on the 9th
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