Fox12 report "WAR ROOM" 5/16/11 10:00pm

I'm sure LE was made aware of this child, but they stated his age at 4 to 6 because he still had his baby teeth, Kyron had obviously lost his 2 front teeth, maybe more, I'm pretty confident this is not Kyron.

I just reread all of the articles and they do not clarify if the unidentified victim had some or all of his baby teeth...I went back through some of Kyrons articles and cant be certain but normally, children lose their front teeth is obvious from Kyrons pics that his are still coming back in and are contrastingly large compared to the rest which tells me he has just started the tooth loss stage not long ago...going back through his pics from Kaine and Desiree you can pinpoint almost exactly when his teeth started falling out...some have them in as baby and some blank spots etc...if you look closely, it seems only the front four are new....(bumpy edges) I could be wrong...wish we knew if it was some or all....cant help but think that Oregon to Maine via Canada would be a good path to take to hide
The blond hair throws me off as I would describe Ky as light brown but can LE determine if it was dyed? If I was trying to disguise myself or someone else the first thing I would do is change hair color

God bless both of these beautiful babies!!!
I too was excited to see something new for Kyron. Did anyone else notice in the article that the report mentioned a tip recieved from Maine? Here is the exact quote from the article:
Krafve says they still receive tips, including one from the state of Maine on the day a reporter was allowed into the epicenter of the investigation.

Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I read CNN today and saw this:

the height is spot on as is eye color but the weight is 5lbs less and the hair color is listed as dirty blond.....not sure how certain they are so thought it was worth mentioning.

I pray its not him...will google and see if I can get more info....please jump in if anyone else knows if this child has been identified.
I thought of little Kyron too.This other article says this unidentified little boy still has his baby teeth.

The boy is described as having short, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. According to police, the child is about three feet, eight inches, weighs 45 pounds and still has his baby teeth.
According to this link the UID has all of his baby teeth left. Not Kyron, if this is true.

According to, it sounds like the child found in Maine might be too young to have been Kyron Horman. Kyron was seven when he disappeared from Portland, Oregon back on June 4, 2010. The body found on a remote road in South Berwick, Maine is deemed to be a child between four and six years old, who still had all of his baby teeth.
I really did not know where to put this.I'm sorry.I wonder what he meant by this?What plan?Should we be hearing something in a few days?

The Sheriff says he's in discussions with the district attorney on how to proceed.
He should have more details on what that plan is -- in a few days.
I take it as the sheriff is discussing with the DA whether they have enough evidence to present the case to a GJ and/or whether the evidence is strong enough to get an indictment.
I take it as the sheriff is discussing with the DA whether they have enough evidence to present the case to a GJ and/or whether the evidence is strong enough to get an indictment.

Unless they have several new pieces of good information, it seems unlikely that the DA would try another grandy jury at this time, at least to me, if in fact the GJ last year declined to indict as seems probable.

We seem to have the same situation we had a year ago; lots of suspicious behavior and history regarding TH, but nothing to show she took him away, much less what she did with him after that. From Kaine's statements, I gathered that they do not, in fact, have a whole bunch, or much at all, new information.

If they are unable to prove she took him from school on June 4th, they cannot even prove custodial interference, the mildest charge I can imagine and probably not worth the effort if not accompanied by other crimes.
Unless they have several new pieces of good information, it seems unlikely that the DA would try another grandy jury at this time, at least to me, if in fact the GJ last year declined to indict as seems probable.

We seem to have the same situation we had a year ago; lots of suspicious behavior and history regarding TH, but nothing to show she took him away, much less what she did with him after that. From Kaine's statements, I gathered that they do not, in fact, have a whole bunch, or much at all, new information.

If they are unable to prove she took him from school on June 4th, they cannot even prove custodial interference, the mildest charge I can imagine and probably not worth the effort if not accompanied by other crimes.

Maybe that's why they are looking closer at the fire 20 years ago? Charge her with arson?
It's possible they could go after her for the MFH but I think that is going to be even harder to prove. Still, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried that route instead.
Statute of limitations is most likely up on the it would not be to charge her with it.
That is what I was thinking about a possible arson charge as well, Cluciano.
Why would they NEED to focus on this fire from 20 years ago...?

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