France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #1

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I expect death toll to rise significally. No surprise to anyone terrorists shouted islamic slogans.
RIP all innocent victims and thoughts & prayers with families.
Stay strong France.

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One of the worst things you can do is show fear to your attacker. Perhaps Obama's comment was relating to not showing our fear to the perps of this awful event. Whomever is responsible for this attack is already getting off on it, I wouldn't want to give them more to feed off of.
Peter Allen ‏@peterallenparis 11m11 minutes ago
Louvre, Pompidou Centre & Les Halles shopping centre now being targeted in coordinated Paris attacks. City streets emptying of civilians..

This is clearly still a very active event!
I believe they mean there are 6-8 bad guys in there. Last word on Chicago news is there are 100 people in the stadium.

Big difference between an 'r' and an 'n in' ' hostage takers'. Thanks so much for catching my mistake.
I expect death toll to rise significally. No surprise to anyone terrorists shouted islamic slogans.
RIP all innocent victims and thoughts & prayers with families.
Stay strong France.

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Thank you for posting this. Love your Je suis Charlie image.
Dear God. Just got home and got a text to turn on the TV. I have no words, just wanted to check in with my WS homeys. :(
Hoping that all emergency responders stay safe. Thanks for what you do!!
For some reason that's scarier, to know they were just lying in wait with this elaborate plan. And no one knew. Where's our intelligence?

Unfortunately intelligence is not able to thwart every single attack it's just not possible very sadly but these dedicated people have stopped many of them and saved millions of people around the world.
This is beautiful. I hope in this tragedy the people of France find themselves strengthened in their solidarity.
at least ten ambulances arriving now at the concert hall
Sounds like they are going for the maximum body count. The military/swat teams better get moving quick.

This sounds a lot like the Russian Theater terrorist attack, except those terrorists made demands and the Russians killed them all.
French President Hollande declares state of emergency and closes borders.

Telegraph Liveblog

President Hollande announced on TV and radio that a state of emergency would be declared. "France must be strong in the face of terrorism," he said. "Terrorist attacks are taking place in Paris. It's a horror, We have mobilised all possible forces."

A police source said gun attacks had taken place at six different locations in Paris, as well as the grenade attack at the Stade de France (stadium). French media reported as many as 40 dead, with 60 "extremely urgent" casualties rushed to hospitals. At least one ongoing hostage situation, possibly several, police said.

I am not good at maps - bcc just showed one so i will do it the best way three of the attcks looked like reasonably close and the was one that was what looked to me far away like a different part if that makes sense ,
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