GUILTY GA - Eight family members brutally murdered in Brunswick home, 29 Aug 2009

Toler died from brain injuries resulting from gunshot wounds, according to a spokesperson for Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah. His body has been sent to the Georgia Crime Laboratory in Savannah for an autopsy. There was no public report of what type of firearm was used. This was cited in the brunswick news. I am not saying they were shot ,but LE will lie to the public ,victims famiy,and the media if they thinks he helps them there case and cause to do so ,it is an investagative tool theyuse. Not saying that is what is going but it is a possiablity.
This link is unrelated to this case I only posted it to show how the deciption is part of a murder investigation.

Thanks, OBE - yes, the sleeping thing makes the way it happened make a little more sense to much sense as something this terrible can make. Still seems someone might have woken up....

I wonder if the child was perhaps asleep with or between two adults and bludgeoned "accidentally." (ie - he was smashing everyone's heads in and then saw he had also beaten the child and this snapped him into stopping and making that phone call...just a thought)

I wish I could say that I felt this man had one ounce of human decency but I really don't believe he did. I think he meant to kill them all no matter their ages.

In fact I have been thinking about what was first said about these poor people couldn't even be identified visually due to the bludgeoning they all had sustained. I am wondering if he used an ax or hatchet. Imo this wasn't just some whacks on the head. I think the weapon or weapons he used were brutal that caused horrific damage with every blow. Maybe that is why there was only a graveside memorial. I doubt any of the caskets were opened for viewing.

Who really knows but I think when he left he thought they were all dead. He left to get rid of the weapons, clothing and shoes and when he returned when he thought it was time to call 911 is when he realized that Michael was still breathing. He never mentions the little boy being alive. So he had no recourse but to tell the 911 op because he knew they were already on their way and he also knew the maintenance worker was standing right outside of the home when he went inside.

Now it would be very interesting if LE checked the shower and drain plug to see if any of the victims' blood was present or his bloody fingerprints were there in the victim's blood.

The last I heard LE was still actively working the crime scene. No telling what they will find before its over with.

Toler died from brain injuries resulting from gunshot wounds, according to a spokesperson for Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah. His body has been sent to the Georgia Crime Laboratory in Savannah for an autopsy. There was no public report of what type of firearm was used. This was cited in the brunswick news. I am not saying they were shot ,but LE will lie to the public ,victims famiy,and the media if they thinks he helps them there case and cause to do so ,it is an investigative tool theyuse. Not saying that is what is going but it is a possibility.
This link is unrelated to this case I only posted it to show how the deception is part of a murder investigation.


I just think it was misinformation which isn't uncommon in cases like this.

I do think he died of severe brain injuries but it was from being bludgeoned to death.

I see no reason why Doering would lie about such a thing that is going to come out anyway. No respectable PC is going to put out something he will then have to tell the public he was wrong.

Doering is handling this investigation and I believe him when he is interviewed in the media over other sources.

I have never seen them lie about how someone was murdered.

I dont think he is lying ,about the blunt force trama or anything else either to the press,but there is no doubt in my mind he is trying to make it seems like he has more information then he does . I am confused as to the Hospital spokepersons misinformation and i cant just blow it off . Just like I cant blow off belinda west showing up at the scene saying they killed her boy and he lived there .And now there are only 10 people living there. I am not blowing off the media reports either. I hope when case does go to court he has all his proof that guy did actually do this and or a very reasonable jury .
A sledge hammer is a tool used by some construction crews. It would have been an effective tool and Guy jr. looks strong enough to handle one with ease.
I don't think he is lying ,about the blunt force trauma or anything else either to the press,but there is no doubt in my mind he is trying to make it seems like he has more information then he does . I am confused as to the Hospital spokepersons misinformation and i cant just blow it off . Just like I cant blow off belinda west showing up at the scene saying they killed her boy and he lived there .And now there are only 10 people living there. I am not blowing off the media reports either. I hope when case does go to court he has all his proof that guy did actually do this and or a very reasonable jury .

I do believe they already have very incriminating evidence against this suspect. Maybe Jr. wasn't as careful as he thought he was. Hard to fool LE and GBI/FBI forensic teams. May have been seen when he thought he wasn't. Neighbors may have seen and heard things he thought they would pay no mind to. The list of possibilities is endless. Thankfully this is why most suspects get caught. They weren't nearly as smart as they thought they were.

The hospital spokesperson could have been told they were shot. I think at the time they were so horrifically disfigured it was hard to tell if they had been beaten or shot. That really shows the brutality he used.

A sledge hammer is a tool used by some construction crews. It would have been an effective tool and Guy jr. looks strong enough to handle one with ease.

I thought about that tool too, fhc. I sure hope someone that worked with him remembers if any of his tools are now missing.

I thought about that tool too, fhc. I sure hope someone that worked with him remembers if any of his tools are now missing.


I'm wondering if all his tools are in LE custody. Blood on the work end of a tool would be suspicious. He would have needed to clean himself up and common sense would dictate that he clean the tool(s) up at the same time. There appears to be a river in the area. I don't see how he could have gotten into his vehicle without blood transfer. Do you think he would shower at the MH and take the chance of someone finding him there with all the carnage?
It's possible that there was a witness to Heinze Jr. being at the trailer during the time of the killings. They may have heard a commotion and looked out and seen his car in the driveway. MD is quoted in this article as saying it's just a presumption that nobody heard anything when the killings took place.

"Doering also was asked how so many people could be killed, beaten to death, without neighbors who live nearby hearing anything. The trailer that the 10 victims lived in was not air-conditioned but had three window fans running, Doering said."

"You're presuming no one was disturbed," he said, without elaborating.
I'm not trying to be flippant, but 10 people in a small trailer without air conditioning? In south Georgia? It's almost a wonder there weren't problems before. I live in Florida and domestic disputes skyrocket in the summer. I bet that trailer was a literal tinderbox. People are hot, crowded, and tempers flare. Add to that motive or drugs or whatever else, and man.

Not that heat will lead to brutal mass killings in most cases, but I could see how it could enhance a crime of rage. There had to be some rage here.
I'm not trying to be flippant, but 10 people in a small trailer without air conditioning? In south Georgia? It's almost a wonder there weren't problems before. I live in Florida and domestic disputes skyrocket in the summer. I bet that trailer was a literal tinderbox. People are hot, crowded, and tempers flare. Add to that motive or drugs or whatever else, and man.

Not that heat will lead to brutal mass killings in most cases, but I could see how it could enhance a crime of rage. There had to be some rage here.

I am sure they weren't the most comfortable but they may have been quite use to it and had always used window fans. I have noticed those who are not acclimated to a/c have a much better tolerance for the heat than those who are constantly use to a/c.

With them having three window fans going full blast though it sure would cut down on any other noise that may have been heard inside the home and outside.

If this crime were a fiction story, I would have faulted the author for an implausible crime.

There is no explanation that anyone has come up with that makes sense. I can't wait to hear the truth because it doesn't add up. I'm not talking about motive....just how could eight people be overcome?

The suspect on drugs.....
The victims drugged....
The victims asleep.....
The victims stunned....( I haven't heard this theory but its more realistic than sleeping)

Be real..... I walk to bed and my daughter wakes up from my footsteps! And no offense but the sledgehammer idea seems ridiculous. It takes a huge effort and great aim and lots of time and space!!

If the authorities weren't convinced they had their man, I would have leaned towards something related to the rumor that Chrissy helped put some criminals behind bars. Its easier to swallow an unrelated killer idea. On the other hand.....I'm a little amazed at suspect managing to discuss things, tamper with the scene, etc... Who cares about a gun, etc... or anything at all for that matter when you find many relatives dead?!!

Why was this horrific crime dropped out of the spotlight so quickly too?

Scratching my head and trying to think of the obvious missing piece of the puzzle......:confused:
If this crime were a fiction story, I would have faulted the author for an implausible crime.

There is no explanation that anyone has come up with that makes sense. I can't wait to hear the truth because it doesn't add up. I'm not talking about motive....just how could eight people be overcome?

The suspect on drugs.....
The victims drugged....
The victims asleep.....
The victims stunned....( I haven't heard this theory but its more realistic than sleeping)

Be real..... I walk to bed and my daughter wakes up from my footsteps! And no offense but the sledgehammer idea seems ridiculous. It takes a huge effort and great aim and lots of time and space!!

If the authorities weren't convinced they had their man, I would have leaned towards something related to the rumor that Chrissy helped put some criminals behind bars. Its easier to swallow an unrelated killer idea. On the other hand.....I'm a little amazed at suspect managing to discuss things, tamper with the scene, etc... Who cares about a gun, etc... or anything at all for that matter when you find many relatives dead?!!

Why was this horrific crime dropped out of the spotlight so quickly too?

Scratching my head and trying to think of the obvious missing piece of the puzzle......:confused:

Hi ,and Welcome to the board!
I have no idea why it is dropping, maybe because LE refuse to answer questions.
If this crime were a fiction story, I would have faulted the author for an implausible crime.

There is no explanation that anyone has come up with that makes sense. I can't wait to hear the truth because it doesn't add up. I'm not talking about motive....just how could eight people be overcome?

The suspect on drugs.....
The victims drugged....
The victims asleep.....
The victims stunned....( I haven't heard this theory but its more realistic than sleeping)

Be real..... I walk to bed and my daughter wakes up from my footsteps! And no offense but the sledgehammer idea seems ridiculous. It takes a huge effort and great aim and lots of time and space!!

If the authorities weren't convinced they had their man, I would have leaned towards something related to the rumor that Chrissy helped put some criminals behind bars. Its easier to swallow an unrelated killer idea. On the other hand.....I'm a little amazed at suspect managing to discuss things, tamper with the scene, etc... Who cares about a gun, etc... or anything at all for that matter when you find many relatives dead?!!

Why was this horrific crime dropped out of the spotlight so quickly too?

Scratching my head and trying to think of the obvious missing piece of the puzzle......:confused:

I'll have to admit that this one made more sense to me when the theory was that a shotgun had been used. Now I hear that the victims were beaten and I am totally perplexed. I am still, however, convinced that the assailant took out the strongest first, there was still the element of surprise, they were probably asleep and I can see him using, as someone suggested, a sledgehammer. Someone full of rage, as this assailant probably was, could pull it off, especially if he is pumped full of narcotics, this could have rendered his adrenalin level to an all time high, people in that state can be very powerful. I have heard of police officers having a difficult time subduing a person when they are pumped high on drugs or even just alcohol so this is not unheard of. I will be curious to learn what their theory is of how exactly this crime was committed. What exactly could these poor people have done to fill this guy so full of this kind of rage that he would attact them so viciously. Even if we learn this I doubt that any of us will understand, murder never makes sense.
I just listened to the 911 call from the property manager. In the call, the 911 operator said they recieved a call about screams and threats. Has anyone heard of this?
Thank you. I was wondering if I heard that correctly. I wonder when that call came in?
She says in the call that she was just told by her maintenance man after guy jr ran to his house.
I listened to the call from guy jr again too. He is still innocent to me until I see REAL proof he is guilty.

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