GA - Jennifer Wilbanks, runaway bride, for false police report, Duluth, 2005

I don't think she'll really get the felony conviction.
A felony conviction is something that could
really ruin your life.

That's all I'm really going to say on this topic.
There isn't much more to discuss at the moment.

How long does it usually take after the Grand Jury has
indicted someone??
I think JW deserves the current charges. She planned her whole escape and wanted it to look like she was abducted, if she had not planned it she would not have come up with such a *advertiser censored* and bull story when she finally called home.
So now we have an indictment, which pleases me to no end.
But... I wondering what you think will come of it /
I feel pretty strongly that she should pay the price for her game.
She's done a lot of damage to other missing adults...putting a lot of scrutiny on the circumstances and wasting precious time.
Still... I'm on the fence about the Felony charge. Strange for me...I didn't expect to feel this way.
Marthatex said:
I wonder what John Mason is thinking and saying privately now. Would love to be a fly on the wall at his home. I'll bet his parents are in shock also. Wonder if he regrets his rush to go on Hannity & Colmes.

One reason this could be a forum, is that isn't he and his family kind of a victim in all this? But unfortunately I'm sure they're not going to let out much information.
Are there any lessons: 1) How well do you really know the person you are marrying?
2) Should we do a criminal background check on fiances?
I'm sure they will stand by her.
Even if privately they are thinking
other things.
If she's mentally ill she will also need their support
right now.
I almost wish this case would just go away.
Nothing really to discuss, IMO.
What she did was stupid and selfish.
I'm sure that she regrets it now that her face
is known all throughout america!

(didn't i say i wasn't going to post on this *LOL*)
Here's what I read at

The felony charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and the misdemeanor up to a year in jail if she is convicted. She could also face up to $11,000 in fines and be ordered to reimburse authorities for the cost of the search.


Her attorney can offer a deal to the prosecution that they pay restitution, she would seek counselling and she'd be on probation for the maximum years punishable (five) and they could drop the charges.

I believe they're making an example of her and realize that prison is not the place for her. I don't think we'll be seeing a trial unless the prosecutor just has a bug up his/her butt about this whole thing.
Jeana (DP) said:
Here's what I read at

The felony charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and the misdemeanor up to a year in jail if she is convicted. She could also face up to $11,000 in fines and be ordered to reimburse authorities for the cost of the search.


Her attorney can offer a deal to the prosecution that they pay restitution, she would seek counselling and she'd be on probation for the maximum years punishable (five) and they could drop the charges.

I believe they're making an example of her and realize that prison is not the place for her. I don't think we'll be seeing a trial unless the prosecutor just has a bug up his/her butt about this whole thing.
I hope your right.!
And I hope the Prosecutor doesn't use her to
make his/her own career take off.

I don't believe that she deserves hard jail time.
Maybe a few weekend jail dates, but definitely not the
label "felon".

judge not, lest ye be judged
From what is being reported on the news, the area businesses are quite upset with Wilbanks..saying she has costs them lost revenue etc. because she led the public to believe Deluth was an unsafe community. IMO, this case is being charged by emotion rather than logic. The DA, since he is elected by the people, really has to do what the people want. If the business owners want her to face tough penalties, I think he will have to follow through with their wishes.
Timex said:
From what is being reported on the news, the area businesses are quite upset with Wilbanks..saying she has costs them lost revenue etc. because she led the public to believe Deluth was an unsafe community. IMO, this case is being charged by emotion rather than logic. The DA, since he is elected by the people, really has to do what the people want. If the business owners want her to face tough penalties, I think he will have to follow through with their wishes.

With all the different news outlets and magazine people in Deluth while this thing was going on - I'm sure the businesses didn't suffer too much. In my opinion, they are upset because it turned out to all be made up leaving them feeling used - and rightfully so - but I doubt their businesses suffered because of it.
Jeana (DP) said:
Here's what I read at

The felony charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, and the misdemeanor up to a year in jail if she is convicted. She could also face up to $11,000 in fines and be ordered to reimburse authorities for the cost of the search.


Her attorney can offer a deal to the prosecution that they pay restitution, she would seek counselling and she'd be on probation for the maximum years punishable (five) and they could drop the charges.

I believe they're making an example of her and realize that prison is not the place for her. I don't think we'll be seeing a trial unless the prosecutor just has a bug up his/her butt about this whole thing.

Anyone that shoplifts numerous times and paid fines knows full well that she is breaking the law. She had a record when she pulled this stunt, you would think she would have kept her nose clean. She apparently hasn't learned a thing from being arrested before. Maybe she can see a shrink in jail.
packerdog said:
Anyone that shoplifts numerous times and paid fines knows full well that she is breaking the law. She had a record when she pulled this stunt, you would think she would have kept her nose clean. She apparently hasn't learned a thing from being arrested before. Maybe she can see a shrink in jail.

While I agree that what she did broke the law etc, I cannot agree with a felony charge on this. Felony charges are meant to be used for the most serious criminal activities, this case IMO, just doesnt measure up to serious criminal activity. We can fill our prisons with "felons" such as Wilbanks, all the while having to release the violent offenders to make room for the likes of her. Somehow, that just doesnt make sense to me. If I have to choose between a cell for Wilbanks, and a cell for a rapist..the rapist will get my vote.
sharon25 said:
I hope your right.!
And I hope the Prosecutor doesn't use her to
make his/her own career take off.

I don't believe that she deserves hard jail time.
Maybe a few weekend jail dates, but definitely not the
label "felon".

judge not, lest ye be judged

Well sweetie, its the prosecutor's job to see that people who break the law get punished (one way or another).

Also, our court system, which is what we're talking about now, is in place to "judge." So, while we individuals sitting around talking about her are "judging," I don't think the prosecutor can be accused of that. :) :)
Timex said:
From what is being reported on the news, the area businesses are quite upset with Wilbanks..saying she has costs them lost revenue etc. because she led the public to believe Deluth was an unsafe community. IMO, this case is being charged by emotion rather than logic. The DA, since he is elected by the people, really has to do what the people want. If the business owners want her to face tough penalties, I think he will have to follow through with their wishes.

Absolutely. They're also free to sue her in civil court.
Timex said:
Only tybee or tricia can start forums. Personally, my 2 cents would be this woman just isnt important enough to warrant the time or energy required to maintain a forum on her. She did it...she's been charged...she will be arrested. Whats left to sleuth on this case? Whats left to discuss? How many ways are there to say she is scum and needs to be locked up? How many pages of the same things need to be posted about her?

There are many REAL cases that should demand our attention. This just isnt one of them IMO. How many parents of missing children would love to have the amount of time and enregy put into their childs case as has been wasted on this woman?

Everyone screams about how much she has cost us...yet they continue to allow her to cost us more by feeding into this frenzie.

Actually I was just being a smarty-pants !!
I thought there was going to be no Jennifer discussion UNLESS she was charged therefore requiring the need of her own forum hence my comment.

I myself wasnt interested before and certainly arent I now
(although Im all for her getting charged).
Carry on............
Jennifer didn't do anything against the law until she called 911 and lied. You can run away, it's not really nice to do that, but it's not illegal. She lied for 4 hours. So NM didn't press charges. So GA do what they want. She knows she has to pay the piper!

As for a forum, if the majority wants it, perhaps it should be taken into consideration.

I need a nap!!! :twocents:
I doubt she'll do any time, but who knows...she might.

As for being charged with a felony...well, that's the law. That's the way it goes. If her life if screwed up because of this, then that's her problem. She's the one who fabricated this whole charade. She grew it, she gets to chew it. She shouldn't be treated any differently that any other law breaker.

I do think she has some mental issues, but then, I'll bet most criminals do, but that doesn't make them exempt from being charged (when they break laws).

If she'd just skipped town...I'd feel differently about this. But she didn't...

As for the town and the loss of business, well...that doesn't really enter into it with me. I'm only interested in the laws of the land...and how everyone should be expected to obey them...even rich little brides-to-be. If she was some crack addict from a trailer park, I doubt we'd even be hearing about this. She'd have been arrested and her butt would be in jail.
I think people are drawn to the story because it's a morality tale--it lets people compare notes on what is and isn't OK.

The mysteries are Why did she run? Who is she really, if she's not the golden girl she appeared to be? What really happened between the time she left for a jog, and when she reappeared in New Mexico? Isn't there anyone who saw her on her trip who could give clues to her state of mind? What about the couple--do they really exist? What did she tell them?
What has me upset more then anything regarding this case is yes she lied ,what she did was wrong and she should be punished but 5 years in prison no way, we dont' have enough room already in jails and prison for the violent criminals. And yet it was ok for John Coury's step sister to lie along with 2 other people when police came to her house twice asking her if she knew where John Courys where abouts were and asked her who was living in her home. But yet they dropped the charges on them and the $itch even knew that he was a molestor and family members knew it was said that he molested Dixon's daughter yet it's ok for her and the other 2 to lie and it's ok that she let a molestor into her home with her own children. I just don't get it *shaking my head in sadness*and because of her lie's a precious innocent child was murdered...
MistyGirl said:
I AGREE 100%. This woman doesn't have a "mental illiness" she has "issues" that is for sure.....but just because she cant follow the laws such as shop lifting etc and doesn't have the guts to stand up and say hey I don't want to get married...............we all have "issues" as far as I am concerned. This crap of her going in the hosiptal was just a way to try to get people to feel sorry for her and to hope that no one presses charges. I am glad she has been charged she should have been from the start. What she was TERRILBE as far as I am concerned there was no excuse for her actions what so ever....JMHO
I have to agree with you completely! I've seen too many apologists for this woman, she's no little girl. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She cried rape and false abduction! This is not just getting cold feet and running away from a wedding! Future victims will be jeopardized by her crimes!!! This does deserve media coverage and it's own forum, just as much as the case in Idaho.:twocents:
Mabel said:
The fact is, Jennifer broke the law (not for the first time) and cost people a lot of money, heartache, and worry. She staged an abduction and filed a false police report accusing two people of kidnapping and rape. A false police report is a "lie" and that's what she's being charged with. Whether there are people who committed worse crimes or other people who aren't getting their fair share of media attention doesn't make her any less guilty.

I see no reason why she shouldn't at least be charged, she's nobody special and has no more right to break the law than anyone else. Ultimately the judge will determine if the charges are just and what her sentence will be.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Well said, Mabel!
sharon25 said:
"Porter said Wilbanks faced one count of making a false statement to a government agency, a felony charge that carries a sentence of up to five years, and one of falsely reporting a crime, a misdemeanor that carries a term of up to one year."

I'm not happy about what she did either.
But I think making her a Felon is a little much...
I think the misdemeanor is on target, along with possibly
community service and restitution

Maybe she already is a felon. Isn't there a limit to how much you can shoplift before it becomes a felony in GA? I thought I read that she had once shoplifted over 1k of merchandise at one time. I'll have to do some searching.

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