GA GA - Monica Bowie, 34, Dekalb County, 5 July 2007


1. MySpace page being built as we speak. I am gathering info, links, pictures, interviewing family (for public statement), Lisa will build.

2. Webpage being constructed by Animal, Graceful and me.

3. DNA Collection email sent to Det. Jackman.

4. Family is leaving to go back to PA Tuesday, I am hoping Det. J jumps right on this DNA collection!

5. We need a billboard, at Druid Hills exit...someone needs to research this ASAP...get it donated or find out minimal cost, then we beg for money.

6. We need to map out from abduction area to where car found, decide on doable radius and start searching. This needs to be thought out and planned.

7. I'd also, out of curiousity try to figure out if they were to go as far as possible in every direction how far could they have gotten to and back in 4 days..I am just curious.

8. OK this is weird, but I'm telling it anyway. There was a neighbor with me yesterday, a young boy, 14....when we left the apt complex he kept saying he heard something and asked me if I heard it, I said was really bothering him, he kept telling me the # 422....crazy, yes....I wonder who lives in Apt 422. I know, crazy.

8. We need to get Monica's story all over the internet. Need volutneers, get her listed at all known missing sites.

Make A Difference in 2007!

422 i wonder but i have afeeling that that has something to do with this case.......but it could stand for anything......
I posted her on our forum for you, Christine.

Thanks Kelly! Thanks for all the emails today, the advice. You are AWESOME!!!! The info on helping w/searches and not being 'in charge', excellent advice. I wonder if we can some how put together a 'professional' team....just another possible..I will put it on my 5 yr goal list ;) For now, we can sleuth it out, but not try and doing anything crazy! But we can assist if volunteers are needed.

I talked with Linda, the mom and told her the myspace page was up and asked her to think about some things we can add and some specifics about the webpage we are trying to get up for Monica. Thanks everyone for your help and support.
<waves at Christine> I saw you! You look great and ready to work! Glad to see you out there helping! The fliers are a good start.

Her family looks so worried and so very nice. My heart just goes out to them. I hope Monica is found safe and comes home soon.

I can't help but think this is related to her BF somehow.
WTG Christine! Good job getting Monica back into the news. I really hope it helps bring her home.

I wish we had been home in time to help you! I feel like I failed at my very first mission. :(
WTG Christine! Good job getting Monica back into the news. I really hope it helps bring her home.

I wish we had been home in time to help you! I feel like I failed at my very first mission. :(

Nahhhhhhhh, much more to be done. I'll be in touch ;)
I agree - fantastic job Christine! It's refreshing to be on this board and see that there are still good people in the world!
The family needs to be active in getting her name out to the public. Are they setting things up with organizations now? How are the searches coming along? What is happening on this one?

I hope they are taking a long, hard look at her boyfriend and his "associates". I think he may feel he is in jail because she wouldn't take the rap for him with the gun and drugs giving him a motive. He could have orchestrated this abduction as pay back.

In this article, it talks about how the guy they arrested borrowed the car from another guy who they called "another victim". Why is that? Did he buy the car from someone else? They haven't explained it any further that I have found.

On July 4, police said Keels borrowed the vehicle from another man, Tyrone Crawford, who police have said is another victim.
In this article, it talks about how the guy they arrested borrowed the car from another guy who they called "another victim". Why is that? Did he buy the car from someone else? They haven't explained it any further that I have found.

On July 4, police said Keels borrowed the vehicle from another man, Tyrone Crawford, who police have said is another victim.

I have questioned this and have not rec'd an answer from the detective.

I agree the family needs to take charge, however, the family had to go back to Pittsburg. This is a difficult one. I have written the attorney 2 times via email asking progress, assuming he is the one that will represent Monica now that her family is back up reply. I will call him today and see if I can find out what the status is.

I have also sent the family info needed to get DNA in CODIS. I have not spoke to them since Sunday. I will call Monica's mom tonight to see what they are doing about the DNA collection. They were supposed to call me to discuss setting up a webpage and MySpace page, but they never called me back, so we just put up the page w/o family input :(

I still have not had time to map out the abduction location to the discovery of the car...I really need to work on that.

Right now, I am depending on family/lawyer friend/detectives...not sure how much more I can do w/o them.

I also want to work on getting a billboard up near the abduction, I need 48 hours in one day~!
Exactly where was the car found? Is it in one of the articles? I can help you map it out.
The family needs to be active in getting her name out to the public. Are they setting things up with organizations now? How are the searches coming along? What is happening on this one?

Check out this article! I found this in a not so well known local paper called Creative Loafing:

Monica Bowie kidnapping falls through cracks

Frustrations voiced for relative lack of media coverage

Monica Renee Bowie telephoned her mother in Pittsburgh twice on July 4.

"We talked about her wedding plans," says her mother, Linda Howard. "She's getting married on March 30, next year."

It was the last time they spoke.

Howard flew to Atlanta last Friday to take part in a public search of her daughter's neighborhood near Lenox Square mall. DeKalb County police say she was kidnapped on July 5 from the parking lot of the Berkshires at Lenox Park apartments.

"Let her go," Howard says. "I'm not interested in prosecution. I just want my daughter back."

More at link.

ETA....I just reread and thought to post this part, interesting
From the same article I just posted

Harris says the family's public response to a kidnapping is a critical factor determining what kind of coverage it will receive.

"This is going to sound sick," Harris says. "But they've got to be loud and market her life and convince the media that she deserves to be loved as much they love her. People who can figure out how to work the system get much better results."
Exactly where was the car found? Is it in one of the articles? I can help you map it out.

I still don't know. Mr. Griggs, the attorney was supposed to give me that info, but I haven't been able to connect w/him since the Saturday we initally met.

I have searched news, and am still searching.

I found a lot of info....

I am soooooooo tired. Long night. Had a few WSers over to work on this and some other local stuff.

Check this this paper, have I missed this, I hadn' seen this mentioned before:

Jasper Keels, 24, of Decatur was arrested July 8 for stealing the car from an acquaintance, and for possession of drugs, but he denies any involvement in Bowie's disappearance. Police won't say if they believe he was involved in the kidnapping. He is still in custody.

Another possible suspect identified by DeKalb County police is 27-year-old Lonnie Bennett of Atlanta. According to a police incident report, Bennett was seen "coming out of or near" Bowie's apartment after the alleged kidnapping.

Pulled over after leaving the parking deck at Bowie's apartment complex, Bennett's car contained what police describe as a "large paper bag" that contained cash. Police would not confirm how much money was in the bag, only that it was a "large amount." Bennett has been in and out of Fulton County Jail on narcotics charges, as well as theft and sexual-battery charges.

Griggs, Bowie's lawyer, is acting as a local spokesman in Atlanta for Bowie's family. Asked if Bowie is acquainted with Bennett, he replied, "No, he's an acquaintance of Shernotta Walters."

Walters, according to Bowie's friends and family, is Bowie's fiance. He was arrested in June, during the same incident that led to Bowie's arrest, for drug possession and felony possession of a firearm. At the time, Walters was on parole after having served almost two years in prison for drug offenses.

He was in jail when Bowie was kidnapped. Her mother says she spoke to Walters in jail and does not believe he was involved with the kidnapping.
Oh, that is VERY interesting indeed!!! Sounds like a payoff, doesn't it?! I still say the COB has something to do with her disappearance for him ending up behind bars. I wonder if Lonnie happened to be in jail with him during some time after he was busted this last time? He could have very well orchestrated this from behind bars.

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