GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

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Sorry if this has been mentioned, and not that it really matters, but did he buy the light bulbs so that he would have a seemingly 'legitimate reason' to go to the car and check on Cooper?

It's been speculated that he may not have been dead and that's why he didn't 'discover' him then - but from what I've read , that's not a possibility, right? Because he would have been dead within an hour or so? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I apologize for rehashing - I'm reading what I can of transcripts and news sources, but I can't find a full transcript! I wasn't able to listen in today and so I'm playing catch up until DH is asleep and I can watch the youtube videos posted (DH can't stomach these cases - guess that's a good thing, and means he's a good dad.)
At another point in the interview room, Stoddard said, Leanna Harris asked her husband about what he had said to police.
"She asked him -- she had him sit down, and he starts going through this. And she looks at him, and she's like, 'Well, did you say too much?' " the detective testified.

I am SO glad that LE allowed the two to "reunite" and recorded it. No better way to sink both of them, IMO.
That's why I said "accidentally". That guy knew what he was doing when he flipped that pic over like he did.


No, I mean ALL of them. All the photos of Jodi ...close ups... Etc...

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Thanks Ranch! They say he was sent an email, but do we know that he read the email? That's going to be a smoking gun.

I wouldn't be surprised when this case goes to trial that we will see more smoking guns. I was surprised by the amount of evidence that the state presented in court today. I figured they would let more out than usual but was not expecting so much at this early stage.
Sorry if this has been mentioned, and not that it really matters, but did he buy the light bulbs so that he would have a seemingly 'legitimate reason' to go to the car and check on Cooper?

It's been speculated that he may not have been dead and that's why he didn't 'discover' him then - but from what I've read , that's not a possibility, right? Because he would have been dead within an hour or so? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I apologize for rehashing - I'm reading what I can of transcripts and news sources, but I can't find a full transcript! I wasn't able to listen in today and so I'm playing catch up until DH is asleep and I can watch the youtube videos posted (DH can't stomach these cases - guess that's a good thing, and means he's a good dad.)

Ok, I hate to type this but here goes.

Cooper may have been dead at lunch time, but his poor little body was in the act of decomposing and may have been making some noises. Harris may have thought this meant that Cooper was still alive at that time.
The way she described Cooper's last night in their bed has always given me chills. I would not be able to recount my last moments with my child without collapsing into a blubbering heap. And her "happy" list?:furious:

I am so far behind. Do you know where I could find this? I am so sorry.
I'm scared about what else they find on his computer....

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And also whatever they may find once they get the official phone logs from his cell phone provider. Can't imagine it getting any worse than what I heard today, but, sadly, it could get even worse.
I wonder what RH thinks of all the attention the case is getting, since if LE bought that it was an accident, it would not be getting anywhere near as much.

The probably wanted another standing ovation after his character witness's.

I'm sickened by his court demeanor. I would have held my head in such shame. His sickening evidence and secrets are shown and he shows nothing, no sorrow for his lost son, no shame, nothing. He is void of any conscience or shame. I want a trial going for the Death Penalty,expose his secrets. I don't need to hear them, just want all of them exposed.

RIPeace to Cooper.
Leanna should be afraid, very afraid. If LE can prove that she was involved, she will be joining Harris in jail and then later in prison.

We might not get too many more details if he makes a deal and pleads guilty.
I thought after Casey Anthony I could no longer be shocked by the method a parent would choose to murder their child. Ross and his lovely wife have proven me wrong. I would like to know why LH would not have tried desperately to get to the car if she believed Ross had "accidentally" left Cooper in the car. If I thought there was even a slight chance my child was locked in a car somewhere I would do everything in my power to get to that car NOW!:banghead:
We might not get too many more details if he makes a deal.

I don't see Mr. "I'm smarter than everyone else" making a plea deal. Like most killers that think they pulled off the perfect crime, he will beg for his day in court.

The mums question "did you say too much?" it is really odd. I would have said did you tell them everything.
This comedy defence lawyer.

I cannot believe he compared the situation to forgetting leftovers. Which, in the example he used, someone went on to REMEMBER.
We might not get too many more details if he makes a deal and pleads guilty.

Nah, he lacks the insight to fully comprehend just how bad he looks.

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