GA - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 #1 *Arrests*

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I had an acquaintance drop a name in this case that I had not heard before. From my understanding I cannot name names unless they are named a POI. Is this correct? Mods? Anyone?

The rules basically say that we cannot sleuth anyone not named a POI of declared a suspect by LE.
Yes, then no name should be mentioned in the Tara Grinstead case because LE has never named a POI

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Is this person deceased? Not the person who committed suicide but someone else?

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I have a quick question. Has Crystal Lake or what used to be called Bone Mill Pond been searched? Or do you think she was taken out of the surrounding counties?

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Crystal Lake was searched in 2005

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No. Not deceased. Sundrop doesn't think it's really anything. Probably just rumor. Still looking into it though.

From your last response is it correct to assume based off your research you believe the glove was part of the case and not planted?

Have you ever spoke to MH's mother regarding Tara's disappearance? I've read a lot from other sites where people believe she knew what happened, and they questioned why she didn't allow the police to look on her property if they were innocent of any wrong doing.

It's believed by some that Tara's mother knows the truth? I'm sorry I've never heard this could you point me to where I can find this information?

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Tara's mom died in 2008, there's nothing in media about her mom knowing anything

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Hayes, as the gbi has said no one has been ruled out

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I don't know what MH mom knows, her name is Nancy.

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I'd be interested to know how you know this, Hayes?

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First off....the podcast has certainly added a lot of new people to this thread....which is great. More exposure, possibly more theories. Secondly, stop assuming that sundrop doesn't know what he is talking about. I have followed this case since its inception. He has actually investigated this case since it happened...BIG DIFFERENCE. I have never been to Ocilla. He has multiple times....and is nice enough to share his info with us. I will say that more info on this case has been made available in the last six months than the ten years before that. We are slowly getting more and more of a picture of what may have happened. We are also finding out things that are maybe not as flattering about Tara...such as her numerous sexual partners etc. Having 3,4, or 5 lovers simultaneously in a small town will get people talking. Maybe that secret was about to come out. Maybe Marcus knew Tara had been a little "free giving" with her love. I believe that would be enough for any man to refuse to mary someone. No one wants to marry "that girl" if you know what I mean. That would certainly put her in a dire mindset as he has stated she was. Not only did he know, but he was disgusted by the thought of it. She could have been extremely irrational at the time as he has stated she was. This would also possibly have made her possibly do riskier things than she would usually do, like leaving in the middle of the night to talk to someone etc. I have always assumed over the last 10 years that either MH or HD..mostly HD was responsible for her demise. Knowing what I know now...I am not so sure. Distraught people do crazy things. Did she put herself in a bad situation?
The uniform that was found in the embankment after a flood made me think of something. A lot of people in the South go "noodling" for catfish. Mind you, you wouldn't catch me in dark water much less ramming my hands into holes blindly underwater but it is a popular sport around here.
Is it crazy to think that maybe someone that maybe knows some good noodling spots would use one of these "holes" to also hide evidence? Never expecting a flood to unearth it?
Here's a video on noodling.
Maybe one of the POI was fond of this sport?

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Thanks for the information

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Personally, I don't want to say that Tara was free loving. Even if she did have a few partners, it still doesn't give anyone a reason to take her life.
She was old enough to make those decisions and she was living life. She was active in her community and good person. So what if she had multiple partners possibly. She was looking for a partner in life too I'm sure. One that could give her what she wanted and deserved. Small towns do talk. I'm from a small South Georgia town myself and know how that rumor mill works.
People love to talk and gossip. Works kinda like the old game "telephone". We all want someone to love us. We have all felt heartbroken when someone we loved and invested so much time in, decides they no longer want you. It's devastating. Many of us try to fill that void with other people. Sometimes that does open us up to bad situations due to our hearts overriding our brain and instincts. We've all made decisions, that looking back at, we were lucky we survived!
I see Tara as a beautiful attractive young woman just looking for her Mr. Right. She had everything going for her too. So many young ladies looked up to her. She had so much to offer this world. Sadly, she was taken away from those who loved her. I know a lot of ladies that age that play the field. I would too! She seemed to be the type of person who loved hard and that's not a bad trait to have. You can't catch a fish if you aren't fishing right?
I know that having multiple partners can get tricky and can lead to some getting jealous.
Whomever did this to her, had her complete trust. They took advantage of that trust.
I just want to make sure no one judges her for that. I'm not saying anyone is judging her either. I just want to make sure anyone new to the thread doesn't make that assumption. Tara deserves justice. I hope the podcast opens up the conversation to lead to her discovery and conviction of who took her precious life.
Dr. Godwin is doing great work and it makes me happy to know he's working on her case. It amazes me that he was able to find so much valuable clues and info that the LE did not. At least someone is doing their job! I want to see this case completed and justice found. I pray every day for her loved ones and those working so hard to solve this case. It bothers me that probably many people actually know what happened to her but refuse to talk. Being from a small town should work IN her favor yet it's not. I think there are people in ranked positions keeping this from being solved. Either to protect themselves or to protect their family member. JMOO
Praying for justice for Tara! Everyone who is working so diligently on this case, I want to extend a huge virtual hug to and I also want to say thank you for standing up for Tara. <3

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The suicide information had absolutely nothing to do with Tara case, it was vetted by gbi and his family confirmed same, he lied in the letter. He was not from Tennessee

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Just curious - why would someone lie about such a thing? An active interest in Ms. Grinstead missing persons case? Or just mental illness/personal issues that resulted in them writing that letter?

So bizarre.

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