General Discussion #7

terminatrixator, if you need help, I can help you..just need to be pointed in the right direction, whether it's going through old threads (which I just tried to do and my brain went spinning).
My head is spinning as I hit old threads and to go through them all. So much information, so many years, but it all points to one person......Raven.
My head is spinning as I hit old threads and to go through them all. So much information, so many years, but it all points to one person......Raven.

..oh my , no kidding!

..i was shocked at "some of the old stuff" ------GREAT sleuthing! remember when "so-and-so" snuck onto the property and got photos of the crime scene for everyone here at ws ?

..term--it's fantastic that you're keeping janet's case on top---------after all of these years nothing has changed------------who could have done this ??? had motive ??? didn't want another child ??? -etc. etc..---------raven, raven, and raven......

..i know that LE has hundreds of other cases on the go all of the time-------------but-----------what does NC LE need to arrest raven ???
Well in the past I guess I would have said waiting for forensics, but we all know that time has passed - big time.

This case is a Circumstantial Evidence based cased, so I am assuming all the dots have not been connected yet.

I honestly believe that I could connect the dots in a court of law and I'm not an attorney. Would a jury agree though?

The burden of proof is on the prosecution and all CE cases are extremely rough to try. Any prosecutor would be stupid to take a chance without being on top of everything because of Double Jeopardy, and I'm glad this case was not handled while Nifong was in office.

I know there are so many people that believe since he hasn't been arrested it means, well he didn't do it, that just is not so.

I just hope that Durham gets there act together before he decides he can get away with murder....again.

I guess with regard to this case, we can only hope and pray, that LE let's a 'fresh' set of eyes review their files and find the one piece they've missed, that can make the big picture of this crime fit together.

Who knows? Maybe Raven is supplying that one piece this very minute.

I hate the thought that the person who committed this crime will get away with murder. The only thing that makes me keep coming back is, maybe, just MAYBE someday I'll see a new thread titled, "Janet Abaroa's Case,....Solved."

I truly do check into this case regularly. I may not post every day, but I'm here,.........waiting for justice for Janet.

This has always been one of those cases with a ton of information being discussed behind the scenes but nothing in terms of news reports.

I just cannot believe that there's never been an arrest!
Really glad to see this back here, in it's entirety and totally googlable again!

There's been a few things in the past that I was hoping we could accomplish, and that's a continuing timeline, also going back through the 911 call and breaking it down more with what we know compared to what he said and also breaking down the interview.

So much and so little has transpired. We know that less than 2 months after Janet was murdered Raven was playing in volleyball games, he was biking again, he was dating an underage girl and since then he has gone through several jobs, he's been married and now he's going through a divorce.

I am hoping in the near future to get a time line up, by going through old threads and inputting the things we learned so we can easily see what he's been up to since.

Kammie Michaels of Durham LE said that Raven is not ruled out as a suspect and every interview with LE, having the FBI out in Utah in the past, at least in my mind, is as close to an outright "Suspect" as we are probably going to get from Durham at this time.

I usually keep up with Durham's Court Cases and keep an eye on some of the high profile cases out in Durham and it seems there has been a HUGE influx of Murder cases going to trial lately. This was not so during the Nifong reign. I really think that the District Attorney's office is starting to work on the backlog that they have been dealing with.

I also noticed that Durham LE has been hiring people with FBI training and that they have changed a lot of the way they are handling things, and the training is a bit more rigorous than it used to be. I think Durham PD in general has had a bit of an over hall, and I'm praying that eventually Janet's case will get more attention.

Until then, I would like to make a plea to those that knew Janet and those that know or knew Raven:

It's going on the 4 year anniversary since Janet's and her unborn child's murder. I know that some of you so much want to speak your mind and are afraid to and I understand. I know there are those of you that have seen his volatile side and maybe did not believe that Raven could have committed this crime at first, and now realize he indeed did it.

Contacting Durham Homicide at (919) 560-4425, contacting CrimeStoppers anonymously at (919) 683-1200. There is still a reward for information leading to an arrest of the murderer of Janet and her unborn child.

Signing up for WS and posting those feelings here, would be a great release also.

Having just a few of us here, pointing to Raven and asking why he did it, isn't going to help the case out though. I know there are so many of you out there that read anonymously for updates. I know many of you know he did it and feel like your hands are tied.

Until he is named a suspect and arrested we do not have a huge course of action, except to diligently make sure that Raven Samuel Peters Abaroa name is kept out there.

I know many of you that read here diligently have been told that I have stalked him and harassed him. I have made the posts at WS, Topix, and very few other Websites, I'm not stalking Raven, I'm letting him know I KNOW HE DID IT, AND I AM KEEPING AN EYE ON HIM.

I believe having his name out there does help save lives, because I know for a fact that he is capable of murdering again and by keeping Raven's name active allows his next girlfriend, next wife, to go into the relationship with their eyes wide open. I know those of you that are close to Raven know what I mean when I say, "he's good, he's really good." He has a way of drawing a person in, making himself the victim, playing the part, the role if you will that he thinks YOU want him to be. This role or part is there until you mess up. You will mess up eventually and then the true Raven, the real Raven shows up and we all know it's not pretty and it's kinda scary.

Come forward to Law Enforcement. If people would start coming forward with information, and saying indeed, he is what this loud mouth terminatrixator is saying, you could save a life, and you can also be one of those that shows you care about Justice for Janet Marie Christiansen and her unborn child. Janet didn't deserve to be stabbed and brutally left to die with her child in the next room. No other woman deserves this fate or another fate like it.

Please go back through the threads, a friend of Raven's & Janet's posted in the timeline information these words that haunt me still.

"Raven I saw you in Annandale.... I saw the video you and a friend created for Janet.... I looked at you as it played to a room full of tears... and you showed NO EMOTION!! You know you did it.. I am sick to my stomach about this bullcrap. How could you do it?? WHY!"

I want to ask you all to please start asking Why and start thinking even harder about what you know about Janet & Raven, and what you may have heard from Raven. He will be behind bars, but it will take lots of dots and you may have that one dot to put him there.

Raven is back in Utah again. Luckily the last girlfriend had a lot of friends to help her see the truth, and now he's back in Utah, with another new girlfriend.

Yes, Raven is still married and is on Girlfriend #2.

He has to look good, clean and righteous somehow so he will probably start taking up with some naieve girl that really wants to believe in him. She'll see the real side of Raven, once she gets on his bad side, and she will get on his bad side, all girls eventually do.

Another case on here, Tracey Leigh Tetso ... she disappeared four years ago and has never been found. Her husband has finally been arrested for her murder.

Never give up hope that Janet will get that same justice.
I'm sure there will be Justice for Janet, I hope eventually there is enough to get Justice for the unborn child Janet was carrying. In my heart of heart I believe she knew she was pregnant. I believe her murder was premeditated and there needs to be Justice.

It's just not right that someone can be walking around free to laugh, live, do whatever they want whenever they want.
Your last posting reminded me of one of my favorite terms: Live, Laugh, Love. That lead me to wonder about him being free to love. Which lead to me wondering if Raven truely loves.

Do you think Raven has truely loved these women? Do you think he truely loves Kaiden? I truely think he once loved each of his wives. I am fearful that he view Kaiden as a posession.
Hi Rainbows&Gundrops

I don't think Raven can truly love anyone but himself. I believe he's good at crying, this we know, his friends & family and acquaintances know he can cry better than most people, he can feign happiness, love, sadness, but it's not real and no, I don't think he ever really loved Janet, Vanessa or any woman he has ever been with or any woman that he will be with or even the girl he's with now.

I do believe he has a weird love-hate relationship with his mother however. I think psychologically speaking his relationship, the love & hate there is one that made his psyche what it is today.

Raven sees people as objects. In order to obtain an object, you must do A, B, C & D, once you get the object, it is yours. If you do not want the object any longer, then you get rid of it, however, the object is not allowed an opinion or allowed to leave of its own accord. I believe that people are used as opportunities or objects, including Kaiden.

I believe with Raven after all these years, it's what can you do for me, what's it in for me, what can I get out of it. It's always been how it affects him, as though he is owed anything in this world.

He's been lucky beyond anything imaginable to this point. He is lucky he was able to even be in Janet's presence let alone get the chance to marry her. He's lucky he was given a child from one of the kindest, most caring, women, he's lucky that he has been able to watch his son grow up to this point, he's lucky, IMO that he has gotten away with murder up to this point.

How much longer can his luck last?

I do know that most people that get to know Raven, eventually feel quite unlucky and wonder how and why has he been able to get away with the things he has done and why people can't see through him.
My thoughts and prayers are for Justice for Janet and her unborn child now and always.

I also wanted Rave to know, I think a dull red jumpsuit would look good on him.
Just stopping by to give my love to Janet, her lost baby, and her living child. You will never be forgotten. Your murderer WILL be brought to justice; your child will live to see it happen and know the taker of his mother's life and the destroyer of his own childhood.

Can anyone tell me what the "Raven" was doing in the summer of 2003?
Very interesting question OneLove. Welcome to the forum.

Because of Raven's propensity for lying and half truths, keeping track of it all has proven a bit difficult, but we found so many online records of where they lived, and I kept those and his online resumes, I've been able to piece together somewhat of a time line.

Raven & Janet got married in August of 2000. Janet decided to take a year off of school to spend time with Raven. Raven worked various jobs and they had moved to Charlotte, NC and Janet commuted back and forth on the weekends to spend with Raven.

In spring of 2003 Janet graduated and Raven was working for Marketstar who contracted him out to Hewlett Packard. HP discovered employees were embezzling; Raven was on the list.

End of spring/beginning of summer of 2003, they moved from Charlotte, NC to either Hillsborough or Cary Area, because Raven got the job at Eurosports/Sports Endeavors. Janet eventually got a job there too.

Several months later, January 2004, Raven was cheating on Janet and their marriage was crumbling and he left Janet for another girl and that's when Janet discovered she was pregnant with Kaiden.

Summer of 2004 they got back together and Raven told Janet he found a home in Durham, NC for their family and they got back together and Kaiden was born in October of 2004.

A few months later Raven was arrested for embezzlement and a few months after that Janet was murdered in the Durham home.

It's so sad that 2000-2005 Janet had to deal with so much drama, pain, humiliation, suffering, embarrassment, from one selfish narcissistic, sociopathic punk. It seems so wrong she was given the wonderful, priceless gift of being a Mother and she was robbed of it and Kaiden was robbed of having a loving mother and baby sister or brother by someone she was suppose to be able to trust, imo.
Would you have a convenient link to a pic of him from 03-04? Many thanks. ~<|:-}

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