IA IA - Breiton Ackerman, 4, Orange City, 22 May 2005

I had not heard of Breiton's case before, either. He's a cutie.
They held a memorial service for him in May. What a puzzle this is, to just disappear like that while surrounded by family. The family seems convinced that he wouldn't have wandered away but since he hasn't been found in or near the water, I have to wonder if this little boy just this one time did wander off. Breiton looks so much like my middle son that I can't help but be deeply touched by this story.
I just noticed this thread, I am Scott, Breiton's Uncle. just thought that I would post a quick update. We are still looking for B. Really nothing has changed since the first day that we started looking for him.

It has been close to 6 months since it happened and it seems like yesterday. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers
Scott, thank you for the update. My heart is aching for your family.
Please keep in touch and my prayers are headed your way.
Hi Scott,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family. I can't imagine how any of you manage to keep going. It has to be so hard...the not knowing and never finding this little guy. It just seems impossible that a little person could just disappear into thin air...especially since it was discovered that he was missing right away. Take care and thank you for posting.
My heart goes out to your family. I hope you will all have answers one day.
The Charley Project
Breiton S. Ackerman
Missing since May 22, 2005 from Orange City Iowa
Lost/Injured Missing
Date of Birth: July 10, 2000
Age: 4 years old
Height and Weight: 3'0, 40 pounds
Caucasian male. Sandy blond hair, hazel eyes. Ackerman's name is pronounced *Bry-ton*
Clothing/Jewelry Description: A green tank top and denim shorts
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Sioux County Sheriff's Office
712-737-3307 or 712-737-2280

Iowa Department of Public Safety
If you have information regarding the disappearance of this individual, please contact: the Missing Person Information Clearinghouse Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation 1-800-346-5507.
This is an old article but I thought I should post it here...


While Breiton is presumed drowned, nothing was ever found: not his body, not even a trace of clothing or his scent by search dogs.

The case remained in the headlines for months. But after Breiton's disappearance stopped getting so much attention, his friends, family and community were left to pick up the pieces.

A small creek is now the site of a mystery; one that 500 searchers couldn't unravel.

more @ link
If he was on the bridge and the rest of the family was down by the water, is it possible that someone drove by and grabbed him? I didn't see where it was posted what the exact location was like... Its odd that they haven't found anything after all these years.
Bumping as we approach 10 years since he was last seen.

From 2013: "Eight years after boy goes missing, search for answers continues"


But as time passes, the reality that he may never know what happened to his son becomes more evident.

"I don't understand it. Don't like it, but you can't change it. It's over in an instant. You wished you could go back and say we shouldn't have gone down there that day or I should have had him, you know, tied to my belt or something like that. But you can't do it," he said.

Iowa Cold Case file for Breiton:

"Search for South Dakota boy brings back NW Iowa man's memories of his own son's disappearance":



2012 article:

Breiton disappeared from Willow Creek. Normally shallow, the creek running through a corn field was swollen with rain.

“Water was the only thing that makes sense,” Ackerman said. “And that still doesn’t make sense.”

Divers, volunteers and search dogs scoured the creek without finding anything. They followed it 17 miles to the Floyd River in Le Mars, Iowa. Then, they searched the Floyd River down to the Missouri River.

Searchers tore up the concrete bridge Breiton was last seen on in the days after he went missing. Volunteers dug up the creek bed with heavy equipment. Mesh fencing strung across the creek yielded nothing.

They did this even though experts said a child Breiton’s size would’ve only floated 100 yards down the creek, said Sioux County Sheriff Dan Altena.

“We found nothing. Not one iota,” Altena said. “Not a piece of ripped shirt or anything.”...

Sioux County deputies reexamined the case a few years ago. They gave a polygraph examination to a relative at creek that day. Although they didn’t suspect the man, who went for help, of harming Breiton, Altena said they wanted to know if Breiton could have sneaked inside the vehicle without anyone knowing it.

The man passed the polygraph. No one at the creek is suspected of harming Breiton, Altena said.

2013 article:

When four year old Breiton disappeared, he'd been fishing with his family. Three adults and five kids were all down along the creek enjoying the afternoon. In an instant, he was gone. He vanished without a trace.

Ackerman said, "Everybody's just catching them and throwing them in the bucket and I think I had looked across , I asked one of the kids where'd Breiton go? It was just that quick. He was just standing by the bucket dumping fish in and boom that was it."

In the hours that followed, a frantic search of Willow Creek, southeast of Alton, Iowa. Gates were placed downstream as a precaution, search dogs combed the banks. Heavy equipment was brought in tear out the culvert and the land around it.

"They dug down and back in the bank to make sure he didn't fall in a hole or was covered up or all the center and culverts that had to come out were searched with dogs and people. Just looking for any stitching, any clothing," said Breiton's father...

Brad Ackerman said, "He had bare feet. He's like I am, tender feet. I can't stand to walk on cement hardly with bare feet, so he wouldn't have just run up the hill. Nobody came down that road to where we were at."

Even though he believes the chance is slim, Ackerman followed the advice of law enforcement and submitted his own DNA for a national "missing children" database...

Sioux County Sheriff Dan Altena said his team hasn't given up on this case and that he's still baffled by it. He's hoping there will be a clue at some point, a piece of clothing that could help locate Breiton.


5498DMIA - Breiton Scott Ackerman​


Name: Breiton Scott Ackerman
Case Classification: Missing
Missing Since: May 22, 2005
Location Last Seen: Alton, Sioux County, Iowa

Physical Description​

Date of Birth: July 10, 2000
Age: 4 years
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 3'0"
Weight: 40 lbs.
Hair Color: Sandy
Eye Color: Hazel
Nickname/Alias: "B"
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown


Dentals: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
DNA: Unknown

Clothing & Personal Items​

Clothing: Green tank top; denim shorts
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance​

Breiton disappeared while on a fishing trip with his family. Family members had been sitting on a concrete bridge over Willow Creek, watching fish swim upstream in the creek. The family was facing south when Breiton declared he was done fishing and walked to the north side of the bridge. He was out of sight no more than 30 seconds. The family assumed he fell into the creek, although no one saw or heard it happen.

A backhoe was used to tear out the bridge and the culverts were removed and searched in case Breiton had become trapped inside. The creek zigzags through corn and soybean fields and is filled with concrete chunks, trees, fences, and other obstacles that could trap a body beneath the water. Even though experts said a child Breiton's size would have floated 100 yards down the creek, divers, volunteers, and search dogs searched the creek from Alton to the Floyd River in Le Mars, nearly 17 miles away, down to the Missouri River. Breiton is presumed to have drowned. Foul play is not suspected.

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