IL - Cory Lovelace, 38, found dead in her Quincy home, 14 Feb 2006

There are a few things I'm curious about…At what time did he call 911? That's not clear to me.

The children were questioned two days after their mother was found which would make remembering a bit more difficult/confusing particularly given the shock and trauma of their recent loss. Secondly, there is no clear record of how the children were originally questioned. For example, were they asked if they saw their mother that morning or were they asked what they're mother was doing the last time they saw her? Something as subtle as this could lead them to providing VERY different accounts. Then, if they are told later that they told the police that they had seen their mother that morning, growing up…it could easily become a "memory" for them.

It would be great to have a little bit more information on this case. Was the trial on tv???
Lovelace retrial to move to 2017; defense seeking venue change

The retrial in Curtis Lovelace’s first-degree murder case will not take place until next year, and it could be moved out of Adams County.

Lovelace’s defense team with the Exoneration Project filed two motions Thursday in Adams County Circuit Court asking that the Oct. 24 trial date be moved and that when the second trial takes place, it will be outside Adams County.

While special prosecutor Ed Parkinson does not oppose the motion for a new trial date, he has been adamant about the case being tried in Adams County and likely will oppose the change-of-venue motion.

Judge Bob Hardwick could set a new trial date as early as Sept. 8, when a status hearing in the case is scheduled. The change-of-venue motion will be argued with other motions that have been filed during a Sept. 30 hearing in Adams County Circuit Court.
Ex-prosecutor Curtis Lovelace's second murder trial moved to Springfield

The second murder trial for former Adams County prosecutor Curtis Lovelace has been moved from Adams County to Sangamon County due to the amount of pre-trial news coverage.

Quincy television station KHQA reported on its webpage Friday that Judge Bob Hardwick also ruled that Lovelace’s new trial will be pushed back until Jan. 23. The judge told the television station that the media attention left him no choice but to change the venue.

“Frenzy is not the word I’m going to use,” Hardwick said. “But it’s pretty close. I spent 14 years as a judge and 25 years in private practice. In my four decades of doing this, I’ve never covered a case that’s gotten this much attention.”
Lovelace defense team shoots down claims he poisoned second wife

Defense attorney's for former Adams County Prosecutor, Curtis Lovelace, are shooting down claims he poisoned his second wife, Erika Gomez.

According to court documents filed this week, by Jon Loevy and Tara Thompson with Exoneration Project, they say the state's efforts to prove Lovelace physically abused and poisoned Gomez are without merit.

They also ask Judge Bob Hardwick to reject these claims from Lovelace's upcoming trial.
Judge rules second wife can testify in Lovelace murder retrial

The prosecution will be allowed to present evidence and testimony that Curtis Lovelace was abusive to his second wife when the former Quincy attorney is retried in connection with the 2006 death of his first wife.

Judge Bob Hardwick ruled Tuesday during a motion hearing in the Cass County Courthouse that Erika Gomez would be allowed to testify on claims of abuse, including an allegation that the two got into a physical altercation in May 2012 when Lovelace allegedly “went for the throat” after drinking heavily all day. Prosecutors said they will also play a tape of a 911 call from that day and show photos Gomez took of herself after the incident.

This is a reversal from the first trial, when Hardwick barred Gomez from testifying, ruling that “the prejudicial effect of her testimony has nothing to do with the issue here.”

Hardwick said he would rule in a couple of days on whether a laptop computer that Gomez gave Quincy police Detective Adam Gibson would be admissible as evidence. The computer belonged to Lovelace.

The defense argued that the laptop is not evidence because it was Lovelace's and Gomez should not have possessed it. Prosecutors argued that if Gomez should not have had the computer, Lovelace should have filed a police report or sought its return through their divorce proceedings.
Laptop inadmissible during Lovelace retrial

A laptop computer owned by Curtis Lovelace around the time his first wife died cannot be entered as evidence during his retrial in her death that starts later this month.

Filed Wednesday, Judge Bob Hardwick approved the motion from Lovelace's defense team ruling that his second wife, Erika Gomez, did not have authority to use the HP laptop or provide it to Quincy police Detective Adam Gibson.

The defense team led by Jon Loevy of the Exoneration Project argued the laptop in question was his nonmarital property and that it was awarded to him in the couple's divorce.

Cameras OKed for ex-Illinois prosecutor's 2nd murder trial.

"A judge has approved the use of cameras in the court for the retrial of a former Illinois prosecutor charged with first-degree murder in his first wife's death." The trial is scheduled to begin Monday, Feb. 27, 2017.
Closed-door meetings highlight first planned day of Lovelace trial

Attorneys in the first-degree murder trial of Curtis Lovelace spent most of Monday behind closed doors in a conference with Judge Bob Hardwick.

Attorneys spent three hours in chambers before breaking around noon for 75 minutes, and then spent about two more hours in conference. Jury selection had been scheduled to begin Monday, but has been pushed to Tuesday.

Lovelace's attorneys, Jon Loevy and Tara Thompson of the University of Chicago's Exoneration Project, confirmed Monday afternoon they were done for the day, but they did not share any other information about the conference.

Special Prosecutor Ed Parkinson said jury selection will begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday, but he refused to make any comment about the day's proceedings. He also said he likely will have no further comment until after the trial is completed.
I am the resident Luddite, so please bear with me if I am not sharing these tweets properly. :blushing:
That was quick.

I feel like i'm talking to myself. Lol If I am driving you batty with my posts please let me know.

I feel like i'm talking to myself. Lol If I am driving you batty with my posts please let me know.


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