GUILTY IL - Katrina Smith, 30, beaten to death, Machesney Park, 23 Oct 2012 - #2

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“There were several points of blunt-force throughout the body,” Meyers said.
As for how long Smith had been dead before she was discovered, Meyers said, “Every indication to us is she was in the river since the night she came up missing.”

Meyers said the next step entails awaiting analysis of evidence submitted to the Illinois State Police Crime Lab.

Hmmm, time is running out for this suspect. Thank God


Winnebago County Sheriff's OfficeNews Media Release
News Release Number 2012-032H

Information: Homicide Investigation-(Katrina Smith)
Date: November 13, 2012
Time: 10:30 A.M.

The results of the autopsy showed Ms. Smith suffered blunt force trauma, and the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department is classifying this as a homicide investigation
No clue what the laws are regarding body possession in a case such like this. I can tell you I really don't believe it was even an issue. Katrina's family *appears* to be very united and they are standing their ground behind TS. If any of her immediate family thinks he is at all responsible they should win an Oscar for how well they are hiding it. moooo

I have a *suspicion* there is more to the interview that was aired last night. The reporter even "teased" to that effect....she also stressed that she sat down with all of the family--including her mother brother and husband. In fact if you watch the clip closely you can see that there was someone else on the couch with them, as there is a hand resting on the back of the couch. (of course it could be anyone)

I gotta say if I were TS and I was guilty...I would be more afraid of her brother than I would be of LE.

In a news clip today there was a flash of who was on the couch.
Vikki, Chad, Miraynda, Todd, Bruce.

In a news clip today there was a flash of who was on the couch.
Vikki, Chad, Miraynda, Todd, Bruce.


You rock! :rocker: I saw the flash, but I don't posses the know how on how to catch it. Other than Miraynda who looks squished, they all seem very comfortable around Mr. Smith. :moo:

Very interesting!

Great photo Amanda! Thank you for the post!! Does anyone know what the relationship of Bruce is to the family??

I'm not completely positive of the dynamics of Katrina's family. Other than to say I suspect it is somehow a combined family, and Bruce is the father figure.

From the obit:
Katrina leaves many loving family and friends: husband, Todd Smith; mother, Vikki Nalevac; father, Bruce Edlund; stepdaughters, Paige, Devan and Sydnie; sister, Miraynda Castro; brother, Chad (Heather) Kaltved; grandmother, Deloris Diventi; and many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, and close friends.
Whoever killed Katrina, I feel certain it was someone close to her. Not a stranger she encountered that night-but someone she was involved with or someone who wanted to be involved with her. I don't like to judge right away, but until LE says otherwise, I feel the husband has to be the number one suspect. Just hoping for a quick arrest, like everyone else.
In a news clip today there was a flash of who was on the couch.
Vikki, Chad, Miraynda, Todd, Bruce.


I for one am glad they are sticking together as a family until they have factual information or proof to act otherwise. I know many have stated they think TS should have said more, or done this or done that, but the fact of the matter is that almost none of us have experienced what that family is going through and even those that have probably understand that everyone deals with tragic events differently. It's entirely possible that due to the media reports about his past that an understanding, agreement and IMO a good thing would be to have Chad head up the entire operation as anything TS said to the media or to the volunteers coming to help search would be analyzed and scrutinized to no end. So it just makes sense for him to do everything he can to help but step back from being the head of it all during this entire thing.

I myself, like the family is sticking by him until I have reason to believe otherwise. There is enough other information floating around and while much of it is probably distorted or convoluted, I am willing to bet bits and pieces of it have some validity to it and whether or not it is Todd or someone else, people are going to be shocked. Many will be like, yeah we knew it all along, while those that would never believe it would come to this will be shocked (family and friends), or if it turned out to be someone else, we will be relieved that we were not fooled and that the family does not have to suffer even more consequences, and everyone else will be shocked they were wrong as they were so certain that he was guilty.
after following these cases i guess i get used to seeing the families on tv during different parts of a case and usually the family is gathered around the surviving not saying it has to be that way it just usually is that way. so, this picture with none of the family looking at the surviving spouse seems odd to me...hes not even in the center of the family? jmho...
Today is a new day, let's hope that there is an arrest or a big development leading in that direction!

A few thoughts -

In this article:

It seems that the media is honing in a bit more on TS. In previous articles he was barely mentioned and now this...Police have not said whether they are investigating Todd Smith, 45, Katrina’s husband, as a suspect. He expressed concern for his missing wife and participated in the search. Then they go on to talk about his past with the arson and name change.

I'm no crime expert but I definitely agree with the majority of you that this is someone who knows her personally. The blunt trauma to me says it all. There is no gun shot wound, no knife stabs which would IMO indicate quick and random. (No, not always, I know some people stab their spouses too!!) But in this case, it just feels like a very angerered, high emotionally charged attack.

LM Style - I didn't want to go back and quote and start a new post but wanted to ask you this - based on your knowledge of the area and community, what are you hearing as far as other suspects? Anything other than TS?
Today is a new day, let's hope that there is an arrest or a big development leading in that direction!

LM Style - I didn't want to go back and quote and start a new post but wanted to ask you this - based on your knowledge of the area and community, what are you hearing as far as other suspects? Anything other than TS?

The thing about news is, they need something juicy (pun intended) to report, they don't really care all that much unless they can draw attention to it and once most people lose interest, they do as well. Hence the reason almost no other stations are even reporting about it now. It's sad but that is how it is and has been for a long time. How many times do you hear about cases or breaking news for it to just literally vanish from the airwaves without anyone who isn't very closely following it to keep up with the details. I think even some of those recent "slips" by news outlets showing the suicide of the guy running from police in Arizona and the cops shooting those robbers in California just last week are done on purpose despite how they claim to try and pull the camera away or cut to black and apologize profusely for showing such stuff, are so they can boost their viewership and ratings. They don't care about paying a fine to the FCC if it gets plastered all over the other news and internet that they don't censor or restrict what they show, they gain so much more than that fine ever costs them with that publicity.

As far as the buzz in Rockford areas, it's the same, most everyone already thinks TS is responsible because that is pretty much all that gets spread around. I can't think of the quotes right now but similar to along the lines of the squeeky wheel gets the grease or whatever gets talked about the most gets the most attention.
I'm a bit bothered by something..a few things actually. But primarily how skinny/scrawny the husband is.
The newspaper article states: Investigators say Katrina Smith was beaten to death. “There were several points of blunt-force throughout the body,” Meyers said.

The husband has been with her family, and in and out of the public eye since shortly after she went missing.

Katrina *seemed* to be physically fit. Recent picture(s) indicate she was not a nail biter. (puppy pic)

TS is skinny/scrawny probably not weighing much more than Katrina

We know that she was beaten to death, and we can presume she was placed in the River, possibly placed in a vehicle and removed from the vehicle.

Would this altercation resulted in the perpetrator having bruises, wounds, scrapes etc? Especially a perpetrator that wasn't much bigger than the victim?

I wonder if TS has any bruises, wounds, or scrapes?
I'm a bit bothered by something..a few things actually. But primarily how skinny/scrawny the husband is.
The newspaper article states: Investigators say Katrina Smith was beaten to death. “There were several points of blunt-force throughout the body,” Meyers said.

The husband has been with her family, and in and out of the public eye since shortly after she went missing.

Katrina *seemed* to be physically fit. Recent picture(s) indicate she was not a nail biter. (puppy pic)

TS is skinny/scrawny probably not weighing much more than Katrina

We know that she was beaten to death, and we can presume she was placed in the River, possibly placed in a vehicle and removed from the vehicle.

Would this altercation resulted in the perpetrator having bruises, wounds, scrapes etc? Especially a perpetrator that wasn't much bigger than the victim?

I wonder if TS has any bruises, wounds, or scrapes?

I had to sign in just to "thanks" you for this, Luna. I have been wondering the same thing. All things pretty much point to TS, but this is something Ive been wondering too. And, if it IS TS, does this point to a "helper?"
I'm a bit bothered by something..a few things actually. But primarily how skinny/scrawny the husband is.
The newspaper article states: Investigators say Katrina Smith was beaten to death. “There were several points of blunt-force throughout the body,” Meyers said.

The husband has been with her family, and in and out of the public eye since shortly after she went missing.

Katrina *seemed* to be physically fit. Recent picture(s) indicate she was not a nail biter. (puppy pic)

TS is skinny/scrawny probably not weighing much more than Katrina

We know that she was beaten to death, and we can presume she was placed in the River, possibly placed in a vehicle and removed from the vehicle.

Would this altercation resulted in the perpetrator having bruises, wounds, scrapes etc? Especially a perpetrator that wasn't much bigger than the victim?

I wonder if TS has any bruises, wounds, or scrapes?

maybe, if she saw the attacker coming at her from the front...but if the attacker came from behind maybe not? if she was with/around someone that she trusted and did not expect the attack someone could have hit her once hard enough to knock her out and then hit her more while she was unconscious. jmho as far as him appearing too frail to move a dead body...if there is a will there is a way...for anyone not just him....again jmo

i think her last "errand" is where she was attacked or set up to be attacked... somehow the 9pm demarcation is important i think....also just moo...

eta: can blunt trauma be caused from say, being hit by a car or being thrown down stairs. for some reason i was thinking that injuries sustained in auto accidents either passenger or pedestrian vs car have been described as "blunt"...any medical peeps on the board??? nurse where are you???

otherwise there are blunt instruments -- too many to count but not to exclude hands and feet...
I'm a bit bothered by something..a few things actually. But primarily how skinny/scrawny the husband is.

Katrina *seemed* to be physically fit. Recent picture(s) indicate she was not a nail biter. (puppy pic)

TS is skinny/scrawny probably not weighing much more than Katrina

We know that she was beaten to death, and we can presume she was placed in the River, possibly placed in a vehicle and removed from the vehicle.

Would this altercation resulted in the perpetrator having bruises, wounds, scrapes etc? Especially a perpetrator that wasn't much bigger than the victim?

I wonder if TS has any bruises, wounds, or scrapes?
(Snipped by me)

Never under estimate the power of adrenaline. I have recent personal experience... I am a cripple, with little muscle tone or strength. Recently, it was necessary for me to change out a wall socket in my Mother's home. It and the metal switch plate (circa the 1970's) had been painted with about six coats of paint. The screw in the middle of the switch plate would not budge... (It was NOT stripped) So I worked on it for about 45 minutes, and got so frustrated, that I was able to bend that metal switch plate in order to get access to the screws behind the switch plate. I was then able to remove the entire switch plate and wall outlet as one unit.

I kept that switch plate and have shown it to many others. It is impossible to bend now. Even the men I know can't do it and are amazed at my strength in that moment. it possible that TS had enough strength in the moment to do whatever was done and dump the body without help? Absolutely, IMO.

Also, there is another website that I am reading which proposes and accomplice...
I also agree that he is smaller and that our perp could possibly have some signs of a struggle.

I also wouldn't be surprised if our perp is a hit man.

Sounds kinda crazy but for some reason, it's a plausible thought to me.
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