GUILTY IL - Mom, boyfriend charged with drowning 3 kids in Clinton Lake

GlitchWizard said:
Yep - and the baggage is a man who is okay with being with someone who nothing.
As for my bit for the environment, I'm going to stop using men and then throwing them away.

I'm a little skeerd to ask, but do you propose to stop using them altogether or to try recycling them??

I am 38 years old woman. I have five kids. All five with three different men. I had my first son at 19 and married his dad. Divorced 1 year later (a good "see ya on the weekend dad)". I married another man and had 2 girls. I got divorced after 6 years. (He was a great father). I met another man and had a girl and then a boy with him ( never married him but he is good to all the kids). Now I am single. It would be a miracle for me to find a man that would want this "baggage."

My point is that I have been without a companion for about 7 plus years and although I have had opportunities, I would NEVER sacrafice any of my children for a man. No man is worth any single one of my children. Yeah, there have been times that I wish I did not have so much responsibility but God gave me these children for a reason and I am doing it alone "for a reason."

Bottom line is that children are a "gift," you should never discard a gift!
Party, no offense but if you have 5 kids from 3 different men and have managed to raise them great without being on welfare, or having an idiot boyfriend beating up on them, you are the exception. 5 kids is alot of baggage and not many nice men would tolerate that. I really hope you always put your kids first. Men that do not want to deal with kids should avoid dating women with kids. I know I would if I was a guy,

A majority of women like this disgrace of a mother, have several kids, normally by different men.

I have been collecting data on cases like this, putting together quite a sad portfolio. Women that have more 3 or more children by 2 orf more men are at the highest risk for sad situations like this. Because they put their kids last and all they care about is finding a boyfriend. If they keeping getting pregnant, hopefully they will find one man that sticks around.

Did anyone see the movie "in the best interest of the children"? Lifetime plays it. True story about a woman who had 4 or 5 kids, all with different men and wound up neglecting and abusing them. She was found to have a mental illness and the kids were removed from her care and put into a foster home.

It is sad because cases like that are happening all the time only rarely is the mother mentally ill, just impoverished and overwhlemed with kids to take care of.
2sisters said:
i hope the lesser charge is 20 years per child. Why don't these women just gvie the kids up. Jeez, make them wards of the court before killing them if you must get rid of them. When we become parents, that child is our main responsibility and comes before all others. When it comes down to it, all kids cramp your style when it comes to you relationships (no sex life with your spouse anymore, etc. )but )thats the sacrifice you make when you become a parent.

I've seen many parents try. They call child services and tell them they can't handle their child or don't want their child - and you know what child services does? Threatens the parent with child abandonment charges, telling them they can go to jail or be held financially liable for all costs of care for the child. I wonder a lot if this doesn't place a child in a more dangerous situation such as this. It's really sad.
californiacarrie said:
I've seen many parents try. They call child services and tell them they can't handle their child or don't want their child - and you know what child services does? Threatens the parent with child abandonment charges, telling them they can go to jail or be held financially liable for all costs of care for the child. I wonder a lot if this doesn't place a child in a more dangerous situation such as this. It's really sad.
Don't get me wrong, I don't condone child abandonment but if it's that or death, I will pick abondonment.
Anyways, she has been convicted of child endangerment.,2933,236123,00.html
Nocgirl said:
A majority of women like this disgrace of a mother, have several kids, normally by different men.
And in many cases, it's because the men leave and she truely believes the next one will stick around forever. Bad people are bad people, but THIS isn't a situation that makes someone bad.
I am really saddened by the verdict. I believe she was just as guilty as "her man". They did reenactments, etc. And unless there was physical evidence of him holding her back and restricting him from saving her children, I just don't see how she could not have gotten all of them are some of those babies out!

I am sad.
Mygirlsadie said:
And lets not forget Susan Smith...drown her two beautiful boys Alex and Michael because of some man who didnt want children....
That's exactly what I thought of- another Susan Smith! Her mode of killing was identical too. Gee, I wonder if she thought of Susan Smith as a role model?:razz:
It is a sad sad day in the US when the mother, who bore those children, gets a lighter sentence then the boyfriend.

He may have done the deed, but she brought them into this world and failed them.

She should be on death row and he should have life in prison.

She held the ultimate responsibility to them and I'm sick of women getting away with murder. Are we this scared to kill something just because it's capable of giving life? She's apparently not only capable of giving life but destroying it too! Where is the justice for these children! Where is the justice for their fathers and the families!

Why is she granted a lighter sentence when she failed them the most! Fry her!

She's cold, calculated, and vicious. Someone rip her ovaries and uterus from her right now because she doesn't deserve to have the same rights as me! Why do we waste our money on crap like this. One bullet, one gun, one problem solved. :banghead:
Nocgirl, Yes, I was offended. Your assumption is that a person with five children with three men makes me poverty or trash.

I am not on welfare and did work as a paralegal for seven years (8 to 5). After the two younger kids, I started working evenings as a server at Harrah's to save on daycare expense. (Dad worked days at Harley). When we were together, that offsetted daycare. I do receive child support for the kids. I am still at Harrah's and he is till at Harley.

I am not one of the stats that you have done research on. My oldest has moved out and is going to college (by the way, he is gay) and doing well.
My kids' ages are 19, 16, 13, 10 and 6. None are drug addicts. none have been in trouble at school or with the law. They have emotional and financial support from both parents.

Nocgirl, maybe I am the exception, but don't be so quick to judge me or mine.
I was offended too. I have had 3 children (four pregnancies) by 3 different men. I am also not on welfare and have worked very hard to take care of myself and my children. My children have ALWAYS come first. I am married now, but it wasn't out of some "desperation" to find a man.

And I don't know where you are gathering your stats ~ I am not saying that they are invalid because again, I don't know where your figures are being obtained. But I can tell you I know several woman who have had children by more than one man and they are successful mothers ~ I know no one on welfare.

I happen to think you are giving a generalization that isn't as accurate as you may think. For the record, I too would NEVER compromise my children for a relationship with any man ~ in fact my first marraige fell apart because I put my children first. Most women with children approach dating with a "package deal" attitude that impresses the importance of a potential partners relationship with her children. If that doesn't work then the relationship doesn't proceed.

And that is my opinion from life experience living in a small town, large metro area, and medium sized city. I have no stats or documentation - just a lot of good friends who are great mothers.
Like I said you are the exception. A majority of cases out here that involve severe child abuse or CPS involvment involve a single mothers with multiple children. I just don't throw out stats without any proof. Unfortunately many mothers in your former situation do not fare too well, and these are the ones we here about in the news.

So, how do we get mothers that are struggling to raise children on their own, to become good moms? Your children sound like mom did a good job. How do we keep women from getting involved with men that do not want kids around?

Children that are in a home with a boyfriend, or stepfather present are 8 times more likely to be abused. That statistic has been proven and shown.
Could you please share where you got your information? Again, I am not saying that I doubt you, but I would like to be able to see for myself what kind of studies have been done and a breakdown as to type of area (urban/non-urban) social status and other demographics. Thanks.
There are all sorts of situations that could bring about the circumstances of having children with more than one man, or more than one woman, as the case may be. What I'm sure we can all agree on is that this woman should have died trying to save the lives of her children. Let's not beat one another down with statistics. None of us are in a position to sit in judgment on the others here.
I get my information from the same sources you do, the local media, and court files that I am been collecting.

As far as the statistic of children being more at risk when there is a boyfriend or step dad in the house, I was reading it in a parenting magazine in my ob'gyn's office . If you google it, many different stats come up. A canadian advocacy group claims its high as 33 times more likely when kids are living with a boyfriend or a stepdad.

My teenage step-daughter is a statistic unfortunately. She is living with us now due to sexual abuse from moms boyfriend, then step dad, now soon to be ex husband. He goes to trial in Jan for 12 counts of sexual misc. with a minor.

It is really not a surprise, just a stat that some single moms really do not want to hear. The more people your children are exposed to that are around the children often, the more likely they are to be abused.

Go to doenetwork or the charley proect and read upon missing children cases. The % of cases where a step dad or boyfriend is a suspect in the childs death or disappearance is staggering, compared to biological fathers. Biological fathers are much less likely to hurt their own children.

I am going to be a child advocate out here next month, my training starts in Jan. I will be handling abuse cases. I will be handling only 1 case at a time and I will be compiling data on my cases and which families appear to be at most risk for abuse.

So I am not saying that all single moms that have multiple kids from different men are screwed up, but some are. My younger sister has a friend and all 8 of the children in that family are all from different fathers. Her childhood wasa very lonely, sad and troubled. The mother is mentally ill as well.

The woman who was convicted in 2006 of child endangerment in the deaths of her three children will be free Tuesday.
Amanda Hamm, 32, is set to be released from Dwight Correctional Center in Tuesday morning.

Being released already, what a shame, you kill your kids and get out in a couple years! WTH!!:mad:
Published September 11, 2008 by:
Susan Sonnen

On September 9, Amanda Hamm, convicted of child endangerment in 2006, has been released from the Dwight Correctional Center in Illinois.


Initially, only Lagrone was charged with murder (nine counts of murder for the three children), but soon Hamm was similarly charged. The two were tried separately. Lagrone was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no chance for parole. Hamm was sentenced to ten years, half of the possible maximum term, in prison for child endangerment. The three years that she had already spent behind bars were counted as time served. More time was taken off her sentence due to good behavior. In all, Amanda Hamm served less than five years for her involvement in the deaths of her three young children.

More at link:
It makes me sick that she murdered those beautiful babies and basically got a slap on the wrist! She was their mother for petes sake! If anyone should have gotten the death penalty or LWOP it should have been her because it was her duty to protect those kids.
It really burns me up that they keep letting the mother's of all of these abused children walk away. Like they didn't know what the boyfriend was doing or they had no control, or, or, or. The courts need to stop the madness and hold these women accountable for allowing their children to be abused and murdered. Whether they participate in it or not isn't the point. They were in a position to stop it and they utterly failed to do so every single time.

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