IN IN - Delano Wilson, 1 mo., Indianapolis, 27 Aug 2014 - #1 *Arrest*

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Just something I observed: Dad states that man was wearing red and blue and that he was white.

Red, White and Blue

The woman was wearing green.

Colors associated with Mexican flag: Green and Red.

That just popped out at me for some reason.

AND: awfully full and detailed descriptions there!


Don't forget with "matching green hoop earrings."

I totally agree! MOO
Me too!! And I look back now and I'm so thankful I got in all those extra snuggles and kisses!!

I am going to really miss it when he is too big to wear. :( he's my little bear cub and does everywhere in that thing.

Sent from my not so humble opinion.
It is possible these kidnapper people who took the baby are running some sort of illegal black baby adoption ring/market.
I didn't listen because it got edited before I could play it without kids in the room. Can't let them hear that, kwim! Did you hear a baby?

Scroll to the very bottom of this page and the 6-7 minute audio is there. At 2:12, I hear what soundsike a baby. I don't see how it could possibly be the baby if he's calling 911, especially when just a couple minutes later he's clearly telling someone that's walking by that someone just stole his baby (at least that is what I think is happening at the end when he's kind of talking loud at the end and not answering the EMS).
Can I just say this dad is really lucky.:facepalm: Because if I had left my SO/Husband with my baby and he called to tell me that he had been kidnapped. I would have probably smacked him silly:blushing: after hearing that story. However that is just me and my Latin blood boiling over loosing my child. But that is just me:moo:

I am so sad and heartbroken that there will be no search. It just means, usually, that LE knows something that they are not releasing. And that something can not be good:tantrum:

Even if they think he is dead they should be searching. He needs to be found no matter what his situation is. They searched for weeks for Corwin and knew she was dead.
My feeling in this case is that the perpetrator/s aren't too bright and that it won't take long to crack the case. I have my faith in LE here.

I would so love to believe that this sweet little boy will be returned looking healthy again (or whatever mum said), but I'm still confident he will be found shortly.
Foxnews hates me. I have no idea why. I can't view videos on their site, but other sites work fine, you tube works fine, cnn works. It's a conspiracy. Frustrating!!! Every case, no matter where the fox news channel is from, it won't work on my comp, not in any browser!! I really wanted to listen to the 911 call, and pleas from the parents. But... (sigh) :gaah:

*eta... I finally got it to play!!! Wooohoo!! Anyway, I honestly didn't get any vibes good or bad from the videos, 911 call. Dad sounds confused in parts.

Still trying looking for security cameras in that area. One video showed a lady saying there were cameras and nothing was seen on them. Now, she wasn't a police officer, or investigator, so I guess it's more rumor than facts at this point. I would hope a camera caught something.

Another day starting now, so hopeful we hear something more today.

Thinking of you little Delano.
I can't understand cancelling the amber alert? It's only been active for a Few days, and the description (if it's real), was really detailed. A better description than some amber alerts.
Also no searches? What's that about?

Maybe LE have more info and some leads, can't think of other reasons for no searches.
I presume the family home has already been searched,
Was there any CCTV of the area the dad and Delano were walking round for an hour?

Not sounding good so far. Praying for the Little ones safe return x
Any word on if there are security cameras in the area that would show dad and baby? And apart from the amazing details of the supposed abductors clothing, so we have any sketches of the 2?
What is the racial make up of the neighborhood? Would a white male ( in a do-rag ) and a hispanic female stick out? I would think that SOMEONE would say "that sounds like so and so!"
If dad was able to give that detailed description ( down to the womans earrings!) I would expect he would have had to have spent some time with them... IF it went down the say he says, could he have met up with them for some purpose in the alley.. and things went sour? Drug deal gone bad? "pay up and you get the baby back" ?
Yeah, I just editted my post above with the camera questions as well. One of the videos on Fox has a neighbor being interviewed that said the camera didn't catch anything going on, so she said it all sounds 'fishy' to her. Many times those cameras are so valuable in solving a case, other times they aren't working, not monitored, have been taped over, etc. So I guess until LE tells us for certain, we won't know.

I still think the searching in the woods, water, etc., leads me to believe that LE isn't buying the storyline, and are doing a recovery mode without naming a POI. Grid searches instead of road blocks.. maybe did both to make sure to cover all bases. Saw the bloodhounds in one video as well, but we know they aren't always accurate either. Noticed Dad was clinging to a stuffed teddy bear or some stuffed animal, wondering if it has Delano's scent on it?

Maybe LE isn't really giving up on the search, just regrouping, and looking over their evidence thus far to concentrate on a smaller area, or realize they need to go further out in their search. Just listening to the voice of some of the searchers, I don't think they'll give up. One man's voice was sounding like he was ready to start crying. Most of these searchers probably have kids of their own, and even if they don't, it's got to be hard looking for a baby, knowing it couldn't survive for days without being fed. :( And if they aren't hearing crying, well...

But, I need to remember the case where the baby WAS taken from the home while the parent's slept. Was a woman that claimed to be the baby's aunt, and the baby was found OUTSIDE in freezing temps, in a plastic storage crate, outside a store!!! Miracle indeed!! But it happened.
I am going to really miss it when he is too big to wear. :( he's my little bear cub and does everywhere in that thing.

Sent from my not so humble opinion.
OT\ But it makes me happy to see other babywearing mama's in here! We should make a babywearing thread!
Aren't Amber Alerts for abductions involving a car? My guess is that LE has ruled out the car scenario and don't want to encourage the public to be the lookout for that car and/or those perps because any information about them wouldn't do any good. Just a hunch.

I am hoping they are still searching, even with the Amber Alert canceled. They need to find that baby boy!!
Just trying to get a visual of the neighborhood so I turned to google earth & street view. First, on the 911 call WW says he's at Harding, by Chase, then he says Harding and Oliver. MSM reports abduction happened in an alley. Here's some shots of that area (note, there is only 1 alley on that block)





THEN he says he's at Harding and Henry (and MSM reports the abduction took place in the 1400 block of Henry, in an alley - also the only alley on that block)


I'm not clear on why he gave so many different locations, but the only real question now is... where is that baby?!
I wore the monster in my profile pic until he was too wiggly to carry.

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Ontario Mom - your pics are terrific.

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Lots of people have questions about the amber alert being cancelled and this didn't sound very good...

Police drain tank, find no sign of missing baby

Police said they were treating the hunt for a missing Indianapolis infant Saturday as a search-and-rescue mission, with efforts including draining an old underground cistern in a wooded area near where the child disappeared.

Video included...
Ontario Mom - your pics are terrific.

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Yes, thanks for the pics. I'm a little surprised at how OPEN the area looks. When I think of an alley, I assumed tall building on either side, poor visibility, etc. This is pretty open and it's hard to believe all that commotion could go on and no one see or hear anything, huh?
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