IN - Three-year-old survives dog attack

Awww guys please...we all have very strong opinions on this subject...remain friends please...we need to just skip over this one
when we see something posted about dog maulings...I understand where both of you are coming from, and see both sides just like you do.

There is good and bad in everything...the reason I post on these threads is just to caution people...I have lived it first hand.

God Bless, shake hands...D
Sassy - I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew and am thankful he is still alive. Yes, I hate pits too. They really need to be contained (if that's possible) if not gotten rid of completely.
I know there is good and bad in every breed. Sorry to say I hate Pits. My 10 year old nephew was mauled by two pit bulls on Christmas day back in the early 90's. He is very lucky to be alive and by the grace of God a neighbor (they lived on a farm) heard him screaming and managed to help him get away from them. He had a shovel and would knock the dogs back until he was able to climb over a fence to get away from them.

He had over 3000 stitches in his body and this was just the areas they were able to stitch. He had chunks of skin, muscle and tissue gone down to the bone the size of golf balls and larger. These had to be packed with gauze until he was able to have grafts done. They had to treat him like a burn patient and take him to water tanks daily to repack these wounds.

The people that owned these dogs had no insurance at all, and you can just imagine the devestation it did to his family with this kind of medical bills. His parent's divorced because his dad was not able to handle what happened to him. He underwent many, many years of treatments until he was old enough to realize it was not doing him any good with his deep scars.

We found out after all this happened these two dogs had escaped their pen a fews weeks before and killed a calf. These dogs should have been put down then, and not have been allowed to do this to a child that was just out playing with his new basketball he had gotten for Christmas with the little neighbor boy in his yard.

Sorry, I cannot have any sympahty for people that have any of those breed of dogs, and not take the responsibility that goes along with having them. I do not mean just pits I mean all the ones that area known to do these kind of things to people.

Maybe the can pass a law that if you own a breed that is known to do these things you are required by law to carry am insurance rider on your homeowners policy to cover any damage or death they may cause. It would be of no comfort at all to the families that are suffering because of death, or a disfigured family member. It would just be nice for someone to take some responsibility with these kinds of dogs running around loose.

Where I live in NC, it is required that owners of any breed deemed dangerous carry $100,000 of insurance on the animal. This includes not only pits, but German Shephards, Huskies, Dobermans, Rotties...etc. They must also keep the dog indoors or have a pen at least 10ft high. Dogs are not allowed on chains either or it's a $500 fine.
I'm not defending pit bulls, but quite often dogs that attack are identified as pit bulls when they are not. I found this link to be interesting.

Interesting. I looked at the test and thought I saw a few Pit Bulls and was surprised it said there was only one. So, I thought FOR SURE that #22 was a Pit Bull. I was wrong. Then I knew it was #13... wrong, again. I then thought #15. Wrong. #1? Wrong again. And it's not #24 or #7, my final guesses. And I have now been wrong on all counts. I'll have to look again when I have time to find the actual Pit. None of the others look like one to me. Again, interesting...
Sassy - I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew and am thankful he is still alive. Yes, I hate pits too. They really need to be contained (if that's possible) if not gotten rid of completely.

Thank you honey it was a true miracle he made it. Most of the time when you hear of an attack they do not make it. For it to have been two pits, and a 10 year old boy is a total miracle. By the grace of God and the man across the road that heard him is all that saved his life.
Everyone definitely has their own opinions when it comes to the bully breed. Training, socialization and re-enforcement training are the key.
I don't fool myself and think my dogs would never be capable of violence. I've never had a problem with either of my boys (bully and rott) but I also make sure they're not put in bad situations where something could happen. Then again, if I had another type of dog, I'd always take the same precautions. When you get right down to the nitty gritty, any dog can attack at any time, some are just more capable of really hurting someone.
Everyone definitely has their own opinions when it comes to the bully breed. Training, socialization and re-enforcement training are the key.
I don't fool myself and think my dogs would never be capable of violence. I've never had a problem with either of my boys (bully and rott) but I also make sure they're not put in bad situations where something could happen. Then again, if I had another type of dog, I'd always take the same precautions. When you get right down to the nitty gritty, any dog can attack at any time, some are just more capable of really hurting someone.

GREAT post Lurker!!!!!

Thought I would share this with my fellow pit bull lovers. I also wanted to show that pits are NOT the only dogs. You hear about it all the time because the media wants you to see it. I also love how nice they speak of the dog. If it had been a pit believe me the words they use for the dog would be much more mean.
Well, I love my pitbull and here she is at my feet.
So I see you have decided to keep her?
My problem is I am starting a remodel and so it is causing a problem for both my dogs.
I wasn't planning on having 2 so soon. If I can find her a better home I will give her up, but otherwise, I am going to keep her. I absolutely adore her. Are they generally so smart? She is brilliant.
to be continued

Thought I would share this with my fellow pit bull lovers. I also wanted to show that pits are NOT the only dogs. You hear about it all the time because the media wants you to see it. I also love how nice they speak of the dog. If it had been a pit believe me the words they use for the dog would be much more mean.

" A three-year-old girl is recovering from a horrific dog attack after receiving more than 300 stitches."

That sure gets the msg across about the dog. What did you expect them to say? horrific........300 stitches?
Stella has toenails like Jakes...I have to get his clipped about once a fornight otherwise he tries to chew them off himself...watching telly and all you can hear is crunch gets a bit annoying after a while:p

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