Interview Saturday Aug, 2nd KDKA Radio. Need Ideas

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Sep 13, 2003
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I am very fortunate to have been invited to appear on the Carol Espy show, Saturday Aug 2nd , 10:00 PM.

Carol's show is on KDKA radio Pittsburgh.

She has a 5 hour talk show every Saturday from 7:00 PM until 12 Midnight.

I will be on for an hour talking about WS, Nancy Cooper, and on-line true crime life in general.

You all are the Cooper experts. I'm telling you the detectives in this case should come to you for info:)

I would like your suggestions on what you think I should talk about concerning this case?

This is a free form show. Meaning nothing is pre-planned other than Carol and I will just talk. Like we are sitting at a coffee shop discussing the case.

Since you are the keeper of the facts let me know what you think I should bring up about Nancy Cooper and this case.

Thanks for your help.
I think it would be informational to discuss a little about statistics of wives that going missing and husbands who are involved, and then lead into that is why the husbands are looked at first. Then maybe talk about how people get involved in sleuthing this case who know Brad or know Nancy, and so do total strangers.
We are all interested for different reasons but I think some cases get more attention because you can relate to the victim.

It would also be interesting to talk about Brad's Web site that was found, and how much more the Internet is playing a part in cases. You can learn a lot from someone based on their MySpace page or the personal Web sites. The Internet has been so instrumental in helping to circulate information on missing people and unsolved murders and more.
You might also discuss, that although often times family and friends may not recognize an abuser, there are pretty standard molds, signs, just things in general that they do, that someone from the outside looking in, can spot these signs.

The first and foremost being control. Then you could take it from there.

You could discuss how sleuthers on YOUR website TRY not to look at the SO or spouse first, but so often, all roads lead back to them. But, when a case first comes to our attention, we TRY to concentrate on alternate theories.

I could probably think of more, let me give some thought.

Good luck Tricia! Congrats on finally being recoginized by more sources outside of the Web!


PS........did you see how many members and guests you had at one point today! The live feeds of court hearings, along with your website, makes your members feel like it's an interactive site! We get to make comments, etc to other members as it's happening. Kinda kool! :D
Great ideas. I'll do it.

About Brad's it still up? If not, what was on the site that relates to this case.

Thank you so much.
Great ideas. I'll do it.

About Brad's it still up? If not, what was on the site that relates to this case.

Thank you so much.

Hi Tricia! Congratulations on being interviewed. This is great!

I don't know whether his website is still up but Seriously Searching dug up some stuff from it which I carried over to the Brad Cooper thread - posts 13 & 14.

This case has really taken off on this website. Most people were googling to find out more about the case and Websleuths popped up. We've had quite a lot of locals sign up; we also have an ex roomate of Brad from Calgary, and at least one ex girlfriend giving us some background. I think we also have two lawyers contributing as well. The list goes on with an employee from Cisco and another who is very well versed with Brad's occupation.We have learned so much from the newbies.

I think most of us would agree that one reason we joined Websleuths was because we want to see justice for the victims.

Just my :twocents:
Hi Tricia, First and foremost, you should should talk about Nancy, the mother, daughter, sister, friend, wife and of course victim....her likes and dislikes, her passion for life and for her daughters, her passion for running and how in 8 years in Cary, she had made some wonderful and true friends.

I would then talk about the crime statistics of missing police work from the inside and then move to the outside, if the evidence allows them to move outwards. Talk about how police first begin with the one who last saw the missing person and how they move from there to the outide.
Talk about the big interest of avergae everyday people like me and you that have an interst in true crime and police work. Talk about how the internet and things like myspace gives all of us a look at a potential suspect. Talk about how police work more and more on computer forensics..Scott Peterson researching the bay area for tides, etc...just how the internet can and often does play a huge part in true crime cases.
And lastly please talk in depth about Nacy's childre, Bella and Katie, who truns two this week. Talk about how she so enjoyed being a hands on she took her kids to the pool and made memories with them on a daily basis. It takes a special kind of woman this day and age to stay home raise their chuildren. I tip my hat to all stay at home moms..they are unfortunately a dying breed, due to finances and the need for two incomes in many family units.
Talk about her role as a twin... whish was most important to her. Not only is she a sister, she is a twin sister, who also has one other sister and brother. They are a close family.
I would also talk about how WS sleuther's like to communicate with one another sharing a common bond..being an interest in solving true crime cases. How we have such a passion for justice and the legal system and strive to give people the benefit of the doubt in all cases.
I know you will do an awesome job and rememebr God is good...He will be there with you. Take Care and God Bless, Snowlover 77
Hi Tricia, First and foremost, you should should talk about Nancy, the mother, daughter, sister, friend, wife and of course victim....her likes and dislikes, her passion for life and for her daughters, her passion for running and how in 8 years in Cary, she had made some wonderful and true friends.

I would then talk about the crime statistics of missing police work from the inside and then move to the outside, if the evidence allows them to move outwards. Talk about how police first begin with the one who last saw the missing person and how they move from there to the outide.
Talk about the big interest of avergae everyday people like me and you that have an interst in true crime and police work. Talk about how the internet and things like myspace gives all of us a look at a potential suspect. Talk about how police work more and more on computer forensics..Scott Peterson researching the bay area for tides, etc...just how the internet can and often does play a huge part in true crime cases.
And lastly please talk in depth about Nacy's childre, Bella and Katie, who truns two this week. Talk about how she so enjoyed being a hands on she took her kids to the pool and made memories with them on a daily basis. It takes a special kind of woman this day and age to stay home raise their chuildren. I tip my hat to all stay at home moms..they are unfortunately a dying breed, due to finances and the need for two incomes in many family units.
Talk about her role as a twin... whish was most important to her. Not only is she a sister, she is a twin sister, who also has one other sister and brother. They are a close family.
I would also talk about how WS sleuther's like to communicate with one another sharing a common bond..being an interest in solving true crime cases. How we have such a passion for justice and the legal system and strive to give people the benefit of the doubt in all cases.
I know you will do an awesome job and rememebr God is good...He will be there with you. Take Care and God Bless, Snowlover 77
I would also give the history of websleuther's web long it has been in service..tell how the membership has grown since it's debut, etc..and let the world know how proud you are to be representing us.
Congrats on the interview!

How about talking about the timeline (developed from information gathered on the Web site)?
There was a Cooper family website up, but it has disappeared. It was . It doesn't appear on the wayback machine either. On there, just this past weekend, were links to family friends, including someone named Heather -- the alleged (this was in the media) woman BC was having an alleged affair with.

The other website was The Adventures of Brad:


Great ideas. I'll do it.

About Brad's it still up? If not, what was on the site that relates to this case.

Thank you so much.
I would like you to mention how LE has been able to further cases along by releasing more information to the public instead of always playing it so close to the vest and the time has come in the instant information age of how the computer, people at websleuths and other sites, and the general public can be instrumental in bringing justice for victims and their families. We volunteer countless hours to re-examine every detail of cases, develop our think tank, and try to gather into one place all the information from the media, from LE, families, as well as locals familiar with the cases.

With the lack of complete information on databases for the missing and for the UIDs, it makes sites like WS an important tool. The volunteered hours spent researching reports and pouring over photos to compare in support of Law Enforcement, ME offices, and for the families. I would mention any successes we have had here in that aspect, too.
Yes, I saw that, but the links don't go anywhere.

The important thing about that site was that HM and her (at the time) DH were listed as friends -- with either email or website addy. That's where I originally got HM's name from, when I was trying to find out whether there was more than one Heather associated with the Coopers.

It was there, in its entirety, a few days ago. I wonder if BC is reading WS, because we WSers were talking about the Heathers this weekend and this week, and then this site disappears. I also wonder why he didn't delete the Adventures with Brad site while he was at it -- maybe he intends to go back to being an Ironman so he's leaving that site up.


Hi RC,

Looking for the family page via Google, I found this:

It looks like it was an older site, last updated March 18, 2005.
Great ideas. I'll do it.

About Brad's it still up? If not, what was on the site that relates to this case.

Thank you so much.
The most obvious thing on the websites we found of Brad's is there is no mention of his wife or his family. To look at them, you would have no idea he is married with children. He goes on and on about his accomplishments in the marathons, triatholons, Ironman competitions, his newly acquired position at Cisco due to passing one of their most difficult tests (this was explained further in a post I will have to go find), and how he finished his MBA last December. They are all about himself and very narcissistic. (This is a word we have heard repeatedly with people here who have known Brad personally.)

I will find the websites and bring them here to post so you can review them.
Ok, Tricia, I've thought about this. I don't know if you want to read this much. If not, just skip it. LOL, it's not really that important, but this is how I feel about Websleuths.


Trisha, I’m sure one of the things they may ask is what is the draw to Websleuths and why particular cases?

For me, (a WS addict,) it was one case that first brought me here and once I discovered WS, I stayed. For me it was the Laci Peterson case. Being a mother of four daughters, I couldn’t believe a husband would kill his very pregnant wife. With a son no less. Don’t all men want sons? I guess not, as we all found out! Anyway, many times it’s the connection we feel to a particular victim.

One thing I like to do is read and mystery novels are my favorite. WS is a never ending library, unfortunately, of crimes. We watch as they unfold before our very eyes, through tv and the internet. We gather all the information together onto WS and banter back and forth theories. For the most part, we are like minded people gathered for the same purpose.

We not only try to solve crimes, we cry for the victims and try to help bring some of the cases to the attention of LE and the media. We’ve had writing campaigns, given tips, contacted the missing persons agencies with tips, we try to do our little part to save or solve unknown victims from our little part of the world.

One thing we all do, is care for the victims. We care for those who can no longer speak. We care for their families. We care for justice. We’ve followed cases literally for years, your Jon Bonet Ramsey case as an example. IF justice hasn’t been served, there’s almost always one or more Websleuthers who won’t let it go. They care.

Why do some cases get more attention than others? Sometimes it’s because it’s a slow news day. Seriously. Other times it’s because the case has all the ingredients that you wouldn’t expect a crime such as that to happen. Or it happened to the type of people most others envy, not realizing what was going on behind closed doors. Abuse, mental or physical or sexual, control issues, a monster behind door #1.

Many of the missing women that get the most press is because they are usually middle class, educated, usually children, married, hidden problems at home, love, sex, $$, betrayal. OH, and at least one person connected to the case who is media savvy. Without knowing how to handle the media, you may get no attention at all.

The Nancy Cooper case has all the ingredients I’ve mentioned. Unfortunately, since I’ve been a member of Websleuths, there have been countless others before Nancy and there will most likely be more and more. It breaks us Websleuther’s hearts that some women just don’t get it. Run for your life!

IMO, Laci Peterson was the beginning of the ‘pregnant wife’ cases that have shocked our nation. Since Websleuths was opened, there have been so many that fit the same profile, or some that weren’t perhaps married and no one paid them much mind. But we did here on Websleuths. Our archives are filled with many, and unfortunately, too many of them are unsolved or justice has not been forthcoming because LE could NOT get enough evidence.

Over the past few years, we’ve also learned that these cases don’t always stop with just one dead wife and sometimes more than two. We’ve learned that IF a person gets away with offing their SO, they MAY do it again. IE….Michael Peterson, 20 years apart and only convicted for one, I believe. Present day, suspect Drew Peterson, one wife drowned in a dry bath tub, few years later his present wife is missing, gone without a trace. No body, do they have a case? Maybe.

The child cases are often the hardest for us to follow. Most of us are parents. If we’re not parents, we have feelings and especially for the little ones. Children are our future and they should bury us, not we them. When we come upon a heartbreaking case, it can bring us to tears. Take the current Caylee Marie Anthony. Adorable, precious, missing, ……lies, subterfuge, ………We get frustrated, upset, mad………..and sometimes we have to walk away from our computer and take a break…..or the end of a case might find us spent of emotion and we need to stop for a short time. We can’t take it anymore.

Unfortunately, for most of us loyal Websleuthers, even if we did take a break, there’s always going to be another case, another murder, missing person, child abduction that will suck us back in. We are once again embroiled in an ongoing case, trying to help be the voice of the victim. A victim who quite often has been silenced in a horrible way by someone they loved and they didn’t even see it coming.

You can’t make up the real life stories discussed at Websleuths. They are real, current events, human emotion often times at it’s best and at times worst. It’s what makes the world go round.

Love and hate. Togetherness. Websleuths.
fran, that was a great post! You summed it up perfectly.

My post, that didn't go through earlier (just realized...luckily had saved it) hit some of the same points, though not as eloquently:


It might be helpful to be prepared to counter some common arguments:

We always suspect the husband. Let's find a few cases where the husband/boyfriend wasn't guilty and look back at the threads to see if WSers hunches were right. It would be good to show that sometimes our gut instinct is that he didn't do it, and a lot of times that instinct is correct. Trying to think of Nielson, Meredith Emerson, trying to think of others.

We only care about pretty white girls. I would cite some of our big cases involving men, minorities, the elderly, etc. While much of our traffic comes from the Natalies, Lacis, and JonBenets of the media world, our sleuthers are eternally busy looking into the identity of Benjamin Kyle, The River Killers, Nicholas Francisco? (thread 16, for Pete's sake!), and spent how many hours on the Amber Harris case?

You will be fantastic. You always are!
Good Luck.

I would talk about the need to find out why these types of crimes are occurring. What is it that these men, whose wife's just so happen to get murdered have such a common bond.

Look at the common bonds these men share and please feel free to post more common bonds...

These men are often self-obsessed
Money Issues
Most of these men are very controlling
Not obviously abusive
Some noted as charming
The Lies

Then go and read about Profiles of a Sociopath (reading Brad's website reminds me of reading Raven's) so much into oneself, as though life revolves around them.

Brad does seem a lot like these guys that are very controlling, manipulative, lying about things no reason to lie about.

Whether or not Nancy Cooper, Janet Marie Christiansen Abaroa, Michelle Young, Stacy Peterson, Lisa Stebic, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. were murdered by their spouses, they all seem to have so MUCH in common.

Even if no arrests are made on these cases and the husband's aren't taken to court, doesn't mean these these guys didn't do it. Cases like these are so hard to prove.

These are and will always be Circumstantial Evidence cases, with or without a weapon, cases without a witness and murders by a spouse or significant other are one of the hardest cases to prove out there.

These men look like they are cut from the same mold. Why is it that their wives just so happen to disappear and end up murdered? These women aren't into gangs, aren't into drugs, usually aren't in the wrong spot at the wrong time, and usually went jogging and they end up as non-random acts, why?

Look at Scott Peterson, Barton Corbin, Michael Peterson etc. etc. etc. and look at Craig Stebic, Drew Peterson, Raven Abaroa, Brad Cooper, etc. etc. etc.

Also, since Nancy Cooper was murdered in NC -where it seems there have been a lot of murders of women, and pregnant women, maybe it's time for the Governor of NC to appropriate more training to LE officers on how to handle these types of crimes.

Maybe more training and more MONEY needs to be appropriated to LE agencies to put more effort into solving these CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE based cases that end up taking forever to solve.

In many of the above cases, I think LE knows who did it, being able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with the way our Justice System handles these types of crimes, is another thing.

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