AMBER ALERT Italy - Mia Kataleya Chicllo Alvarez, 5, Florence, 10 June 2023


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What happened to Kata, the 5-year-old Peruvian girl who disappeared in Florence, from the former Astor hotel last Saturday 10 June? The searches, three days after the disappearance, have not had any results. Today, however, we learn that last Sunday there was a new report of a sighting on a bus of a woman with a little girl in Bologna. At the moment there is no official confirmation that it is the little Kata. The investigations are currently underway.

Meanwhile, kidnapping for the purpose of extortion is being investigated, assuming that the story is connected to the rental racket in the former hotel. Traces of the alleged kidnappers, however, there are none. And now it is thought that the child may also have been taken abroad. Yesterday the investigators acquired a post on Facebook of some occupants of the former hotel. Peruvians, two of whom cannot be found. “Remember that in Peru you have a family,” reads the Facebook post. A threat? The investigations are ongoing.

The mother of little Kataleya Mia Chicllo Alvarez, the 5-year-old girl who disappeared from the early afternoon of Saturday 10 June while playing in the courtyard of the former Astor hotel, in the Novoli district of Florence, cannot rest. The woman had just returned to her home at the occupied hotel after being heard in the prosecutor's office when she ingested the substance and felt ill: rescued by 118, she was transported to the Careggi hospital where she was then hospitalized. It is not clear whether he did it in a suicide attempt or to make a demonstrative gesture, in any case - according to what is learned - he is now fine. A friend of the woman was also taken to the hospital due to illness. Yesterday the father of Kataleya Mia Chicllo Alvarez, detained in prison, attempted suicide.
The mother of little Kataleya Mia Chicllo Alvarez, the 5-year-old girl who disappeared from the early afternoon of Saturday 10 June while playing in the courtyard of the former Astor hotel, in the Novoli district of Florence, cannot rest. The woman had just returned to her home at the occupied hotel after being heard in the prosecutor's office when she ingested the substance and felt ill: rescued by 118, she was transported to the Careggi hospital where she was then hospitalized. It is not clear whether he did it in a suicide attempt or to make a demonstrative gesture, in any case - according to what is learned - he is now fine. A friend of the woman was also taken to the hospital due to illness. Yesterday the father of Kataleya Mia Chicllo Alvarez, detained in prison, attempted suicide.
So both parents have attempted suicide since the child's disappearance? I can't tell if I'm reading this correctly.

The mother of Kataleya Mia Chicllo Alvarez, the 5-year-old girl who disappeared in Florence, says her family had a fight with someone. She reported to the carabinieri “who may have taken it”, she told the news yesterday. This is another family of Peruvian origin who live on the third floor of the building occupied in the suburban district of Novoli. Where the Astor hotel used to be. “We had fights with some people. They wanted to occupy our rooms, I mentioned their names to the carabinieri,” Katherine told Resto del Carlino. “We barricaded ourselves inside. There was a fight, a drunk man flew out the window. They tried to blame my brother but he has nothing to do with it. He fell by himself.” Then she said: «Someone took her and took her away. I know Kata is in danger. They don’t have to take it out on her. These are grown-ups’ problems.”

A call came on the number of Isabel, the mother’s friend. “It was the voice of an adult Latino man who believed I was the mother and she told me the baby was with him,” she said. Katherina also says that her husband, or her ex, is in prison in Sollicciano for some petty crimes: «But even if we are no longer together, I have no suspicions about him. His family is helping us look for the girl.’ Kataleya Alvarez has been missing since Saturday afternoon at 3.30pm. Her mother, who returned from work, did not find her child entrusted to her paternal uncle. She first looked for her in the building and then alerted the police. The investigators searched the building using molecular dogs. And they don’t rule out that she is still inside the former hotel. Carabinieri General Gabriele Vitagliano says she may have gone out accompanied by someone.

Long article -- there is a lot more at the link.
A bit confusing but mom attempted suicide?
Mom and dad it seems; but from what I am reading, I suspect due to possible overwhelming feelings of guilt in their belief that she was taken and obvious fear for her life they have all because of a fight the adults (parents) had with another Peruvian couple in the same building - a couple who cannot now be located themselves. IMO based upon what I decipher from the articles translated above ... they are a bit convoluted tough.

A desperate search for a five-year-old girl who has been missing for ten days continued today in Florence, as police seized control of the former hotel where she lived.

Kataleya Mia Chicillo Alvarez, five, from Peru, went missing on June 10 from the occupied Astor Hotel in Florence, Italy, where she was living with her family and 140 other people.

There are two ways she could have been taken out of the hotel. Cameras recorded her playing on some steps towards a courtyard at 3.12pm before she disappeared completely.

No traces of the five-year-old girl and her kidnappers were found in the area and the police's working theory is that she was bundled into a trunk or suitcase and taken out one of the two exits of the hotel - although one would have required kidnappers to carry her over a wall.

On Sunday, ten police officers began to empty bins outside of the occupied hotel where Kataleya lived, while two teams of specialist officers arrived with search equipment.

Eight forensic officers were also on the scene as investigators finally emptied the building of all of its occupants in order to conduct an unimpeded search for the first time.

Anitmafia police are believed to be involved in the ongoing search.

The difficult inspection of the building is set to continue tomorrow morning and the building has been manned to prevent intrusions and interference with evidence.

More at link

This is just awful. Not much more to say .I hope the little one is found jmoo
Hi guys. I was looking for some update in italian press regarding this case and I happened to find this one article.

Kata, una telefonata porta in Perù: «È ancora viva»

I've translated the beginning of the article because I think this is some new information that wasn't posted here (? tell me if I'm wrong).
I also have to precise that my natal language is neither Italian nor English, so my translation probably isn't the greatest one, but you guys will be able to understand most of it.

" In the days following the kidnapping, the child’s father was contacted by his brother, detained in his home country : « They took her by mistake, now I’m gonna take care of it ». The uncle and the other supects are still in jail for the investigation going on about the alleged rent racket.

It’s a lead that takes us to Perou. A call brought hope that little Kataleyna Alvarez, who disappeared from former Astor Hotel in Firenze, might still be alive. A few days after the kidnapping, the little girl’s father was contacted by his brother detained in Perou « Kata is there – she has told him-, they took her by mistake, I’m gonna take care of it ». The conversation is known from Florence authorities. It would be the father that provided them with this one, based upon his lawyer’s advice.

The lead didn’t help to obtain concret results for now, but is still open, and some contacts would be on going between the peruvian and italian authorities."

"Breaking news on the Kata investigation, the 5 years old little girl who vanished on June 10th from former Astor hotel in Florence. There are five suspects in an investigation on the kidnapping for a ransom of the little Mia Kataleya Chiclo Alvarez.

The public minister of Florence has of against them, all of them being former illagal inoccupant of the hotel, some technical investigations, meant to check the presence of biological or genetic material and to eventually find some DNA profiles (from bags, carts and tap rooms) and their comparaison with the one from the missing girl.

Investigations went on, with the help of a technical consultant adressed by the Antimafia Direction of the District held by the assistant prosecutor, Luca Tescaroli, against the five people being investigated : 3 of them were filmed by the cameras going out, respectively, one with a bag and two with a cart - which, regarding their size, could have hidden the little girl- from Astor hotel on june 10th after the disappearance of Mia Kataleya, items that they used again on june 17th when they were expulsed from the building.

The two other suspects are the inoccupant of the distinct rooms in which ones probable blood traces were found, on the taps of the bathrooms, on june 11th during the search on the day after the little girl’s disappearance. In the next days, the police will also process to deeper serches in the former hotel, looking for some traces of the little girl."

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