Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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I had heard it referred to as a "private" company. And let me tell you that really pi$$es me off. How many times have they been caught lying and faking crap to be able to keep running? All to keep the money flowing to those SOB's. I really hope it's been worth it to them. I hope they enjoyed it, bastids.
hey woof~!!!! You and I owe each other like a case of coke today LOL
" Originally Posted by Hopeful One View Post
Since we don't seem to know anything concrete about what could/might/may/maybe happen, what I want to know is how everyone feels. Are you scared crapless? Or do you think this is all much ado about nothing?"

I'm trying to go about things as normal.. the corned beef and cabbage is in the crock pot.. I'm baking St. pattys day cupcakes they are in the oven right now... the kids are playing DS since it's rainy out... but at least every other minute my mind is drawn to the people of japan and behind them.. my children.. I'm not scared crapless but I did buy the iodine. i know it will only protect their vulnerable thyroids.. but that is better than nothing if the worst happens radiation from contaminated food sources milk veggies etc likes to go for the thyroid.. it makes me feel better to have it... not worried about me.. lung cancer will get me before anything else lol.. just my babies.... but firstly the babies and people of japan
I am glad it is not owned by the government personally!
Personally, I think the CEO/Owner of Tepco should be forced to be on my teevee..........instead of hiding because he is scared.
Personally, I think the CEO/Owner of Tepco should be forced to be on my teevee..........instead of hiding because he is scared.
can anyone find out who's on the board of directors? Just curious.

Maybe I'll try to look in a bit.
" Originally Posted by Hopeful One View Post
Since we don't seem to know anything concrete about what could/might/may/maybe happen, what I want to know is how everyone feels. Are you scared crapless? Or do you think this is all much ado about nothing?"

I'm trying to go about things as normal.. the corned beef and cabbage is in the crock pot.. I'm baking St. pattys day cupcakes they are in the oven right now... the kids are playing DS since it's rainy out... but at least every other minute my mind is drawn to the people of japan and behind them.. my children.. I'm not scared crapless but I did buy the iodine. i know it will only protect their vulnerable thyroids.. but that is better than nothing if the worst happens radiation from contaminated food sources milk veggies etc likes to go for the thyroid.. it makes me feel better to have it... not worried about me.. lung cancer will get me before anything else lol.. just my babies.... but firstly the babies and people of japan

OT....I had my corned beef and cabbage sunday :)
I had heard it referred to as a "private" company. And let me tell you that really pi$$es me off. How many times have they been caught lying and faking crap to be able to keep running? All to keep the money flowing to those SOB's. I really hope it's been worth it to them. I hope they enjoyed it, bastids.

I tend to agree with you, as it does sound very familiar ( BP OIL Spill) when the "Company" reassures, deny's major issues etc...Thats what happenes when you have "Free Enterprise" running essential services for the masses. You only get whatever info they wish to give ya..even the Govt.'s hands are tied in forcing " transparancy' ..Guess you have to be careful what you wish for..Cut Govt. controls and regulations,>>> so what you get is manipulations by the "Corporate Owners" of that service :waitasec:

These "Entities" only admit to things when pressured and THEY know they Have to..but not before they drain whatever profits they can first...Very Very frustrating..and in the end its always the Leaders that are blamed!!
man, i want to listen to live coverage.....not recorded and played over and over stuff....uggggg
My colleague Simon Jeffery writes that since the problems began at Fukushima many in comments on the live blogs and elsewhere have offered their suggestions for how the reactors could be tackled.

For example, one email from a scientist asked why ice or snow was not being dropped on the Fukushima reactors. It would, he said, deliver more heat absorbing power than water alone and would at least drop straight down from a helicopter.

Simon has set up a blog inviting readers to leave their suggestions. As he says, "not everyone will be a nuclear scientist – but some might".

Leave your suggestions on Simon's blog here.

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