Jason Young to get new trial #2

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It's possible she wasn't removed but then there should have been blood in the drains or wet/bloody towels in the bathroom. Someone cleaned her. Not buying at all that her totally red feet would have just wore off on their own. No blood was found on the side of the bed where she was found. Another odd thing is that at age 2, my kids weren't able to climb up on the master bed. I wonder if she was even able to do that on her own.

Also, your scenario has her walking around with bloody feet but there is no trail of her footprints in the hall, not one of her footprints in the carpeting except for some in the master BR closet.

Re: the dog - What do you think about the dog allegedly being in the house for what would have been 14+ hours and no waste is in the house and no bloody footprints. I don't believe the dog was in the house due to the lack of any evidence of that and the fact that MF didn't put him in the fenced backyard when she allegedly walked outside with him. She just left him loose apparently until a neighbor got him and none of the responders ever reported seeing him. It's just very odd. This is the family dog and he is just completely neglected by her. Why? (Because he was set loose before the murder, imo).

Re: the diaper -- Shelly Schaad testified that while she was there C. was still up after being put to bed and that she had removed her diaper. This apparently was common for her to do that. No one is arguing that. There is however testimony that she was not able to and was never known to have woken up, removed the diaper and then dressed. She would wait for her mother to dress her. Additionally, where is the diaper she would have removed? It should have been on the floor in her room or somewhere upstairs on the floor.

The thing about the diaper --- that she was allegedly found wearing no diaper, only pj pants --- I don't believe there is anything but MF's word that she was not wearing a diaper. No one checked so we really don't know if someone had put a clean diaper on her or underwear or what. I wonder about that.

Re: the pajamas were clean --- no visible blood. How is that possible with blood up and down the walls and all over the floor that not a drop got on her clothing? They were either washed or she was dressed in clean ones, bloody ones disposed of.

BBM. Thanks for bringing up the point about CY not being able to climb up into the bed. Ditto the point about removing the diaper and what happened to it. I just can't accept these things as facts because they aren't believable to me. And no dog can go that long without an accident, I don't care how well trained it may be.

BBM. Thanks for bringing up the point about CY not being able to climb up into the bed. Ditto the point about removing the diaper and what happened to it. I just can't accept these things as facts because they aren't believable to me. And no dog can go that long without an accident, I don't care how well trained it may be.


I leave for work at 6pm and return at 8am.. my dog never has accidents in the house and he is free in the house, not put in a kennel. fyi
I leave for work at 6pm and return at 8am.. my dog never has accidents in the house and he is free in the house, not put in a kennel. fyi

And that is entirely possible if food and water is withheld. There is no indication in this case the Young's dog was without food or his water dish.

Follow what exactly and explore where?

The evidence... however circumstancial you think it is did lead to a conviction. IMO the jurors did just what you said investigators should have done.

That, practically the same, evidence led to a hung jury the first time, and an overturned conviction the second time.

The only thing the jury heard differently was the civil suits and the daycare workers. And that it was too cold and windy to smoke a cigar.

Sent from your mom's smartphone
Follow what exactly and explore where?

The evidence... however circumstancial you think it is did lead to a conviction. IMO the jurors did just what you said investigators should have done.

The "evidence" that lead to the conviction wasn't actually evidence, it was prejudicial information about civil lawsuits that wasn't in the first trial and won't be in the third trial.

That, practically the same, evidence led to a hung jury the first time, and an overturned conviction the second time.

The only thing the jury heard differently was the civil suits and the daycare workers. And that it was too cold and windy to smoke a cigar.

Sent from your mom's smartphone

The daycare testimony opens a huge door to the defense at the next trial. I can only imagine what CY said to others in the days immediately following her mother's murder.

** ETA to Jason's meeting:

I noticed neither side asked Jennifer Sproles if JY had any marks or scratches on his hands or face as she would have been very close to him during their meeting and just hours after Michelle's murder, but they didn't. She said he appeared normal in behavior and the meeting lasted about 30-35 minutes.

Something else, if you planned to kill your wife, wouldn't you at least know where your meeting was and not wait until last minute to find out. Wouldn't it be in your plan to note exactly where you were headed and where you would stop, instead of just driving in that general direction. This part of the plan doesn't make sense to me at all, and I guess the biggest thing, is when did this plan start? How far in advance did Jason Young plan to kill his wife, when the one thing we have learned about JY is that he doesn't plan anything!
And that is entirely possible if food and water is withheld. There is no indication in this case the Young's dog was without food or his water dish.


Umm no. I don't withhold food nor water from him while I am at work. He has free access to both.
I leave for work at 6pm and return at 8am.. my dog never has accidents in the house and he is free in the house, not put in a kennel. fyi

I'll bet if you left a bunch of bloody meat on your kitchen floor before you left, you would find bloody paw prints in your house when you returned though.
I can't imagine that amount of blood on her feet and hands just disappearing on it's own. No bloody handprints anywhere in the house. No blood on pajamas even though her doll was placed right next to her mother. However, several areas of the PJ's were positive for presence of blood but none was visible. That strongly suggests that they were washed.

I have four granddaughter and they have lots of pink pajamas. Some are identical to others. I think it is quite possible MY put CY to bed in pink pajamas and the killer IMO JY did clean her up and put her in another pair of pink pj's and trashed her other pair with his shirt and shoes. There could still be trace amounts of blood on the clean pj's. To me this seems more reasonable then someone taking her from the home and laundering her pink pajamas and then bringing her back to home.
I have four granddaughter and they have lots of pink pajamas. Some are identical to others. I think it is quite possible MY put CY to bed in pink pajamas and the killer IMO JY did clean her up and put her in another pair of pink pj's and trashed her other pair with his shirt and shoes. There could still be trace amounts of blood on the clean pj's. To me this seems more reasonable then someone taking her from the home and laundering her pink pajamas and then bringing her back to home.

There was testimony the pj's tested positive for blood. And nobody needed to take her from the home to wash her clothes. Considering that witnesses saw activity at the house and all the lights on, it is possible the clothes were washed right there and placed back on her.

I have four granddaughter and they have lots of pink pajamas. Some are identical to others. I think it is quite possible MY put CY to bed in pink pajamas and the killer IMO JY did clean her up and put her in another pair of pink pj's and trashed her other pair with his shirt and shoes. There could still be trace amounts of blood on the clean pj's. To me this seems more reasonable then someone taking her from the home and laundering her pink pajamas and then bringing her back to home.

Shelly Schaad testified that the pajamas presented in court were the same ones she saw CY in that night. But, I do agree, if the killer had been Jason , he knew where CY's pjs were and could have easily changed them. But, that did not happen.
There was testimony the pj's tested positive for blood. And nobody needed to take her from the home to wash her clothes. Considering that witnesses saw activity at the house and all the lights on, it is possible the clothes were washed right there and placed back on her.

Yetno trace of blood i the drains,
Shelly Schaad testified that the pajamas presented in court were the same ones she saw CY in that night. But, I do agree, if the killer had been Jason , he knew where CY's pjs were and could have easily changed them. But, that did not happen.

I am uncertain how you can say "that did not happen". As I said earlier my granddaughters have some pj's that are identical so Shelly's testimony could stil fit my theory.
I am stuck on Jason's plan now and when it started and all the things he did to add extra suspicion on himself. like taking out a large Insurance policy and having an affair when he knew the paper trail was going to take LE right to MM's front door, airline tix, excessive phonecalls, and even telling his friends he was sleeping with her.
And, why not leave some signs of a break-in, open/unlocked window in the home? , And, the plans to go to Brevard, why not make them known before, and not so last minute? And, the hotel, why not make a reservation? Because JY was not a planner, and this murder was not planned.
I am uncertain how you can say "that did not happen". As I said earlier my granddaughters have some pj's that are identical so Shelly's testimony could stil fit my theory.

No one challenged SS's testimony or the evidence presented in court that they were indeed the same pair of pj's she saw on CY when she was at the home that night.
I have four granddaughter and they have lots of pink pajamas. Some are identical to others. I think it is quite possible MY put CY to bed in pink pajamas and the killer IMO JY did clean her up and put her in another pair of pink pj's and trashed her other pair with his shirt and shoes. There could still be trace amounts of blood on the clean pj's. To me this seems more reasonable then someone taking her from the home and laundering her pink pajamas and then bringing her back to home.

While I agree with you that it is more reasonable that JY or someone changed her clothes over washing them, I contend that it is abundantly more reasonable that no one either changed her clothes nor washed them, but that the amount of blood found on the clothes is consistent with the amount of blood that CY actually got on the clothes. In other words, no one either washed them, replaced them, nor removed her from the home.

In fact, I would argue that it is more likely that CY did not wake up until after the murder took place and the perpetrators left the house.
I have four granddaughter and they have lots of pink pajamas. Some are identical to others. I think it is quite possible MY put CY to bed in pink pajamas and the killer IMO JY did clean her up and put her in another pair of pink pj's and trashed her other pair with his shirt and shoes. There could still be trace amounts of blood on the clean pj's. To me this seems more reasonable then someone taking her from the home and laundering her pink pajamas and then bringing her back to home.

Right. The thing that's odd --- if JY did this, why not just contain CY in her bedroom? She had a child-proof door knob thing so all he would have had to do was make sure her door was closed before entering the master bedroom.

I think it's more logical to believe that CY never got into the blood but rather the blood prints were staged to make it appear that she was alone for hours. There are too many problems with that theory though.
I am stuck on Jason's plan now and when it started and all the things he did to add extra suspicion on himself. like taking out a large Insurance policy and having an affair when he knew the paper trail was going to take LE right to MM's front door, airline tix, excessive phonecalls, and even telling his friends he was sleeping with her.
And, why not leave some signs of a break-in, open/unlocked window in the home? , And, the plans to go to Brevard, why not make them known before, and not so last minute? And, the hotel, why not make a reservation? Because JY was not a planner, and this murder was not planned.

That's a good point about the lack of reservation. If he knows this area will be his alibi location, he would want to ensure that he gets a room there. Plus, once you get up in that area, there isn't much around. You can drive many miles before reaching other lodging, food, gas, etc. What if he got up there and there was no vacancy.

As well, when considering his stop in King --- I was out last night pretty late, after 11 returning from the airport. My gas was a little low but no gas stations were open. My husband told me that he could just use the credit card and we could still get gas. That was something I never realized - that you could still pump gas even if the station is closed.

So then why wouldn't JY have been prepared and gassed up before going to Raleigh? Chances are that few gas stations would be open in the middle of the night so having to pay cash was taking a huge unnecessary risk. He couldn't use a credit card. What if Gracie's station had been closed? He would have run out of gas -- sitting on the side of the road, wife dead at home and no explanation for him to be traveling north on highway 52 at 5:30AM. It's just not logical.
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