Jewelry/Clothing found with Princess Blue's remains

Lion, were you able to contact LE about the yearbook for Robert E Lee High School class of 1975? I just noticed that in the article I posted it says to contact the person below with any information about the case. Let me know if you want to contact him or if you would like me to.

Anyone with information about this case can contact Manvel Police Detective Jay Coffman at 281-489-1212 or e-mail him at

I am so sorry. I didn't get to that today. I will certainly contact them both by phone and via email tomorrow. That you for the eamil addy:).

Also, looking at this ring from the side, it looks like a women's ring from that time. The band becomes more narrow from the sides to the bottom. I wish we had pics of the standard men's and ladie's rings for that time in the school. In 1975, there were very limited options and styles compared to today. I think there was a basic shape for men' rings and a basic shape for women's rings. If we just knew that fact we could rule in or out whether or not the original owner was a boy or a girl.

This looks like a man's high school ring. It is from 1975 (although not from Robert E Lee High School).

ETA: It does look like Princess Doe's ring is a girl's ring.

Also, looking at this ring from the side, it looks like a women's ring from that time. The band becomes more narrow from the sides to the bottom. I wish we had pics of the standard men's and ladie's rings for that time in the school. In 1975, there were very limited options and styles compared to today. I think there was a basic shape for men' rings and a basic shape for women's rings. If we just knew that fact we could rule in or out whether or not the original owner was a boy or a girl.

Thank you RKnowly. I agree that our princess Doe's ring is more likely a ladie's ring. Here the two are for comparison. The styles are basically the same. The biggest difference is the thickness of the band, which is what I remember from seeing various high school rings from around that time. I didn't get a high school ring, and I soon regretted it. So, for a couple of years after high school I would ask to see other people's school rings(to see what i was missing??), and I remember that the only notable difference was the band weight and thickness.

And here again is a side view of our Princess Doe's ring.

Lion, thank you for the comparison images. I am convinced now that Princess Doe's ring is a ladies ring.

Thank you RKnowly. I agree that our princess Doe's ring is more likely a ladie's ring. Here the two are for comparison. The styles are basically the same. The biggest difference is the thickness of the band, which is what I remember from seeing various high school rings from around that time. I didn't get a high school ring, and I soon regretted it. So, for a couple of years after high school I would ask to see other people's school rings(to see what i was missing??), and I remember that the only notable difference was the band weight and thickness.

And here again is a side view of our Princess Doe's ring.

You are welcome Rknowly:). I am also about 99 percent sure that this is a ladie's ring.

Tomorrow I am both calling and emailing LE to let them know about the 1975 REL yearbook that is for sale. I am also going to ask them if they know what sizes the other two rings were and what fingers all of the rings were on, especially the HS ring.

Does anyone have any other questions that may help us that I can ask them?

You are welcome Rknowly:). I am also about 99 percent sure that this is a ladie's ring.

Tomorrow I am both calling and emailing LE to let them know about the 1975 REL yearbook that is for sale. I am also going to ask them if they know what sizes the other two rings were and what fingers all of the rings were on, especially the HS ring.

Does anyone have any other questions that may help us that I can ask them?


Any clothing found at or near the scene? I would also point them to the lost class ring on Craigslist and see if they can't contact Craigslist to pull that from their database since the posting has expired\. Maybe they can find out who posted about the ring. When you post there you have to provide an email address for your responses to be mailed back to. Maybe that's on their backups and they can retrieve that information.
Mornin' friends. I received an email from a person that I emailed at This person told me that the, "L" might stand for the, "Lancets", the school mascot. Of course it still could stand for a first name, a last name, or something we haven't thought of, yet.

Error: The person who I emailed and in turn received an email from in response went to a different high school than the one in Houston. Her mascot was the Lancers or Lancets. However, the librarian at REL, in Houston, TX who also coincidentally graduated from REL in 1980, told me that the mascot is and has always been, "The General."

Also, I spoke with the person at the Texas Missing Persons Clearinghouse in charge of Princess Blue's case. She said that although LE has and is still trying to contact everyone from the graduating class of 1975, she doesn't know if they have reached all of them. She said that LE has obtained pictures and notes from 1975 from the school; but, I was unclear as to whether or not they actually have a copy of the year book.

She said that out of respect for the family members(hopefully they will be found), they intentionally did not state the manner of death. However, she said that she has no notes about clothing found with Princess Blue's remains, and that would most likely have been posted to help ID her if clothes were found with her remains. I speculate that she may have been found with no clothes. We can speculate there may have been foul play because of this and the fact that she was found in a place, full of debris and considered a dump site for bodies.

She also confirmed our belief that the ring is a ladies ring. Good, at least that is finally out of the way, lol. She does not know if the ring was sized up or sized down; however, I believe it was most likely sized up.

She said emphatically that her weight was determined by other factors other than the ring size. She didn't specify what factors; but, connections on the bones for tendons are larger, the heavier a person is, and/or the more strength training exercises they do. There are several ways to estimate weight based on skeletal remains. So, I think we can assume her weight was somewhere around 175 at death.

I asked her what else we can do to help solve this. what direction should we go in, and she said, "Please, just keep doing what you are doing." She was very pleasant and helpful, and she thanked us for our help. She has heard there are internet sleuthing communities; however, she has never heard of us in particular-----until today. She asked me to call her if I get any more information for her.

This morning, about an hour and a half ago, I emailed SGT. Coffman of the Manvel PD. I followed up a bit ago by leaving a message on his voice mail. I hope to hear back from him soon.

I think that is it for now; but, let's keep working. Maybe we can try to track any women who have since died from that class. Who knows? Maybe that is why they can't find the owner of that ring. Does anyone have a clue on how to do that? Other, bigger schools have memorial sites on their websites; but, I don't think REL has one.

Hi. I just hear back from Sergeant Coffman via email. He said that he has already obtained a list of the graduates from one of the 1975 graduates. He thanked us for being involved, too.

Brain surge-----Class rings are ordered in the Spring of the previous year. What if the mystery owner moved or dropped out by her senior year? I think we need a list of the juniors for 1974 as well. most of them will be the same; but, who knows? What if what I am saying is true? I am going to call the school now and see if there is a way to get a list of the students.

More information: I just spoke with the librarian at the school. She was also a 1980 graduate of that school. She said that back then she thinks she recalls that students ordered their rings in the fall of their senior year. So, I asked her if she recalls when their senor pics were taken, and she said she thinks senior pics were taken the following spring. So, this means that the mystery ring owner may still have moved or dropped out prior to senior class pics, but not before buying a class ring. She could have picked it up even if she moved or dropped out.

Also, she said that anyone is welcome to sign in at the office and view the year books. The school has both 1974 and 1975 year books. I am 3 1/2 hours from there. Would anyone from the Houston area be willing to view and hopefully, if permitted, copy the pages with names and pictures from those 2 year books? If I didn't live so far I would.

Just a quickie before I go back and read through everything here. It looks like you all have come up with some great ideas.


You said that the lady you emailed from said that the school mascot for Robert E. Lee High school (Houston) was "Lancers". I thought the mascot for REL (Houston) was the "Saber" At least on the yearbook from 1975 Houston REL High it says "Saber" on it.

Also I found the following that shows the REL High School in VA uses the "Lancer's" as their mascot. I wonder if more than one high school used the same mascot?

Robert E. Lee High School (Fairfax County, Virginia)

Robert E. Lee High School (Lee High School) is a high school in the Fairfax County Public Schools system. Their mascot is the Lancer. The school is located in Springfield in unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia. They are named after Robert E. Lee, the general of the Confederate troops in the American Civil War. Lee High School was named #507 on Newsweek's 2006 list of the 1,000 top schools.

Robert E. Lee High School

School typepublic school
PrincipalDonald Thurston
Address6540 Franconia Road
Springfield, Virginia 22150
Athletic ConferencePatriot District
Northern Region
Colors Blue, Gold
HomepageOfficial Site

Ahh. Sorry, I was mistaken about the mascot name and forgot to edit my post. I will go find it and edit in a minute.

The current librarian who also graduated from REL in 1980 said that, "the mascot has always been the General." I confirmed that she indicated that she believed that the, "L" most likely stands for Lee. She said that she has an inlaid, "L" on her ring, and that she and some students from that year had the, "L" inlaid on their stones and had their initials engraved on the inner sides of the bands. The mystery ring was well worn according to its description. So, either it was never engraved or the engraving has been worn away.

She also mentioned two other names that she said have always been the same. The Traveler has always been the school newspaper, and the Saber has always been.......I didn't get a chance to get it down on paper. But, the Saber is now and did then stand for something regarding their school.

I am so sorry for this, for I don't want to confuse anyone or make more work for everyone. I guess I have been working too many hours at a time on this.

It is the right school, if you have any concerns. The librarian is aware of this case, and the mystery ring has, "Houston" on it.

I know that since at least 1994 (when i started kindergarten) that even if you don't have your picture taken for the yearbook, your name will still be listed with your class under not pictured. So even if we don't find a picture of the original owner, we may still get their name. Also, look for seniors for 1976. If someone ordered their ring assuming they would graduate in 75, and then for whatever reason they didn't, they could be listed with the class of 76. As a last resort, someone could try the sophomores from 74. I was a half credit short at the end of my sophomore year, so the next year I was still classifed as a sophomore, even though I should have been a junior. Basically, I "skipped" my junior year. (freshman, sophomore, sophomore, senior)

And if it comes down to chasing zebra's, here's one: There's a chance that the person graduated in 1975, and wasn't able to order their ring when the rest of the seniors did. They could have waited, say a year, and then ordered their ring from a different company. I never ordered a class ring, but if I wanted to, I could go somewhere entirely different and order one.
Thank you Sable, and you have really good thoughts on this. I like your zebra, too:).

Nope, you are just doing fantastic! I don't have any concerns and do believe it is the right school :)

I am so sorry for this, for I don't want to confuse anyone or make more work for everyone. I guess I have been working too many hours at a time on this.

It is the right school, if you have any concerns. The librarian is aware of this case, and the mystery ring has, "Houston" on it.

I don't think this will help necessarily, but it is info :) According to someone on the Houston board this is the company that has always handled Houston class rings and it is really close to the school. I wonder if police checked with local jewelers to see if maybe one remembered resizing that class ring, assuming that the owner lived in TX.
Hi teons. Do you mean Balfour? The librarian seems to recall that was the name of the company who did their rings in 1980 and for as far back as she can remember. Hmmm. My phone call list is piling up, and we are only half way through the day, lol.

This is a response I got from someone at the Houston board:

Hi Kym and welcome to HAIF!
I graduated from a "sister" school, Westbury, in the same time period. At that time, it was customary to put the school's initial under the stone. A good place to answer your other questions would be to visit the high school itself or the HISD administration building. They usually have copies of all the past yearbooks on display somewhere there, and would most likely let you look through them while you're in the office. Good luck to you and your group!
It is good to hear this because the librarian who also graduated from REL in 1980 said pretty much the same thing adding credence to our thoughts about the, "L". The difference was that they generally had the initial, "L" for their school mascot, Robert E. Lee, which was also the name of the school. The zebra would be that the, "L" stands for original owner's name. I am glad that you are getting responses. Hmmm. You never know what additional good info might come from there.

The librarian said she has a copy of the year books including 1974 and 1975; but, we just need to find someone willing to do the fieldwork who lives close enough to Houston.

I'm usually a reader, but wanted to make this comment. This may have already been said, but I missed it if it was.
It's a possibility that the original owner of the ring pawned it. Back then class rings were actually gold and had true stones, not synthetic (at least mine did, from '72), so it would have been worth pawning. If you do find the original owner and it was pawned, maybe the pawn shop has records that could be searched. I realize this is unlikely, but it is a possibility.
This is an interesting thread and you guys are doing great!
Just wanted to toss out some more thoughts. The stone in a school ring is often the birthstone of the owner, at least that is how I recall it. And at my HS, the sides of the ring could be personalized to the individual (e.g. drama, band, cheerleading) so perhaps the sides of the ring will yield another clue to the original owner?

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