jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Resolving the objection to the exhibit.
o/t Drew Peterson about to be sentenced, new trial denied
Oh, I don't think he's coming too strong AT ALL.
I was hoping (as one WSer mentioned), he'd start out large and loud, throwing the death photos at her.
Guess I'm just impatient. I was hoping to be wowed. Not talking about weather Jodi called her sister stupid. I think that was a very weak opening.

I disagree, and here is why. He needs to wear her down and take control of her. He is not going to come out with the most important 'battle' at the start of the war. He is preparing her for that by setting up these other mini-battles.

And it does not matter what we think of his opening, imo. What matters is what he proves by the end of his cross. And he has already shown a few very key points, with a huge one coming up. JMO
No, definitely not. They are free to reject a witness's testimony if they think she is lying for whatever reason.

Here is the standard AZ instruction:

Preliminary Criminal 10 − Credibility of Witnesses
In deciding the facts of this case, you should consider what testimony to accept, and what to reject. You may accept everything a witness says, or part of it, or none of it.
In evaluating testimony, you should use the tests for accuracy and truthfulness that people use in determining matters of importance in everyday life, including such factors as: the witness’s ability to see or hear or know the things the witness testified to; the quality of the witness’s memory; the witness’s manner while testifying; whether the witness has any motive, bias, or prejudice; whether the witness is contradicted by anything the witness said or wrote before trial, or by other evidence; and the reasonableness of the witness’s testimony when considered in the light of the other evidence.
Consider all of the evidence in light of reason, common sense, and experience.

The QUALITY of her memory???? Ha! We can rest our case.
I'm the type of person that even when I walk down the street past people's homes I don't like to look in their windows as I find it creepy. I find that she went around to the back of Travis' house and watched him and a woman through the window uber creepy. It gives me the chills. She watched enough to finally figure out it was Travis and not a roommate and the girl was doing up her bra. :waitasec:

Now add that she did this at an ex-boyfriend's home.

Then add that she confronted him about it. I cannot imagine how Travis must have felt. Scary! Can you imagine an ex telling you that they were in your yard watching you make out with somebody?

remember, she was there to look for her SS card. right.......why wouldn't you call ahead and ask if you could come find it? (not that it was there!!!)
woohoo sorry o/t drew peterson being sentenced, appeal denied.........:jail:

live back in arizona.......hope jodi throws up her green baloney sandwich:furious:
Oooh just caught a glimpse of Wilmott's "fun" boots :giggle:

:thewhip: :whip:
Are you all ready for this _______ my bf dosn't like Juan, says he is confusing the jury that he is all over the place that he isn't making his points_______ I almost went Jodi on him

dump him...immediately :floorlaugh:

i kid of course :fence:
I'm the type of person that even when I walk down the street past people's homes I don't like to look in their windows as I find it creepy. I find that she went around to the back of Travis' house and watched him and a woman through the window uber creepy. It gives me the chills. She watched enough to finally figure out it was Travis and not a roommate and the girl was doing up her bra. :waitasec:

Now add that she did this at an ex-boyfriend's home.

Then add that she confronted him about it. I cannot imagine how Travis must have felt. Scary! Can you imagine an ex telling you that they were in your yard watching you make out with somebody?

My take is IF it happened, yes it is stalking and uber creepy. . . but I don't believe what she claimed she saw even happened.
Amen! Im so sick and tired of hearing the same old drivel if the defendant is a female.

He needs to treat her like what she is.........a damn cold blooded murderer who is lying her arse off.:furious:

ITA! If it was a man then everyone would be expecting Juan to go for the juglar.

It just shows the sickening double standards we still have in our country and it makes me want to puke.

Go get her Juan!

As a verified male, I thank you! :rocker:
You have to look at it from the jury's perspective. They may think she hasn't done anything to deserve this yet. JMO

Surely they understand why the prosecutor would treat her that way. They may not have made up their minds yet as to whether she guilty or not yet but he has and he's presenting the evidence.
Can u explain quick about acquittal vs hung jury. Thank you.

An acquittal requires a unanimous verdict from the jury--a hung jury means that after making their best effort they could not agree on a verdict at all.
Can someone tell me why CMA is called FCA? What does that stand for? I have only been on web sleuths since this trial began. I am catching up. Thanks!

She's a Felon. So that's what FCA stands for.
Ready for more selective memories?

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Can someone tell me why CMA is called FCA? What does that stand for? I have only been on web sleuths since this trial began. I am catching up. Thanks!

If you're referring to that woman in Florida, FCA stands for "Felon Casey Anthony." (She was convicted of lying to the police.)
Can someone tell me why CMA is called FCA? What does that stand for? I have only been on web sleuths since this trial began. I am catching up. Thanks!

We couldn't call her CA because it kept getting confused with Cindy Anthony. So someone suggested the "Felon Casey Anthony' and it stuck. :smile:
Where our Katie sitting?

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