Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Hey Madeline or anyone else... do you recall how many days Jason Young was on the stand in his first trial? I want to say it was two but cannot recall.

One day, not even a full day at that

ETA: it was only about 4 hrs total .. 3 direct, 1 cross
I think her is to talk about herself for hours to a captive audience.


You said it, J-O! She's been used to a captive audience for about 4 years!! She's prolly practiced this whole spiel in front of them since she's been in there. At the rate we're going, it could take her another 4 years in front of the jury. And then cross.

I think we all need to make a major food run, and find some comfortable clothes. Coffee, chocolate, Pepsi martinis, yep, that ought to do it...
I told my husband, OMG, Jodi is taking the stand..she is gonna have a meltdown.. she is going to start crying and they are going to have to carry her out of the courtroom. Boy was I wrong!
Let's just consider this foreplay for Juan.

Okay well *I'll* consider it that. Y'all can move along...I'm just digging myself in deeper here.
I think he's not objecting because 1) he doesn't want to look like he is attacking the poor victim (which would add to her being seen as the battered woman) and 2) because her testimony isn't doing any damage. When I saw her on 48 hours, she is EXCELLENT at playing the role of strength, but she does not do well trying to play victim. Compared to her 48 hours display, even while lying about everything, she was smooth. Here, she is choppy and her answers sound rehearsed. She appears to be trying to portray an emotion (victim, battered) that she has trouble letting herself feel.

If it is true she is a narcissist, they feel so empty inside and have no empathy or conscience. To make up for the void, they love to play the hero or something grand. To play a victim, even to save her own life, would be very against her nature, something she would not want to convey or let herself feel. I actually think her testimony will help the prosecution, especially when compared to all her interviews with LE. When you look at those interviews, it is obvious that this timid, shy girl is not her true personality, even under questioning re murder.

Juan is doing the right thing. Again.

Hi, Mormon Attorney; another wonderful post. I agree. Mr. Martinez's non-participation italicizes what listeners already know: That most of this is utterly irrelevant to the crime and the case.

This testimony brings out the worst in both attorney and witness: Nurmi lacks focus and Jodi is getting her wish to play out her full life story.
The only thing good about her talking on and on is it gives Juan lots of things to cross her on.
Time to set the DVR's for JVM, Nancy Grace, and Dr. Drew!

You know Nancy is gonna be spinning like the Tasmanian Devil tonight! :great: It's a *can't miss*! :floorlaugh:
i just got home but was able to watch a little of 'the jodi arias story.'

so have to ask, is katie there? any word from anyone on how the jury was reacting to her?
Really, how long do we think she's going to be up there on direct?
Between Nurmi's s-l-o-w questioning and JA's babbling on about her mother's increase in size, I'm concerned about my Holiday shopping this December.
Who would not want to strangle her? Excellent Day, IMO, she elicits no pity or likability. Am I the only one that really wants some wooden spoon time with her.

Boy Crazy Stalker and blames everybody else. Today was the day her walk to the needle started.
Poor Jodi!

So she's called her mom fat; she's called her dad mean and not funny; she called Victor's parents slobs; She called Victor/Bobby's parents old hoarders; she called Victor/Bobby an abuser ...

Can't wait to hear who else she insults

Everyone is below Jodi. She see's herself as morally superior to just about everyone.
Got home today and tuned in, I about &*$% myself to see her on the stand! She really thinks she can talk her way out of this. I'm just shocked she made that decision, Plus she must endure Juans cross, omg how can she possibly think she can stand up to him and win. I would not want Juan to question me about a parking ticket never the less this.

And she starts out saying she was abused by her parents? Really, throw your own parents under the bus about spoon/belt abuse when you are already on TV claiming you had the "Ideal Childhood". I'm begining to think they should have pleaded insanity, this woman is like no one I have ever met.
JMO, but in the end JA will be the reason for her own undoing. No conscience- even smiling/giggling at times, self serving, self centered & narcissistic, etc etc. If I was wrongfully accused & defending myself for my life, I would be a complete mess on the stand, unable to elaborate on anything impertinent, let alone tell my entire life story while being so nonchalant. At times I almost feel embarrassed for her. Almost. The jury will convict you JA, because you are guilty. You can mark my words. The jury will convict you.
My husband wanted to know how it was going. All I could tell him was Victor blah blah, Bobby blah blah, Matt blah blah, and a lot of blah blah in between. How old is she now that she is with Matt?

My hubby has been sitting here with me watching her.

If he asked me one more time what does this have to do with her murdering Travis Im gonna konk him over the head.:floorlaugh:

How can I answer something I dont know.:blushing:
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