Kathleen Savio's death #3

Personally I don't know how Drew and JAB are keeping track of all these lawsuits and hearings. It is getting to the point he is going to be charged very soon for the death of Kathleen and Stacy's demise. And then the wrongful death suit, then the suit about the estate, then the assault rifle...thisis one bad cop who is finely going to pay the piper one way or the other.
While most of us posters here at WS are eagerly awaiting an indictment for one or both of the deaths of Stacy and/or Kathleen, we can take solace in one thing for certain.

From all we know about Drew's finances, it seems that being comfortable financially was extremely important to him - enough so that he most likely murdered twice because of money. He planned for homes that were paid for as well as extras such as a pool, a plane, an RV, new cars, motorcycles, vacations, etc.

There is little doubt that he will be financially devastated because of legal troubles. The retirement life for which he longed and planned is essentially gone. While Brodsky is no doubt giving a lot of "free" service, there will come a time when Drew will begin to pay for a million dollar defense at least once, and probably twice. If the families sue for wrongful death, make that three and possibly four times.

So, Drew will pay for his evil ways by the loss of his financial freedom....and hopefully with the loss of his freedom to move about society as well.
While most of us posters here at WS are eagerly awaiting an indictment for one or both of the deaths of Stacy and/or Kathleen, we can take solace in one thing for certain.

From all we know about Drew's finances, it seems that being comfortable financially was extremely important to him - enough so that he most likely murdered twice because of money. He planned for homes that were paid for as well as extras such as a pool, a plane, an RV, new cars, motorcycles, vacations, etc.

There is little doubt that he will be financially devastated because of legal troubles. The retirement life for which he longed and planned is essentially gone. While Brodsky is no doubt giving a lot of "free" service, there will come a time when Drew will begin to pay for a million dollar defense at least once, and probably twice. If the families sue for wrongful death, make that three and possibly four times.

So, Drew will pay for his evil ways by the loss of his financial freedom....and hopefully with the loss of his freedom to move about society as well.

While most of us posters here at WS are eagerly awaiting an indictment for one or both of the deaths of Stacy and/or Kathleen, we can take solace in one thing for certain.

From all we know about Drew's finances, it seems that being comfortable financially was extremely important to him - enough so that he most likely murdered twice because of money. He planned for homes that were paid for as well as extras such as a pool, a plane, an RV, new cars, motorcycles, vacations, etc.

There is little doubt that he will be financially devastated because of legal troubles. The retirement life for which he longed and planned is essentially gone. While Brodsky is no doubt giving a lot of "free" service, there will come a time when Drew will begin to pay for a million dollar defense at least once, and probably twice. If the families sue for wrongful death, make that three and possibly four times.

So, Drew will pay for his evil ways by the loss of his financial freedom....and hopefully with the loss of his freedom to move about society as well.

Well said! :clap:
While most of us posters here at WS are eagerly awaiting an indictment for one or both of the deaths of Stacy and/or Kathleen, we can take solace in one thing for certain.

From all we know about Drew's finances, it seems that being comfortable financially was extremely important to him - enough so that he most likely murdered twice because of money. He planned for homes that were paid for as well as extras such as a pool, a plane, an RV, new cars, motorcycles, vacations, etc.

There is little doubt that he will be financially devastated because of legal troubles. The retirement life for which he longed and planned is essentially gone. While Brodsky is no doubt giving a lot of "free" service, there will come a time when Drew will begin to pay for a million dollar defense at least once, and probably twice. If the families sue for wrongful death, make that three and possibly four times.

So, Drew will pay for his evil ways by the loss of his financial freedom....and hopefully with the loss of his freedom to move about society as well.

Rub a dub dub
Police got the tub.

State police take bathtub as evidence ...

"Investigators probing the death of Drew Peterson's third wife, Kathleen Savio, now possess the bathtub in which her body was found.

One of the current homeowners told the Tribune on Friday that state police came to take the tub last week, but declined to comment further. A spokesman for the Will County state's attorney's office confirmed her information and said the tub was in storage.

"The state police removed the bathtub from the home where Kathleen Savio was found dead," said spokesman Charles Pelkie. "It's our belief that the tub will be a key piece of evidence in the prosecution of this case when charges are filed.""

When, not if. Its just a matter of time.
Timing wise, I think it is getting close. That tub has been there since Kathleens death. It has been there since her death was labeled a homicide. NOW they are taking the tub. Collecting the evidence.

I do feel for that homeowner. First they declare a death in their home a homicide, the home gains noteriety, now they lose their bathtub. They didn't bargain for all of this when they bought that home.
Timing wise, I think it is getting close. That tub has been there since Kathleens death. It has been there since her death was labeled a homicide. NOW they are taking the tub. Collecting the evidence.

I do feel for that homeowner. First they declare a death in their home a homicide, the home gains noteriety, now they lose their bathtub. They didn't bargain for all of this when they bought that home.
I feel for the homeowners also, hopefully another tub will be installed and their bathroom restored to normal.
Timing wise, I think it is getting close. That tub has been there since Kathleens death. It has been there since her death was labeled a homicide. NOW they are taking the tub. Collecting the evidence.

I do feel for that homeowner. First they declare a death in their home a homicide, the home gains noteriety, now they lose their bathtub. They didn't bargain for all of this when they bought that home.

I feel badly for the homeowners too, and hope they are somehow compensated for the bathtub.

From their point of view, they might feel better with that bathtub gone. It might be difficult to consider taking a bath in a tub when you know a murder took place in it, or at the very least, a dead body was in the tub for a couple of days. :eek:
i.b.nora, wow, thanks for the update.

Lelia, I would probably be thanking LE for taking that damn tub. I couldn't redo that entire bathroom fast enough. Hopefully they'll get some reimbursement to help with that.
I agree, the bathtub would have been out of there if I owned the house. I hope those owners are royally compensated so they can redo the whole bathroom.

I love the part in the article "when Drew is Charged", too. No ifs, ands, or buts about this anylonger..Drew will be charged.
Its always interesting to see how different news sources report the news:

The Chicago Tribune in an article by its own reporters Matthew Walberg and Erika Slife quoted Charles Pelkie:

"The state police removed the bathtub from the home where Kathleen Savio was found dead," said spokesman Charles Pelkie. "It's our belief that the tub will be a key piece of evidence in the prosecution of this case when charges are filed."

Today, United Press International reports:

"The state police removed the bathtub from the home where Kathleen Savio was found dead," police spokesman Charles Pelkie told the newspaper. "It's our belief that the tub will be a key piece of evidence in the prosecution of this case when charges are filed."

And, finally, CBS2 Chicago relying on an Associated Press report:

"The state's attorney's offices said the tub will be a key piece of evidence in the prosecution of the case if and when charges are filed."

So, who do you believe???
And, Greta has posted:


Check out the email I just received from Steph Watts….I eliminated source from his email…but it looks like the investigation is moving forward:

From: Watts, Stephen
To: Van Susteren, Greta; Cooper, Meade; Howard, Cory; O’Connor, Kerry;
Sent: Sat May 31 13:35:48 2008
Subject: Bathtub removed from savios old house

Talked to ______. They will use it at trial for the jury. He said they are getting close to an arrest
Wow! Things are beginning to move fast! After all these months of waiting and nothing major happening, this case seems to be finally going forward!
And, Greta has posted:


Check out the email I just received from Steph Watts….I eliminated source from his email…but it looks like the investigation is moving forward:

From: Watts, Stephen
To: Van Susteren, Greta; Cooper, Meade; Howard, Cory; O’Connor, Kerry;
Sent: Sat May 31 13:35:48 2008
Subject: Bathtub removed from savios old house

Talked to ______. They will use it at trial for the jury. He said they are getting close to an arrest


All I can say is, WOW!!

Can hardly wait for the day! :)

Can't happen soon enough..................
This is just speculation on my part, but the grand jury has been meeting on Thursdays each week.

I'm wondering if the grand jury will be meeting this coming week to discuss all the testimony they've heard these past 7 months, vote on an indictment, and then proceed with the wording of the indictment?

If this is the case, I would expect to see an arrest made within a few days of the indictment being formally issued. So, I would look for an arrest on a Friday or Saturday. If not this coming week, perhaps the following week?
i.b.nora, I can't wait for the day!
Have the boys testified yet? I haven't heard that the judge has even ruled on the possibility of the boys testifying. So that will be one more GJ day. Then I agree, they will need a day to review what they have learned. They are already into their second term on this. I think the first term ended the last of last month.
Is there anyone else left that we know of that hasn't been heard?
It seems that rumor has it that the persons who investigated Kathleen's death may be being investigated by the FBI.

freedom08 // June 27, 2008 at 2:50 pm

Really interesting thread.

rescueapet // June 27, 2008 at 4:15 pm says that there is a BB forum that discusses different current events, but they won't allow any mention of anything Peterson related. It seems the forum is run by DrewP's police partner and it gives his name.


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