GUILTY KS - Three adults & toddler brutally murdered, Ottawa, 6 May 2013

Frack in Franklin County Jail

Charging decisions will be made after all the evidence has been reviewed.

Lana's body has NOT been recovered yet.

Q - WHAT WAS MOTIVE? - not prepared to discuss at this time

Q - OTHERS INVOLVED? - exploring all evidence and information. Crime scene is very large and complex. Evidence (forensic) being processed. Actively pursuing all leads that come in.

Q- TELL US ABOUT BABY AND SEARCH - waiting for additional resources to arrive (NCMEC, other LE agencies)
IMO that baby was killed and left on that farm as the other three victims were. This is so sad.

will continue to investigate tips
overnight developments
result of interviews, made arrest of kyle flack on 1st degree murder, held in franklin county jail
weve received info that lana is presumed dead and a victim of homicide as well
investigation will ramp up
new teams coming in to help
ty to all agencies assisting
still have not recovered lana's body but have received information to lead them to that
no motive being discussed
several leads still coming in and being followed up on
tremendous amount of work to be done on this case
crime scene has been being processed for several days
kyle flack 27 years old, from this area... thats all they'll say at this time
no cause of death released yet, would compromise investigation
will determine what, if any, charges they will be filing against kyle flack
no one in custody until early this morning. we were in the process of doing interviews yesterday when we met last.
ATV's, horse units, additional dogs coming in to help with search
LE will continue searching for Lana, and are bringing in extra LE to assist with a search on the farm.
from the sound of it... that farm is so large that she could very well still be there. i can't see KF taking the baby with him after killing 3 other people... why wouldn't he just do it there? unless he didn't want to kill the baby but then realized he probably didn't have any other choice (aside from the humane thing do to: dropping her off somewhere safe)?
if lana's father had nothing to do with this... KF will be in some serious drama if they end up in the same prison.
I have no words, I truly did not expect this outcome.
This just breaks my heart. I was so hoping for a different outcome. RIP Lana you will make the sweetest of sweet angels.
Is this over drugs? I didn't read in depth about the murder of the mom and the other 2. I just assumed it is because ........well not often to sober people end up ambushed and killed for no reason , outside of domestics or drugs.
I may vomit because I'm overcome right now but little baby Bryeon will take your hand Lana and show you the way. You'll be ok now :)
Yes, KS has the death penalty; no, it's not been used since being reinstated in 1994. A bill to abolish it was introduced in March 2013.
Thank you to everyone for the updates from the press so sad. That poor baby girl and her loved ones including her mama.

WTH is wrong with people? These things just keep happening over and over. It breaks my heart!
Yes, KS has the death penalty; no, it's not been used since being reinstated in 1994. A bill to abolish it was introduced in March 2013.

sounds to me like this might be a good case for it to be considered in!
if lana's father had nothing to do with this... KF will be in some serious drama if they end up in the same prison.

Probably dumb of me to still be holding out hope that acting on the father's request, he murdered mom and the guys because she was not being faithful to the jailed husband. Then took baby Lana to some relative's house and is just saying he killed her hoping the cops will not look very hard. Or just to buy time for the person holding her to get out of the area because they are now looking for a body not a live baby. At this point what does he have to lose? Not sure about DP in KS but with his previous record (BTW why was he out in society and not still locked up?) and now murder 1 x 3 he very likely will never be free again anyway (dp or lwop).

It is probably more realistic to think that he had already murdered the guys because they had or were (don't remember which) evicting him and when Kaylie and Lana showed up she discovered his crime so he murdered them too.

Very sad situation and I hope that LE is able to do what needs to be done for justice to be served to this pyscho.

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