Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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no mention of the baby in the flier.. like.. did you see this woman and her baby, etc..

If the baby was assumed to be along I think they would have mentioned it as the baby would have made her stick out a bit. jmhoo...

i think LE knows exactly where the baby was that morning, who was watching her, and HOW LONG they were watching her for. Next question that is burning in my mind is when did she pick her baby up.. and how long of a lag time alone did she have from 0845..? For some reason I bet that is one of her "trouble spots" right now JMHOO

Well, We know it was before 1pm when she was online from her house, right? That is PDT I assume LOLOLOL I wonder where else she went before 1pm except to SI where her phone left the trail of a ping. Hmmmmm

Her gym was on SI, so she must have known people that lived there. Has my brain a nigglin' away, it does. xox Sorry to go O/T
no mention of the baby in the flier.. like.. did you see this woman and her baby, etc..

If the baby was assumed to be along I think they would have mentioned it as the baby would have made her stick out a bit. jmhoo...

i think LE knows exactly where the baby was that morning, who was watching her, and HOW LONG they were watching her for. Next question that is burning in my mind is when did she pick her baby up.. and how long of a lag time alone did she have from 0845..? For some reason I bet that is one of her "trouble spots" right now JMHOO

Or maybe LE knows the baby was with her, and that's how they're determining credible witnesses.
Computers not taken - perhaps not so suprising ...

Could be the Hormans don't actually own the computers they use Intel does.

Would need warrant - served to Intel.

Kaine may also use remote digital storage ... I dunno, I'm not a computer person let alone a forensics computer person. But I would think digital equipment perks are a given, with working at his level at Intel.

They've been cooperative - I would assume FBI's been all over those computers - with Horman's permission - at the home location, anyway.
Or it could be he never actually went to his office that day. Intel has a lot of employees that often do work out of their homes, my bosses wife for one. I would think Kaine would have a desk setup in the house for when he did his work from home. Even a low profile person like myself has a nice set-up. I even have a fax machine. ;}

If Kaine had got into his vehicle after talking to Kyron outside as he fed his cat, I would feel differently. But no. He said he was going to work and headed back into the house.

Just saying, and wish they'd release more info.

PS: I'm still wondering if Terri took Kyron to school in the truck, did KH drive the Mustang if he did go to his office? Or would he have waited till she got back with the truck to drive to Intel? I have questions about both vehicles being driven that morning and am hoping we learn something from the questionaires about that. Yea, sure. LOL :angel:

I agree, i wish they would release more timeline information about what the family did from the time Kyron was dropped off until they went to the bus stop. Huge hole of information there. It is the sleuth in me that wants to know...
Sneaking in here to say that Gwenabob posted 67 pictures she took of the Skyline School on the school's thread.

I urge you all to look at them. It is truly frightening how easy it would be to spirit a child out of that school.

Gwenabob's post, with link, is #68.
Does anyone think it is a bit odd that Kyron wouldn't get up and out of bed until someone came in there and told him to? For some reason, that unnerved me. It seems like to me that he didn't feel very comfortable in their house? Or am I making something out of nothing? I know he is a very shy person but this is his home...most kids get up and out of bed when they wake up. I would love to hear what others think.
\Remember in the onterview, Kaine says he would get a stuffed animal and go get back in the bed UNTIL someone came in and told him to get up.
I don't see a q & a thread, and know Desiree's health had been discussed as the reason Kyron went to live with the dad full time, so, does anyone know if it's been said what caused her kidney failure?
I don't see a q & a thread, and know Desiree's health had been discussed as the reason Kyron went to live with the dad full time, so, does anyone know if it's been said what caused her kidney failure?

Q&A thread.

[ame=""]Kyron Horman Q&A ***No Discussion*** - Page 4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Correct me if I am wrong, but there is not one report or interview that states that the biodad 'headed back into the house'. The biodad states that he was going to 'leave' for work, not that he headed back into the house.

Or it could be he never actually went to his office that day. Intel has a lot of employees that often do work out of their homes, my bosses wife for one. I would think Kaine would have a desk setup in the house for when he did his work from home. Even a low profile person like myself has a nice set-up. I even have a fax machine. ;}

If Kaine had got into his vehicle after talking to Kyron outside as he fed his cat, I would feel differently. But no. He said he was going to work and headed back into the house.
Just saying, and wish they'd release more info.

PS: I'm still wondering if Terri took Kyron to school in the truck, did KH drive the Mustang if he did go to his office? Or would he have waited till she got back with the truck to drive to Intel? I have questions about both vehicles being driven that morning and am hoping we learn something from the questionaires about that. Yea, sure. LOL :angel:
Correct me if I am wrong, but there is not one report or interview that states that the biodad 'headed back into the house'. The biodad states that he was going to 'leave' for work, not that he headed back into the house.
Thanks Glorybug, Wonder where I got that? :blushing:
Yes, ITA with the part of your post about telling a child not to get up until a parent tells him to. Besides getting hurt, I wonder if Kyron's parents might have been concerned about him wandering outside. Especially if he saw or heard his cat out in the garden. I think they were wise to have that rule....


I understood the comment about Kyron staying in bed until someone came to him, not as a rule they made, but that he chose to do this. Most likely they promptly went in to him, knowing this.
No. My children are incredibly lazy, very comfortable in my house, and enjoy me going every morning to their room to get them up. My kids would love it if I served them a 5star breakfast in bed as well. Which I have to admit I have done on occasion.

If anything, and based on my experience, I'd say it shows that Kyron was a bit spoiled. Which isn't a bad thing. I enjoy spoiling my children, within limits. On the other hand, while they go to bed all by themselves at my exes house, at my house they want a bath, a story, and to be tucked in. They wake up before the morning babysitter arrives to fix them breakfast and take them to school at my exes, but they loll around and wait for me at my house. Does that mean I am controlling, or that there is something wrong, or does that mean they are comfortable, feel safe, and expect a certain routine that is nice? At the same time, my ex allows them to get into bed with him at all hours, while I have strict rules that unless they are sick they cannot get into my bed before a certain time, so yes, they'd have to get a stuffed animal and get back into their own bed. I don't think that is weird or harsh, I think it's called setting boundaries.

I'd like a link for the quote that he "wouldn't get up and out of bed until someone came in there and told him to", because I'm going to guess it's being taken out of context.

Does anyone think it is a bit odd that Kyron wouldn't get up and out of bed until someone came in there and told him to? For some reason, that unnerved me. It seems like to me that he didn't feel very comfortable in their house? Or am I making something out of nothing? I know he is a very shy person but this is his home...most kids get up and out of bed when they wake up. I would love to hear what others think.
\Remember in the onterview, Kaine says he would get a stuffed animal and go get back in the bed UNTIL someone came in and told him to get up.
No problem. Don't know how it speaks as to pointing fingers... I just like to try to keep my facts straight. Well, the facts as we are fed them, lol.

Hard to figure out why the biodad didn't just say "I left for work, got in the car at blah time, and then got back home at blah time". Saying he left for work in the morning and worked at home in the afternoon is vague for people who are trying to put a timeline together. No matter how you are looking at the case, knowing when the biodad was at home, when he drove which car is kind of important.

Thanks Glorybug, Wonder where I got that? :blushing:
No problem. Don't know how it speaks as to pointing fingers... I just like to try to keep my facts straight. Well, the facts as we are fed them, lol.

Hard to figure out why the biodad didn't just say "I left for work, got in the car at blah time, and then got back home at blah time". Saying he left for work in the morning and worked at home in the afternoon is vague for people who are trying to put a timeline together. No matter how you are looking at the case, knowing when the biodad was at home, when he drove which car is kind of important.

I don't think Kyron's father owes us any information so we can make a timeline. I'm sure all he is focusing on is finding Kyron.
Does anyone think it is a bit odd that Kyron wouldn't get up and out of bed until someone came in there and told him to? For some reason, that unnerved me. It seems like to me that he didn't feel very comfortable in their house? Or am I making something out of nothing? I know he is a very shy person but this is his home...most kids get up and out of bed when they wake up. I would love to hear what others think.
\Remember in the onterview, Kaine says he would get a stuffed animal and go get back in the bed UNTIL someone came in and told him to get up.

My kids always got a book or toy and stayed in their rooms in the morning (unless to use the bathroom) until I came and got them. I don't find that at all strange.
I guess that would mean that I shouldn't think the SM, the biomom or the SD owes us any information so that we can make a timeline, either. However, all of those people certainly do owe LE a timeline of where they were/what they were doing.

I don't think Kyron's father owes us any information so we can make a timeline. I'm sure all he is focusing on is finding Kyron.
I guess that would mean that I shouldn't think the SM, the biomom or the SD owes us any information so that we can make a timeline, either. However, all of those people certainly do owe LE a timeline of where they were/what they were doing.


Absolutely, they owe LE a timeline and I am sure they have given them one.
I think the staying in bed until someone came and got him is a little odd. It wouldn't be for an older kid, but to me, it is for a 7 year old. The getting a stuffed animal is what seems odder. Why not turn his tv on (if he has one in the room) or a little car or action figure.... I don't know, maybe he wasn't supposed to be noisy and wake the baby. I could definitely understand that better than a 7 year old not being ready to get up and start getting dressed or watch comedies.
Can someone post a direct link regarding the quote about Kyron staying in bed in the morning so that I can make sure I am getting the exact quote AND taking it in context? TIA
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