Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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This is how I can see this happening...speculation of course.

Kaine IMO is a lot like Chris Coleman...a little sheltered and in Kaine's nerdy. Married to a lovely woman. Neither are exactly "men of the World."

Then, who enters their life...but a sexually adventurous, aggressive woman...who cares nothing about the marriage deal. Chris and Kaine have never known a woman or sexual activity quite like what now is their's for the taking. Chris was "sexting" with Tara the night he went upstairs so besotted with her...and killed the three impediments to his happiness.

Kaine dumped the nice pregnant wife...for the hot seductress. He thought he could have Baby and Terri...and Desiree's illness made it work out that way.

I think sex was Terri's trump card whenever Kaine neared the breaking point with her drinking, etc. Sex and sympathy..."Ok, I love you"...says Terri trying to pullhim back in again.

Kaine adores his son...and never wants his first wife to know what a huge mistake he he left her for someone with so many serious problems. Kaine is too proud and too in love with Terri...and besotted with her "talents" as she described them. Every time, he probably got close to leaving, Terri did a brief turn around...and Kaine believed every time. Because he wanted HER and the woman HE HAD BELIEVED her to be. He wanted to believe the mean drunk was the aberration...not the reality. All the excuses one reads on the Internet for Terri..Kaine probably made for himself. He was in denial...just as many on the Internet matter how much vileness piles up about Terri...some only see the Good Terri. These folks should not blame Kaine now...they are thinking just like he did...falling for the same shams and scams. They share the Kaine mindset..till LE woke him up from his stupor.

Now Kaine is prepared to do anything to save his surviving child. Of course, Desiree is furious that he remained in denial until it was too late for THEIR son. But then, let's applaud his actions now to do all he can for Baby K. And when one reads pro-Terri "excuses" on the Web...perhaps one should not blame him for believing the same excuses from a woman he loved.

Strangers on the Web are believing that nonsense too.
If Kaine saw these emails expressing Terri's loathing for his missing child...combined with being told by LE that she was attempting to have HIM murdered...and all the rest that we have seen and probably MORE we have not seen...this should make very UNDERSTANDABLE why he is doing anything and everything to protect Baby K.

One cannot criticize him for not doing enough to protect Kyron from Terri....and in the next breath say it was mean or unfair to release the sexts...or for him to fight Terri's visitation at all.

Kaine is paying a huge price for making excuses for his wife and denying the obvious. We can applaud him for not repeating that mistake with Baby K.

One could and should question why Kaine chose to release tawdry text messages rather than emails that state that his wife purportedly hates his child with a passion, however.
Sadly, we will probably be hearing from, and posting about, Kaine's PC shortly, and yet won't be any closer to finding Kyron.

I wish LE would make a statement about the progress, if any, in the investigation, other than "where he isn't". They had to know Desiree would react to those e-mails, so I assume they must have wanted this to happen.

I think you're expecting way to much from LE. They can't make up scenarios just to have something new for the public to hear. Finding out "where he isn't" is a major part of any investigation. JMOO

ETA: Desiree may have demanded to see all the emails. I'm not going to scapegoat LE today too.

Cluciano said:
If Terri really did try to get Desiree to take Kyron, that destroys, for me, the theory that she hated Desiree and wanted to hurt her by hurting Kyron. I think Terri saved her hatred for Kaine, and possibly his son. So seeing a wedge between Desiree and Kaine does not necessairly inflame Terri now. They seem to have had issues between them already.

I don't think it's ruled out that Terri despised Desiree. In fact, if TH hated Kyron then by extension she probably did hate Desiree, who made her life harder by not seeking custody, right?

And since Kyron looked alot like his mother, then we can surmise that she might have hated Desiree too!

Plus in TH's twisted mind, making things harder at home for Kyron might have been a way to ensure he would complain to his Mom, in my opinion. She wanted him gone from her house.

Kaine wouldn't go for a change in custody, so Terri appealed to Desiree. She didn't go for it, so she thought up MFH. That didn't work so TH got rid of the child himself. It all makes sense if you're a sociopath who hates everyone but yourself.

We don't know that TH is capable of truly loving anyone or even giving a damn. Indifference is the opposite of love, in my opinion.

Since Kyron is gone and TH apparently only cares about herself, plus she wanted Kaine dead, then I think it's fair to say she hated everyone in the family, Kaine and Desiree alike.

It's TH who has caused all this chaos since before Kyron was born.
Could it be that perhaps he was prevented from releasing what he knew/knows about the hateful emails as that would have been more or less setting up an accusatory nature toward TH in that "look how much she hates my child?" Maybe he was prevented from disclosing this info as it would point to a motive that TH could have had???
I dunno....I only know that KH and DY have my deepest sympathy or empathy whatever it is I feel...I cannot make a decision on anything it seems because we are not privvy to all that LE apparently I wish we were and then again I think I am glad we don't.IMO

Where are you Kyron?God I wish somebody could find you.
One could and should question why Kaine chose to release tawdry text messages rather than emails that state that his wife purportedly hates his child with a passion, however.

Perhaps LE made the decision.

Nevertheless..they were Terri's emails and Terri's sexts.

Edited to add...and these emails PROVE he has every good reason to use anything and everything. How often we criticize when we only know a fraction of what the Object of our Criticism knows.
Amen SMM. Couldn't agree with you more. What bothers me the most about this whole situation after Kyron's disappearance, of course, is how long would it take for her to tire of baby K? She managed to get her older son out of the house, she made Kyron disappear, so what in the world would she have done to baby K?

I'm curious to know who all she sent emails to regarding her extreme hatred for Kyron? Did she send them to Dede and is that why Dede was drug into this mess, did she send them to her friends who helped her with the bat phones? I think when all of this is said and done we will finally know just how much Terri truly hated Kyron and Kaine. Maybe one of these days she will decide to man up and do the right thing by telling LE where she took him too. Like I said, I'm just thankful that baby K is no longer with this severely evil woman.



This would be a very likely guess of mine as well...and anyone else I feel would have had a lightbulb moment the minute Kyron was reported missing.

Not to say DeeDee wouldn't but, I sense she had an allegiance to Terri at any cost.
I don't think Dede was on the other end of these e-mails, unless she too is a pathological liar and I have no reason to believe that. She has claimed she does not have any reason to believe that Terri would ever hurt Kyron and I don't think the person who received these e-mails could say that. Perhaps the friend in question did provide these to LE right away...and is no longer her friend.
How could he not know? Ignorance is bliss? He has stated she used to drink her self to sleep how could his kids not be in danger.
Sure maybe he didnt know she hated Kyron but then again i have to think there were signs JMO

YOU know when your child is not happy!!!!

He watned to go live with DES.

I have always stood by Kaine and I still do but, I will have to say Kaine's flaws in life choices have made him much more transparent as a human being capable of mistakes...tragic mistakes.

I believe a bio-parent can unmistakably sense when a step-parent does not have true love and affection for their child. My heart just hurts for sweet little Kyron to have been in a home of divided love for him.
I don't think Dede was on the other end of these e-mails, unless she too is a pathological liar and I have no reason to believe that. She has claimed she does not have any reason to believe that Terri would ever hurt Kyron and I don't think the person who received these e-mails could say that. Perhaps the friend in question did provide these to LE right away...and is no longer her friend.

So, of the friends we have seen as supporters of Terri...which ones do you suspect would have been the receiver of said emails since the news reported it as in plural?
I'm thinking that LE may have discovered that Terri was in a murderous mood for months. Terri Horman had decided someone had to die in that household.

Start with the Landscaper who tells LE...and perhaps has some texts, sexts or emails To prove it...that Terri tried to persuade him to kill her husband. Terri saw his death as a problem solver. I cannot gloss over this as if the life of another is expendable...if they are not living up to expectations. This is HUGE. Who thinks like this? Terri has never even stated she was abused...yet...she thinks she can impose a death penalty.

Then we have these emails expressing extreme hatred for a child...a child in her home. Terri was filled with hate for a long time. These emails were probably being held back because they will show "snapping."

She wanted Kaine dead...then decided it wasn't really Kaine who was the was a small boy. His death made more sense to Terri. His death was the problem solver. I do not find it hartd at all to imagine, as Kaine hinted, that Baby K sawher brother die a gruesome death at her Mother's hands. Terri probably felt she was saving the family...preserving her marriage.

She actually makes Casey Anthony look good...this is a 40 year old woman...not an immature teenage mother.
I don't think Dede was on the other end of these e-mails, unless she too is a pathological liar and I have no reason to believe that. She has claimed she does not have any reason to believe that Terri would ever hurt Kyron and I don't think the person who received these e-mails could say that. Perhaps the friend in question did provide these to LE right away...and is no longer her friend.

I have no reason to believe DeDe...beginning with her association with Terri. Then, let's remember the hilarity over the suffering of a dog in her care.

DeDe may simply be covering for herself and her own involvement...that missing time of hers. She is the close friend of a liar and has reason to lie herself. That's how I see it.
Seems to me that Terri offset alcoholic dysfunction with functional behavior. It's common for addicts to be divisive and cause severe conflict amongst family, friends, and cohorts. It can and does cause immense confusion for many. Look at the dichotomy:

Terri would go to the gym, work out, and appear somewhat normal to those around her. She complained about her marriage, Kaine, and her unhappiness, but so do a lot of women. From all reports and pictures, baby girl looked healthy and happy, well cared for. The other part of the community Terri had access to was the school, teachers, and even the students. She volunteered and helped Kyron's class make potted plants for Mother's Day. She was in class when Kyron presented previous projects, spent time with his friends, and got to know the mothers and had friends of her own. Maybe communicating via the computer was another way for Terri to appear functional/sober/normal - helps her to avoid face contact. These types of behaviors that reached so many give the picture that Terri is functional, likeable, productive, genuine, and intelligent.

Contrast that with Terri getting drunk in her home many nights of the week. Drunk at night and putting her children at risk. Falling asleep on the sofa with baby girl...a drunk slug so to speak.

Thank about it - Terri and Kaine lived very isolated lives, and unless he got Terri's alcoholic dysfunction/behavior on camera/video - who would really believe Kaine? Just think of the defense Terri would put up! all just my opinions moo mho
It's TH who has caused all this chaos since before Kyron was born.

With all due respect, she most definitely had a "partner in chaos". TH couldn't have wreaked havoc on the Horman family without a lot of help from Kaine.

I'm sorry to say that I've always gotten a controlling vibe from him, since the early pressers. Even if he did see danger signs with Terri, it's not difficult for me to believe he would minimize any problems in order to retain custody of Kyron.
This whole case makes me sick. Kyron should never have been in that home by June 4th. My opinion only.
ITA...imo, the next logical step in this would be to blame Desiree since (AFAWK) she never did anything official to try and get custody of Kyron. But I choose not to blame either of these bio parents for what Terri (allegedly) did, since Kaine would have still had access to Kyron had Desiree gotten the courts to agree to change his primary residence(they have joint custody already) and Terri still might have harbored hatred against him and she still might have down something to him on the days that Kaine did have him.


IIRC it was discussed here by the lawyers that it might not have been a simple matter for Desiree to get the courts to change an existing custody order if Kaine didn't agree. She might have needed to show that there had been an unexpected change that made Kaine unable to parent and her own circumstances had changed for the better. If the court didn't consider Terri's situation it could have been tough for Desiree to show that Kaine was unable to parent since he got to keep the custody of the baby even after LE had been all over their business.

For a court to modify a current custody order, the requesting party must show that a substantial and unanticipated change of circumstances has occurred since the previous order was filed. These changes of circumstances usually involve a custodial parents' inability to care for the children, and an improvement in the parental abilities of the non-custodial parent. Sometimes other factors such as remarriage or relocation are considered. Mediation and custody evaluations are often used to help resolve disputes over modifying custody orders.
It seems to me that LE are playing games again, why on earth would they release these emails to Desiree, there was no real reason to do this unless they fully expected her to go straight to the media with it. I feel they have played on her emotions for their own ends and have stirred up feelings as a means to an end. How could they do this to her? it just makes me angry.
Today they have another search going on perhaps they just want to look like they are doing something but doling out information piecemeal to a grieving mother seems to me like a slow form of torture.
It's time for them to give her everything they have then maybe she can come to terms with her grief and stop lashing out in her anger and misery.
I think that LE might be trying to prepare the parents to believe that Kyron is not alive, that is the only reason I can think of to jusitfy LE for showing her those e-mails. Nothing else makes sense, she did not need to know that, she already was blaming Terri, and now she is just in agony over the fact that she now thinks her little boy was hated.
I think that LE might be trying to prepare the parents to believe that Kyron is not alive, that is the only reason I can think of to jusitfy LE for showing her those e-mails. Nothing else makes sense, she did not need to know that, she already was blaming Terri, and now she is just in agony over the fact that she now thinks her little boy was hated.

I can't imagine how agonizing that thought would be. The pain Desiree is in is absolutely excruciating. moo mho
I am not surprised by the latest developements whatsoever. I understand how for some this could cause shaking and disbelief but, really what did we expect? That Kyron was living an idyllic life? comes another dose of reality and I'm sure there will be more disheartening & tragic ones to come.

I commend Desiree for continuing to share the truth and still standing united in the search for Kyron with Kaine.

Not sure if anyone else picked up on it but, I felt a shift in Desiree's reality whether Kyron is living or not...but, tearfully she will hold onto that one shred of hope for her son to come home to her...God Bless her! :(


Yes, I think that's what she meant by Terri being capable of hurting Kyron "in the worst possible way".

IIRC it was discussed here by the lawyers that it might not have been a simple matter for Desiree to get the courts to change an existing custody order if Kaine didn't agree. She might have needed to show that there had been an unexpected change that made Kaine unable to parent and her own circumstances had changed for the better. If the court didn't consider Terri's situation it could have been tough for Desiree to show that Kaine was unable to parent since he got to keep the custody of the baby even after LE had been all over their business.

I agree and My post definitely wasn't to blame Desiree for nit putting her som through a lengthy(and likely distressing) custody battle for what could have been nothing. I'm just thinking that it is just as pointless to blame Kaine.

Desiree said Terri had SEVERE hatred for Kyron. That is disturbing and it places responsibility for whatever she possibly did right on her shoulders.

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