Lawrence Schiller now believes the intruder theory!!!

Nuisanceposter said:
Or maybe the perp was one or more of the Rs. The most obvious answer!!!

Seriously - do non-RDIs sit around coming up with any and all situations that do not implicate the Rs no matter how insane or preposterous they sound?

It appears so. Double you tee eff.
Im with you Nuisance..the more they try to uncomplicate the Rams..the more twilight zone this story goes.
SuperDave .......... "From Patsy's '98 interview: Patsy: Priscilla had a jacket like this...We both had jackets similar to that. DeMuth: Did you buy them at the same time and place? Patsy: No said:
Thanks, SD. How'd you do that, sounding like you had that interview right on the tip of your tongue? Never mind. I really appreciate it. And you're right, doesn't sound like the women even had matching jackets, much less the guys having matching black wool shirts. ( But for the record the fibers are usually described as only "dark", or dark blue. I don't remember any of the books stating BLACK. )
"The most obvious answer!!!"

The obvious is usually right. Where have I heard that before..?

"Thanks, SD."

Always happy to help out!

"How'd you do that, sounding like you had that interview right on the tip of your tongue?"

It was quite simple. I had the interview transcript right next to me at my desk, where I keep my notes on this case.

"( But for the record the fibers are usually described as only "dark", or dark blue. I don't remember any of the books stating BLACK. )"

Well, don't forget, many of the books were written before that particular piece of information had been developed. (Best guess.)
Okay, you're absolutely right that PW probably didn't have the same jacket as PR, so of course the guys wouldn't have had matching shirts either.

That was rather quick thinking on PR's part, making that up so quickly. Or could any of us have done the same? Hm....

I like to be fair, and admit truths on either side of the argument, but there's still "Reasonable Doubt". Making up alibi's doesn't necessarily prove guilt.
They were very sensitive about having the public think them guilty, whether they actually were or not, which we still don't know.

Glad you had that transcript handy, SuperDuper.
"That was rather quick thinking on PR's part, making that up so quickly. Or could any of us have done the same? Hm...."

Like I always say, Eagle1, you'd be amazed what someone can do when they have to do it!

Still, just because they didn't buy them at the same time doesn't mean Priscilla didn't have one. She could have seen Patsy's, asked where she got it, etc., etc... But one has to ask the question: why would someone put on Priscilla's jacket to commit this crime?

"I like to be fair, and admit truths on either side of the argument, but there's still "Reasonable Doubt". Making up alibi's doesn't necessarily prove guilt."


"They were very sensitive about having the public think them guilty, whether they actually were or not, which we still don't know."

They were sensitive for the wrong reasons, Eagle1, imo. Marc Klass would agree with that. I know he agrees with that. They should have saved a little anger for the killer.

"Glad you had that transcript handy, SuperDuper."

It helps!
Nah, now that you've come up with PR's actual words in a transcript, I don't think the two women bought matching jackets at all.

Women usually prefer that their choice of clothes be thought exclusive. They don't usually like it when someone else at a gathering is wearing the same dress they are.

It would have been unusual if the two P's had been that close as friends. Probably it just never happens. I should have remembered all this, since I are one, a woman, just thought the two Boulder ones might be different I guess. Nope, they're not.
"Women usually prefer that their choice of clothes be thought exclusive. They don't usually like it when someone else at a gathering is wearing the same dress they are."

I learned that the hard way a while ago!
Jayelles said:
By the way, I am shortly going on a trip to New York and will purchase size 12 Bloomies when I am there.

I am taking advantage of the fact that our Tootsie is almost identical in size and weight to JonBenet at this moment and I am going to see what the oversized knickers would have looked like on JBR.

My Tootsie already has size 4-6 Bloomies which are the correct size for her just now. Ramsey supporters have argued that there wouldn't be THAT much difference in size, so I will do a proper experiment to see. I'm not sure how I am going to record this for decency's sake but what I might do is photograph the two sizes side by side for websleuthers to see. I'm also curious to see just how big the larger sized knickers would be on her.
Jayelles, can you please put a pair of velvet tights over the Bloomies and a velvet dress on your Tootsie, just to make the reconstruction as accurate as possible? Thanks.
hollyjokers said:
I don't want to start a new thread but when people refer to 'one rogue cop' are they talking about Steve Thomas or John Eller? From what I've read so far in PTPM (currently on pg 267), Eller is the one who set the tone of this investigation from the very beginning- no experience with homicides, refusing help from FBI, Denver PD, etc, suspending Mason for 'leaks', and your standard machismo BS, then Koby backing him up to save face. Yet I don't remember ever seeing his name before. I went in expecting it to be Arndt who f'd up from the get-go but seems to me Eller is the true rogue cop & possibly the main reason this case has not been solved. I will have to read Steve Thomas' book too, but so far it sounds like though he too had no previous homicide experience, he really did try to get justice for JonBenet.
I'm with you here hollyjokers, and I have posted stuff about Eller somewhere before. IMO he was following orders from the wealthy, influential one of a group of pedophiles to not look into the 'kidnapping' too closely, so the murder could be blamed on a 'kidnapper', thus covering up for the pedophiles who were the true perpetrators. Then when John wrecked their plan by finding the body of the 'kidnap' victim still in the house, he again followed orders and subsequently tried to have the murder pinned on the Ramseys.
OR Eller wanted a promotion, and had to make nice with the DA's office to get it. The Ramsey's had high-placed political friends, and the DA's office made their decisions based on politics.

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