LeRoy Parents Want Answers about Tourette-Like Symptoms of 12 Female Students

Conversion disorder is a really psychiatric disorder. If these girls in fact do have conversion disorder they are certainly NOT faking it. They are NOT faking there movements, nor there vocal outbursts, this is a real disorder and is something to be looked at seriously.

I personally do not think this is conversion disorder I think it is something else!
Has it been established if any of these teens developed their symptoms without prior knowledge that anyone else in their community also had these mysterious symptoms? In other words, the "mass hysteria" thing would only apply to someone if they had knowledge of the other teens first. Have they observed the teens when they may think they are not being watched to see if their symptoms stop or at least calm down? I wonder this, not because I think they are faking, but I did notice when they are interviewed a couple seemed to get worse when agitated. Also, I wonder if the doctors examining them have tried to distract them to see if their symptoms stop or ease off. I may be wrong, but when I first saw one of these girls on one of the national news morning programs, I kept getting a nagging feeling this has occurred a few years ago with similar symptoms but I must be wrong because it would have come out by now.
One statement made by on of the parents that all of the students affected were examined/tested by the same physician, who diagnosed Conversion Disorder. I would like to know who recommended that all of the students see this one particular MD. I don't believe this is conversion disorder or that the students are faking it. I am glad Erin Brockovich is on the case, she will crack this nut! When I first hear of it, that is who I thought should be involved.

I would hate to be told my child has a psychiatric disorder, when all other possibilities have not even been ruled out.
I feel so badly for these girls. It must be so frustrating and painful to wake to it each day...or even hard to fall asleep at times. If not conversion, which I don't think it is, then it seems there would be a common denominator of some kind. ??? What kind of cell phones did they all have? Did they all eat something, come in contact with, or purchase something at a social function that was contaminated? At a fair? Pumpkin patch outing? I hope the parents can all get together and brainstorm. Mr. DuPont, the one parent is really doing his homework and I hope they pursue any and all avenues to bring answers and relief for these teens. The stress levels from worry for the parents is unimaginable! Even if the train wreck contamination has nothing to do with their symptoms, the whole town should be up in arms regarding the lack of the clean up and transparency surrounding it.

Don't they inject some kind of chemical when doing the fracking to extrude it? If so, could there be a interaction between that chemical and the ones from the train wreck? Just asking....I have NO idea??? But, if I lived there, I'd be livid! Talk about WTH...???
Environmental concerns:

Environmental concerns with hydraulic fracturing include the potential contamination of groundwater. risks to air quality, the potential migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface, the potential mishandling of waste, and the health effects of these, like cancer. Many cases of suspected groundwater contamination have been documented.[A 2004 study by the (EPA) concluded that the injection of hydraulic fracturing fluids into coalbed methane (CBM) wells posed minimal threat to underground drinking water sources. This study has been criticised for only focusing on the injection of fracking fluids, while ignoring other aspects of the process such as disposal of fluids, and environmental concerns such as water quality, fish kills and acid burns; the study was also concluded before public complaints of contamination started emerging. Largely on the basis of this study, in 2005 hydraulic fracturing was exempted by US Congress from any regulation under the Safe Water Drinking Act.

To read more, scroll about 1/3 the way down: Hydraulic fracturing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many states are calling for disclosure of fracking fluids.

ETA: New website since 4/11: http://fracfocus.org/news-updates
Just saw the adult female on The Today Show, they should have the video up soon.

Is October the first anyone started showing these symptoms? Was this lady ever in that school?

If it is not the chemicals from the train incident, wonder if anyone has tested the local tap water supply. Maybe they started using a different fluoride mix or manufacturer? Or something different in October or a month or so before?

I just feel so sorry for all those affected and their families and friends. I would go bonkers!
I have been following this very closely. Sometimes things are just simple. In this case, it is obvious to me, at least, that the common denominator is the school. Then we have the school officials hiring lawyers, refusing to talk to anyone, including the parents (!) and it is a simple explanation to me....coverup! They think they are protecting themselves. How sad for the people in that town.
The school and grounds were built with the contaminated rock and soil? People doubt the government agencies would cover up something like this?


Who's bright idea was it to use contaminated soil as fill dirt? Stupid should hurt.

This reminds me of what happened in L.A. a few years back. They were almost completed building a new very expesive school only to learn that the property was known for being extremely contaminated. They had to tear it down and build somewhere else. Alot of people, along the way, signed on the dotted line and approved the project with full knowledge of the contamination.
What was with the new woman... She has a connection?
She also lives in Leroy.

Another man has come forward from Bath, NY. I found this article interesting as it includes maps of cases coming forward and points out record rainfalls. It also mentions the Salem witch trials.


Very interesting article, thank you. I used to live slightly north of the affected areas, and have a grandson who lives right in the middle of it. It reminded me of Salem right off the bat - stranger things in heaven and earth and all that jazz.
Very interesting article, thank you. I used to live slightly north of the affected areas, and have a grandson who lives right in the middle of it. It reminded me of Salem right off the bat - stranger things in heaven and earth and all that jazz.

This is becoming more widespread as more people come forward. I suppose they should be looking at ergot poisoning and what all the heavy rainfall might have caused. My son wrestled a tournament at Leroy High School, the old school though. I had no idea a new one was built. This is beyond strange...
I think the girls from Corinth started showing symptoms after they played sports in Leroy...
I think the girls from Corinth started showing symptoms after they played sports in Leroy...

I went back and watched an interview with Alycia and her father (one of the Corinth girls). They stated she came down with symptoms in May. The article states this is actually before the Leroy kids. In July, she was with her traveling softball team. On their way to a sporting event they stopped and had dinner in Leroy. They don't mention if the sporting event was in Leroy or even if it actually involved their team. Upon returning a second teammate came down with these symptoms. That would be Lori. The only thing I can think is what the article states about rye grass. Yes, that is common in this area and used in the sports fields. The other tie in would be the restaurant and rye bread which would also include wheat, multi grain, etc. Contaminated food. Compound that with heavy rain and Hurricane Irene, it sounds like Ergot testing may certainly be in order here. Although rare, it wouldn't hurt to consider.
I have been following this very closely. Sometimes things are just simple. In this case, it is obvious to me, at least, that the common denominator is the school. Then we have the school officials hiring lawyers, refusing to talk to anyone, including the parents (!) and it is a simple explanation to me....coverup! They think they are protecting themselves. How sad for the people in that town.

Seriously! The only thing that school officials have offered is to convene a panel to go over the data that already exists! It's infuriating! It's a public school. What is to prevent air, soil and water samples from being taken by outside organizations? This irks me to no end.
A few days old, but interesting:

Representatives of environmental crusader Erin Brockovich and an accompanying group of reporters were ordered off the grounds of Le Roy Junior-Senior High School on Saturday in an episode connected to a cluster of students there with unusual neurological symptoms. more at link....


I understand not wanting reporters around, but what is wrong with a few tests?
This is a case report where a man was experiencing the same psychogenic symptoms as the girls:

Conversion Tourette syndrome as one type of a psychogenic disorder is rare, but psychogenic disorders are not a rare occurrence. For example, twenty percent of patients sent to epilepsy centers for seizures that are difficult to treat are found to have PNES (psychogenic seizures) instead of real epileptic seizures.

This pamphlet by the Univ. of South Florida College of Medicine is informative. It has a good description of PNES which are a type of somatoform disorder caused by emotional stress. (These girls are not having PNES, but this is a type of somatoform disorder like conversion Tourette syndrome.)

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