long weekend break: discuss the latest here #103

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At this point, it really doesn't not matter what spewed out of her lying lips. Numerous other facts clearly indicate that this nutcase left California with a seemingly well-thought out plan to kill Travis Alexander... one way or another. That is premeditation period, regardless of whether or not she used the gun first vs. the knife first. Manslaughter IS NOT an option in this case. It will either be Premeditated Murder 1 (DP) or Murder 1 (LWOP).

This jury is not asleep! A cursory review of the numerous questions that they posed to Arias, lead me to believe that they have this psycho"s number. She and her defense team would have stood a far better chance of a more favorable outcome, if they would have asserted a "diminished capacity" defense. Their smug "self-defense" stance is so completely far-fetched, it is an affront to anyone's intelligence to think that it will fly.


I've really tried to take my emotions out of it and understand how someone could possibly arrive at manslaughter?! Maybe I've lost brain cells since this began, but how would anyone think it so given the nature of the injuries?

The stab wounds to the back coupled with a near decapitation...I just cannot see it at all, even if you believe some part of her bs.
You go girl! If nothing else when this is all over... I would like a separate trial ... I want the Fashion Police to throw the book at the Mit. for fashion atrocities AND... I want Jodi's greasy-azzed bangs and hideous khaki pants to get the death penalty!

Good Katie !
Bust her bootie
If one is really in fear for their life, you stab then run, certainly not 29 times. And for sure not cutting a man's throat to the point of near decapitation when he's already down. The whole self defense theory is beyond ridiculous, imo.

And if the DT's goal is to explain it away with this she just 'snapped' or whatever it is they want to call it, because she's been so terribly abused, well, that wouldn't make me feel any better either if I were a juror. Think about it, if she has a tendency to black out, go into a rage and stab someone 29 times then almost behead them, she will always be a danger to society and should never be allowed to go free. I don't care what kind of excuse they want to white wash it in. Maybe they can use it to get her out of the death penalty, idk, but getting this dangerous murderer off on manslaughter and out in a few years would be a crime in itself, imo.
I so hope and pray that the jury has enough common sense to realize that as well.

Well, running out the door, down the stairs and out of the house with a nekkid man with a gunshot wound to the head chasing would have most likely gotten a neighbor's attention...just sayin.

I agree, any possibility of her getting out of jail would carry a death sentence for someone else.
I'm not a legal person but I believe it was their only option. She comes nowhere near the legal burden to establish insanity as required by Arizona's modified M'Naghten rule...and the premeditation discounts crime of passion entirely.

I still think the latter would have been a better argument but maybe they felt they couldn't overcome the premed.

IMO, JA would not allow such a defense, my goodness, she does not have any problems except she picked up a gun that fired of its own free will, and should not be held accountable for what happened to her that day, she was in a fog, people, really...:facepalm:
IIRC he said he didn't have enough time to delve into exactly what personality disorder(s) she had. Plus I don't think it was going to help her defense any, so he didn't bother -- can't even remember how often he brought up money during his testimony.

Or maybe he was afraid to delve because he knew what he might find out.
I just want to know, where do they get those cloths she wears from?
Are they hers?
They look like they are from 1970...and half the time they are too small...
I hate it when ladies blouses gap right where the twins reside....:notgood:


I've really tried to take my emotions out of it and understand how someone could possibly arrive at manslaughter?! Maybe I've lost brain cells since this began, but how would anyone think it so given the nature of the injuries?

The stab wounds to the back coupled with a near decapitation...I just cannot see it at all, even if you believe some part of her bs.

Read my post again. I DO NOT believe her BS. I think you may have been reading the post that I was responding to and quoted??
Because the DT always planned to claim the gunshot came first. Then they put her on the stand and have her claim it went off accidently and she only had the gun cause she was terrified of an abusive madman. The shock brought on the 'fog' and she doesn't remember the overkill. They are hoping for that 'get out of jail free card' If she claims she did it deliberately or is mentally incompetent....there goes that card.

I keep wondering whether JM can/would argue against 2nd degree as a lesser included. None of the defense and no evidence involved a heat of passion killing, so it was either premeditated 1st degree or manslaughter or not guilty.
Read my post again. I DO NOT believe her BS. I think you may have been reading the post that I was responding to and quoted??

Sorry- maybe I didn't explain. I meant anyone on the jury, not you- I agree w/ your entire post. :)

I was questioning how anyone in the world could come to a manslaughter conclusion and not think this premed murder 1.
OMGosh! Looks like I've missed so much! I've been offline for about 5 days. My daughter had a baby last Friday and I am helping her in another state. Haven't had a minute to get in here to hear any news. I have a new little grandson who is (of course) perfect!

Last I heard, Jodi had passed something in a folder. Can't wait to get to catch up on everything! I don't get back home for another week and 1/2. Miss you all! :)


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I have read that Travis Alexander was a very social person - corresponding on a daily basis with multiple people.

Did Travis Alexander call, text, email anyone on June 4?

It seems to me that Travis Alexander was motivated to be a successful business person. His motivation would have given Travis Alexander the need to communicate with as many people on a daily basis (as Travis Alexander would be motivated to "knock on as many doors as possible - seek out as many opportunities as possible)."

Regardless if Arias was at his home - or if the woman of his dreams showed up at his house the early hours of June 4 - Travis Alexander's motivation for success would require him to have communication with other people.

I've never heard that Travis Alexander made calls, texts, sent emails, ect. on June 4. Due to this, I have always been under the impression that when Travis Alexander realized Arias was at his house - Arias had Travis Alexander by force. Arias never concealed her visit as "friendly." If Arias showed up at Travis Alexander's house under the guise of, "Thanks for letting me in ... I just need a place to stay for a couple of hours .... Thanks for letting me in, I have missed you, please know that I am very sorry for causing you any pain, will you pray with me..."

If Arias showed up and Travis Alexander was free to do what he wanted - If Arias showed up and Travis Alexander was free to go about his day - I think that Travis Alexander would have been in contact with at least one person on June 4. And, considering Travis Alexander's past with Arias would have at least told one person: Arias is at my house.

I have always wondered why Travis Alexander did not send a SOS email, text, phone call to a friend alerting someone that Arias was at his house. If this would have happened, two of Travis' friends could have stopped by his house on June 4 at 1pm to pick Travis up for his 'meeting.' Travis Alexander may not have known that Arias was going to murder him - but Travis Alexander could have known that he did not want Arias at his house, called / texted / emailed a friend saying something such as, "Have a girl at my house - Need an excuse to get out - Come over to pick me up for the "meeting" we need to go to - Thanks - See you soon - Seriously this is important I need to get out of my house."

It seems to me as though Travis Alexander was Arias prisoner as soon as he realized that Arias was in his home on June 4. If not - TA could have pretended to "run to the store to get something special to cook for Arias," TA could have sweet talked Arias into taking her out to a special lunch, TA could have gotten Arias to the mall to buy a special swim suit for Cancun. TA could have "moved" himself into a safer environment if he was not Arias prisoner the moment she revealed herself to him on June 4.

More things that I do not understand: Why was Darryl Brewer's face not shown in court? I do not think that anyone wants to be associated with Arias (or people like her). It seems strange to me that Darryl Brewer not only requested but was granted not to have his face shown. Also, do people really believe that Arias is an Hermaphrodite? Did Arias really have surgery to make her more female, breasts implants, ect? Do people really believe that Travis Alexander sent Arias the text telling her that he was going to tell everyone the truth if she did not is about Arias being an hermaphrodite?

Thank you in advance to the person that takes the time to answer these questions. I greatly appreciate it!

I have hard time believing that Travis Alexander was willingly with Arias on June 4 - I just think that he could have easily reached out to someone, get that person to come to his house, and Travis Alexander could have made up an excuse as to why he had to leave. I don't think that Travis Alexander was able to do this as Arias held him captive from the time she arrived on June 4 until Arias watched Travis Alexander take his last breath.

Hindsight of the living is always 20/20. If he fully had a clue of what she was capable of he would have done a lot of things differently. Dealing with a socio/psychopath is always different than dealing with the average person.

DB wanted to protect his son from his embarressing testimony.

Jodi is not a hermaphodite. Everyone's parts look different and no one's looks like a *advertiser censored* star's stuff. We have had L&D nurses state that she looks normal.

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Wild About Trial
Travis' family is taking their seats. Dennis is at the camera. Jodi's aunt and sister are still not here. #JodiArias
She wants the jury to think Travis said 'F'ing kill you btch' AFTER she shoots him in the head to make it sound like he was still attacking her. She thinks it explains why she didn't stop after shooting him and to explain why she then needed to stab him and almost cut his head off.

This is part of her "script" that she changed! Remember she originally said he threatened to kill her BEFORE she shot him in the head.... I agree with you camcneishg that everything she says is a constructed lie to fit her defense. We just keep talking about it I think cuz we are hoping the jury see's it how we do? :please:

During the trial, she said he called her an idiot and said a 5yo could do better after she dropped the camera and lunged at her, but that he didn't say anything about killing her until after she shot him in the head. So it seems to me that even if you believe her wild version of the story, he is the one who was acting in self-defense after she tried to kill him.

I don't understand why she came up with this scenario since it seems to undermine her defense. Maybe because of what Flores mistakenly said, the DT thought that's what the ME would testify and they tried to come up with something that matched the forensics??
Read my post again. I DO NOT believe her BS. I think you may have been reading the post that I was responding to and quoted??

Originally Posted by AZWatcher Me too. I should have noted for the record that ALL of my friends at the party WANTED her to get Murder 1. They are just not convinced that all 12 jurors will agree. Fingers and toes crossed.
My big 'ouch' moment came the day she said that she didn't mean to shoot him. Something about she pointed the gun to make him stop and it just went off. AAAAAHHHHH! Instant out for those on the jury who have a doubt if TA was 'abusing' her.
There is too much evidence that she killed him (including her statement on the stand) to just 'let her go'.The stabbing/slashing can be explained as a battered woman in mortal fear for her life.

But if anyone is having a problem with the premed claims by JM,there is not enough for the DP.
Manslaughter is an alternative. In AZ, IIRC, the sentence for manslaughter is 10-12 years. She has already served 5 years or so.
I started to panic when that one sentence came out of her lying mouth.

QUOTE=Beaglemania;9102539]At this point, it really doesn't not matter what spewed out of her lying lips. Numerous other facts clearly indicate that this nutcase left California with a seemingly well-thought out plan to kill Travis Alexander... one way or another. That is premeditation period, regardless of whether or not she used the gun first vs. the knife first. Manslaughter IS NOT an option in this case. It will either be Premeditated Murder 1 (DP) or Murder 1 (LWOP). This jury is not asleep! A cursory review of the numerous questions that they posed to Arias, lead me to believe that they have this psycho's number. She and her defense team would have stood a far better chance of a more favorable outcome, if they would have asserted a "diminished capacity" defense. Their smug "self-defense" stance is so completely far-fetched, it is an affront to anyone's intelligence to think that it will fly.[/QUOTE]
What proof do we have that she is? I am left handed when I write and eat. I cannot use my right hand equally as well for those things. I use my right hand for cutting with scissors, using a gun, using a knife, bowling, throwing, Batting . I cannot do those things hardly at all with my left hand. the definition of the word is that you can use both equally as well, but I do not see that she has any evidence of that.


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My husband is the same way. He writes left handed but uses his right for everything else like you. Though I think it is b/c he just didn't have someone teach him how to do those things left handed. Our son writes right handed but uses his left for most other things.
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