long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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Okay. I can understand the personal sick gratification in using a knife but then, why the gun?
You have to admit, one person usually doesn't use two weapons when killing one person. I can't recall any high-profile cases that mimic this.

But could it be she wanted to set the scene so it would look like two people were involved therefore buying her more time to perhaps head to Mexico?

What do we know about the last rental car she had? We know they found knives and a gun (in the engine somewhere stashed away) but do we know how long she intended to rent it for? Is there ANY information on this car?

Weird considering her telling someone that she was headed to see Matt before she was arrested.
Hmmm, so you think she'd already decided to kill him before the scamming email? What do you think precipitated it -- reading through his emails, maybe?

I think she may have discovered Mimi was the true ticket holder to Cancun from snooping in email or Facebook. She also mentions in the tapes that she was "disappointed" that Travis didn't come see her sing the National Anthem at an event on May 24th.
Although the entire day of June 4th 2008 in Mesa perplexes me, there are two other areas of interest that bother me.

One is the timing.
Why on a Wednesday afternoon...virtually moments before his roommate was scheduled to be home? I mean, what the heck was she thinking?

The other is the camera. Why not take it with her? Why gamble? Most of us know the motherboard of an electronic device is almost indestructible. And SHE supposedly knew a little more about cameras than the average person. I mean, would it have been that much of an imposition to take the camera? She took the gun, knife, bloody clothes, cordoned off the dog etc. What's a small camera in the bigger picture (no pun intended) ?

Now here's where the two meet....Maybe.

It's been speculated that she was framed if...she had help. If hypothetically she had an accomplish (or two) maybe THEY left the camera behind while Jodi thought it was taken care of for they all had their roles to play. And one of those roles was to gather all items and take them with you. And maybe it was an oversight by her helper or.....it was to frame her. Because honestly, to me she acted surprised when Flores told her they recovered the camera in the wash machine.

So if this was done by 2 or more people and a roommate DID come home, they could continue as if it was a burglary and perhaps kill them too. I just don't think Jodi would've had THAT much moxie although she is pretty deranged.

I don't think for a moment she parked in the driveway but if we speculate she acted alone then....my god, she could've been caught by the roommate. But maybe she disguised herself in a ski mask in case a roommate came home. We're talking minutes. Travis was killed at around 5:30 and I believe the one roommate comes home around 6-6:30. Wow!!!

My mind is on overdrive because I cannot make sense of that entire encounter.

Was Travis missing any money??????
Weird considering her telling someone that she was headed to see Matt before she was arrested.


Matt does not have clean hands in this. From that jail cell magazine note to (perhaps) the gun stolen from her grandparents...he's just rubbing me the wrong way.

But, I did not know that. Thanks my friend!
Can somebody help me understand how Matthew McCartney is involved?

I know he is an ex-boyfriend of JA's.

I know JA wrote the coded magazine message to him while in jail.

This is what I don't know...

1. Why would JA write a coded message asking him to lie for her if he wasn't somehow involved in the cover up?

2. How did that coded message get turned over to the prosecution?

3. Is MM a defense witness, and if so, what could he possibly testify about that would benefit them?

Thanks for any answers that would help a late comer to understand all the players and their motives.

Matt does not have clean hands in this. From that jail cell magazine note to (perhaps) the gun stolen from her grandparents...he's just rubbing me the wrong way.

But, I did not know that. Thanks my friend!

I agree Matt is totally involved in this some way. moo
It didn't take long in that arrest video before she began making requests and barking orders, did it?

  • Handcuffs off,
  • Her purse,
  • Turn up the thermostat,
  • Etc.

I guess she's just irresistible in her kindness, allure and charisma. It certainly looks like she has an admiring fan club at the jailhouse, from what I have seen.

"Now isn't that special?"


Weird considering her telling someone that she was headed to see Matt before she was arrested.

She does tell Flores that in the tapes. Said she was returning books to Matt (that she'd had for 8 years) and oh yeah there were some knives in with the books but those were Darryl's as she was going to see him as well since she had some of his "kitchen stuff" she needed to get back to him.
Can somebody help me understand how Matthew McCartney is involved?

I know he is an ex-boyfriend of JA's.

I know JA wrote the coded magazine message to him while in jail.

This is what I don't know...

1. Why would JA write a coded message asking him to lie for her if he wasn't somehow involved in the cover up?

2. How did that coded message get turned over to the prosecution?

3. Is MM a defense witness, and if so, what could he possibly testify about that would benefit them?

Thanks for any answers that would help a late comer to understand all the players and their motives.
He supposedly saw bruises on Jodi's neck, and then Jodi supposedly told him Travis had choked her and all about the pedophilia. The magazine messages told him he screw up because he told someone she saw the images on TA's computer. Trouble was she had changed over to the fell off the bed story and Matt didn't get the memo.

Neither did ALV who also said Jodi saw the pictures on his computer. This testimony has already been disallowed as hearsay, I believe.
originally posted by Sundawnn-
".....The photos show there was only 62 seconds from ceiling photo to bloody photo. I don't think Jodi or any novice murderer would think to have a 'back-up' weapon on them. I think we'd all be pretty confident that a fire arm is going to work properly.
So...why the knife??

Your thoughts? "

I count the time as starting from the time stamp on the last photo we know Travis is alive, not from the ceiling shot, so that does give a little more than 62 sec till the foot-dragging photo...but I think the knife was possibly one she carried with her and I think it was in her purse and her purse was in the bathroom so she had easy access I believe he was shot first and when the shot didn't do the trick, she got out the knife....
after watching all of the unedited videos, especially # 14, I am close to convinced someone was with her,

BBM.....but we all know how quick Jodi is to throw someone under the bus. Surely if someone else had been involved she would have ratted them out by now, right?
Sleuth5, if Travis was first injured while in the shower & therefore, never stepped out into the bathroom to body slam the defendant, she has no self-defense ground, none. I think few people and few jurors believe her claim but someone may be that gullible. It would be good to squash self-defense entirely in order to insure a verdict. To most of us her account of what happened in that bathroom is absurd. She says to one and all that under oath, she will tell the truth. There may be one juror who says, "Finally!" and credits her testimony. But think how everyone would feel if she in no way, no how defended herself & her fabrication were laid bare. Insulted and angry, surely.
I really believe MM was involved one way or another too. She visits and stays with him and his girlfrend on the way to Mesa, she calls him at some point on that drive after the murder, she is on her way to see him to return books (lol) on the day she is arrested, she tried to get him the coded message in the magazine, ..... I wonder if he has an airtight alibi as to where he and his girlfirend were June 3rd and 4th. I have gone so far as to think they were the two ninjas. Jodi was taking the photos of Travis and had him vulnerable and cornered and MM comes in and shoots him but he isn't killed. In tape 14, she says she didn't see it but she heard the pop, then says Travis was on all fours, holding his head, screaming, saying go get help, and she also says she hears "who is that, who is that" she talked in detail about Travis becoming weak, having a hard time moving, being conscious, she mentions she hit her head-(what has now been all packaged up by her as the body slam---bs)...but maybe she hit her head because she fell back because maybe Travis actually lunged or fell toward her to protect her at first
BBM.....but we all know how quick Jodi is to throw someone under the bus. Surely if someone else had been involved she would have ratted them out by now, right?

No. And that's the pure karma of it all. If she were to say that then she'd automatically be convicted of 1st degree premeditated murder.

She can't have an accomplice without it being planned out.
So she's stuck with a gigantic foot up her arse.

And maybe that's what she was toying with in the interrogation tapes. Maybe she so MUCH wanted to say someone else did this but she couldn't without implicating herself.
If this scenario is true then this is the quintessential Catch-22.
He supposedly saw bruises on Jodi's neck, and then Jodi supposedly told him Travis had choked her and all about the pedophilia. The magazine messages told him he screw up because he told someone she saw the images on TA's computer. Trouble was she had changed over to the fell off the bed story and Matt didn't get the memo.

Neither did ALV who also said Jodi saw the pictures on his computer. This testimony has already been disallowed as hearsay, I believe.

Thank you!

IIRC, it was proven that the timeline didn't allow for him to see the made up story about the bruises. Am I remembering correctly?

I wonder how MM knew to look for the coded message unless they had a planned system going? And how did that magazine get turned over as evidence?
In her universe, nobody can stand to be away from her for long, as she is the still center of existence. I'm sure she imagines she is being kind by maintaining ties, so as to spare them the agonizing fate of her absence.

Think of Arias as a parasitic exploiter. When she has invested enough time in a man to know their sexual preferences and their secret deeds, why just throw that leverage away? Why not keep them on the hook for future exploitation?

You don't understand that because you do not live a parasitic lifestyle. If you were a couchsurfer, for example, and had no home of your own, would you piss off anybody who had previously lent you their sofa?

Arias is dangerous and is not afraid to be confrontative and threatening. You can be sure these were not the first tires she slashed. It takes a long of strength to plunge a knife into a tire, let alone do it four times and, in fact, eight times in one night.

Just imagine the rage you would need to have enough adrenaline to fuel stabbing eight tires. And that's just jealousy rage. We see that turned on Travis as a result of an "I will destroy you" / "No, I will destroy YOU" argument.

My point is that these former boyfriends are vulnerable and I believe they are afraid of her. SHoot- I'm afraid of her and I don't know the half of it.
I tend to always think outside the proverbial box so...while this murder totally consumes my mind....I had a thought.

We all agree Jodi Ann Arias is a very cunning, calculating and conniving murderess who planned on killing Travis that day, right? Riiiiiiiight! (in my Juan voice). We're just not sure of the specifics like: would his life had been spared if he agreed to take her to Cancun etc. But putting that aside, it appears Jodi gave this 'potential' murder some thought regardless which included; gas cans, gun, no cell phone pings and no paper trace.

Now, what constantly keeps crossing my mind is WHY the knife? I mean, if she indeed stole (or had someone *see: Matt* steal) the gun and brought it with her.....why use a knife?

I've heard suggestions that she didn't want to call attention to the neighbors etc. But that idea doesn't bode well with me because she must've thought that out for that couldn't have been an epiphany. So...............here's my 'out of the box' thought.

Could Jodi have used two weapons to make it APPEAR there were two intruders involved?
Because honestly, nothing else makes thorough sense. You don't bring a gun across two/three states only to use a knife that MIGHT or might not do the trick.

The only other explanation that makes sense (sort of) is, the gun jammed. But then, if she got the knife from wherever; downstairs to the kitchen or if the knife was upstairs, that would entail MORE time.

The photos show there was only 62 seconds from ceiling photo to bloody photo. I don't think Jodi or any novice murderer would think to have a 'back-up' weapon on them. I think we'd all be pretty confident that a fire arm is going to work properly.
So...why the knife??

Your thoughts?

I still think it was because she thought that she might have to use it if a housemate had been there -- for silence. Or, she might just be that mean & wanted to hurt him, hurt him, and make him suffer. Maybe she thought a gun would be too quick & would let him die "too easily," instead of maiming him to death. A lo-o-o-ong slow death... (This is awful to say, I know, but I think she was/is just that mean and she hated him that much.) Finish him off with the gun -- make sure he was good & dead
before she left. And the two-weapons/two-killers is not a bad idea, either.
Maybe she planned to slit his throat...
Pure torture listening to wilmotts :banghead:long excruciating crossing witnesses. Juan is awesome he is so suave, doesn't need to ramble on for hours, to get his point across.

I don't get the defense strategy given the 12 men and 6 women jurors. The defense apparently wanted a majority of men, but why? Makes no sense to me.
"Isn't the trauma here that Mr. Alexander is dead?" -Juan Martinez to Samuels

:clap: :clap: :clap:

HLN After Dark repeat just came on.
I really believe MM was involved one way or another too. She visits and stays with him and his girlfrend on the way to Mesa, she calls him at some point on that drive after the murder, she is on her way to see him to return books (lol) on the day she is arrested, she tried to get him the coded message in the magazine, ..... I wonder if he has an airtight alibi as to where he and his girlfirend were June 3rd and 4th. I have gone so far as to think they were the two ninjas. Jodi was taking the photos of Travis and had him vulnerable and cornered and MM comes in and shoots him but he isn't killed. In tape 14, she says she didn't see it but she heard the pop, then says Travis was on all fours, holding his head, screaming, saying go get help, and she also says she hears "who is that, who is that" she talked in detail about Travis becoming weak, having a hard time moving, being conscious, she mentions she hit her head-(what has now been all packaged up by her as the body slam---bs)...but maybe she hit her head because she fell back because maybe Travis actually lunged or fell toward her to protect her at first

Absolutely possible!!! She might've convinced MM that Travis was beating her up or whatever.

If true.........

I believe MM stole the gun initially and HE had it with him because if you listen to the interrogation tape, one of things that struck me as very sincere is when she said she did NOT have the gun with her.

And if this is true...then MM owes Jodi for not ratting him out so.....here comes the pedophile favor. MM was probably the one who forged the letters.

If you insert MM and perhaps his girlfriend (the two intruders) this whole event makes so much more sense. Right down to her reactions in the interrogation room.
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