Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week Nov 20, 2014 - Trial Thread #4

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Oh, yes!

Sounds like Rebecca is made up, just like Manny... He probably bought the snake himself and then got bored of it and killed it or it died because he wasn't looking after it properly. And all that about being terrified of the snake, but his father told Dr Watts

I assume this is the same snake, even though LM's dad thought it was a boa constrictor and not a python. He told his dad that it was his own pet, not one he was looking after for someone.

Wouldn't be surprised if he killed it and threw it in the garbage. Or it's still slithering around the walls of the last apartment he lived in. :eek:

Welcome, Data Monkey :D nice to have you with us. :welcome:

I assumed when in read the report that "John Doe" was the name that Watts or the police gave to the unknown man, not what LM called him. John Doe is name that the police often give to unidentified bodies or abandoned babies. Or Jane Doe for a girl.
:wave: Hi !

Wouldn't be surprised if he killed it and threw it in the garbage. Or it's still slithering around the walls of the last apartment he lived in. :eek:


OMG ! :freakedout:
Can you just imagine that.....?? :lol:
What kind of idiot has a pet snake with no tank?!?

Oh, wait...

This trial has been the definition of ridiculous. I can't blame more than half of the journalists that dropped off to do other things.
I'm picturing him :jail:, possibly with Rafferty, Bernardo and Colonel Mustard. he he. I wonder if Rafferty is still giving dance lessons. :happydance:
I'm picturing him :jail:, possibly with Rafferty, Bernardo and Colonel Mustard. he he. I wonder if Rafferty is still giving dance lessons. :happydance:

Not sure about the dance lessons but I bet his crying is keeping the others up at night. :tantrum:

From the report. A bit of overkill don't you think? Page 59-60

Dr. Barth noted that Mr. Magnotta described having symptoms of thought withdrawal as well as delusional perceptions and delusions of control due to the auditory hallucinations which he believed were linked to a radio in his head. He also thought that people could read his thoughts and that they would be heard on the radio (thought broadcasting). Upon waking, he would hear someone say, “*****.” He was noted to be distracted. He described feeling heaviness in his legs, which he attributed to the curse of a witch. He stated that his mood was “bad” but that he did not have any suicidal thinking. He was anxious about being poisoned by steroids. He recognized that he was ill and needed to be treated.

Later in his admission, Mr. Magnotta reported having a radio in his head and hearing voices. He also stated, “Robin gave me steroids and since then I’ve been sick. My stomach aches, I probably have cancer because of these steroids. Robin is an arsehole.” Upon inquiry, Robin was identified as being a former boyfriend. Mr. Magnotta continued, “Robin poisoned me. Since then my legs are so heavy I can’t play tennis anymore. My father is schizophrenic. Everybody made fun of me. Can you close the window, I feel observed here. Here in Berlin, I lived at Franck’s place, he has my luggage. I took medication Risperidone but that’s at Franck’s place, probably in my luggage. I used to work as a prostitute. I felt handicapped all my life. Manny taught me how to sleep with men. He also told me that Jenny worked with Stephen Harper, he is evil. Manny persuaded me not to take my Risperidone anymore. We drove to Miami where he beat me, he forced me to drink his urine and eat his feces. I had to do a *advertiser censored* for him and he gave me money for it. Manny forced me to have sex with other men but I did not like that. I also had to do sex videos that I did not want to do and he sold them. The videos were with animals but I like animals, I used to have a dog. She watched me, when I was outside somewhere with the camera, that’s why I don’t like going outside anymore. She is a witch.” When asked who he meant by “she”, Mr. Magnotta did not respond and continued, “She is a witch. I want to see my grandmother, she is the only person who can help me. But I haven’t seen her since the last two years. My mother is an alcoholic, my stepfather beat me repeatedly over all those years, pressed me against the wall until I could no longer stand it. I did not take Risperidone very regularly, lately not at all I think. I’m scared of the witch. Every time I hear a song by Elton John, I have to move. But I don’t like that. She is a witch and is laughing at me. I hate her. I hate my mother.”

Dr. Barth’s final diagnosis for Mr. Magnotta was of a severe psychotic episode related to suspected paranoid schizophrenia. He also noted that Mr. Magnotta suffered from gastritis.

Seriously, I'm slowly trying to digest this report but I can't see anyone on the jury believing that LM is anything other than a personality disordered lying liar if they actually go through it. It just continually contradicts itself.

From the report... page 82

Sometime after stories began circulating on the Internet that Mr. Magnotta was dating Karla Homolka in 2007, the former contacted Toronto Sun journalist Joe Warmington to give his side of the story. An excerpt of this interview was filmed and is posted on the newspaper&#8217;s website. In the 1 minute 34 second video, Mr. Magnotta is seen dressed in a black leather jacket and was wearing large dark sunglasses upon his arrival. During the interview, his sunglasses are off. His hair was short, spiky and dyed blond and he appears to have been wearing lip-gloss or lipstick. Throughout the interview his voice was mostly monotone and his emotional expression showed little modulation, despite stating that he was experiencing significant distress related to the rumour that he was dating Karla Homolka. He explained that his &#8220;modelling career was kinda going downhill these days&#8221; and that he wanted to &#8220;set the record straight. Me and her have nothing to do with each other.&#8221; He had been receiving &#8220;death threats, people have posted my address, that&#8217;s why I had to move.&#8221; He immediately added, &#8220;I want my Pomeranian back, it was taken out of my SUV. I&#8217;m about to have a nervous breakdown.&#8221; He said that the stories were &#8220;ruining my life&#8221; and had made his acting career difficult because &#8220;casting directors all know me now.&#8221; He described making adult movies, having worked as a stripper, and that this did not embarrass that him. He stated that people had been sending the links to the story to his relatives and &#8220;nobody wants to talk to me, I don&#8217;t have anybody.&#8221; He added, &#8220;Whoever&#8217;s doing this, please stop, you&#8217;re doing a lot of harm.&#8221;


Oh geez...what did he do to his Pomeranian. I know he had it because earlier in the report his uncle talked about him showing up like "Paris Hilton" in a white fedora, driving a black SUV and carrying a "little dog".

So there's the kittens (he also claimed in the report that Manny stepped on one of his kitten's heads and killed it. This is totally different than the cat killing videos) the python and the black and white puppy...along with this Pomeranian. He also claimed on more than one occasion that Manny made him have sex with animals and filmed it.

He's been doing more than just what has come out at this trial IMO. At least with animals. This was likely his first foray into killing a human...we hope.

Oh geez...what did he do to his Pomeranian.

Hopefully the dog really was stolen from his SUV. He had a lot of peeved off animal lovers after him, I could absolutely see one stealing/saving his dog if they had the chance (I would have).
From Dr. Watts report...

I asked Mr. Magnotta whether he had a tendency to lie or try to manipulate others for personal gain or to obtain things and he said that he did not think so. When asked why he had said to his lawyer, Craig Penney, that he had a son in Peterborough, he responded that he did not know.

So LM does not think he has a tendency to lie or manipulate? And when called on a lie he "doesn't know" why he said it. :doh:

I somehow think that Magnotta has big issues with being gay. I've notice that many times over his history that he hints at having hetrosexual relationships, but history has proved those stories to false. His relationship with Homolka? False. His relationship with Barbie whatever her name was? Transsexual. In the interview for the plastic surgery show he openly admits that he is making *advertiser censored* films, but then adds that the women he works with are starting to notice his thinning hair. Makes me wonder how reliable his account of his relationship with his stepmother was? I honestly don't believe this guy has ever laid a finger on a woman, but he seems to feel the need to put it out there that he is in to women.
what.the.f. really. i just spent hours reading the assessment. Maybe you discussed this before, but I wonder: does this Manny person actually exist? has he come forward? any electronic or other type clues as to where he is?
what.the.f. really. i just spent hours reading the assessment. Maybe you discussed this before, but I wonder: does this Manny person actually exist? has he come forward? any electronic or other type clues as to where he is?

Nope. Nothing. Nada. IMO and in the opinion of pretty much everyone else, with the exception of perhaps his defense team, "Manny" does not exist. He's just a scapegoat for LM to use for his illegal and immoral behaviour.


suemontgomery &#8207;@MontgomerySue 4m4 minutes ago
The evidence is there. It&#8217;s the video. I will give you some examples and the rest is up to you, Leclair says

Yeah, the evidence IS THE VIDEO. Good thinking Leclair. :shakingmyhead: JMO
Nope. Nothing. Nada. IMO and in the opinion of pretty much everyone else, with the exception of perhaps his defense team, "Manny" does not exist. He's just a scapegoat for LM to use for his illegal and immoral behaviour.


Wouldn't that further the argument that he is in fact schizophrenic? I don't think anybody actually believes Manny is a real person, but is he a made up handy excuse for illegal behaviour, or was he actually in Magnotta's head, urging him to do these things?
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