MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #6

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I thought the article described McCarthy to a T:

"Several friends and acquaintances who saw Bond during the summer say her actions in the wake of her daughter’s death belie the claim that she was held captive by the strange, addled man accused of murdering her feisty 2-year-old at bedtime."

Does anybody here even for a second believed RB was actually held captive by MM?
I suspect Bond was attracted to MM for several reasons:

1. He had a car.

2. He probably got a check for his mental problems.

3. He was someone she could easily manipulate.

4. He knew where to get the good heroin.

I daresay she spotted him a mile away as a sucker...
What will the evidence show? Easter is the date McCarthy is giving that RB says DCF took Bella. Prosecutors say May.

Bella's favorite animal was a monkey. Taylor and Bond couldn't afford to take Bella to the aquarium so they took her to Hempfest! And now RB has PTSD. What happened to bipolar?

Taking a :chillpill: and a break! I feel as if the wound that was healing has been ripped open again! Words do fail me.

Yeah, they couldn't afford to go to the Aquarium, so they took her to the Hempfest? What about a park with swings & slides & other children instead of being with a bunch of stoned adults.

I sure hope they aren't going to have to rely on only these people for witnesses. They'll get torn apart...May not even show up!
Does anybody here even for a second believed RB was actually held captive by MM?

Noooooooooooooo!! RB was very much in control of the situation. He was probably intimidated of her and she probably fed his belief that she was a Native American medicine woman.
“Recovery can be very precarious,” said Linda Wood-Boyle, executive director of Project Hope, a social service agency in Boston that works with homeless families. “Sometimes things can go wrong in a family very quickly.”

That's a line of carp... Things didn't go wrong for Bella Bond quickly... They went wrong over the entire course of her short 2-1/2 year lifespan. :puke:

Excuses! Excuses! Excuses! I'm just sick of excuses by all of these people! :puke:
Yeah, they couldn't afford to go to the Aquarium, so they took her to the Hempfest? What about a park with swings & slides & other children instead of being with a bunch of stoned adults.

I sure hope they aren't going to have to rely on only these people for witnesses. They'll get torn apart...May not even show up!

I know! It's crazy!!! I mean surely there had to be a park close by.

If these "witnesses" even show up is someone going to babysit them so they aren't high as a kite and on another planet in the courtroom.
I'm sure computer forensics will be done, and all searches brought to light.

That brings me to a question I have. A lot of people don't have computers, they use their smart phones for internet. Would you still need a password for wifi ? Would LE be able to find internet searches off her phone?
Yeah, they couldn't afford to go to the Aquarium, so they took her to the Hempfest? What about a park with swings & slides & other children instead of being with a bunch of stoned adults.

I sure hope they aren't going to have to rely on only these people for witnesses. They'll get torn apart...May not even show up!

What other witnesses do they have? RB and MM were hanging around people like themselves.
“Recovery can be very precarious,” said Linda Wood-Boyle, executive director of Project Hope, a social service agency in Boston that works with homeless families. “Sometimes things can go wrong in a family very quickly.”

That's a line of carp... Things didn't go wrong for Bella Bond quickly... They went wrong over the entire course of her short 2-1/2 year lifespan. :puke:

Excuses! Excuses! Excuses! I'm just sick of excuses by all of these people! :puke:

ITA. I would like to know when things ever go right for little Bella? What recovery are we talking about here? How long was RB able to stay off drugs (ever)? When she was preggo, according to the article, she violated every condition of her probation, including attending drug rehabilitation program. What made anything think she could be rehabilitated and take care of a child?

"But Fewtrell, like many who grew close to Bond, was banished after a falling out in the spring of 2014. Soon after, Bond turned to another longtime friend, Shannon Taylor, and asked her to move in.
“The three of us were a family,” said Taylor, a 42-year-old homeless woman who spends many nights curled up on sidewalks and in doorways near Copley Square."
"But about a year ago, just before Halloween, Taylor said, Bond got angry with her and Taylor was no longer welcome. She said she called periodically, hoping to repair the breach. When she called this April, Taylor said, Bond answered. “You got the wrong number,” Bond told her, before hanging up."

I said it before she has a history of manipulating men and alienating women. Taylor is just one more woman banished from RB's life.

I think Atty. Bassil is in for a wild ride. She will either quit or RB will fire her IMO
Unless for some strange reason that homeless shelter was different, here is my experience working with mothers in a shelter.

I was a teacher and worked with the children until they found stable housing. The shelter was in a beautiful new home in a nice neighborhood. The bedrooms were built for one family.

Because of the tremendous need, sometimes there were three families in that one bedroom. You could not hardly walk through the room because of the beds and dressers.

Picture families in major crisis. Children whose whole lives are disrupted. The chaos and drama even though staff worked on providing calm, safe counseling and opportunities.

Goals are made. Nonstop appts with therapists, job counselors, doctors, teachers, daycare providers housing advocates and often court for abusive bf's or spouses.

Can you even imagine the intense vibe in a shelter?

BTW, when people leave a shelter, they have nothing. Yes, you may look at RB and think, "Who cares?"

If you can, at your abused woman's shelter, there is always need for dressers, bookcases and most of all mattresses.

Where I lived, the women were given a voucher for a mattress from a local chain furniture store. Of course they have no transportation so hubby and I would go up there to get mattresses.

The free mattress is one from when they bring a new one and pick up the old discard.

I would look for ones with the least amount of stains. Then I would have hubby smell them.

I would tell the moms that this was the best we found.

Everyone was so grateful and said that they would cover them with plastic.

It was better than sleeping on a concrete floor of govt housing or on the filthy carpet of sec 8 housing.

The shelters in my city have no storage space. The abused woman's shelter has a guarded door and I am not sure how the average citizen would donate furniture. The need is so great.

RB is far more evil than most out there. The parents I met with did want better lives for their kids.

This will probably get deleted as off topic, but the women in the abused dhelter had lives that were so depressing. PG at 14 cuz sex abused. Looking for love so a couple more kids.

Have to work cuz of welfare sanctions, Taken advantage of by for profit schools. No way out of their impossible school debt. I can go on and on. I retired early cuz of the burnout.

I met so many women that I wanted to inject with the idea that they are worthy human beings deserving of love and happiness and opportunity.
I know! It's crazy!!! I mean surely there had to be a park close by.

If these "witnesses" even show up is someone going to babysit them so they aren't high as a kite and on another planet in the courtroom.

They often did got to the park;
"Bella zoomed around the apartment on a toy car, and she and Taylor would color or read together. When Bond arose, the women would take the girl to the park or go grocery shopping"
I used up my 5 free articles &#55357;&#56877;&#55357;&#56877;&#55357;&#56877;

Anyone care to summarize the article?

Someone on here recommended removing your cookies, then you can read again! :)
That article really brought sweet Bella to life.

"But Fewtrell, like many who grew close to Bond, was banished after a falling out in the spring of 2014. Soon after, Bond turned to another longtime friend, Shannon Taylor, and asked her to move in.
“The three of us were a family,” said Taylor, a 42-year-old homeless woman who spends many nights curled up on sidewalks and in doorways near Copley Square."
"But about a year ago, just before Halloween, Taylor said, Bond got angry with her and Taylor was no longer welcome. She said she called periodically, hoping to repair the breach. When she called this April, Taylor said, Bond answered. “You got the wrong number,” Bond told her, before hanging up."

I said it before she has a history of manipulating men and alienating women. Taylor is just one more woman banished from RB's life.

I think Atty. Bassil is in for a wild ride. She will either quit or RB will fire her IMO

I soooo agree!

RB did not dupe MM. Any more than MM held RB hostage. These two both are equally culpable and responsible for what was done to Bella and for her being now dead. Both of them. I believe MM killed Bella, I believe RB did nothing to stop or prevent it and may even have participated in and encouraged it. I believe both adults decided to cover it up in the manner it was covered up and both continue their binge without a second thought.

The end.
That brings me to a question I have. A lot of people don't have computers, they use their smart phones for internet. Would you still need a password for wifi ? Would LE be able to find internet searches off her phone?

This is just a rough answer, and probably no more than most people already know...

The smartphone can connect to the internet in different ways. It can either go through the wifi (and if a neighbor had wifi they could use that for free) or it could go through the network provider (the one they pay for calls on the cellphone), and this wouldn't require a wifi password.

I don't know how cellphone charging works in the US. Over here (UK) I have a smartphone which I get pre-payment credits for on an irregular basis for making calls. Whenever I buy credit I get some free bonus texts and internet that lasts for 28 days, but outside that the internet access would be charged (which would probably be cost prohibitive for someone on welfare) so it's much better to go through free wifi, which would work even if there's no call credit in your phone.

The cellphone has cache and history just like a computer does, so I expect that the computer forensics department can access everything via the computer chip in the cellphone, effectively the same as they would for a laptop or desktop computer.

I don't know what the legal rules are on the other end of the connection (at the network provider end) for record keeping....such as even if the wifi is shared, they've got a network provider that ought to be able to collect information on the devices that are connected at any time, so it might be possible to get information from them on the times that a particular device (RB's cellphone) was connected and any searches done on that device (as opposed to searches done by the people in the apartment who paid for that wifi router. And again, though I don't know the data collection and storage rules, the cellphone network provider could have records of activity that went through their network (times of calls and texts and any internet access....and the internet access records have the potential, just like any other internet access, of stored information on what sites were accessed).
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