MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #4

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This is so terrible. They killed him almost as soon as he got there. Makes me feel sick. Were they lying in wait for him? Was this more than a fight gone wrong? Was this premeditated? I didn't think it was planned at first but now I wonder.JMO
There’s a difference between a child unfamiliar with phones hitting random buttons and accidentally making calls to what JM is saying were butt dial calls
Yes, little ones get ahold of mom's phone and ALL kinds of calls and things happen.. ALL THE TIME. Ask anyone :) Buttons pushed, all kinds of pressing things. Oh and I bet the OP loved the little surprise face calls! Done with her little fingers.
This is so terrible. They killed him almost as soon as he got there. Makes me feel sick. Were they lying in wait for him? Was this more than a fight gone wrong? Was this premeditated? I didn't think it was planned at first but now I wonder.JMO

The defense theory is that he was attacked by someone in the house very soon after he arrived. Colin makes the most sense to some because of his youth and apparent aggressiveness as well as his history with the deceased, the extent of which we're not really sure.

Colin is the nephew of the Alberts and son of Jen McCabe's best friend. When it was clear John was not going to recover, his body was left out in the cold sometime after the first plow went by at about 2:30 am. Can't have our boy going to prison, and besides we can control the investigation. Or the lack thereof.

I personally suspect Caitlin Albert's boyfriend didn't return to the house because she's "high maintenance" but instead to collect Chloe the biter and take her back to their house in Easton. Neither Tristan nor Caitlin explained why she suddenly felt the need to return all the way to Easton that late in a snowstorm when he was supposed to be working soon. She was in her childhood home and her bedroom was still there. They used Tristan's SUV to block anyone's view of that particular section of the lawn and brought the victim's body out from the back. This is the SUV the snow plow driver saw in his path at around 3 - 3:30 am.

Jen McCabe, control freak that she is, played quarterback. As her husband said, "Just tell him the guy never came in the house".
I've had a cell phone for well over 20yrs and I think I've maybe butt dialed 1 person and have maybe picked up 1 butt dial from a friend. And it just so happens that this group of people have made what? 15 of them in the day a murder happens!! If you believe that I got a great real estate deal for you on an island with a great view of the San Fransisco Bay! The odds of that happening are astronomical.
This is so terrible. They killed him almost as soon as he got there. Makes me feel sick. Were they lying in wait for him? Was this more than a fight gone wrong? Was this premeditated? I didn't think it was planned at first but now I wonder.JMO
I know, it sounded very lured there when the talk turned to KR defending herself and stories of THEM came out. Then I'd think, well he could of said no, i'm wrecked, going home, thanks though. Then I thought, well JMc being thoughtful and watching for her friend to find the house, park safely in the driveway. But, I always got a creepy feeling along with that for NO reason. Well I guess the reason is that it happened pretty immediately, which is why that thought is of course KR hit him as soon as she dropped him off, prob mad and raging for her reasons. He was determined to go though which made me think he was there with a purpose, buzzed or not. Never thinking what would go wrong. If he survived or got away, which someone made sure he was not going to get away with that horrible head bash from the BACK, coward , there would be hell to pay. That's why I think it was COLIN, pissed off, 'wronged', feeling 'the man'. JO fought back and the dog and ALBERT got in the mix so stupidly. If it was like that, whoever came up from the back or shoved and he hit his head somewhere to cause that deep gash, falling backward and he was out. WHY LIE ABOUT IT ALL. NO NEED, ACCIDENT. Got into a small brawl. Ya, all to cover themselves and status quo. Oh, and to let a person take the rap, horrific.
I've had a cell phone for well over 20yrs and I think I've maybe butt dialed 1 person and have maybe picked up 1 butt dial from a friend. And it just so happens that this group of people have made what? 15 of them in the day a murder happens!! If you believe that I got a great real estate deal for you on an island with a great view of the San Fransisco Bay! The odds of that happening are astronomical.

The odds of butt answering a butt dial are even more astronomical.
Outside court Friday, the defense told NBC10 Boston they plan to ask more questions about a Google search on McCabe's phone, where she attempted to Google, "How long does it take to die in the cold?"

McCabe was at 34 Fairview Rd the night before but says she was asked to do the search by Read after the pair found O'Keefe's body. The defense says somethings not adding up.

"That Google search was at 2:27 in the morning, that is when the Google search happened, you will find out why we know that in short order," said Jackson.

Meanwhile, the judge does have some concerns about the pace of this trial, specifically how long its taking. She plans to look into some changes.

Published May 21, 2024 • Updated 2 hours

Outside court Friday, the defense told NBC10 Boston they plan to ask more questions about a Google search on McCabe's phone, where she attempted to Google, "How long does it take to die in the cold?"

McCabe was at 34 Fairview Rd the night before but says she was asked to do the search by Read after the pair found O'Keefe's body. The defense says somethings not adding up.

"That Google search was at 2:27 in the morning, that is when the Google search happened, you will find out why we know that in short order," said Jackson.

Meanwhile, the judge does have some concerns about the pace of this trial, specifically how long its taking. She plans to look into some changes.

Published May 21, 2024 • Updated 2 hours

Bev realizing this is all a big waste of time
Outside court Friday, the defense told NBC10 Boston they plan to ask more questions about a Google search on McCabe's phone, where she attempted to Google, "How long does it take to die in the cold?"

McCabe was at 34 Fairview Rd the night before but says she was asked to do the search by Read after the pair found O'Keefe's body. The defense says somethings not adding up.

"That Google search was at 2:27 in the morning, that is when the Google search happened, you will find out why we know that in short order," said Jackson.

Meanwhile, the judge does have some concerns about the pace of this trial, specifically how long its taking. She plans to look into some changes.

Published May 21, 2024 • Updated 2 hours

Interesting IMO. How about a directed verdict? Not guilty. By more than reasonable doubt. And if the prosecution and investigators feel the need, they can then assess all again fully and try to determine what actually happened. MOO
Jen said that when she “burst into” Nicole and Brian Albert’s bedroom at 6:30 AM she didn’t see or hear the dog. The same dog that had to be rehomed for being so aggressive.

Did caitlin and her henpecked boyfriend take that dog home when he came to pick her up, instead of getting a little shut eye before he had to do his snow work? Is that the reason caitlin had to leave the albert house?
Jen said that when she “burst into” Nicole and Brian Albert’s bedroom at 6:30 AM she didn’t see or hear the dog. The same dog that had to be rehomed for being so aggressive.

Did caitlin and her henpecked boyfriend take that dog home when he came to pick her up, instead of getting a little shut eye before he had to do his snow work? Is that the reason caitlin had to leave the albert house?

HarmonyE said similar a few comments above and this is what I firmly believe also
This is so terrible. They killed him almost as soon as he got there. Makes me feel sick. Were they lying in wait for him? Was this more than a fight gone wrong? Was this premeditated? I didn't think it was planned at first but now I wonder.JMO
Does anyone have a theory on the motive to kill him? I can understand a fight gone wrong, but if he was deliberately set up that is another matter. Sure hope the defense has a theory on this, even though I know they are not obligated to.

That'd be one smart pair of butts.

So is the consensus from you trial watchers that KR will be acquitted here and some other person / persons eventually indicted? Or will this case fade into "unresolved" territory?

I've said before that for me, the physical evidence is paramount: JO's wounds and how they were caused, the damage to the SUV, how the taillight shards are collected, etc. So, I'm going to hold off on making any predictions until I've seen the experts and the LEO's testify.

IMO though, these first 3 1/2 weeks have not gone well for the commonwealth. I've been following this case for over a year now and I'm pretty well-versed in its intricacies. However, if I was on the jury I'd be completely lost. All this testimony, and Lally hasn't even established a timeline for what he thinks happened and when. It's crazy that there's been all this back and forth about texts and phone calls but it's all without context because the prosecution hasn't elicited any testimony as to when John was first struck.

If the prosecution genuinely wants a guilty verdict then they need to go make their case. Right now it seems they're spending all their efforts defending the Alberts and McCabes.
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So I'm all caught up with today's testimony, and my overwhelming takeaway at this point is how awful I feel for the O'Keefe family. And my respect for the dignity they've shown over the last 3 weeks.

Whether they believe Karen did it. Or someone else did it. Particularly if they don't have a clue and are hoping this trial gives them the answers they are looking for their body language suggests they are not getting them.

Whenever the courtroom camera shows his Dad, he looks like a broken man. His Mom looks suitably disgusted by everything she is seeing. Of all people in the world to be let down by the justice system, a serving police officer! Let down one way or another by his fellow officers!

solo cups
Leaf blowers
Butt dials

what the hell are we watching here?!

My guess is a big NO on KR taking the stand, JMO
If she was on trial in original England, where the prosecution can draw "adverse inferences" from a defendant's decision not to testify at their trial, then she'd best get up there and give evidence. But this trial is taking place in Yankee "New" England, where you have constitutional 5th amendment privileges which prevent the prosecution from doing that sort of thing!
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