MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023

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#UPDATE: The special prosecutor says the conspiracy charge against @DoctorTurtleboy involves a civilian police dispatcher who allegedly ran 3 license plates in a police database at Aiden Kearney’s request.

THE DEFENSE: @DoctorTurtleboy’s lawyer now arguing that Aiden Kearney is a journalist with First Amendment rights…and his blog and YouTube channel all are his opinions and the lawyer says, not threats.
A long, interesting article from Boston Magazine about the case.

The author is fairly skeptical of Karen's defense and pokes some holes in her claims including that her story has changed over time; there wasn't any bad blood between John and Colin Albert as she contends; and that the her relation with John was quite contentious and there may have been another man in the picture;.

However, the story also doesn't mention some items in Karen's favor, such as the Apple Health data on John's phone or the testimony of the snowplow driver.

This case just gets curiouser and curiouser. I'm looking forward to the Dateline and 20/20 stories. Hope they come out soon.

I love a long-form article like that one that really digs into the facts of a case.

I found this part of it interesting:

"When it comes to the timestamp on McCabe’s Google search for how long it takes to die in the cold, the state’s own forensic experts say the timestamp of 2:27 a.m. was a result of McCabe typing into the search bar of a tab that had been opened at 2:27 a.m. and left open, meaning it does not prove that she executed the search at that time."

It has long been a question of why the friend/sister-in-law would have searched how long it takes to die in the cold at 2:27am when she says she only searched that topic around 6:30am at the request of Read. This is a more detailed explanation than I have yet seen from prosecutors.
I'm local..
I've been following this case and turtleboys facebook page. (I got invited to) by a local who's husband is a retired detective. Also noticed, 2 other women who have joined whose husband's are retired local cops..
I believe there is corruption and turtleboy is right bringing it up...I agree he's gone a little too far but finally because of today, all the local news is covering his arrest and hopefully we'll get to the truth!
I'm local..
I've been following this case and turtleboys facebook page. (I got invited to) by a local who's husband is a retired detective. Also noticed, 2 other women who have joined whose husband's are retired local cops..
I believe there is corruption and turtleboy is right bringing it up...I agree he's gone a little too far but finally because of today, all the local news is covering his arrest and hopefully we'll get to the truth!
I'd been avoiding mentioning him in this forum as he's not an approved source. But I guess he's officially part of the case now.

I'll post this link that goes into detail about his arrest.

I love a long-form article like that one that really digs into the facts of a case.

I found this part of it interesting:

"When it comes to the timestamp on McCabe’s Google search for how long it takes to die in the cold, the state’s own forensic experts say the timestamp of 2:27 a.m. was a result of McCabe typing into the search bar of a tab that had been opened at 2:27 a.m. and left open, meaning it does not prove that she executed the search at that time."

It has long been a question of why the friend/sister-in-law would have searched how long it takes to die in the cold at 2:27am when she says she only searched that topic around 6:30am at the request of Read. This is a more detailed explanation than I have yet seen from prosecutors.

There were some filings on this back in April. The defense disputes the prosecution's claims that the search was made at a later time. They have their own forensic expert who claims that the search was indeed made at 2:27. I don't have access to the prosecution filing, but you can see the affidavit of the defense expert at this link: Pages two and tree contain details about the alleged search.

There was supposed to be an evidentiary hearing about the phone data back in May, but the judge canceled it at the last minute at the prosecutor's request. The defense team was quite upset about it because they had brought in their experts at great expense to testify.

Edit - It's interesting that the prosecution is basically claiming that the Cellebrite report that was extracted from the phone data is incorrect. I believe that the use of Cellebrite is very common in court proceedings and usually it's the prosecution who relies on it and the defense that wants to get the report excluded. Similarly, the prosecutor in this case is also claiming that the Apple Health data from John O'Keefe's phone is invalid, another app whose data is usually submitted by the state and contested by the defense.
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There were some filings on this back in April. The defense disputes the prosecution's claims that the search was made at a later time. They have their own forensic expert who claims that the search was indeed made at 2:27. I don't have access to the prosecution filing, but you can see the affidavit of the defense expert at this link: Pages two and tree contain details about the alleged search.

There was supposed to be an evidentiary hearing about the phone data back in May, but the judge canceled it at the last minute at the prosecutor's request. The defense team was quite upset about it because they had brought in their experts at great expense to testify.

Edit - It's interesting that the prosecution is basically claiming that the Cellebrite report that was extracted from the phone data is incorrect. I believe that the use of Cellebrite is very common in court proceedings and usually it's the prosecution who relies on it and the defense that wants to get the report excluded. Similarly, the prosecutor in this case is also claiming that the Apple Health data from John O'Keefe's phone is invalid, another app whose data is usually submitted by the state and contested by the defense.
MOO but I would be very surprised if the prosecution's story about the timing of the search is true. I can't understand how Safari would only track the times that tabs are opened and not the actual time of the search. Personally, I rarely open new tabs. I'll open Safari and just use the same tab I used last time to search something random and just input my search there. From what the prosecuting is alleging, would that mean all my search history would appear at the same day and time, back when I initially opened the tab? That doesn't make any sense.

Additionally, how does that account for the fact she searched it three separate times? Once "allegedly" at 2:27am, once at 6:23am and once at 6:24am?

Thanks for attaching that document! It was helpful reading the details of what the expert for the defense is looking at with the time stamps.
MOO but I would be very surprised if the prosecution's story about the timing of the search is true. I can't understand how Safari would only track the times that tabs are opened and not the actual time of the search. Personally, I rarely open new tabs. I'll open Safari and just use the same tab I used last time to search something random and just input my search there. From what the prosecuting is alleging, would that mean all my search history would appear at the same day and time, back when I initially opened the tab? That doesn't make any sense.

Additionally, how does that account for the fact she searched it three separate times? Once "allegedly" at 2:27am, once at 6:23am and once at 6:24am?

Thanks for attaching that document! It was helpful reading the details of what the expert for the defense is looking at with the time stamps.
Reasonable doubt, that's all they need.

If I were a juror and heard this it sounds exculpatory to me.
As the special prosecutor lays out the charges, @DoctorTurtleboy just expressed surprise as the special prosecutor told the judge there are indications that the blog has raised more than $5 million in donations.

Wearing a “Free Karen Read” sweatshirt, @DoctorTurtleboy led into court handcuffed, hearing the charges against him including a conspiracy charge…court clerk says that charge is for an alleged incident in Avon in late September.

He's managed to make the story about him, and not about a dead police officer and a possibly/probably innocent woman.

His conclusions are generally well thought-out, but his behavior is not. It's one thing to investigate the facts of a case. It's entirely another to go around harassing people who may or may not have been involved and causing disruption to town business.
#JusticeforJohnOkeefe Motive and Opportunity This is how I believe it played out: *#KarenRead was very drunk *Her relationship with her boyfriend, #JohnOkeefe was on the rocks *The night of the homicide, KR and her boyfriend, Officer O'Keefe, got into a bad argument after a night of drinking *She dropped him off at an after party to be with some friends of his but is so angry and intoxicated she lashes out and purposefully backs into him after he exits her vehicle. This results in a broken tail light on her vehicle and tiny fragments of her tail light being embedded in his clothing *She then drove off in a fit of rage and leaving him hateful messages, drunk and not realizing whether he died or not from her hitting him *As she begins to sober, she realizes the significance of her actions when he does not return home *She has his daughter reach out for his friends and she hooks up with them in an emotionally distraught stage, realizing the breadth of what she has done. Could he indeed be dead? *She takes them to where she hit him. His friends don't see him because there is so much snow, but #KarenRead points him out *Now she sees what she has done *Was it a drunken accident or *Was it a drunken decision We shall see what the jury finds. It will hinge in large part on the information from the vehicle box. This story should be about him, instead, it has been turned into a circus because she will not own up to her terrible decision that night.



#Justiceforjohnokeefe Some have asked, where was #JohnOkeefe's coat? He did not wear one. So no, him not having a coat on is not evidence that he went in the house and left it there. #KarenRead has been charged with the murder of Officer O'Keefe. There are no other suspects and no one else has been charged because there is no evidence that indicates anyone else killed Officer O'Keefe except KR. She had the motive per cell records and she exclaimed: "I HIT HIM! I HIT HIM! I HIT HIM! per EMS personnel.

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A long, interesting article from Boston Magazine about the case.

The author is fairly skeptical of Karen's defense and pokes some holes in her claims including that her story has changed over time; there wasn't any bad blood between John and Colin Albert as she contends; and that the her relation with John was quite contentious and there may have been another man in the picture;.

However, the story also doesn't mention some items in Karen's favor, such as the Apple Health data on John's phone or the testimony of the snowplow driver.

This case just gets curiouser and curiouser. I'm looking forward to the Dateline and 20/20 stories. Hope they come out soon.
Thanks for posting the article, @ch_13.

From the article:

As they approached the house where Read had last seen her boyfriend, she shouted that she spotted him and scrambled out of the car. It was pitch-black outside, but on the left side of the property at 34 Fairview, she saw O’Keefe’s body lying covered in snow. Read raced toward him, dropped to her knees beside him, and frantically cleared the snow off his torso. Then she lifted both their shirts and laid on top of him, trying to warm his ice-cold body.

Roberts, who had run over to O’Keefe’s body, cleared the snow off his face. Read began giving her boyfriend mouth-to-mouth CPR while Roberts administered chest compressions. Blood ringed his nose and mouth, and his right eye was blackened and swollen. O’Keefe’s baseball hat and one of his black Nike sneakers were missing. McCabe rushed over with blankets from the vehicle to warm O’Keefe and dialed 911 at 6:04 a.m.

...and there's more:

Given the new information, Yannetti and Read say they began to believe that Read was being framed. They hired a private investigator to knock on doors in Canton. Most people turned the gumshoe away, but Canton resident Tom Beatty—a friend of both O’Keefe and Read—offered up a new tidbit: His daughter, who was friends with Brian Albert’s nephew Colin Albert, said that Colin had been at 34 Fairview Road the night O’Keefe died.
#JusticeforJohnOkeefe Motive and Opportunity This is how I believe it played out: *#KarenRead was very drunk *Her relationship with her boyfriend, #JohnOkeefe was on the rocks *The night of the homicide, KR and her boyfriend, Officer O'Keefe, got into a bad argument after a night of drinking *She dropped him off at an after party to be with some friends of his but is so angry and intoxicated she lashes out and purposefully backs into him after he exits her vehicle. This results in a broken tail light on her vehicle and tiny fragments of her tail light being embedded in his clothing *She then drove off in a fit of rage and leaving him hateful messages, drunk and not realizing whether he died or not from her hitting him *As she begins to sober, she realizes the significance of her actions when he does not return home *She has his daughter reach out for his friends and she hooks up with them in an emotionally distraught stage, realizing the breadth of what she has done. Could he indeed be dead? *She takes them to where she hit him. His friends don't see him because there is so much snow, but #KarenRead points him out *Now she sees what she has done *Was it a drunken accident or *Was it a drunken decision We shall see what the jury finds. It will hinge in large part on the information from the vehicle box. This story should be about him, instead, it has been turned into a circus because she will not own up to her terrible decision that night.


Or a version of this where it was completely accidental, or she was too drunk to even realize but I personally think something like what you describe is what happened-

However, from a prosecution perspective, if the defense can plant significant doubt about that google search- she is a free woman.
Or a version of this where it was completely accidental, or she was too drunk to even realize but I personally think something like what you describe is what happened-

However, from a prosecution perspective, if the defense can plant significant doubt about that google search- she is a free woman.
Not just the google search. The prosecution also has to adequately explain the Apple Health Data, the wounds on John's arm and the testimony of the snowplow driver. To date, they've sort of just shrugged their shoulders and claimed that the exculpatory evidence is irrelevant or inaccurate. They need to have a better rebuttal by the time of the trial if they want a conviction.

They're also going to have to do a good job of explaining how exactly John was hit. The original theory was that Karen hit him while doing a three-point turn. But according to a recent prosecution filing, she drove 62 feet in reverse before hitting John at over 24 mph. That, however, raises a lot of questions.
  • Was he just standing in the middle of the road watching her approach in reverse? Why didn't he step out of the way?
  • If she was that drunk how did she successfully reverse her car on an icy road at that speed, especially since the road is on a curve?
  • Why doesn't John doesn't have any wounds to his torso or legs where he would have been struck?
  • How did his body end up in the yard rather than in the middle of the road?
I'm not saying it couldn't happened the way the prosecution contends, but the accident reconstruction expert is going to face a furious cross-examination from the defense so they had better be able to address all of those questions.
Not just the google search. The prosecution also has to adequately explain the Apple Health Data, the wounds on John's arm and the testimony of the snowplow driver. To date, they've sort of just shrugged their shoulders and claimed that the exculpatory evidence is irrelevant or inaccurate. They need to have a better rebuttal by the time of the trial if they want a conviction.

They're also going to have to do a good job of explaining how exactly John was hit. The original theory was that Karen hit him while doing a three-point turn. But according to a recent prosecution filing, she drove 62 feet in reverse before hitting John at over 24 mph. That, however, raises a lot of questions.
  • Was he just standing in the middle of the road watching her approach in reverse? Why didn't he step out of the way?
  • If she was that drunk how did she successfully reverse her car on an icy road at that speed, especially since the road is on a curve?
  • Why doesn't John doesn't have any wounds to his torso or legs where he would have been struck?
  • How did his body end up in the yard rather than in the middle of the road?
I'm not saying it couldn't happened the way the prosecution contends, but the accident reconstruction expert is going to face a furious cross-examination from the defense so they had better be able to address all of those questions.
This , 100% agree
It's been a few months so I completely forgot about this claim from the defense: "Yannetti said that the footage they received from the library has a crucial two-minute gap from 12:37 to 12:39 a.m., a time when they say their client would have been driving past on her way back to O’Keefe’s home on Meadows Avenue."

This is supposedly the only footage that would show whether her tail light was broken at this point or not. Was there ever an update about the reason for missing footage?
Not just the google search. The prosecution also has to adequately explain the Apple Health Data, the wounds on John's arm and the testimony of the snowplow driver. To date, they've sort of just shrugged their shoulders and claimed that the exculpatory evidence is irrelevant or inaccurate. They need to have a better rebuttal by the time of the trial if they want a conviction.

They're also going to have to do a good job of explaining how exactly John was hit. The original theory was that Karen hit him while doing a three-point turn. But according to a recent prosecution filing, she drove 62 feet in reverse before hitting John at over 24 mph. That, however, raises a lot of questions.
  • Was he just standing in the middle of the road watching her approach in reverse? Why didn't he step out of the way?
  • If she was that drunk how did she successfully reverse her car on an icy road at that speed, especially since the road is on a curve?
  • Why doesn't John doesn't have any wounds to his torso or legs where he would have been struck?
  • How did his body end up in the yard rather than in the middle of the road?
I'm not saying it couldn't happened the way the prosecution contends, but the accident reconstruction expert is going to face a furious cross-examination from the defense so they had better be able to address all of those questions.
Agree- I am just pointing out that the Google search by itself is substantial reasonable doubt.

Being from the Western New York area, backing up at 24 mph, in a snowstorm, at night, drunk, and hitting something on-purpose is a long shot... Hitting something accidently is more likely. Stopping is also pretty dicey.

The prosecution has a tough job, although personally I think this was an accident and she is being over-charged.
The prosecution has a tough job, although personally I think this was an accident and she is being over-charged.

The physical evidence does not support the Commonwealth's (latest) theory of what happened. Because of the taillight, they originally theorized she made a three point turn and knocked him 12 feet onto the lawn. When they realized there was no way she could generate enough speed to break her taillight and fatally injure anyone doing such a maneuver, they switched to a bizarre theory of her pulling forward and away from the house for a full 62 feet and then (on a big curve, mind you) backed up at rate of speed over 24 mph and somehow knocked him laterally 12 feet to her right. They physics don't add up. And no tire marks were found on the lawn.

And there are two witnesses - one in the house and one a passenger in another car behind her - who told police she drove away normally. I think the one in the house is now denying he said this, but it was his first story to the police. There was a lot of activity in and around the house at the time, but no one heard, and more importantly, no one saw O'Keefe's body on the lawn. Including a plow driver who made two passes at 2:30 and 3:00 am. He's adamant given the height of the truck and his lights, he absolutely would have seen O'Keefe's body on the lawn. The snow didn't start piling up until later that morning. The same driver says at 3 am there was a Ford Edge parked right in front of where John's body would have been. Not Read's vehicle.

O'Keefe's injuries do not fit with a pedestrian incident. He had a small but deep gash on the back of his head, bruising on the back of both hands and multiple lacerations on his right forearm and upper arm. No other injuries to his ribs, pelvis, hips, legs and no internal injuries. This makes no sense at all.

I'd love someone to explain the injuries to his arm. Sure looks like an animal caused them. There was a German shepherd in the house that night. One that was allegedly re-homed after this because she had a history of attacking people. There's nothing on her vehicle or on the lawn that could have caused them.

No cameras in the neighborhood were checked to see if Karen's 62 foot back and forth trek was picked up. The cop who lived across the street says his camera caught nothing.

Even though the homeowner is also a Boston cop, he never ventured out that morning to see why there were screaming people and many cop cars on and around his property. I know it was snowing, but I think most people would be more than a little curious. Didn't even send out a family member to find out.

The only evidence the state has is the broken taillight pieces. I don't think the investigating state trooper was involved in a big conspiracy to frame Read. I believe he saw her light was cracked (he wouldn't yet know there was video of her bumping into O'Keefe's vehicle at their home that morning) and decided he'd help move the investigation along by breaking off pieces and scattering them near where the body was found. He had plenty of alone time with her vehicle and lied about his time frames in his report. (the Commonwealth says he was just confused.) At this point there was a major blizzard and those taillight pieces sure did make life easier for the investigator. She was drunk, she admitted she did it (not really) and now we have the proof! Easy peasy. The DA can now over-charge her, she'll plead guilty to manslaughter, do a year in prison and everyone goes away happy.

I don't think this is a grand conspiracy. The investigation was unbelievably poorly done and if the state police did plant a little evidence and this can be proven, there are several other very big criminal cases that could be in jeopardy of being tossed out. Defense attorneys are salivating as I type. As for the people in the house, everyone has the same simple story. He never came in the house so nothing to see here.

We haven't seen full phone and vehicle data yet. Supposedly O'Keefe's health app indicates he was walking up stairs when he should have been lying incapacitated on the lawn. I don't know how accurate these types of apps are. But unless there is something irrefutable in the data that supports the state's story, there is no way a jury convicts Karen Read.

The potential picture here is much, much bigger than one woman being set up. Hopefully the story doesn't die after she gets off.
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