Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #26

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I ain’t, @SuperdadV8, stop policing my posts please :p
But misinformation needs to be nipped in the bud.

LOOK, I'm done with this.

I'm NOT saying it was my oppinion, I WAS TRYING to tell you guys what GA told on the TV interview.

:mad: I was just posting "something" that you guys on Germany/UK will not see first hand because GA is advertizing the book on PT networks.

I told what the guy told on interview.

If you guys don't believe me, it's fine. I'm done with this. :mad:
GA says on the CM-TV interview that someone eneter the house of the woman, beat her, tied her, etc to ROB the appartment but then when the medical exam was done in PT to the woman the doctor concluded that the woman was beaten but not raped. When German requested the files on the case to Portugal PJ send it to them and GA says that because the "no rape" part was written with doctor handwritting could not be very precieved and was not properly translated and CB ended up charged as a "RAPE" that would give more years in jail. Sort of that, you would need to see the interview. Maybe they will put on youtube or so because it's in PT if you check on the TV broadcast and it will not be possible to place subtitles, or so i think. I just saw it on TV.

If that is indeed what GA is spouting then I think the man needs a full cognitive assessment. Biggest crock of horseshite. CB would have used that defence in his European Appeal.
GA says on the CM-TV interview that someone eneter the house of the woman, beat her, tied her, etc to ROB the appartment but then when the medical exam was done in PT to the woman the doctor concluded that the woman was beaten but not raped. When German requested the files on the case to Portugal PJ send it to them and GA says that because the "no rape" part was written with doctor handwritting could not be very precieved and was not properly translated and CB ended up charged as a "RAPE" that would give more years in jail. Sort of that, you would need to see the interview. Maybe they will put on youtube or so because it's in PT if you check on the TV broadcast and it will not be possible to place subtitles, or so i think. I just saw it on TV.
GA says on the CM-TV interview that someone eneter the house of the woman, beat her, tied her, etc to ROB the appartment but then when the medical exam was done in PT to the woman the doctor concluded that the woman was beaten but not raped. When German requested the files on the case to Portugal PJ send it to them and GA says that because the "no rape" part was written with doctor handwritting could not be very precieved and was not properly translated and CB ended up charged as a "RAPE" that would give more years in jail. Sort of that, you would need to see the interview. Maybe they will put on youtube or so because it's in PT if you check on the TV broadcast and it will not be possible to place subtitles, or so i think. I just saw it on TV.

Is that why they argued at the ECJ that CB's extradition didn't include a rape charge? Or am I getting muddled here?
LOOK, I'm done with this.

I'm NOT saying it was my oppinion, I WAS TRYING to tell you guys what GA told on the TV interview.

:mad: I was just posting "something" that you guys on Germany/UK will not see first hand because GA is advertizing the book on PT networks.

I told what the guy told on interview.

If you guys don't believe me, it's fine. I'm done with this. :mad:

Calm your nags, Susan.
I meant GA’s misinformation needs nipped in the bud. The book isn’t even released yet and there are already logical counter-arguments to the points he’s using to promote it, if I’m picking this up correctly.
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For me all that I did took from that LONG interview that it really was relevant for me was the part of the Word file.

Fo me it explains all the remaining stuff that i was thinking of. So it's fine.

GA also stated many "nasty" stuff that I did ommit because it's not related to CB. It's related to theory of parents, etc in relation to MM that all of you guys already know but this time it was even more "nasty" and insinuating stuff over Payne, etc ... but i will ommit if as you will have oportunity to check on the book/media, etc ..

I bet it will be on international news soon anyway.

So just a head up of what is going on.

You guys don't have to believe what i'm saying, just check the CM-Jornal - Investigação CM or wait one or 2 days and it will be all over international news.
Is that why they argued at the ECJ that CB's extradition didn't include a rape charge? Or am I getting muddled here?
But was that not just that the IAW didn’t include the rape that he was then charged for? Was only extradited to serve the CP charge for the Braunsweig camera?
LOOK, I'm done with this.

I'm NOT saying it was my oppinion, I WAS TRYING to tell you guys what GA told on the TV interview.

:mad: I was just posting "something" that you guys on Germany/UK will not see first hand because GA is advertizing the book on PT networks.

I told what the guy told on interview.

If you guys don't believe me, it's fine. I'm done with this. :mad:

We don't think it's your opinion, we can see that you're merely relating what has been on TV.
So after listening the "Investigação CM" of today i trully believe that :

- Secret evidence that BKA/HCW talked about it's just a word document

Quote RSBM.

So you do believe some of what he's trying to sell, though.

(A Word document...:D)
But was that not just that the IAW didn’t include the rape that he was then charged for? Was only extradited to serve the CP charge for the Braunsweig camera?

Yes. that's what I meant thanks.
Quote RSBM.

So you do believe some of what he's trying to sell, though.

(A Word document...:D)

I did post this back in 07/01/2021 ...

Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #22

So ... If GA talk about that Word Document that they did found on CB computer is the "secret evidence" looks like i was "way close" rather than all of you guys ...

But i don't have to say anything more. Just let's wait to see 2 things :

1) If GA will be on international news and will say the same version that he stated on CM Jornal so that all you guys know that i'm not making up stuff

2)If HCW/BKA ends up telling us that they do have that Word file(s) / even if they have more evidence ...

.... Or .... IN MY OPINION ONLY ....

Maybe they did know that the "evidence"/word file was about to be revealed by GA so they talked about "new evidence" now on the media, not the "old evidence" about to be revealed.

Or GA might be wrong, or I might be just wrong and did incorrectly listen to the interview, etc ...

Fortunatly it will be just some days for this to be all over the news, or for people to buy the book as goes without saying it will be written there ...
So after listening the "Investigação CM" of today i trully believe that :

- Secret evidence that BKA/HCW talked about it's just a word document where CB describes himself doing stuff to MM

A bit odd how you treat everything that HCW says with suspicion and distrust, yet you are now quite happy to "truly believe" GA about this singular comment he made about the key evidence being a Word document. Convenient that it just-so-happens to fit in nicely with your current theories too.

You've still yet to explain why you think HCW has lied or what motives the BKA would have for taking this route unless they were absolutely confident they have the right guy.

But yet, a disgraced copper, covicted of perjury (you do know what that word means?) and universally panned for his handling of the initial investigation...... this guy you believe without any suspicion? Based on what exactly? If you want to talk about motives, GA has more reason than anyone to undermine this investigation and claim that CB is some kind of fit up! Personally, I don't believe GA knows what the BKA evidence fully consists of, how would he even know that? There's probably a good reason why BKA haven't been willing to share their key evidence with the other forces.
You've still yet to explain why you think HCW has lied or what motives the BKA would have for taking this route unless they were absolutely confident they have the right guy.


This is where I left the Amaral train as well - but in the context of the Met investigation.

We know from PJ files, his book and then the Lisbon trial, what the direction of travel of the PJ inquiry was - see especially the initial archiving summary. We also know that English detectives helped develop the theory of the case. Then things fell apart. So far so good and established by multiple solid sources and inquiries

I do believe that Operation Grange was an inquiry the Met never wanted - rather it was a part of a game between Murdoch media and the Government where the parents were prime players in attacking the tabloid media (and suing them for a lot of money). Rebekah Brooks, then editor of the Sun, foisted it on the Cameron Government. This is my opinion only.

IMO the Met investigation has always been a lame duck investigation going nowhere. Proven by a decade of failure.

But to then to conclude this is all some kind of conspiracy seems odd to me, and it makes even less sense as regards BKA/HCW. Why would they even get involved?

IMO the only reason for HWC to go big was because he really thinks he's cracked the case.

Personally I think he will end up in the same place as the Met but I don't think it's some conspiracy to frame anyone. What would be the point? And why would HCW care about what the Met. think?
Point 21 does interest me.
Did PJ ID Totman early in the investigation? This has always bugged me, especially as it isn't in PJfiles even if they did. This has never been clarified AFAIK.
Must we accept that the pic of those pyjamas was taken 4 years later? Why keep them for so long, or was the pic taken much earlier?
I do understand that some folk hold onto their kids clothes and I'm not into conspiracies but................


After JT IDed RM, I get the impression PJ believed that JT invented the sighting. There is no way for JT's version to work in terms of time and place. Even the Met version of totman requires him to be somewhere else IMO. To me this remains one of the strangest parts of the case.
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