Man commits autodecapitation


Former Member
Aug 13, 2003
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Man o man... couldn't this guy just have taken sleeping pills or something?


Two juveniles came upon a gruesome discovery Saturday night when they saw a man who had apparently committed suicide and, in the process, was decapitated.
“The two juveniles were riding around when they saw a decapitated body hanging over the back seat of a vehicle,” Hazlet Detective Sgt. Howard Nuss said. “At this point, they flagged down Holmdel Officer David D’Arcy, who was in the area investigating a separate incident.”

According to Nuss, Persieck decapitated himself by using three separate ropes, tying one end of each around a light post in the back parking lot of the theater located on the northbound side of Route 35, and the other around his neck.

Once the ropes were secure, Persieck got into his 2004 Ford Explorer and started to drive. His head was found approximately 100 feet from his body, Nuss said.

“There were no skid marks, so we don’t believe that he was going at a high rate of speed. He had about a 40-foot run-up so we figure at best he was doing 30 mph at the moment of decapitation,” Nuss said.

The vehicle coasted to a stop about 200 feet later, after it hopped a curb and hit a small tree. Nuss said that it was evident after talking to family members and discovering other supporting materials, that it was a suicide.
That has got to be one of the weirdest things I've ever heard!

Why would someone want to kill themselves in such a painful way?

That is really awful.
I now Tristan, it is like overkill... maybe he was trying to make some kind of a statement?? there has got to be less painful, less messy, quicker & more dignified ways to end your life. Not to mention anyone who knows him or cared for him has to live with what he did to himself. Maybe he was trying to send someone a message?

Sprocky.. did you read this article? what do you think?
What a selfish ahole!!! Ever think about what its going to do to the people finding him???? What a jerk. :slap: :mad:
maybe he didn't plan on the decapitation part. Maybe he just want to strangle himself to death or something. Can't exactly ask him what his intentions were. Suicide is one of the most selfish things going.
Arielle said:
maybe he didn't plan on the decapitation part. Maybe he just want to strangle himself to death or something. Can't exactly ask him what his intentions were. Suicide is one of the most selfish things going.

Could be Arielle. I just have to assume if you tie a rope to your neck and tie the other end to a pole and drive off at about 30 miles an hour, you've gotta kinda know your head won't end up in the same place as the rest of you.
Jeana (DP) said:
Could be Arielle. I just have to assume if you tie a rope to your neck and tie the other end to a pole and drive off at about 30 miles an hour, you've gotta kinda know your head won't end up in the same place as the rest of you.

Yeah, one would think that thier head might get TORN right off !
Arielle said:
Suicide is one of the most selfish things going.

I don't post much, but i will say this. my dad committed suicide 9 years ago when i was 20. he was not selfish. he did what he thought was best for his family, in his mind. it is a way out of pain, their pain, and that is not selfish. :(
mushyb said:
I don't post much, but i will say this. my dad committed suicide 9 years ago when i was 20. he was not selfish. he did what he thought was best for his family, in his mind. it is a way out of pain, their pain, and that is not selfish. :(


I am terribly sorry to have offended you. Yes, I realize for the person committing suicide, they feel that it is the only way out of terrible pain of some kind and they feel that this is the only solution. By selfish, I meant that usually, the person committing suicide does not think of how those they leave behind might feel. Could they have helped in some way? Was there anything that could have been done? Was it the fault of someone left behind? If you are the person left behind and you understand why the person did what they did, then that is somewhat different I guess. I've never had to experience this and I am only making inferences from what I have heard from others who have.

I am sorry for your loss and I'm glad that you have been able to understand your father's actions and are at peace with it. Of course, I'm assuming again, maybe you are not at peace with it. Again, I am sorry if I have caused you any unnecessary pain.

Thanks Arielle, I'm glad you have never had to experience it. i am sure in some cases it is selfish. I guess every case is different. I know you didn't say it to be mean. I just thought i'd try to explain that it is not always selfish. Suicide is a very complex thing, and i am always trying to give my point of view when it is talked about, since it's something people tend to not talk about. Mushyb
I feel so bad for the kids who found the man. It'll take them a long time to get that sight out of their minds.
Mabel said:
I feel so bad for the kids who found the man. It'll take them a long time to get that sight out of their minds.

You are so right saying that. I will never, never forget finding my father. He took pills, it wasn't messy. i don't know how i would go on if it was. i truly feel sorry for these kids as well.
mushyb said:
I don't post much, but i will say this. my dad committed suicide 9 years ago when i was 20. he was not selfish. he did what he thought was best for his family, in his mind. it is a way out of pain, their pain, and that is not selfish. :(

I'm so very sorry for you having to live with your father's suicide Mushyb. I hope you didn't take offense personally at my saying the guy was selfish. I too was talking purely from the point of view of those left to clean up the scene from the guy who killed himself in such a gruesome way. Two of my uncles committed suicide with shotguns. There too, there were horrible horrible scenes to clean up. I can understand people who are depressed who just want the pain to stop. I don't think that if they were in thier "right minds" they'd have done the act in the first place; so its probably ridiculous for me to expect that they're thinking about those people who have to clean up after them.

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