Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #2

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I noticed something on another forum about vaccines. Didn't read the whole thread though. Is there a way the ME could tell if MJD had been vaccinated? If so, she would likely have gone to school in the US. If not, she is likely from another country. Just a thought. Any ideas?

That's a good question. I have also seen blood types listed sometimes. I wonder if they check on all of the deceased or if it's just for missing persons.

Do they embalm the unidentified? I am sure they do for sanitation purposes. I know that they drain the blood out for that but I don't think they keep it or anything.. good question though and good sleuthing!
I noticed something on another forum about vaccines. Didn't read the whole thread though. Is there a way the ME could tell if MJD had been vaccinated? If so, she would likely have gone to school in the US. If not, she is likely from another country. Just a thought. Any ideas?

There isn't any way that I'm aware of, certainly nothing thats done standard in an autopsy. I think there may be a way to test tissue for certain immunities but probably they don't have anything to test now. The only vaccine I can think of that usually leaves a scar is smallpox which is not really given anymore. I'd expect that would be noted by the ME if she had one, but I'd be pretty shocked if she did due to her age.

I think they can tell that from dental work sometimes (area/country of origin), but that also would be noted on ME site if she had any foreign dental work visible.

In my area of Illinois there is an unidentified boy- the ME/LE have had his bones and baby teeth tested (he was very young-5ish I think), from that they matched the isotopes and found that his mother lived in a particular area of Canada when she was pregnant with him. Those tests aren't at all standard though- I think this was considered a special case due to maybe either press attention or the boys age(?)- I'd guess they are pretty expensive. I don't know enough about the tests to say if they could even do them on someone her age, who probably didn't have baby teeth anymore?:waitasec:
There isn't any way that I'm aware of, certainly nothing thats done standard in an autopsy. I think there may be a way to test tissue for certain immunities but probably they don't have anything to test now. The only vaccine I can think of that usually leaves a scar is smallpox which is not really given anymore. I'd expect that would be noted by the ME if she had one, but I'd be pretty shocked if she did due to her age.

I think they can tell that from dental work sometimes (area/country of origin), but that also would be noted on ME site if she had any foreign dental work visible.

In my area of Illinois there is an unidentified boy- the ME/LE have had his bones and baby teeth tested (he was very young-5ish I think), from that they matched the isotopes and found that his mother lived in a particular area of Canada when she was pregnant with him. Those tests aren't at all standard though- I think this was considered a special case due to maybe either press attention or the boys age(?)- I'd guess they are pretty expensive. I don't know enough about the tests to say if they could even do them on someone her age, who probably didn't have baby teeth anymore?:waitasec:

Yeah, good point. I don't think that it's standard either, but that's interesting.

It would probably be too expensive for them to test for anything out of the ordinary at this point, as her case doesn't have very much attention (obviously).

That's why we've gotta get her face out there!
Hi everybody!
Here is my first version. I did this one in black and white. I'm also going to try and work on a color version. If you guys have any requests or want changes done let me know. Hope this helps some!

And a comparison
wow thanks to everyones great efforts!!! I've been trying myself to work with the program I have. Everytime I go anywhere near her nose I mess it up, anyone have any tips for that area? I wanted to try to do a few different things .. I tried to do some eyebrows on her but I dont know they almost make her look way different. I wasnt sure if someone would be up for taking a stab at that??
If we can get her some press, I do hope we can get a better rendering than what was originally posted. I don't think those look anything like our MJD. But, we can't very well go on national TV with her actual post-mortem photos. You all have done some great work here! I am not artistically inclined in the least, so I'm going to have to leave it to y'all. But if we need something well written to approach AMW, I can do that!
If we can get her some press, I do hope we can get a better rendering than what was originally posted. I don't think those look anything like our MJD. But, we can't very well go on national TV with her actual post-mortem photos. You all have done some great work here! I am not artistically inclined in the least, so I'm going to have to leave it to y'all. But if we need something well written to approach AMW, I can do that!

From the old thread, post 621 by Zanko (me):

This is a quote from America's Most Wanted:
__________________________________________________ _________________
Submitting Cases

How do I submit a case to AMW?

Cases to be profiled on AMW are carefully chosen from the hundreds of requests we receive every week. Due to the high volume of requests we often need to make tough decisions when it comes to choosing which cases to profile. We make every attempt to cover cases from all parts of the country and all type of crimes. Our ultimate goal is to give a voice to the maximum number of victims possible and help find missing children and bring fugitives to justice. If you would like to have a case considered for the show, please send all facts to:

America's Most Wanted
PO Box Crime TV
Washington DC 20016

Please make sure to note whether there is a known fugitive charged with the crime, or whether the perpetrator is yet to be identified. If charges have been filed, please note the police agency that filed the charges. It is also helpful to let us know what photos and/or video are available of the victim and the fugitive. NOTE: We are not able to return materials, so do not send original or irreplaceable photos, documents, etc.
__________________________________________________ _____________

The only thing that I can think of, to have them highlight her case, is to have as many people that read this and can, send in requests to the address above asking that she be given a segment on the show. Maybe if they receive requests from all over the nation, they will give her some air time?
For those who don't have a lot of time, here's something you can paste and clip or copy all or part for a letter:

In 1999, on January 26th a young girl (13 to 18 years old) jumped, fell, or was pushed from a moving vehicle in Arizona. She lived for only one day. Nearly 9 years have passed and no one has given this young girl a name. I am asking that America's Most Wanted puts her picture and story on the show. Having her picture and story on America's Most Wanted would put her face out there for millions of viewers to see and I believe would give her a name and tell her story. I believe that knowing WHO she is would determine why she died all those years ago and why no one has come forward to claim her. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the Medical Examiner's page for Maricopa Arizona.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
From the old thread, post 621 by Zanko (me):

This is a quote from America's Most Wanted:
__________________________________________________ _________________
Submitting Cases

How do I submit a case to AMW?

Cases to be profiled on AMW are carefully chosen from the hundreds of requests we receive every week. Due to the high volume of requests we often need to make tough decisions when it comes to choosing which cases to profile. We make every attempt to cover cases from all parts of the country and all type of crimes. Our ultimate goal is to give a voice to the maximum number of victims possible and help find missing children and bring fugitives to justice. If you would like to have a case considered for the show, please send all facts to:

America's Most Wanted
PO Box Crime TV
Washington DC 20016

Please make sure to note whether there is a known fugitive charged with the crime, or whether the perpetrator is yet to be identified. If charges have been filed, please note the police agency that filed the charges. It is also helpful to let us know what photos and/or video are available of the victim and the fugitive. NOTE: We are not able to return materials, so do not send original or irreplaceable photos, documents, etc.
__________________________________________________ _____________

The only thing that I can think of, to have them highlight her case, is to have as many people that read this and can, send in requests to the address above asking that she be given a segment on the show. Maybe if they receive requests from all over the nation, they will give her some air time?
For those who don't have a lot of time, here's something you can paste and clip or copy all or part for a letter:

In 1999, on January 26th a young girl (13 to 18 years old) jumped, fell, or was pushed from a moving vehicle in Arizona. She lived for only one day. Nearly 9 years have passed and no one has given this young girl a name. I am asking that America's Most Wanted puts her picture and story on the show. Having her picture and story on America's Most Wanted would put her face out there for millions of viewers to see and I believe would give her a name and tell her story. I believe that knowing WHO she is would determine why she died all those years ago and why no one has come forward to claim her. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the Medical Examiner's page for Maricopa Arizona.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

That's really good, Zanko! Thanks for all of your efforts so far! I will be sending AMW a letter Monday!
I re-did my composite and got this from her sketch drawing/post mortem.. thought it came out a little better than my last
Too bad we cant show the pics to the people in the car/Lindsey and the man they could tell better than anyone what she looked like in life
Too bad we cant show the pics to the people in the car/Lindsey and the man they could tell better than anyone what she looked like in life

Hey now, lol, there is a thought. Think they are in the mood for a little repentance and would be willing to throw us a bone???
Yeah Hoping they might just join us here at WS!!! LOL yeah like thats gonna happen!!

I wonder about the people that stopped to help her. I wish one of the articles listed them as witnesses...
Yeah Hoping they might just join us here at WS!!! LOL yeah like thats gonna happen!!

I wonder about the people that stopped to help her. I wish one of the articles listed them as witnesses...

hey now-the police report should list them....
hey now-the police report should list them....

I was wondering that about the witnesses. Perhaps after we get all of our composites done, we can forward them to LE and ask if ANY of them resemble her whatsoever. If not, then ME/LE could maybe give us a rough idea of what she may have looked like because even the drawings/forensic composites of her don't even look like her to me.

No wonder nobody is identifying her!

Does anyone have LDJ's contact info? I thought someone had listed her facebook or knew her location somehow.

I don't know if it'd be considered harassment or anything but I'd like to get a hold of her myself and ask her a few questions. I don't wanna grill her or anything or bring back traumatic memories, but just ask a few questions that maybe can't be answered by LE.

Would it be considered harassment if I asked her if it was okay for me to ask her about it? If she said no, I would respect her wishes. But to be honest, I wouldn't want to contact her via facebook because she can just ignore any messages or delete them after seeing the subject matter. However if it was a call or an email, she could do the same thing.

I don't know, what do you guys think?:confused::confused::confused:

The only questions I'd wanna ask her is..

1. Did she have an accent?
2. What did she talk about?
3. Do you remember what she looked like?

Or is it possible to ask LE to get in touch with her or the witnesses again?

If people stopped to help her, someone's got to have that precious face embedded in their mind for good!
Yes I think that was Me you can just go to Facebook and type in her name in search.

I spelled it with a A LindsAy and there was one in Az and one in Canada Im not sure if they are her or not...
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