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Newport man tells story of discovering body while on fishing outing

June 05. 2009 11:25AM

For more than two hours Thursday morning, he and his father fished the River Raisin at a site off Dixon Rd., literally with the body under their noses.
"We no more than got down to the bottom of the place and I noticed two rocks off to the side and some concrete on the ground. I figured maybe somebody was trying to fill in a hole or a low spot there," Mr. Bickley said.
After a time, the two fishermen became aware of a foul odor and thought it was a dead fish somewhere upstream.
Nevaeh's mom: 'I'm completely innocent'

In a cramped apartment, a portrait of a little girl is propped up on an old TV set, framed by candles.

It is a darling picture, taken at preschool.

Jennifer Buchanan faces the makeshift memorial, saying she can't imagine why anyone would have taken Nevaeh Buchanan, her 5-year-old daughter.

She begins to tell the story of the final moments when, she says, she thought Nevaeh went off to play with a friend.

And then was gone.

It's a story Buchanan has not told in so much detail before. And it's a story investigators are still scrutinizing.

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Burial site, vigil draw mourners to pay tribute to Nevaeh Buchanan

Tributes for victim left near river

DUNDEE, Mich. - Sharla Patterson took her children to a spot along the River Raisin - the place where 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan is believed to have been buried - because she was heartsick about the murdered child.

She also wanted to send a message to her four children, ages 7 through 13, about the danger of talking to strangers.

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Nevaeh's family awaits autopsy; 'persons of interest' moved to Jackson

Monroe -- With no fingerprints or dental x-rays available, the family of 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan will have to wait, perhaps several weeks, before a girl's body found near the River Raisin is positively identified.

Wayne County Medical Examiner Carl Schmidt said the findings of the death remain pending and could take weeks before results come in. Tissue samples were sent for special testing.

The delay is difficult, to say the least, family members said today.

I just hope nobody else has to go through this again," said Nevaeh's grandmother and legal guardian, Sherry Buchanan.

Meanwhile, two persons of interest in the 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan case arrested on possible parole violations have been moved to a state prison in Jackson.

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Nevaeh's cause of death to be elusive
Weeks may pass before cause of death details released

It could be weeks before the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office releases details in the cause of death of a little girl believed to be Nevaeh Buchanan, Medical Examiner Carl Schmidt announced this afternoon.

The results are pending, Schmidt said in an afternoon news release, and "may remain pending as the investigation continues."

<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Priest, flock pray for the family of Nevaeh - and the perpetrator

MONROE - Prayers for the safe recovery of 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan changed yesterday to prayers for the recovery of her family and friends from the grief that surrounds the child's disappearance and apparent homicide.

At St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 511 South Monroe St., the Rev. Jack Quinlan said that in the view of the Catholic Church, Nevaeh is in heaven and is in no need of human prayers.

<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>
Latest Developments in Nevaeh case,
last modified June 08. 2009 11:57AM

Autopsy results on Nevaeh Buchanan were not yet completed this morning and investigators continue to follow more than 1,000 tips that they hope will lead to the person responsible for her death.

Monroe County Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield said results from the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office have not been received. He added that analysis results of the evidence recovered at the gravesite also are pending.

This weekend Sheriff Crutchfield said he expects that the killer is a local person because of the rural location where the body of the Monroe girl was found.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Nevaeh's mom says she has not given up hope


Nevaeh's mother Jennifer Buchanan, who no longer wants her face shown on TV, told a Detroit TV station she is still hoping its not her daughter. "I still have hope. There is no indefinite, like, confirmation, as to if it is her or not. Some one could have took her. Somebody... I'm completely clueless, I don't know as to who, I don't want to point fingers at anyone."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Tearful supporters visit grave site
Though identity of body hasn't been confirmed, community unites in mourning

Barb Rothman put her arms around her husband and her chin on his shoulder as the two stood just feet from the little girl's crude waterside grave.

The Dundee Township couple had carefully made their way down the slippery, steep hillside leading to the spot -- one they had been to before on happier occasions, to fish.

"We had a son killed ourselves," Fritz Rothman said as his wife's eyes welled with tears. "We know what it's like to lose a child. It's a shame it had to come to this."

<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>
Nevaeh memorial signs reflect anger

The makeshift memorial outside 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan's apartment has grown since the discovery of a little girl's body Thursday -- and the message has turned political.

"Capital punishment," read signs taped to the tent that protects dozens of stuffed animals, cards, balloons and candles near Nevaeh's front door.

"Majority of this country has it, Michigan needs to have it and they should start with the person(s) responsible for this tragic loss.

"Why should this person be allowed to live?" the flyers conclude.

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