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Family straightens up in Cummings home while others prepare to move vigil site
Published: Friday, March 6, 2009 1:29 AM EST
"I'm just picking up the mess that was made, I guess, when everybody was going through everything," said Annette Sykes, Haleigh's paternal great-grandmother.
"They even tore out the wall where the hot water heater was."
She said when the media is allowed to tour the house, it will look as close as possible to when Ronald Cummings, his daughter Haleigh and son Ronald Jr., lived there.
"The toughest part was working in her room," she said. "It's when I come out, when I'm done, when I leave."
Tips called in to law enforcement for the missing Satsuma girl are up to 2,400, said Capt. Dick Shauland, spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.
"Some are valid and some aren't, but we have to check them all," he said. "We still have five detectives working on the case, running down leads."

On Thursday afternoon, Neves said Ronald was passing out flyers for his missing daughter. "He found some places that didn't have flyers and that's what he's doing today, passing out flyers."
Neves said family members missed a certain item while cleaning inside the Cummings home. "There is something missing from the trailer that should be there," she said. "I don't know if it was taken for evidence or whoever took Haleigh took it."
The missing item belongs to Haleigh, she said. "It's something that should always be there for her," she said.
Neves said she could not explain what the item was because of the ongoing investigation. Shauland said he had no idea what Neves was talking about, when authorities removed items as evidence a receipt for each item was issued to the family.

Haleigh case puts new Putnam sheriff to the test
Jeff Hardy leads his department's transition while coordinating efforts to find the missing 5-year-old
Story updated at 10:32 AM on Friday, Mar. 6, 2009
The attention has contributed to the more than 2,400 leads detectives have been picking apart for clues.
"We're trying not to miss anything," Hardy said. "Some of this stuff, we're going back three, four, five, six, seven times and we'll continue."
Twists and turns
Family members of the missing girl said investigators are keeping them in the loop.
"I think they are doing everything that they can," said Marie Griffis, Haleigh's grandmother. So far, it appears that little evidence has been unearthed. She wishes the detective assigned to keep her daughter, Crystal Sheffield, informed could say if any leads have been productive.
"I've got a zillion questions I would like to ask him," she said. "But I know he can't answer."

Sometimes the hard truths have been evasive.
One seemingly undisputed fact - that Haleigh was wearing a pink top when she disappeared - crumbled. Nearly a week after it was included in a statewide Amber Alert, Croslin found the top in a laundry pile when detectives allowed her back to the mobile home for the first time.
Croslin's own recollection of events surrounding the disappearance shifted, from a description of sleeping in the same bed with Haleigh to an explanation that she was really across the room.
New developments, tips and lie detector tests have sometimes turned into nothing more than sidetracks.
When cadaver dogs hit on a construction trash bin about a tenth of a mile from Cummings' double-wide, investigators rebuffed questions about the intensity of earlier searches at the site. The arrest of a nearby sex predator on a curfew violation got a lot of attention, but tracking devices indicate he wasn't near the Cummings home when Haleigh disappeared.
A visiting cousin who left Putnam that day for Tennessee also generated suspicions. But the Sheriff's Office said he was questioned and not a suspect, though, like family members and others, he's subject to be interviewed again.
As the case draws toward its one-month mark, investigators say only that they continue to follow its twists and turns and intend to see it through to the end.

Family Returns To Haleigh's Home
Father Of Missing Girl Says He Couldn't Enter Her Room
POSTED: Friday, March 6, 2009
Signs of Haleigh could be seen outside the home -- her pink and blue bike and other little toys, WJXT-TV reported. Inside, Sykes said the rooms once filled with the girl's laughter are now filled with sorrow.
Though a painful task, she said she wants the home to look like the last time she saw Haleigh, at 7 p.m. before the night the child disappeared.
"They put their plates down and came and gave me a hug and a kiss. I gave Misty the clean clothes and she carried them in the house. Then, I left. I kissed her goodbye, and I left," Sykes said.

Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, and his girlfriend, Misty Croslin, also entered the home to get some of their belongings. Family members said stepping into the once happy home was more pain than Cummings could bear.
"He tried to go back to the room from where his little girl was stolen. He couldn't do it. He said he couldn't do it, and we had to get him out of there," Sykes said.
The family has been staying in tents near the home as they've waited for any news about Haleigh; however, on Thursday, they received a letter from the county stating it is against county ordinance to camp out in a residential area. The family is looking for a new place to stay.

Developing Story: First Look Inside Haleigh's Home
Created: 3/6/2009 12:05:26 PM
Updated: 3/6/2009 6:19:35 PM
SATSUMA, FL -- News crews are now getting the first pictures from inside the home where Haleigh Cummings slept on the night she vanished almost four weeks ago. The home at 202 Green Lane had been sealed since Haleigh disappeared up until February 26 when investigators released the home back to her family. Now, we're seeing the bed where Misty Croslin said she put Haleigh down to sleep around 8 p.m. on February 9. The tiny bed is just feet from where Croslin said she and Haleigh's younger brother slept.
Haleigh's Christmas stocking is still hanging on the wall, along with some of her baby pictures. Last night, family members went back into the home for the first time to gather some personal belongings.
The family of Ronald Cummings wanted to show the house to keep the search for Haleigh alive.

Not far from Haleigh's home, the Spur Saloon is doing what it can to help the little girl's family. The saloon is collecting money from patrons between Thursday and Saturday nights until Haleigh comes home.
The owners of the saloon set out several large, empty water jugs for people to drop money into. The saloon also won't charge people a cover. Several hundred people visited the saloon Thursday night and left plenty of donations.
The Spur Saloon is located at 101 10th street in Palatka, and it's open from Noon to 2 a.m.

03/06/09 5PM Reoprt "Inside Haleigh's House": VIDEO 2:01

Fund Raiser For Haleigh
Last Update: 12:57 am
PALATKA, Fla. -- The people of Putnam County are holding on to hope, and helping Haleigh Cummings' family any way they can.
Thursday night, Spurs Saloon in Downtown Palatka started a fundraiser for Haleigh. They're collecting cash at the door, and because of people like Ryan Rivers, the jar is filling up fast. "Because I have a little girl who's 8-years-old and if anything like that was to happen to my little girl, God knows, I would want anything and everything that could help her to help her," says Rivers.
If you'd like to participate, you can find Spurs Saloon on the corner of 10th Street and St. Johns Avenue in Downtown Palatka.
Spurs will hold the fundraiser every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night until Haleigh comes home.

Search For Haleigh-"FundRaiser": VIDEO 1:18
Inside Haleigh's Home
Last Update: 2:08 am
Thursday, her family went back inside to clean. It was intensely emotional for them, seeing all of Haleigh's toys still sitting where she left them.
Now, they tell us, for the very first time, they will allow our cameras to go inside the home on Friday. The trailer has been sitting empty since Haleigh disappeared. Her father says he will never live there again.

Family Allows Look Inside Bedroom Where Haleigh Disappeared
POSTED: Friday, March 6, 2009
UPDATED: 6:59 pm EST March 6, 2009
SATSUMA, Fla. -- Haleigh Cummings' great-grandmother made a short but emotional journey Friday, taking Channel 4 and other media inside the mobile home where the 5-year-old was sleeping 25 days ago before she disappeared.Haleigh's shoes are still lined up by the bedroom door inside the double-wide mobile home, right next to her brother's and her dad's shoes.
Annette Sykes, Haleigh's great-grandmother, said the bedroom door was kept open at night and the television was always on.
"I can't see how they can get her in and out with the TV on," Sykes said.
Sykes pointed out the adjoining bathroom where Croslin went when she said she realized that Haleigh was gone.

Each room brought Sykes more painful memories of Haleigh and happier times. She hesitated the longest before entering Haleigh's bedroom.
"This is Haleigh's room, with all of her things. Her favorite things are over on her dresser -- makeup and fingernail polish were her favorite things," Sykes said.
She said Haleigh played in the room, but never slept there.
"Neither one of them slept in a room," Sykes said. "They wouldn't sleep in the room by themselves."
Sykes took the media inside the home hoping that whoever took Haleigh would realize it was once a happy home and would have a change of heart.
"Bring her home," Sykes said.

3/5/09 5PM Report "Back Inside The Home Of Haleigh": Video 1:07

3/6/09 5PM Report "Haleigh's Great-Grandmother Shows Cameras Around Missing Girl's Home": Video 2:00

IMAGE: Haleigh's great grandmother takes the media through the home where the 5-year-old disappeared before dawn on Feb. 10.

SLIDESHOW: Tour Of Haleigh's Satsuma Home

Woman Dreams About Haleigh Cummings Being in Missouri
Created: 3/6/2009 7:02:14 PM
Updated: 3/6/2009 7:09:43 PM
JACKSONVILLE, FL -- A young woman living on the Southside says she had a vision about the missing little girl while sleeping.
She dreamed about Haleigh Cummings being in Missouri.
Melanie says she dreamed about an open field in a city called "Adison." She woke up to look at the map. There is no town in Missouri named Adison, but there is one called Madison.
Melanie felt a little weird. The last time she had a vision like this it involved a boat that caught fire. She says soon after that dream, there was a boat fire.

03/06/09-INTERVIEW "Women Has Dream About Haleigh": VIDEO 6:08

Reminders of missing girl throughout home
Published: Saturday, March 7, 2009 1:30 AM EST
SATSUMA - Christmas toys that were never assembled still wait on the porch of the mobile home where Haleigh Cummings disappeared last month.
Inside the home Friday, the mess caused during the investigation was cleaned up. Annette Sykes, Haleigh's paternal great-grandmother, showed reporters photos of Haleigh and her father, Ronald, that were on the walls of the family room.
As she walked through Ronald Jr.'s room, she said Haleigh and her brother often played together.
"They played in both rooms depending on what they were going to play," she said. "If they were going to play girlie things they would play in Haleigh's room. If they were going to play with cars and trucks they would play in Junior's room."

Meanwhile, the tent and camper set up in front of a home on Tyler Street where the Cummings family has maintained a vigil for Haleigh will be removed by order of the county, Teresa Neves, Haleigh's paternal grandmother, said.
"You can have a 14-day permit, but campers and tents are only allowed in campgrounds," she said Friday.
"Basically they said we are breaking the law because we are not in a campground."

She said she was hoping there would be enough parking at her mother's house in Welaka so the family could move the tent there.
"I think we will have the vigil Sunday at 5:30 p.m. then move Sunday night," she said.

Family Of Haleigh Cummings Give DNA Samples
Saturday, March 07, 2009 1:04:22 PM
The blue double-wide trailer near the tiny town of Satsuma has been turned over to the child's father, but he does not plan to live there, said Capt. Dick Schauland of the Putnam County Sheriff's office.
Ronald Cummings, 25, said he "is just not comfortable" living in the trailer where his daughter was last seen, Schauland said.
Authorities have collected DNA samples from Haleigh's father, her mother and other people connected to the case, including the father's 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, Schauland added.
Police have said they think Haleigh was abducted but have provided few details of their investigation.

The relationship between Cummings and Sheffield has been described as "rocky." The two shared custody of the children, with each parent caring for the children every other weekend.
Schauland said authorities have received about 2,400 tips from across the country: "all kinds of folks, psychics."
Asked how the family was holding up, he said, "It's really tough on them, as you can imagine. ... I can't imagine what they're going through."

Victims Advocate Helps Haleigh's Family
Last Update: 12:35 am
SATSUMA, Fla. -- "I saw the Haleigh Cummings case on the television and it reminded me of my daughter," says Wayanne Kruger, a victims advocate now offering her services to Crystal Sheffield.
Kruger's daughter was molested by her godfather. The case gained national attention in the mid-90's, when at just 12-years-old, Kruger's daughter teamed up with attorney Gloria Allred, and sued her godfather for damages. Since then, Kruger has been working to help other mothers whose children have been victimized.
Her job now is to keep the search for Haleigh alive, by keeping her picture public. She will also help raise money, so Haleigh's mother can afford to stay in Satsuma and wait for her daughter to come home.
Sheffield says it's welcome help. "Just good to see someone so far away cares," she says.
Kruger plans to stay with the family through the rest of the month.

A month later, question echoes: Where's Haleigh?
Published: Sunday, March 8, 2009 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 10:49 p.m
Helicopters are no longer flying over 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings' Satsuma neighborhood.
The obvious signs of a search &#8212; dogs, divers in the St. Johns River near Haleigh's home, and patrol cars riding along neighborhood streets &#8212; aren't there. But Hardy said the Sheriff's Office, the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement still are actively working the case and it has not gone cold.
Last week, DNA samples again were taken from relatives and others close to Haleigh, including her father's girlfriend, Misty Croslin, so they could be compared with evidence collected, said Putnam County Sheriff's Capt. Dick Schauland. People also have been re-interviewed, he said.
"I still have all the sheriffs on standby if I need help," said Sheriff Hardy. "They're ready to deploy in a heartbeat."

Amber Alert Update: Haleigh Cummings Update

Haleigh's Family Being Asked to Leave Temporary Home
Last Edited: Sunday, 08 Mar 2009, 7:32 PM EDT
Created On: Sunday, 08 Mar 2009, 7:25 PM EDT
- Ronald Cummings and has family are being told they can no longer live in the camp site they've been staying since little Haleigh went missing.
The family received a notice from Putnam County on Friday. No word yet on when they'll have to move. Ronald Cummings and his family have refused to stay in the home since Haleigh was taken.

Donations for Haleigh
Last Update: 3/07 11:23 pm
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- The Spurs Saloon in Palatka held a weekend fundraiser for missing five-year-old Haleigh Cummings. The Spurs Saloon does not normally have a cover charge. This weekend, the bar asked for donations at the door for Haliegh Cummings.
Response has been positive. Spurs Saloon collected more than $500.00 on the first two nights.
They plan to give the donations to the Putnam County Sheriff's Office Monday.
And fundraising will not end there. Next week, The Spurs Saloon will once again ask for donations at the door for Haleigh.

Haleigh's Family Not Giving Up Hope
Last Update: 3/07 11:21 pm
A day after Wayanne Kruger officially became the family's advocate, their immediate goal is to not let Haleigh's story fade from the public's eye.
Marie Griffis says more flyers are being printed, more phone calls are being made and resouces are being tapped to get Haleigh's story back in the national spotlight.
"We got to keep Haleighs face out there" said Griffis.
Haleigh's family is now selling raffle tickets and t-shirts to raise money for the reward fund.

One month later: Haleigh saga has changed Satsuma
The quiet ended when the little girl went missing.
Story updated at 9:19 PM on Sunday, Mar. 8, 2009
Flooded with images and stories about a 25-year-old father with a 17-year-old girlfriend left to care for two children, a mother engaged to her stepbrother and a mobile home community surrounded by 44 sex offenders, the national public has been blistering Internet message boards and office chatter with labels of a community of rednecks.
There are some good images, too, of the volunteers, the giving, the prayers, the hope. But much of what sticks out is the national media bullying and bombarding the family and quiet southern Putnam County. So some townfolks offered to set the record straight.
&#8220;Satsuma is a very low-income area, and there are a lot of trailers, but it&#8217;s not fair to call them a trailer park or trailer trash,&#8221; said Scott Johnson, a Jacksonville resident who also owns a home in Satsuma. &#8220;I go down there on the weekends. It&#8217;s actually really beautiful.&#8221;

Cummings told to get county permit to keep staying in camper
Noise complaint led to county action' permission seen as likely
Story updated at 7:54 PM on Sunday, Mar. 8, 2009
Putnam County officials said permission is likely, and said the subject will be brought up at a county commission meeting this week. Code enforcement chief John Salmons said Sunday he sent a letter to the family after receiving noise complaints. He said the letter lets them know they need to apply for a temporary use permit but did not issue a deadline for the camper to be moved.
What started as a pair of chairs and a few blankets Feb. 10 has grown into a tented enclosure and travel camper down the street from the Satsuma mobile home that investigators pored over for weeks before releasing back to Cummings. He has said he cannot live in the blue doublewide mobile home again. Lindsy Croslin, whose sister-in-law, 17-year-old Misty Croslin was home and discovered Haleigh missing about 3 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, said she knew the county letter was sent but did not know what plans were made to move.
At another site nearby, Haleigh&#8217;s biological mother and family have a similar arrangement of tents and enclosures nearby but have not been asked to move, said Marie Griffis, Haleigh&#8217;s grandmother. The Baker County family has been given the use of a mobile home about five minutes away, she said.
County Commission Chairman Nancy Harris said the commission has a regular meeting Tuesday and will bring up the issue. She said Haleigh&#8217;s family is in a bad situation and are due some consideration. Commissioner Chip Laibl said he expects the county to help.
&#8220;We&#8217;ll do whatever it takes to keep these people comfortable while they search for their daughter,&#8221; he said Sunday.

County Officials Force Haleigh's Family to Move Tents
Created: 3/8/2009 9:53:03 PM
Updated: 3/8/2009 10:23:31 PM
The Putnam County Code Enforcement Division sent a letter to Sykes' grandson and Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings. The letter, dated March 3rd, cites several complaints about the family camping near the home.
The author writes that he recognizes the family's extreme hardship. However, they are violating a county code and will have to find somewhere else to live.
"The people around here - they don't mind us being here. It's just been the code enforcement," said Sykes.
Down the road a bit, Haleigh's mother and her side of the family have set up tents. "We're only here during the daytime and we've got a place to live so we go home at night" said Haleigh's maternal grandmother Marie Griffis.
This weekend, Griffis' family took down one of the tents to avoid the appearance of camping. One of the tents still standing is filled with a shrine to the missing girl. Griffis says she'll spend her days inside the tent for as long as takes to bring her grand-daughter home.

6PM Report 03/08/09 "County Officials Force Haleigh's Family to Move Tents": VIDEO 1:30
Haleigh Cummings: Dad says he can't live in home anymore
posted by halboedeker on Mar 9, 2009 9:43:08 AM
Haleigh Cummings this morning received some of the national media attention usually devoted to the Caylee Anthony case.
Haleigh's dad explained to NBC's "Today" that he can't move back into the house where the 5-year-old Florida girl was taken. There are just too many memories there, Ronald Cummings told "Today" in an exclusive interview.
"I believe God will deliver daddy's little girl, Haleigh, home -- whether it's home to me or home to him, God will deliver her home," Cummings told reporter Janet Shamlian in Satsuma.
And the search? Investigators have said little about leads or progress, Shamlian said.

Today Show video: Inside Haleigh Cummings Home 6:22
March 9: As police continue to look for missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, her father, Ronald Cummings, gives a tour of the trailer where she was last seen; TODAY's Meredith Vieira talks to NBC's chief legal analyst Dan Abrams about the case.

Cummings Camp Moving
March 9, 2009
Last Update: 12:05 am
The family of missing five year old Haleigh Cummings spent Sunday afternoon packing up the teddy bears, candles and pictures in their tent. They've decided not to dispute a county ordinance that forbids setting up camp in the neighborhood.
PutnamCounty zoning officials notified Ronald Cummings with a letter stating they've received several complaints about the camp and that it is a violation of the land development code.
Rather than fight it, the family has decided to pack up and move.
"We want to be right with the law and we want law enforcement to spend their time looking for our little girl," said Teresa Neves, Haleigh's grandmother.
The family is exploring other options, including having a centralized camp where they can hold candle light vigils and pray for Haleigh, possibly a church parking lot or the home of a relative.


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